Why is Googleplus api giving nextPageToken when there is no results ?
"kind": "plus#activityFeed",
"etag": "\"gLJf7LwN3wOpLHXk4IeQ9ES9mEc/E_vEAk7R5aEXkBfh8ZRN5jeozRI\"",
"nextPageToken": "ChAQt73bzsytxwIYACCTASgHEg4IABAAGP__________fxgCIAAo0Z7qjYvxrPfUAQ==",
"selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/activities?orderBy=recent&pageToken=Cg8Qt73bzsytxwIYACB-KAYSDggAEAAY__________9_GAIgACjRnuqNi_Gs99QB==&key=AIzaSyDf3ejxhljBJ31CIRqx3-g7zXVTvq08HA0&query=%2B971-800-7669&alt=json&maxResults=20",
"title": "Google+ Activities Search Results",
"items": []
Introducing handles: A new way to identify your YouTube channel
Does the YouTube Data API support querying for a channel by it's #handle? This does not seem to be supported.
ex: https://www.youtube.com/#lionsgatemovies
forUsername param
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id,snippet&forUsername=#lionsgatemovies
"kind": "youtube#channelListResponse",
"etag": "RuuXzTIr0OoDqI4S0RU6n4FqKEM",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 0,
"resultsPerPage": 5
id param
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id,snippet&id=#lionsgatemovies
"kind": "youtube#channelListResponse",
"etag": "RuuXzTIr0OoDqI4S0RU6n4FqKEM",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 0,
"resultsPerPage": 5
None of the supported filter params seem to be appropriate:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "No filter selected. Expected one of: mySubscribers, forUsername, mine, managedByMe, categoryId, id",
"errors": [
"message": "No filter selected. Expected one of: mySubscribers, forUsername, mine, managedByMe, categoryId, id",
"domain": "youtube.parameter",
"reason": "missingRequiredParameter",
"location": "parameters.",
"locationType": "other"
You can use Search API with q parameter set to #handle
curl \
"kind": "youtube#searchListResponse",
"etag": "AYlro9VG2vMtdew4OQiWoQM8Rs0",
"regionCode": "LT",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 1,
"resultsPerPage": 1
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#searchResult",
"etag": "ls9E_ctoa-RLsqznJwxWlHHIE1s",
"id": {
"kind": "youtube#channel",
"channelId": "UCTdxV_ItCZMayyzGkw7P_qQ"
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": "2017-05-27T03:56:38Z",
"channelId": "UCTdxV_ItCZMayyzGkw7P_qQ",
"title": "Kevin Rooke",
"description": "Interviews with the builders bringing the Lightning Network to life. ⚡kerooke#fountain.fm.",
"thumbnails": {
"default": {
"url": "https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AMLnZu-SpmaNjx7KOMqs5Cr7ZthU60BaQApzt89_dHOlcg=s88-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo"
"medium": {
"url": "https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AMLnZu-SpmaNjx7KOMqs5Cr7ZthU60BaQApzt89_dHOlcg=s240-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo"
"high": {
"url": "https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AMLnZu-SpmaNjx7KOMqs5Cr7ZthU60BaQApzt89_dHOlcg=s800-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo"
"channelTitle": "Kevin Rooke",
"liveBroadcastContent": "none",
"publishTime": "2017-05-27T03:56:38Z"
As of this moment (17th Nov 2022), YouTube has yet to update the Data API with #handle support.
The channelId was scattered around in the Html. You can easily parse them after fetching the url with the handle.
const html = await(await fetch(url)).text()
const channelId = html.match(/(?<=channelId(":"|"\scontent="))[^"]+/g)[0];
Following is the python snippet while we are waiting for YouTube API's official support. This is inspired by goodhyun's wonderful thoughts.
import requests
import re
# return YouTube channel id via handle or False if failed
def scraping_get_channel_id_from_handle(handle:str):
if handle.find('#') == -1:
handle = '#' + handle
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/' + handle
resp = requests.get(url)
if resp.status_code == 200:
found = re.findall('"channelId":"([^"]*)","title"', resp.text)
return found[0]
return False
I recognized that the return of CalendarList has changed. the summary value was person's name but now it returns email address.
my question is how can I get calendar name using calendar API?
tested url: https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/calendarList/list
◆ Before
"kind": "calendar#calendarList",
"items": [
"kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry",
"etag": "\"1578551131788000\"",
"id": "test#test.com",
"summary": "Test Calendar", // <-- calendar's name
"timeZone": "Asia/Tokyo",
"kind": "calendar#calendarList",
"items": [
"kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry",
"etag": "\"1578551131788000\"",
"id": "test#test.com",
"summary": "test#test.com", // <-- email address
"timeZone": "Asia/Tokyo",
There is currently a bug in Google calendar. its not returning the title in the summary as it is documented to do Bug report can be found here.
Calendar.get on my primary calendar returns
"kind": "calendar#calendar",
"etag": "\"KfTgGrEyu1otuO_8YfN8ka6X3tg\"",
"id": "xxx#gmail.com",
"summary": "xxxx#gmail.com",
"description": "test",
"timeZone": "Europe/Copenhagen",
"conferenceProperties": {
"allowedConferenceSolutionTypes": [
The documentation states that a calendar resource should return
summary = Title of the calendar.
Requests to
for whatever ?query always returns zero items[]
"kind": "plus#peopleFeed",
"etag": "\"ucaTEV-ZanNH5M3SCxYRM0QRw2Y/Zbzi1ZPF4WuKo3Uhmc0kd8tdybA\"",
"selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people?query=john+doe&key=[key]&maxResults=50",
"title": "Google+ People Search Results",
"nextPageToken": "",
"items": []
This is also the case in the "Try this API" form located at https://developers.google.com/+/web/api/rest/latest/people/search
I have a request to the Google play games API Events.record that always returns with the error TIME_PERIOD_SHORT. Below is the Event Record Request Resource. Can you help me spot my error?
"timePeriods": [{
"timePeriod": {
"periodEndMillis": 1460691042546,
"periodStartMillis": 1460691039815,
"kind": "games#eventPeriodRange"
"updates": [{
"updateCount": 3,
"kind": "games#eventUpdateRequest",
"definitionId": "CgkIiLWAzPEJEAIQAg"
"kind": "games#eventPeriodUpdate"
"kind": "games#eventRecordRequest",
"requestId": 1460691043076,
"currentTimeMillis": 1460691043076
My response shows the following error even though in this example this batch period is 2731 millis. I've even pushed it out to 30 seconds and I still get this error.
"eventFailures": [],
"batchFailures": [{
"range": {
"periodEndMillis": "1460691042546",
"periodStartMillis": "1460691039815",
"kind": "games#eventPeriodRange"
"failureCause": "TIME_PERIOD_SHORT",
"kind": "games#eventBatchRecordFailure"
"playerEvents": [],
"kind": "games#eventUpdateResponse"
I am using the Google + API to fetch a users' public activities, using the appropriate endpoint.
However, Google returns the activities in no particular order - Here is a snippet:
"kind": "plus#activity",
"published": "2014-07-31T13:40:41.017Z"
"kind": "plus#activity",
"published": "2014-08-27T01:51:25.378Z"
"kind": "plus#activity",
"published": "2014-09-05T02:52:33.654Z"
"kind": "plus#activity",
"published": "2014-08-12T18:00:59.920Z"
"kind": "plus#activity",
"published": "2014-08-14T18:52:00.420Z"
"kind": "plus#activity",
"published": "2014-08-01T13:41:10.034Z"
So what do I have to pass into the request to get Google to send me the response in order from most recent to oldest? -- or is this something I have to do, myself?
Based on the documentation and on this issue, I'd say this is not possible at the moment with the list method, only with search.