what would the regular expression to extract the 3 from be? - ruby

I basically need to get the bit after the last pipe
What would the regular expression for this be?

You can do this without regex. Here:
# => "3"
With regex: (assuming its always going to be integer values)
"3083505|07733366638|3".scan(/\|(\d+)$/)[0][0] # or use \w+ if you want to extract any word after `|`
# => "3"

Try this regex :
It returns whatever comes after LAST | .

You could do that most easily by using String#rindex:
line = "3083505|07733366638|37"
#=> "37"
If you insist on using a regex:
r = /
.* # match any number of any character (greedily!)
\| # match pipe
(.+) # match one or more characters in capture group 1
/x # extended mode
#=> "37"
r = /
.* # match any number of any character (greedily!)
\| # match pipe
\K # forget everything matched so far
.+ # match one or more characters
/x # extended mode
#=> "37"
or, as suggested by #engineersmnky in a comment on #shivam's answer:
r = /
(?<=\|) # match a pipe in a positive lookbehind
\d+ # match any number of digits
\z # match end of string
/x # extended mode
#=> "37"

I would use split and last, but you could do
last_field = line.sub(/.+\|/, "")
That remove all chars up to and including the last pipe.


How do I write a regex that captures the first non-numeric part of string that also doesn't include 3 or more spaces?

I'm using Ruby 2.4. I want to extract from a string the first consecutive occurrence of non-numeric characters that do not include at least three or more spaces. For example, in this string
str = "123 aa bb cc 33 dd"
The first such occurrence is " aa bb ". I thought the below expression would help me
but if the string is "123 456 aaa", it fails to return " aaa", which I would want it to.
r = /
(?: # begin non-capture group
[ ]{,2} # match 0, 1 or 2 spaces
[^[ ]\d]+ # match 1+ characters that are neither spaces nor digits
)+ # end non-capture group and perform 1+ times
[ ]{,2} # match 0, 1 or 2 spaces
/x # free-spacing regex definition mode
str = "123 aa bb cc 33 dd"
str[r] #=> " aa bb "
Note that [ ] could be replaced by a space if free-spacing regex definition mode is not used:
r = /(?: {,2}[^ \d]+)+ {,2}/
Remove all digits + spaces from the start of a string. Then split with 3 or more whitespaces and grab the first item.
def parse_it(s)
s[/\A(?:[\d[:space:]]*\d)?(\D+)/, 1].split(/[[:space:]]{3,}/).first
puts parse_it("123 aa bb cc 33 dd")
# => aa bb
puts parse_it("123 456 aaa")
# => aaa
See the Ruby demo
The first regex \A(?:[\d[:space:]]*\d)?(\D+) matches:
\A - start of a string
(?:[\d[:space:]]*\d)? - an optional sequence of:
[\d[:space:]]* - 0+ digits or whitespaces
\d - a digit
(\D+) -Group 1 capturing 1 or more non-digits
The splitting regex is [[:space:]]{3,}, it matches 3 or more whitespaces.
It looks like this'd do it:
regex = /(?: {1,2}[[:alpha:]]{2,})+/
"123 aa bb cc 33 dd"[regex] # => " aa bb"
"123 456 aaa"[regex] # => " aaa"
(?: ... ) is a non-capturing group.
{1,2} means "find at least one, and at most two".
[[:alpha:]] is a POSIX definition for alphabet characters. It's more comprehensive than [a-z].
You should be able to figure out the rest, which is all documented in the Regexp documentation and String's [] documentation.
Will this work?
str.match(/(?: ?)?(?:[^ 0-9]+(?: ?)?)+/)[0]
or apparently
str[/(?: ?)?(?:[^ 0-9]+(?: ?)?)+/]
or using Cary's nice space match,
str[/ {,2}(?:[^ 0-9]+ {,2})+/]

Where did the character go?

I matched a string against a regex:
s = "`` `foo`"
r = /(?<backticks>`+)(?<inline>.+)\g<backticks>/
And I got:
s =~ r
$& # => "`` `foo`"
$~[:backticks] # => "`"
$~[:inline] # => " `foo"
Why is $~[:inline] not "` `foo"? Since $& is s, I expect:
$~[:backticks] + $~[:inline] + $~[:backticks]
to be s, but it is not, one backtick is gone. Where did the backtick go?
It is actually expected. Look:
(?<backticks>`+) - matches 1+ backticks and stores them in the named capture group "backticks" (there are two backticks). Then...
(?<inline>.+) - 1+ characters other than a newline are matched into the "inline" named capture group. It grabs all the string and backtracks to yield characters to the recursed subpattern that is actually the "backticks" capture group. So,...
\g<backticks> - finds 1 backtick that is at the end of the string. It satisfies the condition to match 1+ backticks. The named capture "backtick" buffer is re-written here.
The matching works like this:
"`` `foo`"
| 2 |
And then 1 becomes 3, and since 1 and 3 are the same group, you see one backtick.

Why $ doesn't match \r\n

Can someone explain this:
str = "hi there\r\n\r\nfoo bar"
rgx = /hi there$/
str.match rgx # => nil
rgx = /hi there\s*$/
str.match rgx # => #<MatchData "hi there\r\n\r">
On the one hand it seems like $ does not match \r. But then if I first capture all the white spaces, which also include \r, then $ suddenly does appear to match the second \r, not continuing to capture the trailing "\nfoo bar".
Is there some special rule here about consecutive \r\n sequences? The docs on $ simply say it will match "end of line" which doesn't explain this behavior.
$ is a zero-width assertion. It doesn't match any character, it matches at a position. Namely, it matches either immediately before a \n, or at the end of string.
/hi there\s*$/ matches because \s* matches "\r\n\r", which allows the $ to match at the position before the second \n. The $ could have also matched at the position before the first \n, but the \s* is greedy and matches as much as it can, while still allowing the overall regex to match.

What is the Ruby regex to match a string with at least one period and no spaces?

What is the regex to match a string with at least one period and no spaces?
You can use this :
It works like this :
^ <-- Starts with
\S <-- Any character but white spaces (notice the upper case) (same as [^ \t\r\n])
* <-- Repeated but not mandatory
\. <-- A period
\S <-- Any character but white spaces
* <-- Repeated but not mandatory
$ <-- Ends here
You can replace \S by [^ ] to work strictly with spaces (not with tabs etc.)
Something like
^[^ ]*\.[^ ]*$
(match any non-spaces, then a period, then some more non-spaces)
no need regular expression. Keep it simple
>> s="test.txt"
=> "test.txt"
>> s["."] and s.count(" ")<1
=> true
>> s="test with spaces.txt"
=> "test with spaces.txt"
>> s["."] and s.count(" ")<1
=> false
Try this:

Parsing delimited text with escape characters

I'm trying to parse (in Ruby) what's effectively the UNIX passwd file-format: comma delimiters, with an escape character \ such that anything escaped should be considered literally. I'm trying to use a regular expression for this, but I'm coming up short — even when using Oniguruma for lookahead/lookbehind assertions.
Essentially, all of the following should work:
a,b,c # => ["a", "b", "c"]
\a,b\,c # => ["a", "b,c"]
d # => ["a", "b", "c\nd"]
a,b\\\,c # => ["a", "b\,c"]
Any ideas?
The first response looks pretty good. With a file containing
it gives:
[["\\a,"], [","], ["b\\\\\\,c\\,d,"], ["e\\\\f,"], ["\\\\,"], ["\\\ng\n"], [""]]
which is pretty close. I don't need the unescaping done on this first pass, as long as everything splits correctly on the commas. I tried Oniguruma and ended up with (the much longer):
(?: # - begins with (but doesn't capture)
(?<=\A) # - start of line
| # - (or)
(?<=,) # - a comma
(?: # - contains (but doesn't capture)
.*? # - any set of characters
[^\\\\]? # - not ending in a slash
(\\\\\\\\)* # - followed by an even number of slashes
(?: # - ends with (but doesn't capture)
(?=\Z) # - end of line
| # - (or)
(?=,)) # - a comma
Try this:
It doesn't translate the characters following a \, but that can be done afterwards as a separate step.
I'd give the CSV class a try.
And a regex solution (hack?) might look like this:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
# contents of test.csv:
# a,b,c
# \a,b\,c
# a,b,c\
# d
# a,b\\\,c
file = File.new("test.csv", "r")
tokens = file.read.scan(/(?:\\.|[^,\r\n])*|\r?\n/m)
puts "-----------"
tokens.length.times do |i|
if tokens[i] == "\n" or tokens[i] == "\r\n"
puts "-----------"
puts ">" + tokens[i] + "<"
which will produce the output:
