Repeat node value in YAML - yaml

default: 10
min: 0
max: 50
current: default
The current node should have the same value as the default node? (in this case, 10). Is it possible to do that with YAML?

You can use an anchor for that, which is a token starting with & inserted before the scalar/mapping/sequence you want to "re-use". You "paste" it with an alias which is the same token preceded by a *.
default: &def 10
min: 0
max: 50
current: *def
(you can use default instead of def but you don't have to use the same string as the key whose value you put an anchor on)


strconv.ParseInt fails if number starts with 0

I'm currently having issues parsing some numbers starting with 0 in Go.
fmt.Println(strconv.ParseInt("0491031", 0, 64))
0 strconv.ParseInt: parsing "0491031": invalid syntax
I think this is due to some base conversion error, but I don't have ideas about how to fix it.
I'm getting this error parsing a 5GB+ csv file with gocsv, if you need more details.
[This error was caused by the GoCSV library that doesn't allow to specify a base for the numbers you're going to parse.]
Quoting from strconv.ParseInt()
If the base argument is 0, the true base is implied by the string's prefix following the sign (if present): 2 for "0b", 8 for "0" or "0o", 16 for "0x", and 10 otherwise. Also, for argument base 0 only, underscore characters are permitted as defined by the Go syntax for integer literals.
You are passing 0 for base, so the base to parse in will be inferred from the string value, and since it starts with a '0' followed by a non '0', your number is interpreted as an octal (8) number, and the digit 9 is invalid there.
Note that this would work:
fmt.Println(strconv.ParseInt("0431031", 0, 64))
And output (try it on the Go Playground):
143897 <nil>
(Octal 431031 equals 143897 decimal.)
If your input is in base 10, pass 10 for base:
fmt.Println(strconv.ParseInt("0491031", 10, 64))
Then output will be (try it on the Go Playground):
491031 <nil>

Edit yaml objects in array with yq. Speed up Terminalizer's terminal cast (record)

The goal: Speed up Terminalizer's terminal cast (record)
I have a record of terminal created with Terminalizer. cast.yaml:
# The configurations that used for the recording, feel free to edit them
# do not touch it
# Records, feel free to edit them
- delay: 841
content: "\e]1337;RemoteHost=kyb#kyb-nuc\a\e]1337;CurrentDir=/home/kyb/devel/git-rev-label\a\e]1337;ShellIntegrationVersion=7;shell=fish\a"
- delay: 19
content: "\e]1337;RemoteHost=kyb#kyb-nuc\a\e]1337;CurrentDir=/home/kyb/devel/git-rev-label\a\e]0;fish /home/kyb/devel/git-rev-label\a\e[30m\e(B\e[m"
- delay: 6
content: "\e[?2004h"
- delay: 28
content: "\e]0;fish /home/kyb/devel/git-rev-label\a\e[30m\e(B\e[m\e[2m⏎\e(B\e[m \r⏎ \r\e[K\e]133;D;0\a\e]133;A\a\e[44m\e[30m ~/d/git-rev-label \e[42m\e[34m \e[42m\e[30m demo \e[30m\e(B\e[m\e[32m \e[30m\e(B\e[m\e]133;B\a\e[K"
- delay: 1202
content: "#\b\e[38;2;231;197;71m#\e[30m\e(B\e[m"
- delay: 134
content: "\e[38;2;231;197;71m#\e[30m\e(B\e[m"
- delay: 489
content: "\e[38;2;231;197;71m \e[30m\e(B\e[m"
- delay: 318
I want to speed up payback without passing --speed-factor to terminalizer play. To do so delays should be decreased.
So, I need to create yq-expression to make delays lower
but this expression won't work. Please help to write proper one.
.records is an array, so you could use this filter:
.records |= map(.delay /= 3)
Or you might prefer:
.records[].delay |= (. /= 3)

Understanding Spring Boot actuator `http.server.requests` metrics MAX attribute

can someone explain what does the MAX statistic refers to in the below response. I don't see it documented anywhere.
You can see the individual metrics by using ?tag=url:{endpoint_tag} as defined in the response of the root /actuator/metrics/http.server.requests call. The details of the measurements values are;
COUNT: Rate per second for calls.
TOTAL_TIME: The sum of the times recorded. Reported in the monitoring system's base unit of time
MAX: The maximum amount recorded. When this represents a time, it is reported in the monitoring system's base unit of time.
As given here, also here.
The discrepancies you are seeing is due to the presence of a timer. Meaning after some time currently defined MAX value for any tagged metric can be reset back to 0. Can you add some new calls to /myControllerMethod then immediately do a call to /actuator/metrics/http.server.requests to see a non-zero MAX value for given tag?
This is due to the idea behind getting MAX metric for each smaller period. When you are seeing these metrics, you will be able to get an array of MAX values rather than a single value for a long period of time.
You can get to see this in action within Micrometer source code. There is a rotate() method focused on resetting the MAX value to create above described behaviour.
You can see this is called for every poll() call, which is triggered every some period for metric gathering.
What does MAX represent
MAX represents the maximum time taken to execute endpoint.
Analysis for /user/asset/getAllAssets
5 115 17
6 122 17 (Execution Time = 122 - 115 = 17)
7 131 17 (Execution Time = 131 - 122 = 17)
8 187 56 (Execution Time = 187 - 131 = 56)
9 204 56 From Now MAX will be 56 (Execution Time = 204 - 187 = 17)
Will MAX be 0 if we have less number of request (or 1 request) to the particular endpoint?
No number of request for particular endPoint does not affect the MAX (see Image from Spring Boot Admin)
When MAX will be 0
There is Timer which set the value 0. When the endpoint is not being called or executed for sometime Timer sets MAX to 0. Here approximate timer value is 2 minutes (120 seconds)
DistributionStatisticConfig has .expiry(Duration.ofMinutes(2)).
which sets some measurements to 0 if there is no request has been made in between expiry time or rotate time.
How I have determined the timer value?
For that, I have taken 6 samples (executed the same endpoint for 6 times). For that, I have determined the time difference between the time of calling the endpoint - time for when MAX set back to zero
More Details
Document has been updated.
Max for basic DistributionSummary implementations such as CumulativeDistributionSummary, StepDistributionSummary is a time
window max (TimeWindowMax).
It means that its value is the maximum value during a time window.
If the time window ends, it'll be reset to 0 and a new time window starts again.
Time window size will be the step size of the meter registry unless expiry in DistributionStatisticConfig is set to other value

Tarantool sphia make slow selects?

Use tarantool version: Tarantool 1.6.8-586-g504e151
It installed from epel.
I use tarantool on sphia mode:
log_space ='logs',
engine = 'sophia',
if_not_exists = true
log_space:create_index('primary', {
parts = {1, 'STR'}
I have 500.000 records and make select request:{'log_data'})
it takes aboute 1min.
Why so slow ?
unix/:/var/run/tarantool/g_sofia.control> box.stat()
total: 0
rps: 0
total: 587575
rps: 25
total: 815315
rps: 34
total: 0
rps: 0
total: 0
rps: 0
total: 1
rps: 0
total: 0
rps: 0
total: 0
rps: 0
total: 23
rps: 0
total: 359279
rps: 17
Sophia engine is deprecated since 1.7.x . Please use vinyl engine instead of it.
Please take a look for more details:
After direct on-site help and debugging with agent-0007, we have found several issues.
Most of them been related to slow virtual environment (openvz been used), which shows inadequate pread() stalls and io timings.
Additionally we have found two integration issues: (SIGSEGV in eio_finish) (Bug in upsert applier callback function using sophia)

symfony2 translating errormessages

I want to translate errormessages inside validation.yml.
If I have a normal "NotBlank" rule, it works like following:
- NotBlank: { message: not.blank.firstname }
But what if there are some further rules like:
- NotBlank: { message: not.blank.username }
- Length:
min: 7
max: 50
minMessage: "Your Username must be at least {{ limit }} characters length"
This works, but how should I handle the minMessage? Also for the reason that I want to give USers some hints about the min Length of the input.
You can do something like this:
- NotBlank: { message: not.blank.username }
- Length:
min: 7
max: 50
minMessage: 'username.minLength'
maxMessage: 'username.maxLength'
Your validators.LANG.yml:
minLength: "Your Username must be at least 7 characters length"
maxLength: "Your Username must be at least 50 characters length"
