I am fairly new to dynamic programming and don't yet understand most of the types of problems it can solve. Hence I am facing problems in understaing the solution of Jewelry topcoder problem.
Can someone at least give me some hints as to what the code is doing ?
Most importantly is this problem a variant of the subset-sum problem ? Because that's what I am studying to make sense of this problem.
What are these two functions actually counting ? Why are we using actually two DP tables ?
void cnk() {
FOR(k,1,MAXN) {
FOR(n,1,MAXN) {
nk[n][k] = nk[n-1][k-1]+nk[n-1][k];
void calc(LL T[MAXN+1][MAX+1]) {
T[0][0] = 1;
FOR(x,1,MAX) T[0][x]=0;
FOR(ile,1,n) {
int a = v[ile-1];
FOR(x,0,MAX) {
T[ile][x] = T[ile-1][x];
if(x>=a) T[ile][x] +=T[ile-1][x-a];
How is the original solution constructed by using the following logic ?
FOR(u,1,c) {
int uu = u * v[done];
res += B[done][x-uu] * F[n-done-u][x] * nk[c][u];
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Let's consider the following task first:
"Given a vector V of N positive integers less than K, find the number of subsets whose sum equals S".
This can be solved in polynomial time with dynamic programming using some extra-memory.
The dynamic programming approach goes like this:
instead of solving the problem for N and S, we will solve all the problems of the following form:
"Find the number of ways to write sum s (with s ≤ S) using only the first n ≤ N of the numbers".
This is a common characteristic of the dynamic programming solutions: instead of only solving the original problem, you solve an entire family of related problems. The key idea is that solutions for more difficult problem settings (i.e. higher n and s) can efficiently be built up from the solutions of the easier settings.
Solving the problem for n = 0 is trivial (sum s = 0 can be expressed in one way -- using the empty set, while all other sums can't be expressed in any ways).
Now consider that we have solved the problem for all values up to a certain n and that we have these solutions in a matrix A (i.e. A[n][s] is the number of ways to write sum s using the first n elements).
Then, we can find the solutions for n+1, using the following formula:
A[n+1][s] = A[n][s - V[n+1]] + A[n][s].
Indeed, when we write the sum s using the first n+1 numbers we can either include or not V[n+1] (the n+1th term).
This is what the calc function computes. (the cnk function uses Pascal's rule to compute binomial coefficients)
Note: in general, if in the end we are only interested in answering the initial problem (i.e. for N and S), then the array A can be uni-dimensional (with length S) -- this is because whenever trying to construct solutions for n + 1 we only need the solutions for n, and not for smaller values).
This problem (the one initially stated in this answer) is indeed related to the subset sum problem (finding a subset of elements with sum zero).
A similar type of dynamic programming approach can be applied if we have a reasonable limit on the absolute values of the integers used (we need to allocate an auxiliary array to represent all possible reachable sums).
In the zero-sum problem we are not actually interested in the count, thus the A array can be an array of booleans (indicating whether a sum is reachable or not).
In addition, another auxiliary array, B can be used to allow reconstructing the solution if one exists.
The recurrence would now look like this:
if (!A[s] && A[s - V[n+1]]) {
A[s] = true;
// the index of the last value used to reach sum _s_,
// allows going backwards to reproduce the entire solution
B[s] = n + 1;
Note: the actual implementation requires some additional care for handling the negative sums, which can not directly represent indices in the array (the indices can be shifted by taking into account the minimum reachable sum, or, if working in C/C++, a trick like the one described in this answer can be applied:
I'll detail how the above ideas apply in the TopCoder problem and its solution linked in the question.
The B and F matrices.
First, note the meaning of the B and F matrices in the solution:
B[i][s] represents the number of ways to reach sum s using only the smallest i items
F[i][s] represents the number of ways to reach sum s using only the largest i items
Indeed, both matrices are computed using the calc function, after sorting the array of jewelry values in ascending order (for B) and descending order (for F).
Solution for the case with no duplicates.
Consider first the case with no duplicate jewelry values, using this example: [5, 6, 7, 11, 15].
For the reminder of the answer I will assume that the array was sorted in ascending order (thus "first i items" will refer to the smallest i ones).
Each item given to Bob has value less (or equal) to each item given to Frank, thus in every good solution there will be a separation point such that Bob receives only items before that separation point, and Frank receives only items after that point.
To count all solutions we would need to sum over all possible separation points.
When, for example, the separation point is between the 3rd and 4th item, Bob would pick items only from the [5, 6, 7] sub-array (smallest 3 items), and Frank would pick items from the remaining [11, 12] sub-array (largest 2 items). In this case there is a single sum (s = 11) that can be obtained by both of them. Each time a sum can be obtained by both, we need to multiply the number of ways that each of them can reach the respective sum (e.g. if Bob could reach a sum s in 4 ways and Frank could reach the same sum s in 5 ways, then we could get 20 = 4 * 5 valid solutions with that sum, because each combination is a valid solution).
Thus we would get the following code by considering all separation points and all possible sums:
res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int s = 0; s <= maxS; s++) {
res += B[i][s] * F[n-i][s]
However, there is a subtle issue here. This would often count the same combination multiple times (for various separation points). In the example provided above, the same solution with sum 11 would be counted both for the separation [5, 6] - [7, 11, 15], as well as for the separation [5, 6, 7] - [11, 15].
To alleviate this problem we can partition the solutions by "the largest value of an item picked by Bob" (or, equivalently, by always forcing Bob to include in his selection the largest valued item from the first sub-array under the current separation).
In order to count the number of ways to reach sum s when Bob's largest valued item is the ith one (sorted in ascending order), we can use B[i][s - v[i]]. This holds because using the v[i] valued item implies requiring the sum s - v[i] to be expressed using subsets from the first i items (indices 0, 1, ... i - 1).
This would be implemented as follows:
res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int s = v[i]; s <= maxS; s++) {
res += B[i][s - v[i]] * F[n - 1 - i][s];
This is getting closer to the solution on TopCoder (in that solution, done corresponds to the i above, and uu = v[i]).
Extension for the case when duplicates are allowed.
When duplicate values can appear in the array, it's no longer easy to directly count the number of solutions when Bob's most valuable item is v[i]. We need to also consider the number of such items picked by Bob.
If there are c items that have the same value as v[i], i.e. v[i] = v[i+1] = ... v[i + c - 1], and Bob picks u such items, then the number of ways for him to reach a certain sum s is equal to:
comb(c, u) * B[i][s - u * v[i]] (1)
Indeed, this holds because the u items can be picked from the total of c which have the same value in comb(c, u) ways. For each such choice of the u items, the remaining sum is s - u * v[i], and this should be expressed using a subset from the first i items (indices 0, 1, ... i - 1), thus it can be done in B[i][s - u * v[i]] ways.
For Frank, if Bob used u of the v[i] items, the number of ways to express sum s will be equal to:
F[n - i - u][s] (2)
Indeed, since Bob uses the smallest i + u values, Frank can use any of the largest n - i - u values to reach the sum s.
By combining relations (1) and (2) from above, we obtain that the number of solutions where both Frank and Bob have sum s, when Bob's most valued item is v[i] and he picks u such items is equal to:
comb(c, u) * B[i][s - u * v[i]] * F[n - i - u][s].
This is precisely what the given solution implements.
Indeed, the variable done corresponds to variable i above, variable x corresponds to sums s, the index p is used to determine the c items with same value as v[done], and the loop over u is used in order to consider all possible numbers of such items picked by Bob.
Here's some Java code for this that references the original solution. It also incorporates qwertyman's fantastic explanations (to the extent feasible). I've added some of my comments along the way.
import java.util.*;
public class Jewelry {
int MAX_SUM=30005;
int MAX_N=30;
long[][] C;
// Generate all possible sums
// ret[i][sum] = number of ways to compute sum using the first i numbers from val[]
public long[][] genDP(int[] val) {
int i, sum, n=val.length;
long[][] ret = new long[MAX_N+1][MAX_SUM];
ret[0][0] = 1;
for(i=0; i+1<=n; i++) {
for(sum=0; sum<MAX_SUM; sum++) {
// Carry over the sum from i to i+1 for each sum
// Problem definition allows excluding numbers from calculating sums
// So we are essentially excluding the last number for this calculation
ret[i+1][sum] = ret[i][sum];
// DP: (Number of ways to generate sum using i+1 numbers =
// Number of ways to generate sum-val[i] using i numbers)
ret[i+1][sum] += ret[i][sum-val[i]];
return ret;
// C(n, r) - all possible combinations of choosing r numbers from n numbers
// Leverage Pascal's polynomial co-efficients for an n-degree polynomial
// Leverage Dynamic Programming to build this upfront
public void nCr() {
C = new long[MAX_N+1][MAX_N+1];
int n, r;
C[0][0] = 1;
for(n=1; n<=MAX_N; n++) {
C[n][0] = 1;
for(r=1; r<=MAX_N; r++)
C[n][r] = C[n-1][r-1] + C[n-1][r];
General Concept:
- Sort array
- Incrementally divide array into two partitions
+ Accomplished by using two different arrays - L for left, R for right
- Take all possible sums on the left side and match with all possible sums
on the right side (multiply these numbers to get totals for each sum)
- Adjust for common sums so as to not overcount
- Adjust for duplicate numbers
public long howMany(int[] values) {
int i, j, sum, n=values.length;
// Pre-compute C(n,r) and store in C[][]
Incrementally split the array and calculate sums on either side
For eg. if val={2, 3, 4, 5, 9}, we would partition this as
{2 | 3, 4, 5, 9} then {2, 3 | 4, 5, 9}, etc.
First, sort it ascendingly and generate its sum matrix L
Then, sort it descendingly, and generate another sum matrix R
In later calculations, manipulate indexes to simulate the partitions
So at any point L[i] would correspond to R[n-i-1]. eg. L[1] = R[5-1-1]=R[3]
// Sort ascendingly
// Generate all sums for the "Left" partition using the sorted array
long[][] L = genDP(values);
// Sort descendingly by reversing the existing array.
// Java 8 doesn't support Arrays.sort for primitive int types
// Use Comparator or sort manually. This uses the manual sort.
for(i=0; i<n/2; i++) {
int tmp = values[i];
values[i] = values[n-i-1];
values[n-i-1] = tmp;
// Generate all sums for the "Right" partition using the re-sorted array
long[][] R = genDP(values);
// Re-sort in ascending order as we will be using values[] as reference later
long tot = 0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
int dup=0;
// How many duplicates of values[i] do we have?
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
if(values[j] == values[i])
Calculate total by iterating through each sum and multiplying counts on
both partitions for that sum
However, there may be count of sums that get duplicated
For instance, if val={2, 3, 4, 5, 9}, you'd get:
{2, 3 | 4, 5, 9} and {2, 3, 4 | 5, 9} (on two different iterations)
In this case, the subset {2, 3 | 5} is counted twice
To account for this, exclude the current largest number, val[i], from L's
sum and exclude it from R's i index
There is another issue of duplicate numbers
Eg. If values={2, 3, 3, 3, 4}, how do you know which 3 went to L?
To solve this, group the same numbers
Applying to {2, 3, 3, 3, 4} :
- Exclude 3, 6 (3+3) and 9 (3+3+3) from L's sum calculation
- Exclude 1, 2 and 3 from R's index count
We're essentially saying that we will exclude the sum contribution of these
elements to L and ignore their count contribution to R
for(j=1; j<=dup; j++) {
int dup_sum = j*values[i];
for(sum=dup_sum; sum<MAX_SUM; sum++) {
// (ways to pick j numbers from dup) * (ways to get sum-dup_sum from i numbers) * (ways to get sum from n-i-j numbers)
tot += C[dup][j] * L[i][sum-dup_sum] * R[n-i-j][sum];
// Skip past the duplicates of values[i] that we've now accounted for
i += dup-1;
return tot;
I have N numbers let say 20 30 15 30 30 40 15 20. Now I want to find how many numbers pairs are in a given range.(L and R given).
number pair= both numbers are same.
My approach:
Create a Map of Array, such that key of map= number, and value=ArrayList of indexes at which that number appears. Then I traverse from L to R and for each value in that range I traverse in the corresponding arraylist to find if there is a pair that fits in range, and then increment count.
But I think this approach is too slow. Is there some faster method to do the same?
Example: for above given sequence and L=0 and R=6
Answer=5. Possible pairs are 1 for 20, 1 for 15 and 3 for 30.
I am developing a solution, assuming numbers can be upto 10^8( and non negative).
If you are looking for speed and don't care about memory there's maybe a better way.
You can use a set as an auxiliary data structure to see if a number was found, and then simply walk the array. Pseudo code:
int numPairs = 0;
set setVisited;
for (int i = L; i < R; i++) {
if (setVisited.contains(a[i])) {
// found the second of a pair. count it up and reset.
} else {
// remember that we saw this number, so we can spot the next pair.
New solution... hopefully better this time. Psuedo C-ish code:
// Sort the sub-array a[L..R]. This can be done O(nlogn) using qsort.
// ... code omitted ...
// Walk through the sorted array counting how many times number occurs.
// When the number changes, count how many possibles ways to make pairs
// from the given count.
int totalPairs = 0;
int count = 1;
int current = a[L];
for (i = L+1; i < R; i++) {
if (a[i] == current) { // found another, keep counting
} else { // found a different one
if (count > 1) { // need at least 2 to make a pair!
totalPairs += factorial(count) / 2;
// start counting the new one
current = a[i];
count = 1;
// count the final one
if (count > 1) {
totalPairs += factorial(count) / 2;
The sort runs O(nlgn), and the loop body runs O(n). Interestingly the performance barrier is now factorial. For really long arrays with really high numbers of occurrences, factorial is expensive unless you optimize further.
One way would be to have loop count repetitions but not compute factorial yet -- leave yet another array of counts of numbers. Then sort this array (again Nlg(N)), then walk through this array and re-use previously computed factorial to compute the next one.
Also if this array gets big, you'll need a large integer to represent the total. I don't know the O() performance of large integers off the top of my head.
Cool problem!
I am trying to find different sequences of fixed length which can be generated using the numbers from a given set (distinct elements) such that each element from set should appear in the sequence. Below is my logic:
eg. Let the set consists of S elements, and we have to generate sequences of length K (K >= S)
1) First we have to choose S places out of K and place each element from the set in random order. So, C(K,S)*S!
2) After that, remaining places can be filled from any values from the set. So, the factor
(K-S)^S should be multiplied.
So, overall result is
But, I am getting wrong answer. Please help.
PS: C(K,S) : No. of ways selecting S elements out of K elements (K>=S) irrespective of order. Also, ^ : power symbol i.e 2^3 = 8.
Here is my code in python:
# m is the no. of element to select from a set of n elements
# fact is a list containing factorial values i.e. fact[0] = 1, fact[3] = 6& so on.
def ways(m,n):
res = fact[n]/fact[n-m+1]*((n-m)**m)
return res
What you are looking for is the number of surjective functions whose domain is a set of K elements (the K positions that we are filling out in the output sequence) and the image is a set of S elements (your input set). I think this should work:
static int Count(int K, int S)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= S; i++)
sum += Pow(-1, (S-i)) * Fact(S) / (Fact(i) * Fact(S - i)) * Pow(i, K);
return sum;
...where Pow and Fact are what you would expect.
Check out this this question.
Here's why your approach won't work. I didn't check the code, just your explanation of the logic behind it, but I'm pretty sure I understand what you're trying to do. Let's take for example K = 4, S = {7,8,9}. Let's examine the sequence 7,8,9,7. It is a unique sequence, but you can get to it by:
Randomly choosing positions 1,2,3, filling them randomly with 7,8,9 (your step 1), then randomly choosing 7 for the remaining position 4 (your step 2).
Randomly choosing positions 2,3,4, filling them randomly with 8,9,7 (your step 1), then randomly choosing 7 for the remaining position 1 (your step 2).
By your logic, you will count it both ways, even though it should be counted only once as the end result is the same. And so on...
I am trying to find the best way to solve the following problem. By best way I mean less complex.
As an input a list of tuples (start,length) such:
Each element represets a sequence by its start and length, for example (5,7) is equivalent to the sequence (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - a list of 7 elements starting with 5. One can assume that the tuples are sorted by the start element.
The output should return a non-overlapping combination of tuples that represent the longest continuous sequences(s). This means that, a solution is a subset of ranges with no overlaps and no gaps and is the longest possible - there could be more than one though.
For example for the given input the solution is:
[(0,5),(5,7)] equivalent to (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)
is it backtracking the best approach to solve this problem ?
I'm interested in any different approaches that people could suggest.
Also if anyone knows a formal reference of this problem or another one that is similar I'd like to get references.
BTW - this is not homework.
Just to avoid some mistakes this is another example of expected behaviour
for an input like [(0,1),(1,7),(3,20),(8,5)] the right answer is [(3,20)] equivalent to (3,4,5,..,22) with length 20. Some of the answers received would give [(0,1),(1,7),(8,5)] equivalent to (0,1,2,...,11,12) as right answer. But this last answer is not correct because is shorter than [(3,20)].
Iterate over the list of tuples using the given ordering (by start element), while using a hashmap to keep track of the length of the longest continuous sequence ending on a certain index.
pseudo-code, skipping details like items not found in a hashmap (assume 0 returned if not found):
int bestEnd = 0;
hashmap<int,int> seq // seq[key] = length of the longest sequence ending on key-1, or 0 if not found
foreach (tuple in orderedTuples) {
int seqLength = seq[tuple.start] + tuple.length
int tupleEnd = tuple.start+tuple.length;
seq[tupleEnd] = max(seq[tupleEnd], seqLength)
if (seqLength > seq[bestEnd]) bestEnd = tupleEnd
return new tuple(bestEnd-seq[bestEnd], seq[bestEnd])
This is an O(N) algorithm.
If you need the actual tuples making up this sequence, you'd need to keep a linked list of tuples hashed by end index as well, updating this whenever the max length is updated for this end-point.
UPDATE: My knowledge of python is rather limited, but based on the python code you pasted, I created this code that returns the actual sequence instead of just the length:
def get_longest(arr):
bestEnd = 0;
seqLengths = dict() #seqLengths[key] = length of the longest sequence ending on key-1, or 0 if not found
seqTuples = dict() #seqTuples[key] = the last tuple used in this longest sequence
for t in arr:
seqLength = seqLengths.get(t[0],0) + t[1]
tupleEnd = t[0] + t[1]
if (seqLength > seqLengths.get(tupleEnd,0)):
seqLengths[tupleEnd] = seqLength
seqTuples[tupleEnd] = t
if seqLength > seqLengths.get(bestEnd,0):
bestEnd = tupleEnd
longestSeq = []
while (bestEnd in seqTuples):
bestEnd -= seqTuples[bestEnd][1]
return longestSeq
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = [(0,3),(1,4),(1,1),(1,8),(5,2),(5,5),(5,6),(10,2)]
Revised algorithm:
create a hashtable of start->list of tuples that start there
put all tuples in a queue of tupleSets
set the longestTupleSet to the first tuple
while the queue is not empty
take tupleSet from the queue
if any tuples start where the tupleSet ends
foreach tuple that starts where the tupleSet ends
enqueue new tupleSet of tupleSet + tuple
if tupleSet is longer than longestTupleSet
replace longestTupleSet with tupleSet
return longestTupleSet
c# implementation
public static IList<Pair<int, int>> FindLongestNonOverlappingRangeSet(IList<Pair<int, int>> input)
var rangeStarts = input.ToLookup(x => x.First, x => x);
var adjacentTuples = new Queue<List<Pair<int, int>>>(
input.Select(x => new List<Pair<int, int>>
var longest = new List<Pair<int, int>>
int longestLength = input[0].Second - input[0].First;
while (adjacentTuples.Count > 0)
var tupleSet = adjacentTuples.Dequeue();
var last = tupleSet.Last();
int end = last.First + last.Second;
var sameStart = rangeStarts[end];
if (sameStart.Any())
foreach (var nextTuple in sameStart)
adjacentTuples.Enqueue(tupleSet.Concat(new[] { nextTuple }).ToList());
int length = end - tupleSet.First().First;
if (length > longestLength)
longestLength = length;
longest = tupleSet;
return longest;
public void Given_the_first_problem_sample()
var input = new[]
new Pair<int, int>(0, 5),
new Pair<int, int>(0, 1),
new Pair<int, int>(1, 9),
new Pair<int, int>(5, 5),
new Pair<int, int>(5, 7),
new Pair<int, int>(10, 1)
var result = FindLongestNonOverlappingRangeSet(input);
public void Given_the_second_problem_sample()
var input = new[]
new Pair<int, int>(0, 1),
new Pair<int, int>(1, 7),
new Pair<int, int>(3, 20),
new Pair<int, int>(8, 5)
var result = FindLongestNonOverlappingRangeSet(input);
This is a special case of the longest path problem for weighted directed acyclic graphs.
The nodes in the graph are the start points and the points after the last element in a sequence, where the next sequence could start.
The problem is special because the distance between two nodes must be the same independently of the path.
Just thinking about the algorithm in basic terms, would this work?
(apologies for horrible syntax but I'm trying to stay language-independent here)
First the simplest form: Find the longest contiguous pair.
Cycle through every member and compare it to every other member with a higher startpos. If the startpos of the second member is equal to the sum of the startpos and length of the first member, they are contiguous. If so, form a new member in a new set with the lower startpos and combined length to represent this.
Then, take each of these pairs and compare them to all of the single members with a higher startpos and repeat, forming a new set of contiguous triples (if any exist).
Continue this pattern until you have no new sets.
The tricky part then is you have to compare the length of every member of each of your sets to find the real longest chain.
I'm pretty sure this is not as efficient as other methods, but I believe this is a viable approach to brute forcing this solution.
I'd appreciate feedback on this and any errors I may have overlooked.
Edited to replace pseudocode with actual Python code
Edited AGAIN to change the code; The original algorithm was on the solution, but I missunderstood what the second value in the pairs was! Fortunatelly the basic algorithm is the same, and I was able to change it.
Here's an idea that solves the problem in O(N log N) and doesn't use a hash map (so no hidden times). For memory we're going to use N * 2 "things".
We're going to add two more values to each tuple: (BackCount, BackLink). In the successful combination BackLink will link from right to left from the right-most tuple to the left-most tuple. BackCount will be the value accumulated count for the given BackLink.
Here's some python code:
def FindTuplesStartingWith(tuples, frm):
# The Log(N) algorithm is left as an excersise for the user
for i in range(len(tuples)):
if (tuples[i][0]==frm): ret.append(i)
return ret
def FindLongestSequence(tuples):
# Prepare (BackCount, BackLink) array
bb=[] # (BackCount, BackLink)
for OneTuple in tuples: bb.append((-1,-1))
# Prepare
# Algorithm
for i in range(len(tuples)):
if (bb[i][0] == -1): bb[i] = (0, bb[i][1])
# Is this single pair the longest possible pair all by itself?
if (tuples[i][1] + bb[i][0]) > LongestSequenceLen:
LongestSequenceLen = tuples[i][1] + bb[i][0]
LongestSequenceTail = i
# Find next segment
for j in FindTuplesStartingWith(tuples, tuples[i][0] + tuples[i][1]):
if ((bb[j][0] == -1) or (bb[j][0] < (bb[i][0] + tuples[i][1]))):
# can be linked
bb[j] = (bb[i][0] + tuples[i][1], i)
if ((bb[j][0] + tuples[j][1]) > LongestSequenceLen):
LongestSequenceLen = bb[j][0] + tuples[j][1]
# Done! I'll now build up the solution
while (LongestSequenceTail > -1):
ret.insert(0, tuples[LongestSequenceTail])
LongestSequenceTail = bb[LongestSequenceTail][1]
return ret
# Call the algoritm
print FindLongestSequence([(0,5), (0,1), (1,9), (5,5), (5,7), (10,1)])
>>>>>> [(0, 5), (5, 7)]
print FindLongestSequence([(0,1), (1,7), (3,20), (8,5)])
>>>>>> [(3, 20)]
The key for the whole algorithm is where the "THIS IS THE KEY" comment is in the code. We know our current StartTuple can be linked to EndTuple. If a longer sequence that ends at EndTuple.To exists, it was found by the time we got to this point, because it had to start at an smaller StartTuple.From, and the array is sorted on "From"!
I removed the previous solution because it was not tested.
The problem is finding the longest path in a "weighted directed acyclic graph", it can be solved in linear time:
Put a set of {start positions} union {(start position + end position)} as vertices. For your example it would be {0, 1, 5, 10, 11, 12}
for vertices v0, v1 if there is an end value w that makes v0 + w = v1, then add a directed edge connecting v0 to v1 and put w as its weight.
Now follow the pseudocode in the wikipedia page. since the number of vertices is the maximum value of 2xn (n is number of tuples), the problem can still be solved in linear time.
This is a simple reduce operation. Given a pair of consecutive tuples, they either can or can't be combined. So define the pairwise combination function:
def combo(first,second):
if first[0]+first[1] == second[0]:
return [(first[0],first[1]+second[1])]
return [first,second]
This just returns a list of either one element combining the two arguments, or the original two elements.
Then define a function to iterate over the first list and combine pairs:
def collapse(tupleList):
first = tupleList.pop(0)
newList = []
for item in tupleList:
collapsed = combo(first,item)
if len(collapsed)==2:
first = collapsed.pop()
return newList
This keeps a first element to compare with the current item in the list (starting at the second item), and when it can't combine them it drops the first into a new list and replaces first with the second of the two.
Then just call collapse with the list of tuples:
>>> collapse( [(5, 7), (12, 3), (0, 5), (0, 7), (7, 2), (9, 3)] )
[(5, 10), (0, 5), (0, 12)]
[Edit] Finally, iterate over the result to get the longest sequence.
def longest(seqs):
collapsed = collapse(seqs)
return max(collapsed, key=lambda x: x[1])
Complexity O(N). For bonus marks, do it in reverse so that the initial pop(0) becomes a pop() and you don't have to reindex the array, or move the iterator instead. For top marks make it run as a pairwise reduce operation for multithreaded goodness.
This sounds like a perfect "dynamic programming" problem...
The simplest program would be to do it brute force (e.g. recursive), but this has exponential complexity.
With dynamic programming you can set up an array a of length n, where n is the maximum of all (start+length) values of your problem, where a[i] denotes the longest non-overlapping sequence up to a[i]. You can then step trought all tuples, updating a. The complexity of this algorithm would be O(n*k), where k is the number of input values.
Create an ordered array of all start and end points and initialise all of them to one
For each item in your tuple, compare the end point (start and end) to the ordered items in your array, if any point is between them (e.g. point in the array is 5 and you have start 2 with length 4) change value to zero.
After finishing the loop, start moving across the ordered array and create a strip when you see 1 and while you see 1, add to the existing strip, with any zero, close the strip and etc.
At the end check the length of strips
I think complexity is around O(4-5*N)
with N being number of items in the tuple.
As you figured out, the complexity is not accurate but definitely very small since it is a function of number of line stretches (tuple items).
So if N is number of line stretches, sorting is O(2N * log2N). Comparison is O(2N). Finding line stretches is also O(2N). So all in all O(2N(log2N + 2)).
Say I have y distinct values and I want to select x of them at random. What's an efficient algorithm for doing this? I could just call rand() x times, but the performance would be poor if x, y were large.
Note that combinations are needed here: each value should have the same probability to be selected but their order in the result is not important. Sure, any algorithm generating permutations would qualify, but I wonder if it's possible to do this more efficiently without the random order requirement.
How do you efficiently generate a list of K non-repeating integers between 0 and an upper bound N covers this case for permutations.
Robert Floyd invented a sampling algorithm for just such situations. It's generally superior to shuffling then grabbing the first x elements since it doesn't require O(y) storage. As originally written it assumes values from 1..N, but it's trivial to produce 0..N and/or use non-contiguous values by simply treating the values it produces as subscripts into a vector/array/whatever.
In pseuocode, the algorithm runs like this (stealing from Jon Bentley's Programming Pearls column "A sample of Brilliance").
initialize set S to empty
for J := N-M + 1 to N do
T := RandInt(1, J)
if T is not in S then
insert T in S
insert J in S
That last bit (inserting J if T is already in S) is the tricky part. The bottom line is that it assures the correct mathematical probability of inserting J so that it produces unbiased results.
It's O(x)1 and O(1) with regard to y, O(x) storage.
Note that, in accordance with the combinations tag in the question, the algorithm only guarantees equal probability of each element occuring in the result, not of their relative order in it.
1O(x2) in the worst case for the hash map involved which can be neglected since it's a virtually nonexistent pathological case where all the values have the same hash
Assuming that you want the order to be random too (or don't mind it being random), I would just use a truncated Fisher-Yates shuffle. Start the shuffle algorithm, but stop once you have selected the first x values, instead of "randomly selecting" all y of them.
Fisher-Yates works as follows:
select an element at random, and swap it with the element at the end of the array.
Recurse (or more likely iterate) on the remainder of the array, excluding the last element.
Steps after the first do not modify the last element of the array. Steps after the first two don't affect the last two elements. Steps after the first x don't affect the last x elements. So at that point you can stop - the top of the array contains uniformly randomly selected data. The bottom of the array contains somewhat randomized elements, but the permutation you get of them is not uniformly distributed.
Of course this means you've trashed the input array - if this means you'd need to take a copy of it before starting, and x is small compared with y, then copying the whole array is not very efficient. Do note though that if all you're going to use it for in future is further selections, then the fact that it's in somewhat-random order doesn't matter, you can just use it again. If you're doing the selection multiple times, therefore, you may be able to do only one copy at the start, and amortise the cost.
If you really only need to generate combinations - where the order of elements does not matter - you may use combinadics as they are implemented e.g. here by James McCaffrey.
Contrast this with k-permutations, where the order of elements does matter.
In the first case (1,2,3), (1,3,2), (2,1,3), (2,3,1), (3,1,2), (3,2,1) are considered the same - in the latter, they are considered distinct, though they contain the same elements.
In case you need combinations, you may really only need to generate one random number (albeit it can be a bit large) - that can be used directly to find the m th combination.
Since this random number represents the index of a particular combination, it follows that your random number should be between 0 and C(n,k).
Calculating combinadics might take some time as well.
It might just not worth the trouble - besides Jerry's and Federico's answer is certainly simpler than implementing combinadics.
However if you really only need a combination and you are bugged about generating the exact number of random bits that are needed and none more... ;-)
While it is not clear whether you want combinations or k-permutations, here is a C# code for the latter (yes, we could generate only a complement if x > y/2, but then we would have been left with a combination that must be shuffled to get a real k-permutation):
static class TakeHelper
public static IEnumerable<T> TakeRandom<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> source, Random rng, int count)
T[] items = source.ToArray();
count = count < items.Length ? count : items.Length;
for (int i = items.Length - 1 ; count-- > 0; i--)
int p = rng.Next(i + 1);
yield return items[p];
items[p] = items[i];
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random rnd = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
int[] numbers = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
foreach (int number in numbers.TakeRandom(rnd, 3))
Another, more elaborate implementation that generates k-permutations, that I had lying around and I believe is in a way an improvement over existing algorithms if you only need to iterate over the results. While it also needs to generate x random numbers, it only uses O(min(y/2, x)) memory in the process:
/// <summary>
/// Generates unique random numbers
/// <remarks>
/// Worst case memory usage is O(min((emax-imin)/2, num))
/// </remarks>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="random">Random source</param>
/// <param name="imin">Inclusive lower bound</param>
/// <param name="emax">Exclusive upper bound</param>
/// <param name="num">Number of integers to generate</param>
/// <returns>Sequence of unique random numbers</returns>
public static IEnumerable<int> UniqueRandoms(
Random random, int imin, int emax, int num)
int dictsize = num;
long half = (emax - (long)imin + 1) / 2;
if (half < dictsize)
dictsize = (int)half;
Dictionary<int, int> trans = new Dictionary<int, int>(dictsize);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
int current = imin + i;
int r = random.Next(current, emax);
int right;
if (!trans.TryGetValue(r, out right))
right = r;
int left;
if (trans.TryGetValue(current, out left))
left = current;
if (r > current)
trans[r] = left;
yield return right;
The general idea is to do a Fisher-Yates shuffle and memorize the transpositions in the permutation.
It was not published anywhere nor has it received any peer-review whatsoever. I believe it is a curiosity rather than having some practical value. Nonetheless I am very open to criticism and would generally like to know if you find anything wrong with it - please consider this (and adding a comment before downvoting).
A little suggestion: if x >> y/2, it's probably better to select at random y - x elements, then choose the complementary set.
The trick is to use a variation of shuffle or in other words a partial shuffle.
function random_pick( a, n )
N = len(a);
n = min(n, N);
picked = array_fill(0, n, 0); backup = array_fill(0, n, 0);
// partially shuffle the array, and generate unbiased selection simultaneously
// this is a variation on fisher-yates-knuth shuffle
for (i=0; i<n; i++) // O(n) times
selected = rand( 0, --N ); // unbiased sampling N * N-1 * N-2 * .. * N-n+1
value = a[ selected ];
a[ selected ] = a[ N ];
a[ N ] = value;
backup[ i ] = selected;
picked[ i ] = value;
// restore partially shuffled input array from backup
// optional step, if needed it can be ignored
for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) // O(n) times
selected = backup[ i ];
value = a[ N ];
a[ N ] = a[ selected ];
a[ selected ] = value;
return picked;
NOTE the algorithm is strictly O(n) in both time and space, produces unbiased selections (it is a partial unbiased shuffling) and non-destructive on the input array (as a partial shuffle would be) but this is optional
adapted from here
another approach using only a single call to PRNG (pseudo-random number generator) in [0,1] by IVAN STOJMENOVIC, "ON RANDOM AND ADAPTIVE PARALLEL GENERATION OF COMBINATORIAL OBJECTS" (section 3), of O(N) (worst-case) complexity
Here is a simple way to do it which is only inefficient if Y is much larger than X.
void randomly_select_subset(
int X, int Y,
const int * inputs, int X, int * outputs
) {
int i, r;
for( i = 0; i < X; ++i ) outputs[i] = inputs[i];
for( i = X; i < Y; ++i ) {
r = rand_inclusive( 0, i+1 );
if( r < i ) outputs[r] = inputs[i];
Basically, copy the first X of your distinct values to your output array, and then for each remaining value, randomly decide whether or not to include that value.
The random number is further used to choose an element of our (mutable) output array to replace.
If, for example, you have 2^64 distinct values, you can use a symmetric key algorithm (with a 64 bits block) to quickly reshuffle all combinations. (for example Blowfish).
for(i=0; i<x; i++)
e[i] = encrypt(key, i)
This is not random in the pure sense but can be useful for your purpose.
If you want to work with arbitrary # of distinct values following cryptographic techniques you can but it's more complex.