kmem_cache_* creates contiguous memory? - caching

Am I right assuming that a memory slab created and allocated with kmem_cache_create and kmem_cache_alloc is contiguous?

A kmem_cache consists of 1 or more slabs.
A slab consists of 1 or more contiguous pages.
So when you call kmem_cache_alloc, it returns you a piece of memory in a slab which consists of 1 or more contiguous pages.
But if you call kmem_cache_alloc twice, the 2 pieces of memory you get may not contiguous.
And kmem_cache_create only creates and initializes the data structure for a kmem_cache and do not allocate the memories.

AFAIK, kmalloc() and kmem_cache_*() APIs are returning contiguous memory - which is handled by slab allocator....
vmalloc() can be used to ask big chunk of memory and it will return "virtually contiguous" memory (means contiguous virtual address region).


What happen if kmem_cache has no free memory for allocating?

I create a slab cache by kmem_cache_create(... size), then allocate memory from this cache by kmem_cache_alloc().
After I have allocated memory for "size" times, what happen if I call kmem_cache_alloc() to allocat size + 1th memory? Return NULL or extend cache implicitly?
The 'size' argument is not about memory reserved for anything. It is about the size of each allocation as returned by kmem_cache_alloc.
It may be there will be memory shortage in general, in which case, depending on flags pased to kmem_cache_alloc, the kernel may try to free some by e.g. shrinking caches.

Where is the heap?

I understand that in Linux the mm_struct describes the memory layout of a process. I also understand that the start_brk and brk mark the start and end of the heap section of a process respectively.
Now, this is my problem: I have a process, for which I wrote the source code, that allocates 5.25 GB of heap memory using malloc. However, when I examine the process's mm_sruct using a kernel module I find the value of is equal to 135168. And this is different from what I expected: I expected brk - start_brk to be equal slight above 5.25 GB.
So, what is going on here?
I notice the following in the manpage for malloc(3):
Normally, malloc() allocates memory from the heap, and adjusts the size of the heap as required, using sbrk(2). When allocating blocks of memory larger than MMAP_THRESHOLD bytes, the glibc malloc() implementation allocates the memory as a private anonymous mapping using mmap(2). MMAP_THRESHOLD is 128 kB by default, but is adjustable using mallopt(3). Allocations performed using mmap(2) are unaffected by the RLIMIT_DATA resource limit (see getrlimit(2)).
So it sounds like mmap is used instead of the heap.

Is VirtualAlloc alignment consistent with size of allocation?

When using the VirtualAlloc API to allocate and commit a region of virtual memory with a power of two size of the page boundary such as:
void* address = VirtualAlloc(0, 0x10000, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); // Get 64KB
The address seems to always be in 64KB alignment, not just the page boundary, which in my case is 4KB.
The question is: Is this alignment reliable and prescribed, or is it just coincidence? The docs state that it is guaranteed to be on a page boundary, but does not address the behavior I'm seeing. I ask because I'd later like to take an arbitrary pointer (provided by a pool allocator that uses this chunk) and determine which 64KB chunk it belongs to by something similar to:
void* chunk = (void*)((uintptr_t)ptr & 0xFFFF0000);
The documentation for VirtualAlloc describes the behavior for 2 scenarios: 1) Reserving memory and 2) Committing memory:
If the memory is being reserved, the specified address is rounded down to the nearest multiple of the allocation granularity.
If the memory is already reserved and is being committed, the address is rounded down to the next page boundary.
In other words, memory is allocated (reserved) in multiples of the allocation granularity and committed in multiples of a page size. If you are reserving and committing memory in a single step, it will be be aligned at a multiple of the allocation granularity. When committing already reserved memory it will be aligned at a page boundary.
To query a system's page size and allocation granularity, call GetSystemInfo. The SYSTEM_INFO structure's dwPageSize and dwAllocationGranularity will hold the page size and allocation granularity, respectively.
This is entirely normal. 64KB is the value of SYSTEM_INFO.dwAllocationGranularity. It is a simple counter-measure against address space fragmentation, 4KB pages are too small. The memory manager will still sub-divide 64KB chunks as needed if you change page protection of individual pages within the chunk.
Use HeapAlloc() to sub-allocate. The heap manager has specific counter-measures against fragmentation.

Why memset function make the virtual memory so large

I have a process will do much lithography calculation, so I used mmap to alloc some memory for memory pool. When process need a large chunk of memory, I used mmap to alloc a chunk, after use it then put it in the memory pool, if the same chunk memory is needed again in the process, get it from the pool directly, not used memory map again.(not alloc all the need memory and put it in the pool at the beginning of the process). Between mmaps function, there are some memory malloc not used mmap, such as malloc() or new().
Now the question is:
If I used memset() to set all the chunk data to ZERO before putting it in the memory pool, the process will use too much virtual memory as following, format is "mmap(size)=virtual address":
The mmap last - first = 0x2aacc5f8c000 - 0x2aaab4007000 = 8.28G
But if I don't call memset before put in the memory pool:
The mmap last - first = 0x2aaaed49e000 - 0x2aaab4007000= 916M
So the first process will "out of memory" and killed.
In the process, the mmap memory chunk will not be fully used or not even used although it is alloced, I mean, for example, before calibration, the process mmap 67112960(64M), it will not used(write or read data in this memory region) or just used the first 2M bytes, then put in the memory pool.
I know the mmap just return virtual address, the physical memory used delay alloc, it will be alloced when read or write on these address.
But what made me confused is that, why the virtual address increase so much? I used the centos 5.3, kernel version is 2.6.18, I tried this process both on libhoard and the GLIBC(ptmalloc), both with the same behavior.
Do anyone meet the same issue before, what is the possible root cause?
VMAs (virtual memory areas, AKA memory mappings) do not need to be contiguous. Your first example uses ~256 Mb, the second ~246 Mb.
Common malloc() implementations use mmap() automatically for large allocations (usually larger than 64Kb), freeing the corresponding chunks with munmap(). So you do not need to mmap() manually for large allocations, your malloc() library will take care of that.
When mmap()ing, the kernel returns a COW copy of a special zero page, so it doesn't allocate memory until it's written to. Your zeroing is causing memory to be really allocated, better just return it to the allocator, and request a new memory chunk when you need it.
Conclusion: don't write your own memory management unless the system one has proven inadecuate for your needs, and then use your own memory management only when you have proved it noticeably better for your needs with real life load.

managed heap fragmentation

I am trying to understand how heap fragmenation works. What does the following output tell me?
Is this heap overly fragmented?
I have 243010 "free objects" with a total of 53304764 bytes. Are those "free object" spaces in the heap that once contained object but that are now garabage collected?
How can I force a fragmented heap to clean up?
!dumpheap -type Free -stat
total 243233 objects
MT Count TotalSize Class Name
0017d8b0 243010 53304764 Free
It depends on how your heap is organized. You should have a look at how much memory in Gen 0,1,2 is allocated and how much free memory you have there compared to the total used memory.
If you have 500 MB managed heap used but and 50 MB is free then you are doing pretty well. If you do memory intensive operations like creating many WPF controls and releasing them you need a lot more memory for a short time but .NET does not give the memory back to the OS once you allocated it. The GC tries to recognize allocation patterns and tends to keep your memory footprint high although your current heap size is way too big until your machine is running low on physical memory.
I found it much easier to use psscor2 for .NET 3.5 which has some cool commands like ListNearObj where you can find out which objects are around your memory holes (pinned objects?). With the commands from psscor2 you have much better chances to find out what is really going on in your heaps. Most commands are also available in SOS.dll in .NET 4 as well.
To answer your original question: Yes free objects are gaps on the managed heap which can simply be the free memory block after your last allocated object on a GC segement. Or if you do !DumpHeap with the start address of a GC segment you see the objects allocated in that managed heap segment along with your free objects which are GC collected objects.
This memory holes do normally happen in Gen2. The object addresses before and after the free object do tell you what potentially pinned objects are around your hole. From this you should be able to determine your allocation history and optimize it if you need to.
You can find the addresses of the GC Heaps with
0:021> !EEHeap -gc
Number of GC Heaps: 1
generation 0 starts at 0x101da9cc
generation 1 starts at 0x10061000
generation 2 starts at 0x02aa1000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated size
02aa0000 02aa1000** 03836a30 0xd95a30(14244400)
10060000 10061000** 103b8ff4 0x357ff4(3506164)
Large object heap starts at 0x03aa1000
segment begin allocated size
03aa0000 03aa1000 03b096f8 0x686f8(427768)
Total Size: Size: 0x115611c (18178332) bytes.
GC Heap Size: Size: 0x115611c (18178332) bytes.
There you see that you have heaps at 02aa1000 and 10061000.
With !DumpHeap 02aa1000 03836a30 you can dump the GC Heap segment.
!DumpHeap 02aa1000 03836a30
Address MT Size
037b7b88 5b408350 56
037b7bc0 60876d60 32
037b7be0 5b40838c 20
037b7bf4 5b408350 56
037b7c2c 5b408728 20
037b7c40 5fe4506c 16
037b7c50 60876d60 32
037b7c70 5b408728 20
037b7c84 5fe4506c 16
037b7c94 00135de8 519112 Free
0383685c 5b408728 20
03836870 5fe4506c 16
03836880 608c55b4 96
There you find your free memory blocks which was an object which was already GCed. You can dump the surrounding objects (the output is sorted address wise) to find out if they are pinned or have other unusual properties.
You have 50MB of RAM as Free space. This is not good.
Having .NET allocating blocks of 16MB from process, we have a fragmentation issue indeed.
There are plenty of reasons to fragmentation to occure in .NET.
Have a look here and here.
In your case it is possibly a pinning. As 53304764 / 243010 makes 219.35 bytes per object - much lower then LOH objects.
