Why ALPN only support android 4.4+? - http2

I want use HTTP/2 for Android 2.3+, but I found that Okhttp only supports 5.0 and above cause ALPN only supports on Android 4.4+.
Any way to support it for Android 2.3+?


UWP Mqtt Connection

I'm a beginner in C# programming. I want to develop an uwp app that will connect a mqtt server and it will read mqtt messages. It will run on windows 10 iot. Sources are so limited.Can anyone help me about that ?
You can add a MQTT client library from Nuget or internet as reference to the UWP project. Please note the library should support related .net standard version. Please refer to this table which lists the minimum platform versions that support each .NET Standard version.In addition, you need to add the capabilities(internetClient ,privateNetworkClientServer) to the app so that the app can receive incoming data from internet or LAN.
I have tested with GnatMQ and DotNetty MQTT library on 16299. The libraries work fine.

Android wear 2.0 - SIP API support

I wrote SIP client to register my phone, and make and receive SIP calls. I am able to successfully implement it in Android phones. But the ultimate aim is, I need to implement this for Android watches using Android wear 2.0. Before flashing the watch with Android wear 2.0 image, I tested with Android wear 1.x and found that SIP Api support is not there for 1.x. As the preview image will void the watch warranty, I wanted to make sure what features can work on Android wear 2.0 before starting the implementation. When I searched for, I don't see anywhere that SIP API support is in Android Wear 2.0. Can someone confirm whether Android wear 2.0 has support for SIP or not? Thanks.
It seems that SIP API is not supported (or maybe not yet?) in Android Wear. From this documentation:
Note: Not all Android-powered devices support VOIP calls using SIP. You should always call isVoipSupported() to verify that the device supports VOIP calling and isApiSupported() to verify that the device supports the SIP APIs. Your application must also request the INTERNET and USE_SIP permissions.
I'm not sure with this since I don't try yet, but according to this SO answer, you can use 3rd party SIPStack implementation to make SIP supported.
You can find in this link the only features that Android Wear 2.0 supports.

Swift OptionSetType protocol availability

I'm writing an app in SWIFT 2.0 using Xcode 7, but my deployment target is iOS7.
While writing and OptionSetType struct, I've seen in the Quick Help that the availability of this protocol is iOS9.
In the "header" and official documentation nothing is mentioned, but I'm really wondering if this protocol is also available in lower iOSes versions since SWIFT 2.0 should be fine until iOS7.
Since all swift standard library ships with your app to AppStore, all this protocol will be available on iOS 7 and above.

What's Kik's level of WebSocket support on android devices that don't natively support them?

I've got a project using WebSockets that I want to possibly integrate with Kik. Is it going to be work on the Android platforms that don't natively support WebSockets? I know there are many posts here on SO with native android code to inject WebSockets into the webview. Have any of these been implemented? What is the suggested workaround if not?
WebSockets are natively supported on Android 4.4+. On older operating systems it is normally recommended to use XHR polling or other mechanisms.
I would suggest using Socket.io as it is a very mature library for this kind of technology with backward compatibility modes going back to pretty old browsers.

Is there any plan to support the Firefox OS Web APIs in Intel XDK?

Intel XDK is a really promising tool for X-platform development.
Is Firefox OS considered as a supported platform for it?
Firefox OS is not currently supported by the Intel XDK. Could it be supported? Yes. Will it be supported? Not sure. As of this writing, our primary targets are those that support the Cordova API and the recently introduced Crosswalk runtime for Android. (The new Crosswalk target includes a Cordova 3.0 implementation.)
There are a lot of questions that need to be answered in order to support Firefox OS, mostly having to do with how do we support the Firefox OS API AND make your test/debug experience meaningful within the XDK. At the moment the only device APIs we can help you test and debug in a meaningful way are the Cordova and Intel XDK device APIs.
Check out our forum periodically for updates and improvements to the product.
