I have a customized UITableViewCell that contains a few textviews and one imageview. These views are non-selectable (set in IB). I hope that didSelectRowAtIndexPath is triggered when users tap anywhere inside the cell. However, I find that it is not triggered when tapping on these views, even though these views are "in" the side. Looks like the "tapped" event is intercepted by these views. How can I make these views "no-tappable"?
Try this:
textView.userInteractionEnabled = false
Or uncheck "User Interaction Enabled" in IB:
#Bannings's answer seems corrected.
In other case, a workaround is using UITapGestureRecognizer (either on UITableView, UITableViewCell or UIView) to know if a cell was tapped, then call -selectRowAtIndexPath: on UITableView.
I have created a cell.xib which is already subclass of UICollectionView already.
Later I decided to create a TableView in another ViewController... I wrote the code and everything except registering the cell I was unable to register the cell which is subclass of collectionView (which is registered already inside collectionView in other page) inside the TableView!
I got this warning or error
So, Please anyone can help me and tell me how to do it in the right way?
The problem is that FproductsCell is not a sublcass of UITableViewCell and thats why you get the error.
Create your UITableViewCell subclass in a xib and from this point, you have to register it to every UITableView where you want to use this cell in, programatically. Your class has to be inherited from UITableViewCell
override func viewDidLoad() {
tableView.register(YourCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "YourIdentifier")
So I started playing with storyboards in XCode 4.3.2. I started with the Master-Detail application (split view application for iPad). In the detail view (named DetailVC) I have a view where I displayed an array of custom views.
The custom views (named GridView) have a tap gesture recognizer which is supposed to handle the tap event on each custom view. Tapping a GridView pushes a view controller show some search results (named SearchResultsVC).
With GridView created in a separate nib file, and the DetailVC and SearchResultsVC reside in storyboard, how can I create a push segue with destination SearchResultsVC? I just created a segue between DetailVC and SearchResultsVC? Is there someway I can trigger this segue programatically from inside the GridView class when tap gesture is recognized????
In the method where you handle the tap use:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"yourSegueIdentifier" sender:self];
In your StoryBoard control drag from your DetailVC to your SearchResultVC and choose what type of segue you would like. Make sure to name your segue identifier the same as the one in the method above in attributes inspector.
I'm gonna try and improve my answer I messed it up I think:
1) In your DetailVC.h create an instance variable for your GridView like this
IBOutlet UIView * gridView;
also create a getter method and an IBAction for your grid view like this
-(UIView *)gridView;
2)Now in your DetailVC.m implement your methods like this
-(UIView *)gridView{
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"GridView" owner:self options:nil];
return gridView;
Also implement your IBAction like this
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"yourSegueIdentifier" sender:self];
3) To make this work you need to change the filesOwner class of your GridView to DetailVC and then hook up the outlets and Actions as normal.
I hope that helps.
As the title suggest, I've enabled right clicks for my tableview with customized rows. Anywhere there is an NSTextField, it blocks the right click.
is there a userInteractionEnabled equivalent for cocoa like on the iphone?
I though I probably needed to subclass everything in my NSTableCellView subclass, but I just needed to override -(NSView*)hitTest:(NSPoint)aPoint method in my NSTableCellView subclass to return self.
I'm able to right click on text fields within my custom view based table view cell. Here is how I configure it:
NSTextField *tf = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
self.textField = tf;
[self.textField.cell setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingMiddle];
Also, make sure you are setting the -menu property of NSTableView and not the cell view to enable to menu. (I don't know if that will make a difference to your issue but it is how I do right clicking in a table view.)
I have Uitable view within uiview with navigation bar , I want to add button to the navigation bar to edit the contents of uitableview
any suggestion how to do that please
I think that you want to place your UITableView controller within a UINavigationController (see the UINavigationController class reference for more information).
In your UIViewController for the UITableView, you need to override the methods found under the "Configuring a Navigation Interface" section of the Apple Developer Documentation.
Within this section of methods lies - (UIBarButtonItem *)editButtonItem, which you could override to provide the button for your editing purpose. Under the hood, the UINavigationController will call this method to get the edit button for its user interface. Using this technique ensures that your app stays consistant with the user expierence iOS users have come to love.
There is solution that I tried and worked for me. The solution is
in .h file
UIBarButtonItem *edit;
and set property line as
#property (nonatomic , retain) IBOutlet UIbarButtonItem *edit;
in .m file
in your action handler of the button add
[self.tableView setEditing:TRUE];
Open the .xib file of your view controller and add a UIBarButtonItem either to left or right side of the Navigation Bar and connect the respective IBOutlet to edit button and also the selector method.
Now in the delgate of tableView add the following method
-(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
//sets the editing style for every row.
return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete;
Now you can play around with the UITableViewDelegate Methods and also the above methos to get the desired functionality.
Hope it works and do communicate if it does!!
I'm just learning and playing with the apple Seismic XML example
I've got most of it figured out, but the one area I can't get past is, if I want to remove the tableview controller and create a view controller populated with a tableview. I can get the tableview to appear fine, but no matter what I try I can never get it to populate.
In the viewdidload area I can setup the tableview, color the background, do whatever I want to do, but I seem to 'lose' control of it somehow.
In short, would someone please be able to give me the steps involved in correctly changing the tableviewcontroller to a viewcontroller with a tableview in the apple example?
Thank you.
Lian, you need to read the documentation on UITableViewController. http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/TableView_iPhone/AboutTableViewsiPhone/AboutTableViewsiPhone.html
I'm not sure what you mean by "remove the tableview controller and create a view controller populated with a tableview" or why you would want this configuration. If you're having trouble with populating the tableViewController, you just pass in the data, usually from an NSArray or NSDictionary in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method. You either need to select the UITableViewController template when you create the class file or include the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate if you're adding a tableView to a ViewController.
If you mean you want to change the view controller on screen, then you're looking to pop to another view using the navigation controller.