Computers not using binary? - windows

I don't know if this is the right place to ask such question but, ALL computers use binary, when you program the compiler always turn your code into a "01" form.
But, are there computers that do NOT work on that principle?
If yes, what kind of computers they are? What can they do and how were they created?
If no, why can't such computers be made?
Thanks and I hope this is good information for anyone looking for a similar answer.

Yes, but they are esoteric. Modern computers are digital, use base two, are electronic, and use classical systems largely due to the success of integrated digital logic circuits, but it was a long road and other types of computers have been invented along the way.
Digital computers in other bases
A handful of computers were made based on ternary (base 3) logic. Some of these used bipolar voltages to represent values in balanced ternary. The general consensus is that if you are going to use digital circuitry, binary is the best option, so this is mostly a historical curiosity.
Analog and mechanical computers
Analog computers use continuous voltages to represent values. Mechanical computers use the positions of physical parts, such as gear shafts, to represent values. There is some renewed interest in analog computers for problems such as image analysis, where researchers suspect that the benefits of performance outweigh the disadvantages of accumulated error. Whether analog computers see a resurgence is unknown.
Quantum computers
Quantum computers represent values using superpositions of quantum states. Creating a large quantum computer is an open problem, and a number of algorithms have already been written for quantum computers which would outperform classical implementations. For example, Shor's algorithm.

Technically speaking all computers are based on a voltage of
0 = no voltage
1 = yes voltage
However, there are new "Quantum computers" that are far from complete that do not use a 0-1, instead they use quantum bits.
Here is more information on the topic:


How computers calculate logarithm?

I wanted to know how computers calculate logarithms?
I don't mean the related functions. For example, Python uses math.log() function. But I want to know what exactly does this function do? And can it be simulated again and more accurately?
Is there a formula for it? Or an algorithm? (I don't think the computer has a log table!)
The GNU C library, for example, uses a call to the fyl2x() assembler instruction, which means that logarithms are calculated directly from the hardware.
Hence one should ask: what algorithm is used for calculating logarithms by computers?
Depends on the CPU, For intel IA64, they use the Taylor series combined with a table.
More info can be found here:
and here:
This is a hugely open, broad and "depends-on".
For every programming language, every different core library, every different system or so forth, different algorithms/mechanisms and machine-code instructions may be existing for performing mathematical (and any other type of) calculations.
Furthermore, even if all the programming languages, in this world, would have been using same algorithm "X", it still does not mean, that Computer calculates logarithm in way X, because, computer still will (most likely) be doing its machine-level job differently, in different circumstances, disregarding the point, that algorithms are the same (which is, very less likely).
Bear in mind, that Computer Architectures differ, Operating Systems differ, and Assembler Instructions can be very different from CPU to CPU.
I really think, that you should come up with more specific and concrete questions on this website.

Parallel processing on FPGA. How to start with?

I have a computational intensive task which I used CUDA to implement it and now I want to make it even faster with FPGAs (if possible)
The system I want to implement is a series of computations each similar to matrix multiplication in sense of being parallel. It also has some non-parallel parts in between. It works with big amounts of data.
Although I want it as fast as possible, I have enough time to learn and explore with FPGAs.
here I'm asking for suggestions on how I start my path? Which FPGA to choose and where to learn about it. any website or online class or books? I've decided to do this anyway but your idea of whether this will be faster on FPGA or not would be helpful too.
The big wins from an FPGA over using a GPU come from:
Using non-standard word widths optimised to your application. This allows denser logic, which allows more parallel processing blocks
using your knowledge of the required accesses to external RAM to schedule them in hardware more efficiently than a general purpose memory controller can.
The downside is getting data to and from the FPGA. Draw a data-transfer diagram before you start. Even if the FPGA provides infinite speedup, you might still find it's not worth the effort if there's loads of data to be shuffled to and fro!
It's likely you'll be wanting a PCI express based board. Which is (I imagine) a whole new learning-curve before you get to do anything with the FPGA - but if you're up for it, it'll be a very interesting task!
In terms of choosing FPGAs, have a play with the software tools from the various vendors - at the learning stage that's much more important than the chips themselves. You won't find (at this early learning-stage) a show-stopper feature in any of the various chips. Also take into account the availability of boards with your required interfaces on, and any IP-core you might need to do the high-speed interfacing (eg PCIe)
You can get a substantial speedup on most parallel problems with an FPGA.
However, in addition to implementing your computation on the FPGA, there's a lot of work involved in getting the data back and forth from the CPU/main memory. This will require implementation of (for example) a PCI Express endpoint in the FPGA logic (bus mastering for maximum speed) and custom drivers on the software side. Most operating systems will require those drivers to be developed in kernel mode.
And you can't just use the most straightforward approach for FPGA programming either. You're going to need to worry about pipelining and clock synchronization in order to maximize throughput.
In other words, it's a substantially difficult task even for engineers with years of FPGA experience. I strongly suggest you find someone to work with on this. Depending on how proprietary your project is, you might find skilled academics willing to work with you as long as you provide them with all materials and publication rights.
If you're determined to go it alone, you'll need some hardware. Many different companies offer FPGA wired up as accelerators, for example
Depending on whether you choose a Xilinx or Altera FPGA, you'll find considerable sample code and tutorials for getting PCI express working.

Estimating area required by a VHDL implementation

I've got a few VHDL files, which I can compile with ghdl on Debian. The same files have been adapted by some for an ASIC implementation. There's one "large area" implementation and one "compact" implementation for an algorithm. I'd like to write some more implementations, but to evaluate them I'd need to be able to compare how much area the different implementations would take.
I'd like to do the evaluation without installing any proprietary compilers or obtaining any hardware. A sufficient evaluation criteria would be an estimation of GE (gate equivalent) area, or the number of logic slices needed by some FPGA implementation.
Start by counting the flip-flops (FFs). Their number is (almost) uniquely defined by the RTL code that you have written. With some experience, you can get this number by inspecting the code.
Typically, there is a good correlation between the #FFs and the overall area. An old rule of thumb is that for many designs, the combinatorial area will be about the same as the sequential area. For example, suppose the area count of a flip-flop is 10 gates in a gate array technology, then #FFs * 20 would give you an initial estimation.
Of course, the design characteristics have a significant influence. For datapath-oriented designs, the combinatorial area will be relatively larger. For control-oriented designs, the opposite is true. For standard-cell designs, the sequential area may be smaller because FFs are more efficient. For timing-critical designs, the combinatorial area may be much larger as a result of timing optimization by the synthesis tool.
Therefore, the remaining issue is to find out what a good multiplication factor is for your type of designs and target technology. The strategy could be to carry out some experiments, or to look at prior design results, or to ask others. From then on, estimating is a matter of multiplying the #FFs, known from your code, with that factor.
I'd like to do the evaluation without installing any proprietary compilers or obtaining any hardware.
Inspection will give you a rough idea but with all the optimisations that occur during synthesis you may find this level of accuracy too far removed from the end result.
I would suggest that you re-examine your reasons for avoiding "proprietary compilers" to perform the evaluation. I'm unaware of any non-proprietary synthesis tools for VHDL (though it has been discussed). The popular FPGA vendors provide free versions of their software for Windows and Linux which you could use to obtain accurate counts of resource usage. It should be feasible to translate the FPGA resource usage into something more meaningful for your target technology.
I'm not very familiar with the ASIC world but again there may be free (but proprietary) tools available for you to use.

Implementions of algorithms for evaluating circuits

Consider the problem of circuit evaluation, where the input is a boolean circuit C and an input string x and you want to compute C(x). (Assume fan-in 2 if you like.)
This is a 'trivial' problem algorithmically, however it appears non-trivial to implement when C can be huge (think several million gates) and memory management becomes an issue.
There are several ways this problem can be approached, trading off memory, time, and disc access. But before going through all this work myself, does anyone know of any existing implementations of algorithms for this problem? It would be surprising to me if none exist...
For C/C++, the standard digital circuit design & simulation system for more than 10 years now is SystemC.
It is a library that allows you to design digital logic in C++. There are supporting software that allows you to do timing analysis and even generate schematic netlist for C code.
I've only played with it a little before deciding that I was more comfortable with Verilog. But it is a mature piece of software with lots of industry support. Googling around will yield a lot of information including several tutorial pages.
It sounds like Binary Decision Diagrams could be used for your task? There are well-known algorithms (and implementations) of these which are very compact in terms of memory usage, given that they are designed to be used on huge state spaces.

What makes people think that NNs have more computational power than existing models?

I've read in Wikipedia that neural-network functions defined on a field of arbitrary real/rational numbers (along with algorithmic schemas, and the speculative `transrecursive' models) have more computational power than the computers we use today. Of course it was a page of russian wikipedia ( and that may be not properly proven, but that's not the only source of such.. rumors
Now, the thing that I really do not understand is: How can a string-rewriting machine (NNs are exactly string-rewriting machines just as Turing machines are; only programming language is different) be more powerful than a universally capable U-machine?
Yes, the descriptive instrument is really different, but the fact is that any function of such class can be (easily or not) turned to be a legal Turing-machine. Am I wrong? Do I miss something important?
What is the cause of people saying that? I do know that the fenomenum of undecidability is widely accepted today (though not consistently proven according to what I've read), but I do not really see a smallest chance of NNs being able to solve that particular problem.
Add-in: Not consistently proven according to what I've read - I meant that you might want to take a look at A. Zenkin's (russian mathematician) papers after mid-90-s where he persuasively postulates the wrongness of G. Cantor's concepts, including transfinite sets, uncountable sets, diagonalization method (method used in the proof of undecidability by Turing) and maybe others. Even Goedel's incompletness theorems were proven in right way in only 21-st century.. That's all just to plug Zenkin's work to the post cause I don't know how widespread that knowledge is in CS community so forgive me if that did look stupid.
Thank you!
From what little research I've done, most of these claims of trans-Turing systems, or of the incorrectness of Cantor's diagonalization proof, etc. are, shall we say, "controversial" in legitimate mathematical circles. Words like "crank" get thrown around frequently.
Obviously, the strong Church-Turing thesis remains unproven, but as you pointed out there's really no good reason to believe that artificial neural networks constitute computational capabilities beyond general recursion/UTMs/lambda calculus/etc.
From a theoretical viewpoint, I think you're absolutely correct -- neural networks provide very little that's new or different.
From a practical viewpoint, neural networks are simply a way of casting solutions into a form where parallel execution is natural and easy, whereas Turing machines are sequential in nature, and executing their sequences in parallel is relatively difficult. In fact, most of what's been done in CPU development over the last few decades has basically been figuring out ways to execute code in parallel while maintaining the illusion that it's executing in sequence. A lot of the hardware in a modern CPU is devoted to maintaining that illusion, and the degree to which parallel execution has become explicit is mostly an admission that maintaining the illusion has become prohibitively expensive.
Anyone who "proves" that Cantor's diagonal method doesn't work proves only their own incompetence. Cf. Wilfred Hodges' An editor recalls some hopeless papers for a surprisingly sympathetic explanation of what kind of thing is going wrong with these attempts.
You can provide speculative descriptions of hyper-Turing neural nets, just as you can provide speculative descriptions of other kinds of hyper-Turing computers: there's nothing incoherent in the idea that hypercomputation is possible, and speculative descriptions of mechanical hypercomputers have been made where the hypercomputer is stipulated to have infinitely fine engravings that encode an oracle for the Halting machine: the existence of such a machine is consistent with Newtonian mechanics, though not quantum mechanics. Rather, the Church-Turing thesis says that they can't be constructed, and there are two reasons to believe the Church-Turing thesis is correct:
No such machines have ever been constructed; and
There's work been done connecting models of physics to models of computation, going back to work in the early 1970s by Robin Gandy, with recent work by people such as David Deutsch (e.g., Machines, Logic and Quantum Physics and John Tucker (e.g., Computations via experiments with kinematic systems) which argues that physics doesn't support hypercomputation.
The main point is that the truth of the Church-Turing thesis is an empirical fact, and not a mathematical fact. It's one that we can have confidence is true, but not certainty.
From a layman's perspective, I see that
NNs can be more effective at solving some types problems than a turing machine, but they are not compuationally more powerful.
Even if NNs were provably more powerful than TMs, execution on current hardware would render them less powerful, since current hardware is only an apporximation of a TM and can only execute problems computable by a bounded TM.
You may be interested in S. Franklin and M. Garzon, Neural computability. There is a preview on Google. It discusses the computational power of neural nets and also states that it is rumored that neural nets are strictly more powerful than Turing machines.
