i am getting error when i try to create web service client in Spring STS - spring

i am getting this error when try to create new web service client.
IWAB0503E Unable to update Java build path. Please check your system environment.

Some web searching uncovered that what this error really means is “The Web Services generation tool detected multiple versions of the javax.xml.soap plug-in installed. Resolve this error by removing the conflicting plug-in.”
Sure enough, when I checked in Eclipse there were two versions.
I encountered two speed bumps when testing this theory:
There’s no easy way to uninstall a plug-in within the Eclipse UI, so I had to resort to removing the directory from eclipse\plugins directly from Windows Explorer.
Which version should I remove? It took me two tries to figure out which version was causing the error. Turns out that newer is not always better…in this case 1.3 was at fault and 1.2 (javax.xml.soap_1.2.0.v200905122109) was the version to keep.

This is old but, in my case the details of the error were:
IWAB0503E Unable to update Java build path. Please check your system environment.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /lib/saaj.jar
So \lib\saaj.jar was not found in folder
I created the folder lib and copied saaj.jar in it from another STS instance that I had and then it worked.


VSCode Spring Initializr Error : Failed to fetch metadata

When I try to create a new project on Spring Initializr on VSCode, it produces the error on right bottom screen
Fail to create a project. Error: Failed to fetch metadata
Fail screenshot
I have checked Developer : Toggle Developer Tools and checked the error, it's not common JSON tag (html error return) problem.
I have checked the access to https://start.spring.io/ on my browser : no problem.
I have checked the internet access via proxy : There's no proxy.
I have completely removed VSCode (including extensions) and re-installed, still the same problem.
Windows 10, using gradle 6.9, java 11.0.12, vscode 1.59.0
Ok I've resolved the problem.
In case anyone comes up with the same issue, here it is :
open Spring Initializr Java Support extension from VSCode extensions.
click settings icon, then choose Extension Settings.
scroll down, and click "Edit in settings.json"
In my case spring.initializr.serviceUrl was empty. It should be :
"spring.initializr.serviceUrl": "https://start.spring.io/"
Sometimes the issue can be resolved by simply restarting the vs code editor.
Because extensions will get reflected only after restarting the editor
I received the same error message after having installed the extension pack and starting up a new maven project. Yet, for me the solution of #sayginify did not work.
In my case lowering the version to 0.4.8 did help. I was on 0.8.0. Also the versions in between did not work either. Obviously there are some known bugs in some versions. The solution came in here on the VS Code Spring Boot initializr Github page: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-spring-initializr/issues/162#issuecomment-726832226 .
I had same issue, when I was at work. Removed work network connected to personal network and able to proceed. I got the feeling work network preventing downloading. Or may be have to edit your proxy settings

The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client - c#

When I try to browse my project through IIS, I get the below error
"The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client"
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client
enter image description here
Please let me know what are the steps that i should perform to resolve this error. Thanks!
Assuming you have Oracle client installed and you have reference to the Oracle.DataAccess.dll in your project, check its version. Go to <your oracle client path>\odp.net folder and find there *.dll file with same name. Compare versions. Most likely issue is that DLL in your dir is different and does not match your installed Oracle Client. Use DLL that matches client.
And tell your boss to stop using Oracle client and use Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll
Now, there could be other issues causing this but this is minimum to check before moving further.
In my case I got the same error message when migrating to the newer Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll and forgot to remove the existing Oracle.DataAccess.dll, resulting in a lot of ambiguity.
Everything worked once the older reference was removed.
Last time I had this problem in an c# project I had to add Oracle.DataAccess.dll reference from my Oracle client directory.

Visual studio complains about spatial types

I have these CLR types installed on my local https://puu.sh/yEWG5/b4f77fba7b.png
Also, I have SQL server 2016 installed on my local system but when I try to run the project I get error as below
Can someone help? I tried installing latest nugget package from https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.SqlServer.Types/ but it did not help.
Though I am able to add a column of type geography in a table in my local database. It fails at runtime when I run my project and error comes as below
According to the docs if you have installed the CLR Types it should load from the GAC so I'm not sure why that didn't work for you. (I would check that you have the correct version as your dependency)
However, we do use the SQLServerTypes in our app without installing the CLR types by using the following method (this method is described in the readme.htm that comes with SqlServerTypes).
Grab the SqlServerTypes.nupkg and extract it to a folder lets call this folder SST from now on.
(Locations of the files I talk about in the following steps may differ from version to version but, the principle is the same)
Create a SqlServerTypes folder in your project
Copy the SST/nativebinaries/x86 and x64 folders into your new SqlServerTypes folder
Also copy the files from SST/content (you should see Loader.cs and readme.htm) into the SqlServerTypes folder.
Now all you need to do is call the Loader when your app boots up.
We do this during our autofac setup by making this call.
You may need to adjust the param passed into this method to work with your application. If the correct path is used you should have access to the spatial types in your code.
edit: It may be possible to just call the LoadNativeAssemblies straight away (and avoid all the work I posted above) if you have installed the nuget package in your app but, I have not tested this as we are stuck on an old version of SqlServerTypes.
Because i cannot put a comment i have to put a answer, you can check that, that article and this, this, this and this answers, i hope they guide you to someting usefull.

Runtime Exception: "CoCreateInstanceEx: The specified service does not exist as an installed service."

I just checked the latest source out of our repository after the installer (NSIS if it really matters) was created and a bug was discovered.
I started receiving the runtime exception CoCreateInstanceEx: The specified service does not exist as an installed service. on the following code:
Opc.IDiscovery discovery = new OpcCom.ServerEnumerator();
Opc.Server[] servers = discovery.GetAvailableServers(Opc.Specification.COM_DA_20);
Previous to creating the installer it seemed to work fine and this particular snippet of code hasn't been touched in weeks.
According to a quick search on the exception description, this probably has something to do with system drivers. But nothing has changed on the hardware (virtualized development system) and nothing has been installed since the check in where this code worked.
Any ideas on what caused this to break, and how do I fix this?
Hardware? This sounds like a COM DLL got unregistered - figure out what COM object is attempting to be instantiated and run regsvc32 on it.

Problem in plug-in development: Eclipse 3.4 can't find a bundle that is definitively there!

Today I had a problem with my old Eclipse 3.4 installation and I had to re-download the entire package. However, I don't think that I got the exact package as before, and I'm having some problems.
The problem can be summarized as follows: when developing a plug-in, I cannot resolve dependencies towards 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui'. When trying to add the missing plugin, in the dialog the closest match is 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui**.source**'. A similar thing happens with other core plugins.
In order to test, I created a new plug-in using the wizard and I obtained a non-compiling plugin: one of the classes uses the class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI and it cannot be resolved. Similarly, the MANIFEST.MF includes a dependency towards 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui', but the 'Bundle 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui' cannot be resolved'.
Now a summary of my platform:
I'm running Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and Java 1.5.0_19-138
I'm running Eclipse Version: 3.4.1 Build id: M20080911-1700
I downloaded the modeling package, which comes in a file called 'eclipse-modeling-ganymede-SR1-incubation-macosx-carbon.tar.gz'
I've performed a fresh installation, in a new folder and using a new workspace.
If I look at the Plug-in Registry view, I can find the 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui' plugin in there, and it appears to be running. By the way, if it is disabled, then the workbench breaks and stops working.
I cannot understand what is happening. Is my installation broken? I wonder if the Eclipse package that I downloaded has an error and they included the sources instead of the compiled files. But in that case, the plug-in shouldn't be working in the workbench, isn't it?
In any case, why I cannot find the plug-in when I'm adding the dependencies, even if I see it in the Plug-in Registry?
Thanks for your help!
Problem solved: just restart the computer.
I don't restart my computer very frequently, so it took me a lot of time to find out that this was the solution. After I restarted it, everything started to work perfectly again. It seems that either Eclipse leaves something in the memory after running, or that some of my initial failures had left something nasty behind. In any case, I had checked and there were no Eclipse related processes running .... weird, but at least now it's fixed!
