command to view user rights and the owner of a file or document via windows cmd - novell

I have got a novell file share and I am wanting to find out the permissions of the fileshare in the windows cmd. I was just wondering what commands I can use to do this?

Available on any server Novell, OES or Netware - it does not matter.


Is there a method of running an application as a standard user?

I am currently testing permissions as an administrator and need to test something as a standard user. There are ways to make standard users run as administrator, but I can't think of a way to run as a standard user as an administrator. If I were to remove my administrator rights, it would take awhile for IT to give me my admin rights back. Is there a better option that doesn't include setting up my dev environment as another user? I'm trying to run Visual Studio as a standard user, if that helps.
Thanks in advance
Create a file with the contents "filename.reg":
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="Run without privilege elevation"
#="cmd /min /C \"set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start \"\" \"%1\"\""
Run the file and apply registry changes, and then right click "Run without privilege elevation" on the file that needs to be tested. Found this solution from another thread! Thanks!

Problem authenticating Google GCP with Dockers

I need to work on some previously pushed docker images stored on Google's hubs.
I am doing this from a Windows 10 machine, with standard installations of Docker and Google Cloud SDK (no Homebrew or anything like that).
After setting permissions for my gmail account in GCP's IAM section, I am still getting this error message when using this in PowerShell:
docker pull
Error response from daemon: unauthorized: You don't have the needed
permissions to perform this operation, and you may have invalid
credentials. To authenticate your request, follow the steps in:
On going through setting up authentication again, I get these error messages
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK>gcloud auth configure-docker
WARNING: docker-credential-gcloud not in system PATH. gcloud's
Docker credential helper can be configured but it will not work until
this is corrected.
WARNING: docker not in system PATH. docker and
docker-credential-gcloud need to be in the same PATH in order to
work correctly together. gcloud's Docker credential helper can be
configured but it will not work until this is corrected.
On searching for solutions, I came across this thread which appears to use macOS commands. I've found the Windows alternative for 'which', which is 'where', giving this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK>where gcloud
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\gcloud
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\gcloud.cmd
C:\Users\l.cai\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\gcloud
C:\Users\l.cai\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\gcloud.cmd
But I'm having a lot of trouble understanding this post explaining the alternative for readlink. Replacing parts of that syntax with the filepaths either give
' ' is not recognized as an internal or external command
The system cannot find the path specified.
Multi-line commands also don't work well in Windows PowerShell or CMD, so I'm not sure where they're entering commands into.
Can anyone please help me along with this? Many thanks in advance.
Your problem is that neither gcloud nor docker is setup correctly for the user that you are logged in as. The following is a temporary solution. You should reinstall docker and the cloud SDK.
Verify that both components of the path below are correct and adjust for your installations.
Open a Windows Command Prompt and execute:
set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin;C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin;%PATH%
Found a solution: Log into Windows itself with an admin account. None of the other fixes/threads referred to in my OP ended up being relevant.
I had a local administrator account, but since this was set up recently, I was used to logging in to my usual work account (non-admin), and only entering the local admin credentials as needed (e.g. when running programs with elevated privileges).
So docker and powershell and cloud SDK can all be started individually with admin privileges, but somewhere along the chain it breaks, and I'm not prompted for anything. Logging in with the admin account circumvents that.

How to run Hadoop on Cygwin with proper credentials to enable setting file permissions, etc.?

I cannot change the permissions on files when I run Hadoop in Cygwin: Failed to set permissions of path: \tmp\hadoop-James\mapred\staging\James-1143336710\.staging to 0700
From what I've gathered you can't really run Cygwin as root since Windows doesn't really have a notion of root (reference), and I've tried to run Cygwin as the Administrator user but this option isn't available to me when I right click on the Cygwin shortcut in Windows XP (I've also tried changing the Cygwin shortcut's properties to allow me to run as another user but that option is disabled).
Can anyone advise me as to how I can get past this issue? Thanks in advance for your help.
Here is a simple-to-use workaround for this particular problem:
This issue is not about file permissions per se. Rather, it is an issue with the Java VM's support for setting file permissions on Windows, and an intransigent attitude among the Hadoop committers not to work around the problem. See HADOOP-7682 for the gory details:
run ssh-host-config. it will set up the prvileged user "cyg_server" and set up sshd
as a windows service.
in "/etc/passwd" give the user a home "/home/cyg_server" and shell "/bin/bash".
create a password for the user. then create the ssh keys and add them to
start the windows service. in a cygwin shell, "ssh cyg_server#localhost".
--- edit ---
forgot to mention: when you create the password for the cyg_server user, you need a root cygwin shell (run cygwin bash as Administrator). also give the user a valid shell (/bin/bash).

Execute Batch file on Windows 7 Remotly?

How can i launch a batch file on Windows 7 in a network environment remotely. I have admin rights on the system. Can someone please give me some idea?
Serverfault is probably better place for this question but in any case, you can use psexec from sysinternals.
Here is the link for that executable.

Why can't Perl launch telnet under Windows?

I had enabled telnet client feature on Windows 2008, and tried to launch it from a Perl script:
perl -e "system('c:\windows\system32\telnet localhost')"
Then I got an error like this:
'c:\windows\system32\telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I could run it from 'cmd' terminal, or, if I copy the telnet.exe to local dir, it could be launched. I examined the permissions of telnet.exe under c:\windows\system32, no special finding.
Could anybody help me on this case? Thanks a lot!
I ran into the exact same problem recently, trying to launch telnet and the rdp client programmatically. The problem is related to an aspect of windows "design" called file system redirection:
"Windows on Windows 64-bit (WOW64) provides file system redirection. In a 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003 or of Windows XP, the %WinDir%\System32 folder is reserved for 64-bit applications. When a 32-bit application tries to access the System32 folder, access is redirected to the following folder: %WinDir%\SysWOW64. By default, file system redirection is enabled."
I think you have to specify the full name of the program, that is telnet.exe. But you'd be better off using Net::Telnet module or something like that handles interactive sessions programmatically.
hi you are using Perl, so i was wondering why you don't use Net::Telnet, instead of the telnet.exe of windows, which AFAIK is not friendly for programming.
On my computer following code works (Windows 7):
$telnet = $ENV{'WINDIR'} . '\system32\telnet.exe';
It must be either a) permissions b) incorrect path, c) you need .exe at the end or d) you need to capitalise the "c:"
You might want to verify under what account Perl execute and check if that account has permissions to run executables like telnet.
Just to verify the theory, I'd run Perl under a high privileged account (like admin) to check if it runs telnet and then tweak the account it is running under.
Hope this helps!
Read about console host.
ConHost represents a permanent change in the way that console application I/O is handled.
See also a related post on SysInternals forums.
I do not have access to any Windows Server 2008 machines right now, so I cannot test this, but can you check what happens when you run wperl -e "system('c:\windows\system32\telnet localhost')" from the equivalent of Start -> Run on that OS.
The answer is: using sysnative instead of system32, because the 32-bits application is not allowed to have access to the system32 directory (64-bit application). By using this alias sysnative it wil work.
