Unity - How To Animate UI Text Smoothly? - animation

I just wanted to know how do you transition a UnityEngine.UI from one position to another smoothly?
My current code is this:
GameObject rank1;
GameObject rankSlot1;
rank1 = GameObject.Find("Rank1");
rankSlot1 = GameObject.Find("RankSlot1");
rank1.transform.position = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp (rank1.transform.position.x, rankSlot1.transform.position.x, 0.1f), rankSlot1.transform.position.y, 0);
But it seems like the Mathf.Lerp doesn't work :/
EDIT: All these gameobjects do have Rect Transform as they are a children of Canvas

It depends where do you use Lerp ? Are you calling it once ? or in Update(). Calling in update with correct parameters should work.
Beside Lerp, you can use Animator component with position curves to move from one point to another.
There is another option to use LeanTween plugin, it is a free plugin on asset store.
LeanTween.move(gameObject, yourFinalPosition, duration);

If using an animator you get access to the animation curves so you can get really nice controlled animations
Tricky part is if you are wanting to use 'apply root motion' (have the animations start where they are instead of fixed positions) you need to apply it to something that is considered ROOT:
- create an empty gameobject - with a normal transform
- parent the canvas with text to this new gameobject
- apply the animations to the gameobject transform ( not the UI rectTransform)
- on the animation in the inspector you should now be able to click on the 'generate root motion curves' and also select the 'apply root motion' check box for the Animator
hope this helps,, took a few hours to get working :) I used this to float up enemy damage text displays


GameObject does not rotate using TwoHandManipulatable nor BoundingBoxRig using Unity and HoloLens

I have a GameObject in a Unity project for HoloLens with HoloToolKit, which I need to rotate. The object has a BoxCollider and HandDraggable script, and I'm also adding a TapToPlace component in runtime. The scripts that I've tried for rotation are TwoHandManipulatable and BoundingBoxRig, and they work to resize the object, but no matter what I do, the object does not rotate.
This is how I tried with BoundingBoxRig:
And this is how it looks with TwoHandManipulatable:
None of these works, only for resize. I would appreciate the help, thanks!
For me all I had to to to get it to work was to add the Transform of your arrow2 to the box of the Two Hand Manipulatable. Just click and hold on Transform and drag it into the box next to Host Transform. I added it to my project and it looks like this:
Also I don't think you need the Hand Draggable Script if you have the Two Hand Manipulatable because the last checkbox in the Two Hand Manupulatable enables movement with one hand if you want it.
Edit: I have an Animator on it but you don't need that. I have it because I made the model in Blender and it got added automatically.

React Native: Continue animation with last velocity of touch gesture

In my React Native application I have some tiles (wrapped in a View for the example) which are half of the full width wide. They act as buttons and slide to the opposite side to open a menu. When I perform a swipe gesture and release the finger before the slide reaches its final position, I want the slide to animate to its final 'opened' position. The animation should start with the last velocity of the touch gesture for a smooth impression.
I implemented different variations but did not find a good solution (You can find my test-component in my GitHub repository). My View has a PanResponder to manage the gesture and to get the velocity. I started to use the Animated library, but the provided methods do not solve my problem. The only method where I can pass a initial velocity for the animation is the decay, but I can't pass a parameter where the animation should stop. With a timing animation I can set a final value, but can not pass a initial velocity (so the animation starts with a velocity of 0 which looks very jumpy). I tried to combine these two methods, but that does not work properly.
On iOS I could use a horizontal ScrollView with pagingEnabled, which shows the desired effect - but then I do not have the feature on Android.
Any ideas how I can solve this problem and show a smooth animation, starting with an initial velocity and ending on a given position, after the touch gestures end?
Thanks for your help!
EDIT I added the link to my last test component...
You can get a close approximation of the velocity by setting the duration of the timing animation
const duration = Math.abs((this.props.MAXDISTANCE - Math.abs(distanceMoved)) / velocity);
MAXDISTANCE is your final position
distanceMoved is the current position (gestureState.dx)
velocity is the current velocity (gestureState.vx)
You can use Animated.decay or Animated.spring to achieve this effect.

Unity3d Updating position with animation simultaneously

I have an animation for humanoid models to simulate climbing. I have been looking for a way to stimulate this animation when the model comes next to the window. I used the triggers to determine where the model is and it worked. However, when I execute the animation, the position of the model is not being updated according to the animation. I am using offmesh links and nav mesh agent and I disable nav mesh agent when the model triggers. How can I use the animation and provide the update simultaneously?
Animation Properties
Thanks in advance.
I don't think the animation should take care of the movement. You should control that somewhere else. You could make the animation climb from y = 0 to 5 but then it won't work if your ladder is at y = 3.
You'd better have a method that is called from the animation using AnimationEvent so that when you trigger the animation, it also triggers a movement of the object upwards/downwards regardless of the current position of the object. It would simply use Translate and disabled input until the animation ends.

Three.js Transform Controls - move programmatically

Could anyone help with a quick description of how to move the Three.js transform controls programmatically. I would like to test changing values dynamically and also set bounds when moving manually.
i.e http://threejs.org/examples/misc_controls_transform.html
Instead of "move the Transform Controls" you can move the object. The TransformControls will update itself.
In the example:
controller = scene.children[4];
box = controller.object;
// ... Other transformations
render(); //You have to rerender the scene
To set bounds, you have to check the conditions after moving, adding an EventListener.
t.addEventListener('change', functionCheckBounds)

Unity 3d show specific frame of animation

I'm trying new unity 3d options for 2d games. I'm trying to create background that changes depending on actions i made. So if i press button one i get sprite one as background and if two i get sprite two. Since I have 32 options, I figure out the best way would be to have an Animator, that changes frame depending on button click. So i created animator and animation. But the problem is I can't set time to where to stop animation to show selected frame.
I'm trying like that:
Animator ani=background.GetComponent<Animator>();
But it fails at second line with that error:
MissingComponentException: There is no 'Animation' attached to the "background" game object, but a script is trying to access it.
You probably need to add a Animation to the game object "background". Or your script needs to check if the component is attached before using it.
However if I do no code the animation just plays trough all 16 frames. So i gues there is animation after all.
On the background GameObject I have 2 components first is sprite renderer and second is animator. When I open animator in Animator view i see there green rectangle saying Any state and yellow one with "field_back_anim". I don't get what i'm doing wrong.
I will also except any other solution that does the following.
The animator component is used to control transition between many animation clips. If you're going to playing an animation clip on a gameobject, an animation component is proper, not the animator. Remove the animator and add an animation component to your background gameobject in the inspector. If you set animation property to field_back_anim, your gameobject will animate well. Manipulation codes should be changed like below.
Animation ani = background.GetComponent<Animation>();
ani["field_back_anim"].time = 0.5f;
ani["field_back_anim"].speed = 0;
