Custom allocator with hard limits - c++11

I want to replace some code that uses boost::interprocess shared memory. One advantage of shared memory is that you can impose limits on the maximum amount of memory it can use. I'm looking for a custom allocator, based off std::allocator that can do this.
Only particular classes in the program will use this allocator, everything else uses the defaulted std::allocator and are only limited by available RAM.
I'm trying to write one of my own but I'm running into issues, mainly with how to share state among the allocator copies that are created by STL containers. State includes the number of free bytes remaining and the maximum size the allocator can use. I thought I could get away with making them thread_local but then several different instances of the same class will all allocate and deallocate from the same limited heap, which is not what I want. I'm beginning to think it's not possible, hence this question here. Neither contiguous allocation nor performance are major requirements for now.
The hard limit on the memory size cannot be a template parameter either, it's read from a config file.
Edit: The issue with sharing state is that some containers call the default constructor of the allocator type. Obviously this constructor cannot easily know anything about the outside world even if shared_ptr is used it will be nullptr initialised. For example, look at the source code for std::string::clear
g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 4.8.4

After following the hints above I came up with this which seems to work ok for POD types, but things fall apart when I try to make a Vector or Map that uses String:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
struct SharedState
: m_maxSize(0),
SharedState(std::size_t maxSize)
: m_maxSize(maxSize),
void allocate(std::size_t bytes) const {
if (m_bytesRemaining < bytes) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
m_bytesRemaining -= bytes;
void deallocate(std::size_t bytes) const {
m_bytesRemaining += bytes;
std::size_t getBytesRemaining() const {
return m_bytesRemaining;
const std::size_t m_maxSize;
mutable std::atomic<std::size_t> m_bytesRemaining;
// --------------------------------------
template <typename T>
class BaseLimitedAllocator : public std::allocator<T>
using size_type = std::size_t;
using pointer = T*;
using const_pointer = const T*;
using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;
template <typename U>
struct rebind
typedef BaseLimitedAllocator<U> other;
BaseLimitedAllocator() noexcept = default;
BaseLimitedAllocator(std::size_t maxSize) noexcept
: m_state(new SharedState(maxSize)) {
BaseLimitedAllocator(const BaseLimitedAllocator& other) noexcept {
m_state = other.m_state;
template <typename U>
BaseLimitedAllocator(const BaseLimitedAllocator<U>& other) noexcept {
m_state = other.m_state;
pointer allocate(size_type n, const void* hint = nullptr) {
m_state->allocate(n * sizeof(T));
return std::allocator<T>::allocate(n, hint);
void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {
std::allocator<T>::deallocate(p, n);
m_state->deallocate(n * sizeof(T));
std::shared_ptr<SharedState> m_state; // This must be public for the rebind copy constructor.
template <typename T, typename U>
inline bool operator==(const BaseLimitedAllocator<T>&, const BaseLimitedAllocator<U>&) {
return true;
template <typename T, typename U>
inline bool operator!=(const BaseLimitedAllocator<T>&, const BaseLimitedAllocator<U>&) {
return false;
struct LimitedAllocator : public BaseLimitedAllocator<char>
LimitedAllocator(std::size_t maxSize)
: BaseLimitedAllocator<char>(maxSize) {
template <typename U>
using Other = typename BaseLimitedAllocator<char>::template rebind<U>::other;
// -----------------------------------------
// Example usage:
class SomeClass
using String = std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, LimitedAllocator::Other<char>>;
template <typename T>
using Vector = std::vector<T, LimitedAllocator::Other<T>>;
template <typename K, typename V>
using Map = std::map<K, V, std::less<K>, LimitedAllocator::Other<std::pair<const K, V>>>;
: allocator(256),
m(std::less<int>(), allocator) // Cannot only specify the allocator. Annoying.
const LimitedAllocator allocator;
String s;
Vector<int> v;
Map<int, String> m;


Custom thread local STL allocator with Boost pool allocator

We have a huge legacy code base which is multithreaded and uses vectors extensively. To cut down the time spent in dynamic memory allocation, we are moving to a pools. The plan is to use Boost small vector with a custom allocator. The custom allocator will create a thread local pool per each container type. I have implemented a custom allocator based on the above idea and tested it. For some reason, the code falls in an infinite pattern inside find_prev method in Boost simple segregated storage. There are lots of places where there is a nesting of containers, like vector>> etc. Is this the right way of defining allocator ??
template<typename T, typename allocatorType>
class customAllocator
static thread_local allocatorType *_allocator;
typedef T value_type;
typedef allocatorType allocator_Type;
template <class X> struct rebind
typedef customAllocator<X, allocatorType> other;
_allocator = new allocatorType;
delete _allocator;
_allocator = nullptr;
template<class X, class Y> customAllocator(const customAllocator<X, Y>& other)
_allocator = other._allocator;
template<class X, class Y> customAllocator(customAllocator<X, Y>&& other)
_allocator = other._allocator;
other._allocator = nullptr;
template<class X, class Y> customAllocator& operator=(const customAllocator<X, Y>& other)
_allocator = other._allocator;
return *this;
template<class X, class Y> customAllocator& operator=(customAllocator<X, Y>&& other)
_allocator = other._allocator;
other._allocator = nullptr;
return *this;
T* allocate(size_t n)
return _allocator->allocate(n * sizeof(T));
void deallocate(T* ptr, size_t n)
_allocator->deallocate(ptr, n);
template<class X, class Y> bool operator==(const customAllocator<X, Y>& other) const noexcept
{ return (*this._allocator == other.allocator); }
template<class X, class Y> bool operator!=(const customAllocator<X, Y>& other) const noexcept
{ return !(*this._allocator == other._allocator); }
template <typename T1, typename T2>
thread_local T2 *customAllocator<T1, T2>::_allocator = nullptr;
using smallVector = boost::container::small_vector<

Deduce type of container from iterator (when possible)

Is it possible to detect the container type from the iterator type?
For example,
int main(){
container_of<std::vector<double>::iterator>::type, std::vector<double>>{});
container_of<std::list<int>::iterator>::type, std::list<int>>{});
(Of course some iterators type will not give a container (or not give a unique container), for example a raw pointer or a stream iterator, but in those cases it can soft-SFINAE-fail.)
The first attempt is
template<class T, template<class> class Cont> Cont<T> aux(typename Cont<T>::iterator it);
template<class Iterator> struct container_of{
using type = decltype(aux(Iterator{}));
However, it doesn't work because the compiler can't detect the type of T (it is not in a deductible context).
Motivation: I want to detect whether the associated container of an iterator has a .data() member.
Instead of your primitive being an iterator, make your primitive be a range.
template<class It, bool Contiguous, class D=void>
struct range_t {
using Self = std::conditional< !std::is_same<D, void>, D, range_t >;
It b, e;
It begin() const { return b; }
It end() const { return e; }
Self without_front( std::size_t i = 1 ) const {
return {std::next(begin(), i), end()};
Self without_back( std::size_t i = 1 ) const {
return {begin(), std::prev(end(), i)};
bool empty() const { return begin()==end(); }
std::size_t size() const { return std::distance( begin(), end() ); }
template<class It>
struct range_t<It, true, void>:
range_t<It, false, range_t<It, true>>
using Base = range_t<It, false, range_t<It, true>>;
range_t( It b, It e ):Base(b,e) {}
auto* data() const {
if (empty()) return nullptr;
return std::addressof(*this->begin()); }
Track (manually) what containers are contiguous:
template<class T, class=void>
struct is_contiguous_container : std::false_type{};
template<class T>
struct is_contiguous_container<T const, void> : is_contiguous_container<T> {};
template<class T>
struct is_contiguous_container<T volatile, void> : is_contiguous_container<T> {};
template<class T>
struct is_contiguous_container<T const volatile, void> : is_contiguous_container<T> {};
template<class T>
struct is_contiguous_container<T, std::enable_if_t< has_data_ptr<T>{} >>:
template<class T, std::size_t N>
struct is_contiguous_container<T[N],void> : std::true_type{};
The contiguous containers are array, std::array and std::vector, so not much to track. range_t< ?, true, ? > is also contiguous. Just write has_data_ptr, that is true iff returns a pointer to non-void.
template<class C>
auto range( C&& c ) {
using std:begin; using std::end;
auto b = begin(c), e = end(c);
using It = decltype(b);
using R = range_t<It, is_contiguous_container<std::remove_reference_t<C>>{}>;
return R{ b, e };
range now smartly converts a container into a range_t, keeping track of if it is contiguous or not.
range_t supports r.without_front( r.size()/2 ) to divide and conquer.
When a range is contiguous, just call .data() on it. When it isn't, don't.
In your application if you just want to know whether the container has a .data() member, it might be enough for you to check if it is random access (using std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category()).
Otherwise, I think you might be able to use a combination of the technique in: How to check if two types come from the same templated class and partial specialization for every standard container type.
Or wait for c++17 which has a new contiguous iterator concept:
What I am doing at the moment is to manually register all (some really) of the iterators that are contiguous.
Since I will always need this in combination with some way to extract the raw pointer, I directly code a single function called data that returns the pointer.
The code is not funny, it considers std::vector<>::iterator, std::basric_string<>::iterator, for illustration (to show that it will always be incomplete) I also added boost::static_vector<>, raw pointer and anything convertible to a pointer. (boost::array<>::iterator and std::array<>::iterator and begin/end(std::valarray) are effectively included because the iterators are pointers).
I also had to include the const_iterator cases.
#include<vector> // the code below needs to know about std::vector
#include<boost/container/static_vector.hpp> // ... and all possible contigous containers :(
class ContiguousIterator, // well ProbablyContiguos
typename = std::enable_if_t<
/**/std::is_same<ContiguousIterator, typename std::vector<std::decay_t<decltype(*std::declval<ContiguousIterator>())>>::iterator>{}
or std::is_same<ContiguousIterator, typename std::vector<std::decay_t<decltype(*std::declval<ContiguousIterator>())>>::const_iterator>{}
or std::is_same<ContiguousIterator, typename std::basic_string<std::decay_t<decltype(*std::declval<ContiguousIterator>())>>::iterator>{}
or std::is_same<ContiguousIterator, typename boost::container::static_vector<std::decay_t<decltype(*std::declval<ContiguousIterator>())>, 1>::iterator>{}
or std::is_same<ContiguousIterator, typename boost::container::static_vector<std::decay_t<decltype(*std::declval<ContiguousIterator>())>, 1>::const_iterator>{}
// many many other possible iterators :(
or std::is_pointer<ContiguousIterator>{}
or std::is_constructible<typename std::iterator_traits<ContiguousIterator>::pointer, ContiguousIterator>{}
typename std::iterator_traits<ContiguousIterator>::pointer
data(ContiguousIterator const& it){return std::addressof(*it);}
int main(){
std::vector<double> v(30);
v[0] = 10.;
assert( *data(v.begin()) == 10. );
Feedback is welcomed.

partial specialization of nested type in std

Consider simplified linked list implementation in C++11
template<typename T>
struct list
struct node
T value;
std::unique_ptr<node> next;
std::unique_ptr<node> root;
Now, if I have linked list, which cleans itself in its destructor using std::unique_ptr's destructor. The destruction could be recursive if compiler is not clever enough in optimalizations. If we had trillions elements in our list, it could be an issue (stack overflow).
So, to help the compiler I would not use std::default_delete for std::unique_ptr, but rather bring my own implementation
template<typename T>
struct my_list_delete
void operator()(T* ptr) const
std::stack<T*> nodes;
// use explicit stack instead of call stack in recursion
And all nodes would be std::unique_ptr<node, my_list_delete<node>>. It is nice, but I have to write more code for every std::unique_ptr I have. Instead, I could partially specialize std::default_delete!
namespace std
template<typename T>
struct default_delete<typename list<T>::node>
void operator()(typename list<T>* node) const
But this does not work. As long as I know the type used to instantiate list, I can plug that in. But if I want to make it generic, I am stuck at
error C2764: 'T': template parameter not used or deducible in partial specialization 'std::default_delete<list<T>::node>'
I there a way to get around this in C++11? I was thinking about using SFINAE
namespace std
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if</*T is list*/>::type>
struct default_delete<T>
void operator()(T* node) const
A simple workaround would be to write a using declaration for that type:
using node_ptr = std::unique_ptr<node, my_list_delete<node>>;
You can "unnest" the inner class:
template <typename T> struct list_node {
T value;
std::unique_ptr<node> next;
template<typename T> struct list {
using node = list_node<T>;
std::unique_ptr<node> root;
namespace std {
template<typename T> struct default_delete<list_node<T>> {
void operator()(typename list<T>* node) const { }
default_delete<list<T>::node>()(...); // works

boost::iterator_facade operator->() fails to compile

Consider the following code:
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <map>
// Class implements an stl compliant iterator to access the "sections" stored within a configuration.
template < typename _Iterator, typename _Reference >
class Section
: public boost::iterator_facade<
Section< _Iterator, _Reference >,
// Define the type of the base class:
typedef boost::iterator_facade<
Section< _Iterator, _Reference >,
> base_type;
// The following type definitions are common public typedefs:
typedef Section< _Iterator, _Reference > this_type;
typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
typedef _Iterator iterator_type;
explicit Section( const iterator_type it )
: m_it( it )
{ }
// Copy constructor required to construct a const_iterator from an iterator:
template < typename _U >
Section( const Section< _U, _Reference > it )
: m_it( it.m_it )
{ }
// The following classes are friend of this class to ensure access onto the private member:
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
template < typename _Iterator, typename _Reference > friend class Section;
void increment( ){ ++m_it; } // Advance by one position.
void decrement( ){ --m_it; } // Retreat by one position.
void advance( const difference_type& n ){ m_it += n }; // Advance by n positions.
bool equal( const this_type& rhs ) const{ return m_it == rhs.m_it; } // Compare for equality with rhs.
reference dereference( ) const { return m_it->second; } // Access the value referred to.
difference_type distance_to( const this_type& rhs ) const{ return rhs.m_it - m_it; } // Measure the distance to rhs.
// Current "section" iterator:
iterator_type m_it;
struct Data
void f( ) const
{ }
typedef std::map< int, Data > map_type;
typedef Section< const map_type::const_iterator, const Data& > iterator_type;
map_type g_map;
iterator_type begin( )
return iterator_type( g_map.begin( ) );
void main( )
iterator_type i = begin( );
// i->f( ); // <--- error C2039: 'f' : is not a member of 'std::_Tree_const_iterator<_Mytree>'
( *i ).f( );
So the iterator facade shall return a reference to Data type. This works well when dereference operator is called but compile fails when operator->() is called. So I am a bit confused because operator->() tries to return a std::map::iterator. Any ideas ?
The iterator returns an iterator on dereference. To get the f part, you need to dereference twice.
It looks a lot like you misunderstood the meaning of the template arguments to iterator_facade. The second argument is not supposed to be any iterator type (this is what causes all your trouble). Instead you should use it to name your value_type.¹
From the way you specified the dereference operation (and Ref) and wanted to use it in main (i->f()) it looks like you just wanted to iterate the map's values. So, I'd rewrite the whole thing using more descriptive names as well, and here it is, working:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <map>
// Class implements an stl compliant iterator to access the "sections" stored within a configuration.
template <typename Map, typename Value = typename Map::mapped_type>
class MapValueIterator : public boost::iterator_facade<MapValueIterator<Map>, Value, boost::random_access_traversal_tag, Value const&> {
// Define the type of the base class:
typedef Value const& Ref;
typedef boost::iterator_facade<MapValueIterator<Map>, Value, boost::random_access_traversal_tag, Ref> base_type;
// The following type definitions are common public typedefs:
typedef MapValueIterator<Map> this_type;
typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
typedef typename Map::const_iterator iterator_type;
explicit MapValueIterator(const iterator_type it) : m_it(it) {}
// Copy constructor required to construct a const_iterator from an iterator:
template <typename U, typename V> MapValueIterator(const MapValueIterator<U,V> it) : m_it(it.m_it) {}
// The following classes are friend of this class to ensure access onto the private member:
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
template <typename U, typename V> friend class MapValueIterator;
void increment() { std::advance(m_it); } // Advance by one position.
void decrement() { std::advance(m_it, -1); } // Retreat by one position.
void advance(const difference_type &n) { std::advance(m_it, n); } // Advance by n positions.
bool equal(const this_type &rhs) const { return m_it == rhs.m_it; } // Compare for equality with rhs.
reference dereference() const { return m_it->second; } // Access the value referred to.
difference_type distance_to(const this_type &rhs) const { return rhs.m_it - m_it; } // Measure the distance to rhs.
// Current iterator:
iterator_type m_it;
#include <iostream>
struct Data {
void f() const {
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "\n";
typedef std::map<int, Data> map_type;
template <typename Map>
MapValueIterator<Map> map_value_iterator(Map const& m) {
return MapValueIterator<Map>(m.begin());
int main() {
map_type g_map;
auto i = map_value_iterator(g_map);
Which prints the output
void Data::f() const
as you'd expect.
Note that there are numerous places where I implemented the member functions using standard library facilities. Note as well, the iterator "mimics" random access, but it won't have the expected performance characteristics (increment is O(n)).
Final note: I'd recommend against having the implicit conversion constructor. I think you can do without it.
¹ The reference-type should typically be the same (but ref-qualified) except in rare cases where you actually "proxy" the values. This is an advanced topic and rarely should be used.

VStudio 2012 Create custom allocator for container of move-only type

I am trying to create an stl container of a move-only type that uses its own allocator in VStudio 2012.
The trouble is: it seems as though I have to provide a construct function for the allocator which in turn needs access to a public copy constructor on the contained type.
I either get:
error C2248: 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty>::unique_ptr' : cannot access private member declared in class 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty>'
error C2039: 'construct' : is not a member of 'MyAllocator'
The same code works in clang so I suspect the problem is due to Microsoft but can anyone suggest a possible work around?
This is my code for minimal reproduction
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template< typename T>
struct MyAllocator
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
template<class t_other>
struct rebind
typedef MyAllocator<t_other> other;
MyAllocator():m_id(0) {}
MyAllocator(int id):m_id(id){}
template <class T>
MyAllocator(const MyAllocator<T>& other)
T* allocate(std::size_t n)
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(malloc(sizeof(T) * n));
void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t n)
int getId() const{ return m_id;}
//Have to add these although should not be necessary
void construct(pointer mem, const_reference value)
std::_Construct(mem, value);
void destroy(pointer mem)
int m_id;
template <class T1, class U>
bool operator==(const MyAllocator<T1>& lhs, const MyAllocator<U>& rhs)
return lhs.getId() == rhs.getId() ;
template <class T1, class U>
bool operator!=(const MyAllocator<T1>&, const MyAllocator<U>&)
return lhs.getId() != rhs.getId();
//define a move only type
typedef unique_ptr<uint32_t> MyIntPtr;
//define a container based on MyIntPtr and MyAllocator
typedef vector<MyIntPtr, MyAllocator<MyIntPtr> > MyVector;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
MyAllocator<MyIntPtr> alloc1(1);
MyVector vec(alloc1);
uint32_t* rawPtr = new uint32_t;
*rawPtr = 18;
return 0;
The error you get is because you try to construct a std::unique_ptr from a constant reference to a std::unique_ptr of the same type - and there is no such constructor.
You can rework your construct method to take an an rvalue reference and then everything compiles nicely:
void construct(pointer mem, value_type&& value)
std::_Construct(mem, std::move(value));
