MVCRazorTOPDf:- How to add images - model-view-controller

I have implemented a module where i m trying to generate a PDF.PDF is generated successfully using MVCRAZORtppdf.
But now I want to add a image on PDF as well.How to add a image on PDF. And I want to add image on controller level.

Here is my solution done completely inside view:
Layout = null;
var imagePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/images");
<img src="#imagePath\Cert_back.bmp" />
If you want to set an image in Controller, I guess you can use ViewBag to set value in imagePath variable.
However, keep in mind that you can use Razor's if-then-else statement and set value dynamically in View.


How to use replace in wkhtmltopdf or send value to header

First question:
I want to replace a value in the header. I use --header-HTML header.html for PDF header. For example :
I want to pass 3 values to a PDF:
Second question:
Can I use a view for the header? I want to use a view in ASP. For example:
CustomSwitches = "--header-HTML header.cshtml "
About first question
Maybe you could use an HTML page as header, as you actually do, generate new HTML using C# code, and replacing existent HTML file content, with the one you have created, just after generating PDF using Rotativa. The other option I can see, maybe a little bit efficient, because avoids generating all HTML code using C#, is that you use javascript inside your HTML to get this values (not sure if it's completely achievable, since I ignore the origin of the values you mention).
Supposing date value is current date, you could use something like this on your HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
function subst() {
var currentDate = new Date();
var dd = String(currentDate.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
var mm = String(currentDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
var yyyy = currentDate.getFullYear();
currentDate = dd + '-' + mm + '-' + yyyy;
document.getElementById("dateSpan").innerHTML = currentDate;
<body onload="subst()">
Date: <span id="dateSpan"></span>
And on the other side, point to the HTML in custom switches command. Guessing it is located in a folder called PDF, inside Views folder, you could do:
customSwitches = " --header-html " + Server.MapPath("~/Views/PDF/header.html");
I make use of similar code for generating a footer with page number and it works like a charm.
About second question:
I use an MVC action to generate the the partial view that I use as PDF header.
Your code for the custom switches should look like this (using GenerateHeader as action name, PDF as controller and yourModel as the model to be passed to the View, on which you are supposed to store you values):
customSwitches = "--header-html " + Url.Action("GenerateHeader", "PDF", yourModel, Request.Url.Scheme);
For your PDF controller, assuming PdfHeader.cshtml is the view you want to use as PDF header, the code for the action would be as this:
public PartialViewResult GenerateHeader(YourModelType yourModel)
return PartialView("PDF/PdfHeader", yourModel);
For this PartialView references, remember to include at your controller:
usign System.Web.Mvc;
Hope this helps, if don't, please let me know.

Including SVG contents in Laravel 5 Blade template

What is the best way to include the contents of an SVG file (located in the assets folder) in a Laravel 5 blade template?
I don't want to use image/object/embed tags, this should be an inline SVG for reasons of speed.
I know I could use <?php file_get_contents("file.svg") ?> but is there a better way specific to Laravel/Blade?
Edit: to clarify, the method should work with all SVG files, including the one below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="">
<path stroke="red" fill="#00f" d="M10 10h100v100H10z"/>
Similar to the accepted answer but a bit cleaner (imo).
Use the laravel directive to extend blade, like so (in your App Service Provider, as outlined here):
\Blade::directive('svg', function($arguments) {
// Funky madness to accept multiple arguments into the directive
list($path, $class) = array_pad(explode(',', trim($arguments, "() ")), 2, '');
$path = trim($path, "' ");
$class = trim($class, "' ");
// Create the dom document as per the other answers
$svg = new \DOMDocument();
$svg->documentElement->setAttribute("class", $class);
$output = $svg->saveXML($svg->documentElement);
return $output;
Then use it in your blade like so:
<div class="Login__image Login__cloud">
#svg('cloud.svg', 'Cloud')
This works, that's the simplest way I could think about :
{!! file_get_contents('images/icon.svg') !!}
Why not place the svg into a blade template?
then add in your views using blade syntax?
View Composer Method
I ended up using a view composer in a service provider.
In the service provider's boot() method:
// Wildcard view composer
view()->composer('*', function($view) {
// Instantiate new DOMDocument object
$svg = new DOMDocument();
// Load SVG file from public folder
// Add CSS class (you can omit this line)
$svg->documentElement->setAttribute("class", "logo");
// Get XML without version element
$logo = $svg->saveXML($svg->documentElement);
// Attach data to view
$view->with('logo', $logo);
And in my view:
<!-- Echo unescaped SVG content -->
{!! $logo !!}
I am using DOMDocument as it allows me to remove the XML version element which should not be in the HTML.
The CSS class is not essential but saves me wrapping the logo with another HTML element for styling.
If you only need the logo in a specific Blade partial such as header you could write
view()->composer('header', function($view) {});
Blade Partial Method
This method is not best practice since this sort of code should not really be in a view. However it is very simple and much better than adding PHP code in every single view.
Make a new partial (lets say logo.blade.php) with the following code:
// Instantiate new DOMDocument object
$svg = new DOMDocument();
// Load SVG file from public folder
// Add CSS class (you can omit this line)
$svg->documentElement->setAttribute("class", "logo");
// Echo XML without version element
echo $svg->saveXML($svg->documentElement);
You can now use the SVG image in a blade template by including the partial like so:

Symfony2 - Checking if a file exists in Twig

Is there a way to check if the file exists in Twig for an image uploaded in a newly created post?
The way I have my post setup is if an image is not uploaded the Twig template will show an empty box with the proportions of where the image should be, but it's a blank box that's awkward to look at.
Question, is if there is a specific command to use with an if statement to check if a file exists if so, display the image code if not do not display the image code.
Image code: (this is the code I want to hide if no image exists to get rid of the empty box)
<div class="entry-thumbnail">
<img width="230" height="172" src="{{ asset(['images/', post.image]|join) }}" class="" alt=""/>
you could write a twig extension and use some code like this:
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
$this->fs=new Filesystem();
if (!$this->fs->exists($directory)) {
$this->logger->info("there is no ".$directory." ...");
} else {
$this->logger->info("Directory ".$directory." already exists.");
but i would rather use javascripz like
in your img tag :
<img ... onError="this.src='imagefound.gif';" />
The image Tag has an onError-Handler that triggers when the image in the src attribute is not found. So instead of using this simple inline syntax you could do the same like :
pseudo jquery code:

How can I check the URL path to apply a condition (Razor)

I am using code like this to detect the browser and apply a condition to display or not display <label>:
var settings = Model.PartFieldDefinition.Settings.GetModel();
System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase theBrow = Request.Browser;
if ((theBrow.Browser == "IE") && (theBrow.MajorVersion < 10))
#://Some Code for inputs
#://Some Code for inputs
I have been trying to figure out if I can (and if so, how) I could utilize this logic to detect what path in the website the user is in to display or not display <label>
For example, on any other path I want the label displayed. However, for the pages under ~/Services (the path), I want to be able to hide the label.
It's a little bit more complicated than that. The code is in an editor template that gets used all over the site. If I use CSS in the editor template to "hide" the label I will affect all the pages. I was hoping with the above logic I can avoid that and only apply my logic on certain pages under a path.
I have tried the following:
string CurrentURL = Request.ApplicationPath;
if ((CurrentURL == "Services")) // also tried "/Services"
// rest of code left out for brevity
but the labels are hidden on all pages, even outside the path "~/Services". Am stuck on the syntax.
Found answer
I did the following:
string CurrentURL = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
if (CurrentURL.Contains("Services"))
and it worked. I don't know if anyone can comment, but which would be better to use: Request.Url.AbsoluteUri or Request.Url.ToString() (both of which work)?

Getting raw text using #Html.ActionLink in Razor / MVC3?

Given the following Html.ActionLink:
#Html.ActionLink(Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"].ToString(), "ItemLinkClick",
new { itemListID = #Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ItemListID"], itemPosNum = i+1 }, ...
Data from the model contains HTML in the title field. However, I am unable to display the HTML encoded values. ie. underlined text shows up with the <u>....</u> around it.
I've tried Html.Raw in the text part of the ActionLink, but no go.
Any suggestions?
If you still want to use a helper to create an action link with raw HTML for the link text then I don't believe you can use Html.ActionLink. However, the answer to this stackoverflow question describes creating a helper which does this.
I would write the link HTML manually though and use the Url.Action helper which creates the URL which Html.ActionLink would have created:
<a href="#Url.Action("ItemLinkClick", new { itemListID = #Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ItemListID"], itemPosNum = i+1 })">
MVCHtmlString.Create should do the trick.
Using the actionlink below you do not need to pass html in the model. Let the css class or inline style determine how the href is decorated.
#Html.ActionLink(Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"], "ItemLinkClick", "Controller", new { #class = "underline", style="text-decoration: underline" }, null)
those are the cases that you should take the other path
string title = Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"].ToString(),
aHref = String.Format("/ItemLinkClick/itemListID={0}&itemPosNum={1}...",
Remember that Razor helpers, help you, but you can still do things in the HTML way.
You could also use this:
<a class='btn btn-link'
href='/Mycontroler/MyAction/" + item.ID + "'
data-ajax-update='#Mymodal'>My Comments</a>
