How to send concurrent request in jmeter as browser does? - jmeter

I am doing load testing in jmeter. I have recorded the script using jmeter recording of my application. When i am running the script then response time is greater than the response time comes in browser.
I have used the concurrent pool in Http Request Header but its not working for me because i have different http requests.
So Is there any way that we can send the parellel http requests of Sampler for same user.
Please help! Thanks in advance.

Try "clean" browser session - delete all cookies, cache, etc. - response times will stop being different - all you need is just to add HTTP Cache Manager to your Test Plan
If it doesn't help - it may be AJAX. JMeter doesn't have built-in mechanisms for simulating AJAX requests so it needs to be worked around.
See How to Load Test AJAX/XHR Enabled Sites With JMeter guide for different options highlighted and explained.


Unable to execute Websocket in jmeter but the same stuff is working fine in postman

The websocket in Postman is immediately connected below, producing a room and a socket.
However, the outcome of the websocket added plugins in JMeter is 0"sid":"UME84d0DoF9N3tDCAABQ","upgrades":[],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":20000,"maxPayload":1000000.
However, no rooms or scokets are made.
It should be connected for jmeter to send requests. kindly assist me
We are not telepathic enough to "assist" you without seeing your Postman and JMeter configuration, which exact plugin you're using:
JMeter-WebSocketSampler by Maciej Zaleski
or JMeter WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch
But one thing is obvious: if you send the same request (or in case of WebSockets it might be a sequence of requests) you will get the same response so make sure that JMeter is sending the same request as Postman does (apart from dynamic parts which need to be correlated) the request from JMeter will "produce room and socket" (whatever it is)

Which is the best sampler from Jmeter for creating Websocket connection as that request contains Bearer token as well in request payload

Our Application is live event based application which creates 2-3 web-socket connection and it is a web-based application which makes both HTTP calls and Web-socket calls.
I have created a script for Https calls as unfortunately Jmeter does not support web-socket recording so I trying to insert web-socket calls manually with the help of web-socket Sampler but not sure which will be the best sampler for same as my request has access token in it.
I tried with Web-socket request-response sampler I am getting 200 OK but their is no data response from server when I compare it with browser developer tool i could see some messages flowing..
Can anyone let me know if I am doing something wrong or missing anything? OR what can be done to solve it.
I believe JMeter WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch is what you're looking for.
As per Features section:
integrates with JMeter's Header Manager to set additional HTTP headers on WebScoket upgrade request
so you will be able to add HTTP Header Manager, configure it to send Authorization header with the value of Bearer followed by your token and the Sampler will pick it up.
With regards to which one to choose - it depends on the nature of your application and how does the communication with the backend looks like, check out your browser developer tools to see whether requests/and responses are coming via a single connection or a new one is being established for each frame and so on.
More information: JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide

JMeter response times is high compared to calling the API directly

We have a REST API. When we call the API through the jmeter we get high response times compared to calling the API directly with a c# client that makes a Http request.
There are no resources or anything. It is a POST call that returns around 1 MB of data. With jmeter the latency is around 300 ms vs calling the API directly the latency is 100 ms.
Why is this difference ? What settings should we tweak in jmeter ? Tried tweaking the SSL settings. But that did not make any difference.
Any suggestions ?
We cannot say anything meaningful without seeing the C# code and your JMeter configuration.
Given you're sending the same requests you should be getting the same responses in more or less the same time so use an external sniffer tool like Wireshark to capture the requests from C# http request and JMeter and compare them. Amend JMeter's HTTP Request sampler configuration to 100% match the C# http request including Headers
Also if your C# http request supports proxy (it should theoretically) you can just record the request using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, this way you will get the same configuration of the HTTP Request sampler and HTTP Header Manager.
With regards to "tweaking" JMeter I can only think of JMeter Best Practices.

What does jmeter do if no response is received?

i send 10 requests to the server which was recorded by blazemeter chrome plugin.
some of them are signalr requests that have connection token values created runtime.
signalr requests are
if i dont use regular expression extractor for correlation, the signalr request has wrong responses and test will fail.
if i use correlation, some interesting results are present.
if i use it only in signalr/start it will pass, the other signalr's will fail.
if i add the connectionParameter to the signalr/connect... request. it will do nothing and test will not continue and not finished. So, i wonder if Jmeter dont send the request or any response is received. in view result tree listener, the request is not seen in this case.
What will Jmeter do if a response is not send by server?
or any other information that i dont know related to signalr/connect.. issue?
What will Jmeter do if a response is not send by server
When it comes to HTTP Request samplers JMeter will wait for response for the time defined in the "Timeouts" section of the aforementioned HTTP Request sampler
Blank values mean "no timeout" so JMeter will wait either forever or until the socket timeout defined in the underlying JVM or OS is exceeded.
With regards to SignalR most probably you need to use WebSocket Samplers plugin, I don't think there is a way to record these requests using whatever JMeter recording solution currently available in the market so consider inspecting the traffic from your browser to the backend using either browser developer tools or a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Wireshark.

500 Internal Server Error In Load Testing By Jmeter for SAP application

I am writing load test script for an SAP-based application in jmeter. I am getting 500 internal Server.
I saw that the request looks same which I have on the browser network tab and the one I provided in JMeter. The only difference is in the request header, that I am not providing any SAP-passport in my request. I am not to see the SAP-Passport in the response of any previous request's response so that I can extract that and use in future requests.
Please tell me if I am assuming correctly that the SAP-Passport is the issue, if yes then how can I get that and use in the request. Also if there is a way to get any static SAP-Passport.
Its a blocker for me and its on priority, please help.
As far as I can see from Single Sign-On with SAP Passports article it is a matter of adding a client certificate to JMeter.
Obtain SAP Passport root certificate somehow (i.e. export it from your browser)
Add it to JMeter. This can be done in 2 ways:
Using SSL Manager
Using JMeter file
Check out How to Set Your JMeter Load Test to Use Client Side Certificates guide for comprehensive instructions on both approaches.
