How to create custom test case in TestWindow in VS2015 - visual-studio

How I can create custom test case in VSIX extension for Visual Studio 2015?
In older version of Visual Studio I was using namespaces
but these namespaces are in VS2015 (Community) unavailable. Is there any alternatives to create custom test cases parsed from my specific format in VSIX extension?

In recent versions of Visual Studio (2012 and later), they added native support for custom test engines. To write one you would use the following interfaces (which have no documentation to speak of) in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel namespace:
ITestContainer – Represents a file that contains tests
ITestContainerDiscoverer – Finds all files that contain tests
ITestDiscoverer – Finds all tests within a test container
ITestExecutor – Runs the tests found inside the test container
More Information:
There are some tutorials(1)(2) that give step-by-step instructions and example code that use the APIs mentioned above. Due to the involved nature, I'm not going to repost the entire tutorials here. Note, while the posts were originally written against 2012RC, they are still valid for 2012 RTM, 2013, and 2015.


How to run NUnit 2 tests in visual studio 2022

I am trying to execute NUnit tests on a legacy project in Visual Studio 2022 professional. Migrating from NUnit 2 to NUnit 3 is not yet an option, and part of the team works with Visual Studio 2019. The problem I am facing is that the tests are not executed by VS 2022, without any error message on the attempt.
The test explorer displays the following after executing the test (and the console output finishes with a successful build):
The NuGet Package manager had NUnit 2.6.1 already installed. I additionally installed the packets NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2Driver and NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2ResultWriter. A test adapter seems only available for NUnit3 (NUnit3TestAdapter, which I also installed). I enabled all the packages for the individual project as was commented in this question. Is there anything else to install/configure that I could be missing to make this work?
Just a few suggested approaches...
The NUnit3TestAdapter, as the name indicates, is designed for NUnit 3. While it is able to run NUnit3 tests by use of the NUnitV2Driver extension, I don't think that will work under Visual Studio just by installing the package. You could experiment by modifying the .addins file installed along with the the adapter, but I can't give you precise instructions as I haven't tried it.
BTW, the V2 driver extension produces output in V3 format, which is probably what you want for use under Visual Studio. The V2 result writer is only needed if you have a reason to want an output file in V2 format.
I think your best bet may be to try using the last release of the NUnitTestAdapter (i.e. without '3' in the name), which only works with NUnit V2. If it will load under VS2022, it should do exactly what you want. In that case, you should stop loading the two extensions, which the V2 runner doesn't support.

Visual Studio 2017 project reference support between .net standard and .net core

I have a .Net standard 2.0 project in a Visual Studio solution that contains some Azure functions. In the same solution, I've created a .Net Core 2.0 Unit Test project. I've added a project reference from the .Net Core Unit Test project to the .Net standard 2.0 library.
Despite the project reference, Visual Studio is behaving like I'm referencing a dll instead of the project. For example, if I try to use F12/Go to reference, it brings me to a 'From metadata' file instead of the actual code file in the other project. Additionally, codelens features like 'Tested by' (and even just 'referenced by') and the Live Unit testing icons in the .Net Standard project aren't working, since they don't seem to be aware of the Unit Test project at all.
Is there some way to get this integration working between the two projects? My Visual Studio is up to date (15.5.3 enterprise), and I'm not using any tools like Resharper or anything like that.
I'm also facing the same issue but so far the project reference vs dll reference is not the case. I believe this is an existing issue with Azure function projects. There is a thread in Microsoft community regarding this issue. The last comment from Visual Studio is as follows:
I'm closing this report, because in the last 90 days there was no internal developer activity and very small number of new votes or comments. Sorry, we would like to look at this further, but we just don’t have the time right now. Our goal in closing older issues such as this one is to keep customers informed on which issues are currently being pursued by Visual Studio teams. If you still have trouble with our latest version, please report it as a new problem.

Getting Visual Studio to build pseudo-language (qps-ploc) satellite assemblies

I've generated pseudo-localized versions of an app's resource files (for example Order Summary and Payment is localized as [[[[[Òŕd̂ër̊ S̀úm̂m̈år̀ý ân̈d̊ P̀áŷm̈e̊ǹt́]]]]]) so that we can test for localizability bugs ahead of getting actual translations.
I have named them using the qps-ploc resource identifier to match the existing pseudo-locale identifier, e.g. my pseudo-localized version of Details.resx is named Details.qps-ploc.resx.
However when I add these resx files to the project, Visual Studio ignores them. If I rename them using a "real" language code (such as then Visual Studio does create a subfolder named with this language code and builds the satellite assembly.
So it looks to me like Visual Studio rejects qps-ploc (without even a build warning). Am I missing something or can anyone suggest a way to get these qps-ploc resources built as part of my Visual Studio project?
The qps- locales work fine in my ASP.NET web application with .resx files (not compiled resource dll), however, I did find this MS article on enabling pseudo locales in the registry. Perhaps it will help.
Using Pseudo-Locales for Localization Testing
Additionally, you may wish to create custom locales, as given in this MS article:
How to: Create Custom Cultures
Best regards.

Using Saxon .NET XSLT processor does not work with intellisense in Visual Studio

I am using the open source Saxon XSLT processor for .NET to execute some 2.0 transforms.
I reference the saxon9api.dll as I would any other dll, and can compile code against this. However Visual Studio does not show any intellisense making the IDE as useful as notepad.
The saxon9api.dll is using the IKVM Java for .NET platform, and I wonder if this is the causing VS a problem. Reflector can inspect the DLL without issue, but I suspect VS is not happy for some reason.
Any ideas?
Surprised that no one else has encountered this behaviour seeing as Microsoft recommends (link is now dead) the use of Saxon in the absense of built in functionality in the framework.
I think I will reword the question to be about assemblies running under IKVM not showing intellisense although I will need to find another IKVM based project to prove that this is the case first...
To make compiling, running and intellisense work in Visual Studio, you need to do the following:
Reference saxon9api.dll, as you already did
Reference IKVM.OpenJDK.Core.dll
Reference IKVM.Runtime.dll (not sure this is needed, but I always include it)
If you are also referencing vjslib, you may run into issues, because it uses a lot of the same namespaces and classnames, leading to ambiguities that can cause Visual Studio's intellisense to get into problems. Perhaps other libraries exist that show the same namespace clashes. In that case, try this on a fresh project first and add the references one by one, starting with Saxon's dependencies first.
After you do this, at least in Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013, you will find that the context-sensitive help is working (image is of VS 2012 with R#):
Note: since this post is old, it may have only applied to Visual Studio 2008 at the time, I have not tested that as I am not using it anyore.

Visual Studio class/file templates: Is there a way to change their content automatically per project/solution?

I've updated my default templates in Visual Studio for classes, interfaces, code files, etc. I removed the default namespaces and added a copyright header blurb.
Is there a way to use a variable or something in the template so I don't have to zip/unzip and re-run the vs installer to change the copyright header? (I'm a consultant, the code-owner isn't always me or my company).
Yes, you can. The documentation for this sort of thing is part of the Visual Studio SDK. There are already many variables you can use.
If you find you want to get fancy, look into the Guidance Automation Toolkit. A template using GAT can accept user input as well as information from the project and environment, can unfold one or more templates, filling in placeholders with the data gathered, and then can execute various actions against the unfolded templates, the project, or whatever.
You can get the complete example implemented here: Multi-Project Templates with Wizard: Visual Studio 2010 Sample
