Ebay Australia Site ID invalid on Trading API (Modified EbayR) - ruby

Every time I try and publish a product with AddFixedPriceItem with the Site ID set to Australia (15) I get the error response:
:errors=>{:short_message=>"Input data is invalid.", :long_message=>"Input data for tag is invalid or missing. Please check API documentation."
I tried every variation of the site ID ("AU", "Australia", 15, "15") and when i switch it to the US site ID (0) everything works perfectly. Is there something that I'm doing wrong?
Im using my own customised version of EbayR (because it didn't parse the xml correctly)
Anyway here is the full raw SOAP request:
'X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL' => #compatability_level.to_s, # => 837
'X-EBAY-API-DEV-NAME' => dev_id.to_s,
'X-EBAY-API-APP-NAME' => app_id.to_s,
'X-EBAY-API-CERT-NAME' => cert_id.to_s,
'X-EBAY-API-CALL-NAME' => #command.to_s,
'X-EBAY-API-SITEID' => #site_id.to_s, # => which is 15
'Content-Type' => 'text/xml'
the full body request is:
<AddFixedPriceItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<Description>This is another test description with image</Description>
<Description>What! you dont want the product! .... ok</Description>
Also I bit the bullet and payed the 75 dollars for technical support, If I don't get a response here I'll paste the response from them for all to see.

Cool, so it seems like this was an ebay issue. They are trying to fix it at the moment. But they responded with a work around:
Hello Avin ,
Thank you for reporting this issue. I can reproduce the problem and I have forwarded this to our engineering team for further investigation. We will keep the ticket open in "Waiting-BugFix" status.
Actually SiteID is not a mandatory field. SiteID will be taken from the header if you don&apos;t pass it. As a workaround, please omit the field and continue listing.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
eBay Developer Support


Ruby Hash and Tumblr API

controller page, Json output from api
I'm trying to display posts from the users tumblr account on my view page using ruby. I have never done anything with api's before. I'm trying to use Hash tables. my controller code is as such:
#Posts = client.posts"zombieprocess1.tumblr.com"
on my view page using html I have
the response is such
{"blog"=>{"title"=>"Untitled", "name"=>"zombieprocess1", "total_posts"=>1, "posts"=>1, "url"=>"URL", "updated"=>1478191052, "description"=>"", "is_nsfw"=>false, "ask"=>false, "ask_page_title"=>"Ask me anything", "ask_anon"=>false, "followed"=>false, "can_send_fan_mail"=>true, "is_blocked_from_primary"=>false, "share_likes"=>true, "likes"=>1, "twitter_enabled"=>false, "twitter_send"=>false, "facebook_opengraph_enabled"=>"N", "tweet"=>"N", "facebook"=>"N", "followers"=>0, "primary"=>true, "admin"=>true, "messages"=>0, "queue"=>0, "drafts"=>0, "type"=>"public", "reply_conditions"=>3, "subscribed"=>false, "can_subscribe"=>false}, "posts"=>[{"blog_name"=>"zombieprocess1", "id"=>152689921093, "post_url"=>"URL", "slug"=>"", "type"=>"photo", "date"=>"2016-11-03 16:37:32 GMT", "timestamp"=>1478191052, "state"=>"published", "format"=>"html", "reblog_key"=>"NCDqGTzW", "tags"=>[], "short_url"=>"URL", "summary"=>"", "recommended_source"=>nil, "recommended_color"=>nil, "followed"=>false, "liked"=>true, "note_count"=>1, "caption"=>"", "reblog"=>{"tree_html"=>"", "comment"=>""}, "trail"=>[], "image_permalink"=>"url", "photos"=>[{"caption"=>"", "alt_sizes"=>[{"url"=>"URL", "width"=>400, "height"=>544}, {"url"=>"URL", "width"=>250, "height"=>340}, {"url"=>"URL", "width"=>100, "height"=>136}, {"url"=>"URL", "width"=>75, "height"=>75}], "original_size"=>{"url"=>"URL", "width"=>400, "height"=>544}}], "can_like"=>false, "can_reblog"=>true, "can_send_in_message"=>true, "can_reply"=>true, "display_avatar"=>true}], "total_posts"=>1}
I have tried many different formats and can't seem to just get the post url. My thought is to get the post_url and embed each of them so it shows as it would in tumblr on my webpage. Can anyone help me?
Try this:
Or if your response contains more than one post you can return them all like this:
(0...#posts['total_posts']).map { |i| #posts['posts'][i]['post_url'] }
EDIT: Fixed capitalization in second line of code. I assume you are using lowercase variable as per Ruby convention, '#posts'. If not, you should change to a lowercase variable as this may be confusing something.

Specify query parameter for a single HTTP method

To illustrate my problem, I made a condensed example from the Apiary.io blueprint tutorial.
# Gist Fox API
# Group Gist
Gist-related resources of *Gist Fox API*.
## Gists Collection [/gists{?since}]
### List All Gists [GET]
+ Parameters
+ since (optional, string) ... Timestamp in ISO 8601 format: `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ` Only gists updated at or after this time are returned.
+ Response 200
items: []
### Create a Gist [POST]
To create a new Gist simply provide a JSON hash of the *description* and *content* attributes for the new Gist.
+ Request (application/json)
"description": "Description of Gist",
"content": "String content"
+ Response 201
Then in my apiary documentation I get the following:
GET /gists{?since}
POST /gists{?since}
However, for me it makes sense to have the since query parameter only for the GET request. Unfortunately I didn't find a way to achieve this result:
GET /gists{?since}
POST /gists
Is it something possible?
(Thursday, 23 Oct 2014)
The fix has been deployed; could you please give it a try and let me know if everything works as expected?
The bad news
It is our (Apiary) bug and you're not doing anything wrong :-(
The good news
It is a known bug we are currently working on and it is going to be fixed with the end of this week (Sunday, 19 Oct 2014) :-)

With Zabbix API, how do I get the values of items/resources rather than just the ID's?

I have some data in a Custom Screen in Zabbix, and would like to pull the data from the screen via the API. I'm using this Ruby gem: https://github.com/express42/zabbixapi
I'm able to successfully connect and query, but the results I'm getting are not very useful:
p zbx.query(
:method => "item.get",
:params => {
:itemids => "66666",
:output => "extend"
# [{"itemid"=>"66666", "type"=>"0", "snmp_community"=>"", "snmp_oid"=>"", "hostid"=>"77777", "name"=>"Fro Packages", "key_"=>"system.sw.packages[davekey1|davekey2|davekey3|davekey4]", "delay"=>"300", "history"=>"90", "trends"=>"365", "status"=>"0", "value_type"=>"1", "trapper_hosts"=>"", "units"=>"", "multiplier"=>"0", "delta"=>"0", "snmpv3_securityname"=>"", "snmpv3_securitylevel"=>"0", "snmpv3_authpassphrase"=>"", "snmpv3_privpassphrase"=>"", "formula"=>"1", "error"=>"", "lastlogsize"=>"0", "logtimefmt"=>"", "templateid"=>"88888", "valuemapid"=>"0", "delay_flex"=>"", "params"=>"", "ipmi_sensor"=>"", "data_type"=>"0", "authtype"=>"0", "username"=>"", "password"=>"", "publickey"=>"", "privatekey"=>"", "mtime"=>"0", "flags"=>"0", "filter"=>"", "interfaceid"=>"25", "port"=>"", "description"=>"", "inventory_link"=>"0", "lifetime"=>"30", "snmpv3_authprotocol"=>"0", "snmpv3_privprotocol"=>"0", "state"=>"0", "snmpv3_contextname"=>""}]
You can see that it's returning a bunch of ID's for the items, including the correct keys, but I can't seem to get the actual plain text values, which is the data I'm interested in.
I started with the screen_id, then got the screenitem_id, now the item_id, but I don't seem to be getting any closer to what I want!
Thanks for any help
Getting items or getting hosts means getting their description, not the data. is You are after history. Reading the actual Zabbix user manual and API docs is highly recommended.

How to extract foursquare2 gem results (Hashie::Mash)

I'm facing a problem while trying to extract fields of foursquare2 gem response. Here's my code:
require 'foursquare2'
client = Foursquare2::Client.new(:client_id => 'XYZ', :client_secret => 'XYZ')
tips = client.venue_tips('4d169843b15cb1f7f4c4ae21')
And then I got the result:
#<Hashie::Mash count=8 items=[#<Hashie::Mash canonicalUrl="https://foursquare.com/item/4f689747e4b04ab624cce6d3" createdAt=1332254535 done=#<Hashie::Mash count=1> id="4f689747e4b04ab624cce6d3" lang="pt" likes=#<Hashie::Mash count=2 groups=[#<Hashie::Mash count=2 items=[#<Hashie::Mash bio="" contact=#<Hashie::Mash> firstName="Pedro" gender="male" homeCity="Recife, Brasil" id="19761425" lastName="T." photo="https://is1.4sqi.net/userpix_thumbs/G5R14BT031K2B2AX.jpg" tips=#<Hashie::Mash count=25>>, #<Hashie::Mash bio="" contact=#<Hashie::Mash> firstName="Nat\u00E1lia" gender="female" homeCity="Recife, Brasil" id="12706383" lastName="S."
photo="https://is0.4sqi.net/userpix_thumbs/UF0Q0OZFWNQLXRFG.jpg" tips=#<Hashie::Mash count=1>>] type="others">] summary="2 likes"> text="Nova padaria com bons produtos, destaque para as formadas de p\u00E3o \u00E0 tarde."
I'd like to have something as tips.firstName to get these values, but it doesn't work. Should I prefer the REST API?!
Thank you in advance, guys.
Edited after comments
The solution I did following the suggestion provided:
tips.groups[0].items.each{|i| puts i.firstName}
But it's not working. I just got the error: data_scraping_fq.rb:16:in <main>': undefined method[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
tips.firstName won't work when you're using the venues/tips endpoint. Take a look at the JSON response when you use the Foursquare API explorer and you'll see that to get the tip submitter's first name, you need to look at `tips.items

How to access Youtube_it ruby query results?

I am trying to implement the youtube_it youtube api wrapper for ruby and have it working except I'm stumped as to how the query results should be accessed.
Here is my query:
client.videos_by(:query => "penguin", :max_results => 1)
Submitting request [url=http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?max-results=1&start-index=1&vq=penguin].
=> #<YouTubeIt::Response::VideoSearch:0xb6c41b14 #feed_id="http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos", #updated_at=Wed Nov 03 18:01:39 UTC 2010, #videos=[#<YouTubeIt::Model::Video:0xb6c424d8 #thumbnails=[#<YouTubeIt::Model::Thumbnail:0xb6c6b694 #url="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/oSbLpQEZP1Y/2.jpg", #width=120, #height=90, #time="00:01:34">, #<YouTubeIt::Model::Thumbnail:0xb6c6b248 #url="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/oSbLpQEZP1Y/1.jpg", #width=120, #height=90, #time="00:00:47">, #<YouTubeIt::Model::Thumbnail:0xb6c6a988 #url="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/oSbLpQEZP1Y/3.jpg", #width=120, #height=90, #time="00:02:21">, #<YouTubeIt::Model::Thumbnail:0xb6c69e34 #url="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/oSbLpQEZP1Y/0.jpg", #width=320, #height=240, #time="00:01:34">], #categories=[#<YouTubeIt::Model::Category:0xb6ca5d6c #term="Music", #label="Music">], #noembed=false, #racy=false, #favorite_count=7862, #duration=188, #author=#<YouTubeIt::Model::Author:0xb6c9942c #name="wili", #uri="http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/wili">, #updated_at=Tue Nov 02 08:45:25 UTC 2010, #longitude=nil, #position=nil, #view_count=1682350, #html_content="penguin", #media_content=[#<YouTubeIt::Model::Content:0xb6c770d4 #url="http://www.youtube.com/v/oSbLpQEZP1Y?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata", #duration=188, #format=#<YouTubeIt::Model::Video::Format:0xb656d108 #name=:swf, #format_code=5>, #default=true, #mime_type="application/x-shockwave-flash">, #<YouTubeIt::Model::Content:0xb6c766d4 #url="rtsp://v5.cache3.c.youtube.com/CiILENy73wIaGQlWPxkBpcsmoRMYDSANFEgGUgZ2aWRlb3MM/0/0/0/video.3gp", #duration=188, #format=#<YouTubeIt::Model::Video::Format:0xb656d11c #name=:rtsp, #format_code=1>, #default=false, #mime_type="video/3gpp">, #<YouTubeIt::Model::Content:0xb6c75d38 #url="rtsp://v8.cache3.c.youtube.com/CiILENy73wIaGQlWPxkBpcsmoRMYESARFEgGUgZ2aWRlb3MM/0/0/0/video.3gp", #duration=188, #format=#<YouTubeIt::Model::Video::Format:0xb656d0f4 #name=:three_gpp, #format_code=6>, #default=false, #mime_type="video/3gpp">], #description="penguin", #latitude=nil, #title="penguin", #published_at=Mon May 08 18:11:01 UTC 2006, #player_url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSbLpQEZP1Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player", #rating=#<YouTubeIt::Model::Rating:0xb6c5eb4c #min=1, #max=5, #average=4.676985, #rater_count=2746>, #keywords=["pigloo", "penguin"], #video_id="http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/oSbLpQEZP1Y", #where=nil>], #total_result_count=291282, #offset=1, #max_result_count=1>
I would like to retrieve the URL and thumbnail links. Any ideas?
I don't have a great deal of knowledge of this particular gem, but your answer should at least be close to this. You can access the object directly through the videos accessor, which will give you the video object, on which thumbnails each have a url. so you could do the following:
reply = client.videos_by(:query => "penguin", :max_results => 1)
reply.videos.first.thumbnails.first.url # the thumbnail for the first video
reply.videos.first.player_url # The website for the video
reply.videos.first.media_content.first.url # direct embed url
It might be useful to search for some ruby beginners guides to help catch you up to speed as well. Good luck!
william's answer is correct, when you do it
client.videos_by(:query => "penguin", :max_results => 1)
this return an array called videos, so you just need iterate it
client.videos.each do |video|
good luck!
