Screen CS:GO server cvar change - bash

i want to send commands into a screen with .sh script.
Start a CSGO server with:
screen -S cs ./srcds_run -game csgo -usercon
How can i send a command to the csgo server like:
sv_cheats 1

From the screen manpage:
-X Send the specified command to a running screen session.
At you find a similar question.
So for your specific problem the solution would be:
screen -S cs -X stuff "sv_scheats 1"


Creating screen and execute command in it without actually open that screen

Is it possible to create a screen and execute a command in it without actually open it?
What I need to perform is the following:
Open a screen (screen -S screen_name)
Execute command in that screen
At the moment I need to manually create the screen, then enter it, and then execute the desired command.
Is it possible to do that only via 1 bash command?
Create a screen with in detached mode:
screen -S "scr1" -d -m
Send the command to be executed on your screen:
screen -r "scr1" -X stuff $'ls -lrt \n'
The $ before the command is to make the shell parse the \n inside the quotes, and the newline is required to execute the command (like when you press enter).

Using a bash script to launch screen, then split and resize a screen

I'm trying to build a bash script to launch a screen session, split the screen and then resize one of the screens. Below is what I run manually from the terminal.
$ cd /some/directory
Controla then ShiftS //splits the screen in two
Controlatab //navigate to the "new" screen
Controlc //create another terminal
Controla :resize -15 //resize the screen
$cd /another/dictionary
Controlatab //navigate to the first screen
I've done some bash scripting but nothing with keystrokes. I've been trying to find something to send controla within a bash script but I'm not sure if I can or if after I launch screen if I can interact with screen that way. I haven't been able to find anything in my googling yet. Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
I know this is old but I needed this, too, and could not find an answer. I finally solved it out like this:
make a configuration file, say .splitscreenrc:
chdir /etc
screen 0
stuff "ls -1\n"
focus down
resize 3
chdir /tmp
screen 1
stuff "ls\n"
focus up
run screen -c .splitscreenrc
Hope this helps someone ;)
Using expect:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set prompt {\$ } ;# this is a regular expression to match your shell prompt
set dir1 /tmp
set dir2 /var/log
spawn screen
expect -re $prompt
send -- "\001S"
expect -re $prompt
send -- "cd $dir1\r"
expect -re $prompt
send -- "\001\t"
send -- "\001c"
expect -re $prompt
send -- "\001:resize -15\r"
send -- "cd $dir2\r"
expect -re $prompt
send -- "\001\t"
send -- "clear\r"

Automate xmodem file upload

I have a device where a software update is done by uploading a file through xmodem.
I was able to do this in two ways using the lrzsz ( package.
1) Using screen
screen /dev/tty.myserialdevice 115200
and then
^A:exec !! sz -X file.bin
2) Using cu
cu -l /dev/tty.myserialdevice -s 115200
and then
~+lsz -X file.bin
Now I would like to write a script (preferably a ruby or a bash script) to automate the file upload.
Is there a way to pipe the file into screen or cu or use standard input?
When I tried to write a script I only got to the point of opening a connection.
But even then I had problems to properly close this connection again.
Not sure if you are still having this problem, but I just recently had to piece together something for a similar situation.
I used screen to automate this portion, as it has some command line options to run in the background. First, I create a detached screen session, like this:
screen -d -m /dev/tty.myserialdevice 115200
Then, I can reference my created session with the -p0 option, and give it a command to execute with -X, which in this case is a command to screen itself to start an xmodem file transfer.
screen -p0 -X exec \!\! sz -X filetosend
I had noticed in other places on the web that .\!\! was also sometimes used, so keep this in mind to try if you still have problems.

Problems in sending input to detached 'screen' via readreg and paste

I am trying to send input to a interactive command running via screen. Here is my initial command
screen -L -c ./customrc -S psql -d -m /opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/bin/psql
The above command will run interactive psql in screen detach mode. The customrc is used to define a log file for the output (which I will read from another process by polling)
I am using following two commands to send input to psql running in screen
screen -S psql -X readreg p psqlcommands.sql
screen -S psql -X paste p
The problem is that the above commands do not work unless I reattach screen at least once. Once I have attached screen and detached, the above commands work as expected. I have to launch these commands via background java process hence the interactive shell (bash) is not available. My goal is to run psql in interactive mode and pass input to it and capture its output via a log file.
So far I have tried to run screen via xterm (or konsole or gnome-terminal) in attach mode, use readreg/paste and then detach, but I realise that xterm will not be available in my production environment. I've also tried sending output to /proc//fd/0 but I am unable to emulate 'ENTER' from keyboard (I have to attach and press in order for the output to be accepted by psql). I think pipes and fifo may help but I am unable to figure out how to proceed with them using screen and psql.
I appreciate any further hints or workarounds.
Thank you,
Well, you can use
screen -S psql -p 0 -X stuff $'\n'
or better (works for me)
screen -S mname -p 0 -X stuff `echo -ne '\015'`
-p 0 is needed to select the window.
Have you tried this to "press enter" after your readreg and paste?
screen -S psql -X stuff $'\n'
FINAL ANSWER: It is a bug/feature in 'GNU screen' that it needs a DISPLAY atleast once for 'paste' command to work. Following are possible workarounds this problem:
Finally figured out how to utilise psql with pipes and screen. Here is the solution:
mkfifo psql.pipe
screen -L -c ./customrc -S psql -d -m bash -i -c "while (true); do cat psql.pipe; done | /opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/bin/psql -a"
After that, I can cat my commands to the pipe:
cat ./mycommands.sql > psql.pipe
To quit from screen and terminating psql, I used
screen -S psql -X quit
EDIT: (finally) figured out the solution for my problem without using screen command. Meet 'empty' utility.
empty -f -i -o psql.o -p <psqlpath>
This allows psql to run in full interactive mode as opposed to the original solution that I used (in which psql does not run in interactive mode).
I had this same problem. My workaround was to launch screen attached but pass it a screenrc file where the last command is "detach"
So this is my screenrc
#change the hardstatus settings to give an window list at the bottom of the
#Set this first otherwise messes with bash profile
hardstatus alwayslastline
#screen, with the time and date and with the current window highlighted
#hardstatus string '%{= kG}%-Lw%{= kW}%50> %n%f* %t%{= kG}%+Lw%< %{= kG}%-=%c:%s%{-}'
hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B} %m-%d %{W}%c %{g}]'
#set scrollback
defscrollback 4096
Hope this helps

How do you start Unix screen command with a command?

According to the docs for the Unix "screen" command, you can configure it in .screenrc to start with a bunch of default screens, each running a command that you specify.
Here's my cofig:
# Default screens
screen -t "shell_0" 1
screen -t "autotest" 2 cd ~/project/contactdb ; autotest
It will not run the autotest command. That window where I'm trying to run autotest just closes instantly when I start screen.
I also tried it with just...
screen -t "autotest" 2 cd ~/project/contactdb
Same result.
I also tried...
screen -t "autotest" 2 ls
Same result there too.
What's the secret to getting it to run a command in a given screen on startup?
Your program is being run (well, except the cd), it's just that it's being run without a parent shell, so as soon as it completes, it exits and you're done.
You could do:
screen -t "autotest" 2 bash -c 'cd ~/project/contactdb ; autotest'
Spawns two shells, but life will probably go on.
Try this:
$ screen -S 'tailf messages' -d -m tailf /var/log/messages
Then later you can do:
$ screen -ls
1234.tailf messages
Followed by:
$screen -r 1234
This might help but may not be entirely what you want.
Put "zombie az" or "defzombie az" as the first line of your .screenrc. "az" can be whatever 2 keys you'd like. Now, when a screen ought to close (command finished executing, for instance), it won't actually close; hitting 'a' will close it, hitting 'z' will re-execute the command attached to that screen.
I found that at the screen user's manual.
You can also "stuff" characters into the screen as if you had typed them.
Here's how you can do that with your example:
screen -t "shell_0" 1
# create the following screen in the desired dir, instead of cd-ing afterwards :)
chdir ~/project/contactdb
screen -t "autotest" 2
# (without this sometimes screens fail to start correctly for me)
sleep 5
# paste some text into screen number 2:
select 2
stuff "autotest\012"
Here's how mine looks. It seems to work fine. I think either the parenthesis might be causing the problem or screen will not open a window if the command "autotest" does not exist.
screen -t zsh 1
screen -t emacs 2 emacs -nw
screen -t mutt 3 mutt
monitor on
screen -t mc 4 mc -s
screen -t elinks 4 elinks
Here's how I'd do it.
screen -t shell_0
chdir ~/project/contactdb
screen -t autotest autotest
The above appears to be evaluated procedurally by screen. First we establish a new screen with the title shell_0. Since we gave no other options, current working directory will be that of the parent shell or the user's home directory. We then set the default directory for new screens to ~/project/contactdb. Next, we establish a new screen running the autotest command.
Window number (n) is optional, I generally omit it.
