Spark distribute local file from master to nodes - hadoop

I used to run Spark locally and distributing file to nodes has never caused me problems, but now I am moving things to Amazon cluster service and things starts to break down. Basically, I am processing some IP using the Maxmind GeoLiteCity.dat, which I placed on the local file system on the master (file:///home/hadoop/GeoLiteCity.dat).
following a question from earlier, I used the sc.addFile:
and call on it using something like:
val ipLookups = IpLookups(geoFile = Some(SparkFiles.get("GeoLiteCity.dat")), memCache = false, lruCache = 20000)
This works when running locally on my computer, but seems to be failing on the cluster (I do not know the reason for the failure, but I would appreciate it if someone can tell me how to display the logs for the process, the logs which are generated from Amazon service do not contain any information on which step is failing).
Do I have to somehow load the GeoLiteCity.dat onto the HDFS? Are there other ways to distribute a local file from the master across to the nodes without HDFS?
EDIT: Just to specify the way I run, I wrote a json file which does multiple steps, the first step is to run a bash script which transfers the GeoLiteCity.dat from Amazon S3 to the master:
cd /home/hadoop
aws s3 cp s3://test/GeoLiteCity.dat GeoLiteCity.dat
After checking that the file is in the directory, The json then execute the Spark Jar, but fails. The logs produced by Amazon web UI does not show where the code breaks.

Instead of copying the file into master, load the file into s3 and read it from there
Refer for reading files from S3.
You need to provide AWS Access Key ID and Secret Key. Either set the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or set it programmatically like,
sc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
sc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey", YOUR_SECRET_KEY)
Then you can just read the file as text file. Like,
Additional reference :
How to read input from S3 in a Spark Streaming EC2 cluster application


NiFi ListHDFS cannot find directory, FileNotFoundException

Have pipeline in NiFi of the form listHDFS->moveHDFS, attempting to run the pipeline we see the error log
13:29:21 HSTDEBUG01631000-d439-1c41-9715-e0601d3b971c
ListHDFS[id=01631000-d439-1c41-9715-e0601d3b971c] Returning CLUSTER State: StandardStateMap[version=43, values={emitted.timestamp=1525468790000, listing.timestamp=1525468790000}]
13:29:21 HSTDEBUG01631000-d439-1c41-9715-e0601d3b971c
ListHDFS[id=01631000-d439-1c41-9715-e0601d3b971c] Found new-style state stored, latesting timestamp emitted = 1525468790000, latest listed = 1525468790000
13:29:21 HSTDEBUG01631000-d439-1c41-9715-e0601d3b971c
ListHDFS[id=01631000-d439-1c41-9715-e0601d3b971c] Fetching listing for /hdfs/path/to/dir
13:29:21 HSTERROR01631000-d439-1c41-9715-e0601d3b971c
ListHDFS[id=01631000-d439-1c41-9715-e0601d3b971c] Failed to perform listing of HDFS due to File /hdfs/path/to/dir does not exist: File /hdfs/path/to/dir does not exist
Changing the listHDFS path to /tmp seems to run ok, thus making me think that the problem is with my permissions on the directory I'm trying to list. However, changing the NiFi user to a user that can access that directory (eg. hadoop fs -ls /hdfs/path/to/dir) by setting the value and restarting (see still seems to produce the same problem for the directory. The literal dir. string being used that is not working is:
Does anyone know what is happening here? Thanks.
** Note: The hadoop cluster I am accessing does not have kerberos enabled (it is a secured MapR hadoop cluster).
Update: It appears that the mapr hadoop implementation is different enough that it requires special steps in order for NiFi to properly work on it (see and May not get a chance to work on this problem for some time to see if still works (as certain requirements have changed), so am dumping the link here for others who may have this problem in the meantime.
Could you once make sure you have entered correct path and directory needs to be exists in HDFS.
It seems to be list hdfs processor not able to find the directory that you have configured in directory property and logs are not showing any permission denied issues.
If logs shows permission denied then you can change the nifi running user in bootstrap.conf and
Once you make change in nifi properties then NiFi needs to restart to apply the changes (or) change the permissions on the directory that NiFi can have access.

HDFS file FTP from cluster to another machine

I want to create an Oozie workflow to transfer an HDFS file from an HDFS cluster to another server.
Since Oozie can run commands or scripts on any node in a system, is it possible to run a shell script or SFTP on one of the nodes and transfer the file to the destination server.
I think this task can be easily done by performing, from the remote server, a http GET (open operation) on the HDFS file (you can use curl for that).
Anyway, if you want to do it through Oozie, I think you can create a script in charge of moving the desired file from HDFS to the local file system, and then perform a scp in order to move the file within the local file system to the remote file system.

Transferring scripts from s3 to emr master

I've managed to get data files distributed on emr clusters, but can't get the simple python scripts copied over to the master instance to run the hadoop job.
Using aws cli (aws s3 cp s3://the_bucket/ .) returns
A client error (Forbidden) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden.
I tried starting emr clusters from the console, checking default in the IAM roles section,
I've setup two IAM roles EMR_DefaultRole , EMR_EC2_DefaultRole making sure they had all s3 access permissions available,
and I've made sure to run aws configure for both ec2-user and hadoop (confirming the right creds were in ~/.aws/config).
Still get the error above. If the hadoop user can distcp the data from the same s3 bucket that holds my python scripts, shouldn't hadoop user be able to copy those scripts using aws s3? Isn't the same user (hadoop) accessing the same bucket? Thanks for any pointers.

Run a Local file system directory as input of a Mapper in cluster

I gave an input to the mapper from a local filesystem.It is running successfully from eclipse,But not running from the cluster as it is unable to find the local input path saying:input path does not exist.Please can anybody help me how to give a local file path to a mapper so that it can run in the cluster and i can get the output in hdfs
This is a very old question. Recently faced the same issue.
I am not aware of how correct this solution is it worked for me though. Please bring to notice if there are any drawbacks of this.Here's what I did.
Reading a solution from the mail-archives, I realised if i modify from hdfs://localhost:8020/ to file:/// it can access the local file system. However, I didnt want this for all my mapreduce jobs. So I made a copy of core-site.xml in a local system folder (same as the one from where I would submit my MR jar to hadoop jar).
and in my Driver class for MR I added,
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.addResource(new Path("/my/local/system/path/to/core-site.xml"));
conf.addResource(new Path("/usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/conf/hdfs-site.xml"));
The MR takes input from local system and writes the output to hdfs:
Running in a cluster requires the data to be loaded into distributed storage (HDFS). Copy the data to HDFS first using hadoop fs -copyFromLocal and then try to trun your job again, giving it the path of the data in HDFS
The question is an interesting one. One can have data on S3 and access this data without an explicit copy to HDFS prior to running the job. In the wordcount example, one would specify this as follows:
hadoop jar example.jar wordcount s3n://bucket/input s3n://bucket/output
What occurs in this is that the mappers read records directly from S3.
If this can be done with S3, why wouldn't hadoop similarly, using this syntax instead of s3n
file:///input file:///output
But empirically, this seems to fail in an interesting way -- I see that Hadoop gives a file not found exception for a file that is indeed in the input directory. That is, it seems to be able to list the files in the put directory on my local disk but when it comes time to open them to read the records, the file is not found (or accessible).
The data must be on HDFS for any MapReduce job to process it. So even if you have a source such as local File System or a network path or a web based store (such as Azure Blob Storage or Amazon Block stoage), you would need to copy the data at HDFS first and then run the Job.
The bottom line is that you would need to push the data first to to HDFS and there are several ways depend on data source, you would perform the data transfer from your source to HDFS such as from local file system you would use the following command:
$hadoop -f CopyFromLocal SourceFileOrStoragePath _HDFS__Or_directPathatHDFS_
Try setting the input path like this
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(conf, new Path(file:///the directory on your local filesystem));
if you give the file extension, it can access files from the localsystem
I have tried the following code and got the solution...
Please try it and let me know..
You need to get FileSystem object for local file system and then use makequalified method to return path.. As we need to pass path of local filesystem(no other way to pass this to inputformat), i ve used make qualified, which in deed returns only local file system path..
The code is shown below..
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
Path inputPath = fs.makeQualified(new Path("/usr/local/srini/")); // local path
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputPath);
I hope this works for your requirement, though it's posted very late.. It worked fine for me.. It does not need any configuration changes i believe..
U might wanna try this by setting the configuration as
Configuration conf=new Configuration();
After this u can set the fileinputformat with the local path and u r good to go

How to make your mapper write on local file system in hadoop

I wish to write a file and create a directory in my local file system through m MapReduce code. Also if I create a directory in the working directory during the job execution, how can I move it to my local file system before the cleanup.
As your mapper runs on some/any machine in your cluster, of course you can use basic Java file operations to write files. You can use org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient to access any files on the HDFS to copy to a local file (I'd suggest you copy inside the HDFS and fetch any files from it after the jobs are finished).
Of course your local files will be local to the client-machine (I assume separate machines), so something like NFS will be needed to let the written files be available to you on any client. Watch out for concurreny problems.
I'm interested as well on writing files locally on the datanode. For that, I used and
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("log.out",true);
BufferedWriter bout = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
It only creates the file when is executed through eclipse. When run as a .jar with the next command:
hadoop jar jarFile.jar Mainclass
it doesn't create anything. I don't know whether it is a problem of a misexecution, misconfiguration or just that sth is missing
Actually this is only to create a log file for debugging. The actual files I want the datanode to write locally are created through Runtime.getRuntime(). However, the same thing happens. If the execution is carried out through eclipse it's ok. Outside eclipse, it seems fine but no file is ever created.
Before doing it on a cluster it should work on a single node, so the whole thing is donde on a single computer for now.
