The largest tile in the 2048, groups of 3 variant? [moved to SE.Math] [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 7 years ago.
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A sentence to use up characters.

Dropping 3 and 6 doesn't create the same type of game. It would need to be 3 and 9 (3*3). Or you end up with two completely separate sets to merge, one with base 3 the other with base 6 (2*3).
In case you drop 3 and 9 then any 3^(2^min_moves) would be an acceptable objective just like 2048 = 2^16 = 2^(2^4)
Looks like I missed the part about merging 3 elements. That may need to have 3 and 27 (3^3) drop in. Also the objective would end up being 3^(3^min_moves) as merging 3 tiles is a move


What is a most optimal way to merge and sort 2 sets? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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So, say you have 2 sets with unknown properties. So the order and the size of each set is unknown. How would we merge and sort these 2 sets into one set?
The solution I have is to simply add the 2 sets into one set and perform a merge sort.
I feel as if there is a better way. Does anyone have any ideas?
Typically you would concatenate the sets and then sort them as a single set, that is almost as simple as it gets. I'm guessing you are using Python for this if that's the case you can use function sorted().

How to print random numbers from 2 given arrays without repeating if already printed on ruby [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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lets suppose
are array
let's suppose
there a two-person wait for random numbers to get
but they should not get the same word ( 3 outputs should be to 2 people from 4 arrays without repeating
Use Array#sample and then Enumerable#each_slice:
persons, cards = 2, 3
(al + af + ak + an).sample(persons * cards).each_slice(cards).to_a
#⇒  [["qk", "4l", "Ak"], ["6l", "8l", "5l"]]

how to determine if there are numbers can be add up to 10 in a 4x4 grid? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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At the beginning, generating a 4x4 grid like the first grid
Notice that all numbers are less than 6.
Player can add more than 2 numbers together to get number 10 (those numbers must be neighbours of each other)
if the number is greater than 10, it only can be add up with itself, like 10+10=20, 20+20=40...160+160=320
How can I determine that the adding all the numbers does not sum up to 10, shown as the 2nd grid (even the 6+4=10 but they are not neighbor)?

Get the mode of a matrix [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a matrix that is 300x50 big filled with integers. I want to find what number appears the most in that 300x50 matrix and have it returned as an integer.
Just use mode on the linearized matrix:
>> matrix = [3 2 3; 2 2 1]
matrix =
3 2 3
2 2 1
>> mode(matrix(:))
ans =

How to lock cells [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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say i have 7 groups of 2 columns (14 columns in total) & many rows like "ab" "cd" "ef" ect... but i want to lock one the cells in that column say "a1" has a value then "b1" should be lock or if "b1" has a value then "a1" should be lock automatic like the otherones "cd" "ef" ... But not to change any other cells only the ones in their group ab cd ef ect..
more exp:: if c20 have a value or number then d20 should be lock
my sheet is base on profit or lose so i dont want 1 profit or 1 lose to be entered in the same group "ab" "cd" "ef"
You can prevent data entry with Data Validation (offered as an alternative to locking cells) and a Custom formula such as =B1="" in A1 and =A1="" in B1. For each such pair only the first entered value will be accepted.
