Simplest way to "forward" script arguments to another command - bash

I have following script
docker exec my_container ./bin/cli
And I have to append all arguments passed to the script to the command inside script. So for example executing
./script some_command -t --option a
Should run
docker exec my_container ./bin/cli some_command -t --option a
Inside the script. I am looking for simplest/most elegant way.

"$#" represent all arguments and support quoted arguments too:
docker exec my_container ./bin/cli "$#"


How to send a command properly into docker container?

I can execute the command below in my terminal succesfully.
gdalwarp -s_srs "+datum=WGS84 +no_defs +geoidgrids=egm96-15.gtx" -t_srs "+datum=WGS84 +no_def" input.tif output.tif
Now, I want to store this command into a variable and expand this command inside a docker container.
My script looks like the following. I first store my target command into mycommand and run the container with the command as input.
docker run -ti --rm osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-small-latest /bin/bash -c "cd $(pwd); ${mycommand}"
And then I execute the as following.
bash gdalwarp -s_srs "+datum=WGS84 +no_defs +geoidgrids=egm96-15.gtx" -t_srs "+datum=WGS84 +no_def" input.tif output.tif
I was hoping everything after bash can be store literally into the mycommand variable.
And inside the docker container, the mycommand can be expand and execute literally. But it looks like that the double quote in my original command will be lost during this process.
Thank you.
You could pass the command as argument and then invoke "$#" inside the shell. I prefer mostly single quotes.
docker run -ti --rm osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-small-latest \
/bin/bash -c 'cd '"$(pwd)"' && "$#"' -- "$#"
If only you want cd just let docker change the directory with -w. In Bash $PWD will be faster then pwd command.
docker run ... -w "$PWD" image "$#"
Note that "$(pwd)" is not properly quoted inside child shell - the result will undergo word splitting and filename expansion. Anyway, I recommend declare -p and Bash arrays (and declare -f for functions) to transfer data between Bash-es. declare will always properly quote all stuff, so that child shell can properly import it.
work() {
cd "$pwd"
docker ... bash -c "$(declare -p pwd cmd); $(declare -f work); work"
Research: when to use quoting in shell, difference between single and double quotes, word splitting expansion and how to prevent it, , bash arrays, .

Bash pass argument to --init-file script

I'm running a shell script using bash --init-file that runs some commands, then leaves an interactive session open. How can I pass arguments to this init file from the process that runs the initial bash command? bash --init-file ' arg' doesn't work.
Interestingly, if the script contains echo "$# $*", passing an argument as I did above causes it to print nothing, while not passing an argument prints '0'.
Create a file with the content:
#!/bin/bash arg
Pass that file to bash: bash --init-file thatfile
I'd like the arg to come from the command that runs bash with the
Create a file from the command line and pass it:
cat >thatfile <<EOF
$(declare -p arg) \"\$arg\"
bash --init-file thatfile
You might be interested in researching what is a process substitution in bash.

Why is executing "docker exec" killing my SSH session?

Let's say I have two servers, A and B. I also have a bash script that is executed on server A that looks like this:
ssh user#B <<'ENDSSH'
echo "doing test"
bash -ex
echo "completed test"
docker exec -i my_container /bin/bash -c "echo hi!"
The problem is that completed test does not get printed to the terminal.
Here's the output of running
$ ./build_test
doing test
+ docker exec -i my_container /bin/bash -c "echo hi!"
I'm expecting completed test to be output after hi!, but it isn't. How do I fix this?
docker is consuming, though not using, its standard input, which it inherits from inherits its standard input from bash, which inherits its standard input from ssh. This means that docker itself is reading the last line of the script before the remote shell can.
To fix, just redirect docker's standard input from /dev/null.
docker exec -i my_container /bin/bash -c "echo hi!" < /dev/null

Pass all args to a command called in a new shell using bash -c

I've simplified my example to the following:
bash -c "./ $#"
echo "first $1"
echo "second $2"
I expect that if I call ./ a b to get:
first a
second b
but instead I get:
first a
In other words, my later arguments after the first one are not getting passed through to the command that I'm executing inside a new bash shell. I've tried many variations of removing and moving around the quotation marks in the file, but haven't got this to work.
Why is this happening, and how do I get the behavior I want?
(UPDATE - I realize it seems pointless that I'm calling bash -c in this example, my actual is a proxy script for a command that gets called locally to run in a docker container so it's actually docker exec -i mycontainer bash -c '')
Change to this with different quoting:
bash -c './ "$#"' - "$#"
- "$#" is passing hyphen to populate $0 and $# is being passed in to populate all other positional parameters in bash -c command line.
You can also make it:
bash -c './ "$#"' "$0" "$#"
However there is no real need to use bash -c here and you can just use:
./ "$#"

How to specify zeroeth argument

I'm writing a bash script that starts the tcsh interpreter as a login shell and has it execute my_command. The tcsh man page says that there are two ways to start a login shell. The first is to use /bin/tcsh -l with no other arguments. Not an option, because I need the shell to execute my_command. The second is to specify a dash (-) as the zeroeth argument.
Now the bash exec command with the -l option does exactly this, and in fact the following works perfectly:
exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command
Except... I can't use exec because I need the script to come back and do some other things afterwards! So how can I specify - as the zeroeth argument to /bin/tcsh without using exec?
You can enclose the exec command into a sub-shell of your script.
(exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command)
# ... whatever else you need to do after the command is done
You can write a wrapper ( script that contains:
exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command
and execute in your main script.
