Issue deploying Spring GS Rest Service to Cloud Foundry - spring

I imported the "Spring Getting Started - Rest Service" as a new project into Spring Tools. Works fine locally. After building the JAR with mvn clean package and editing the manifest.yml to correctly point to the JAR location I've tried to deploy this project to Cloud Foundry. The project deploys fine but fails shortly after starting with the following error.
Instance (index 0) failed to start accepting connections
App instance exited with guid 96f2fbd0-aaa3-48aa-9181-55abf624c626 payload:
"exit_description"=>"failed to accept connections within health check timeout",

Try to:
increase timeout by calling cf push -t 180
set server port to 8080 in cloud profile
or change health-check-type inside the manifest.yml:
- name: ...
health-check-type: process


How can I make sure that Cloud Run waits for my Spring Boot application to start before denying the health check?

I am deploying my Spring Boot application as a compiled jar file running in a docker container deployed to gcp, and deploys it through gcloud cli in my pipeline:
gcloud beta run deploy $SERVICE_NAME --image $IMAGE_NAME --region europe-north1 --project
Which will work and give me the correct response when the application succeeds to start. However, when there's an error and the application fails to start:
Cloud Run error: The user-provided container failed to start and listen on the port defined provided by the PORT=8080 environment variable.
The next time the pipeline runs (with the errors fixed), the gcloud beta run deploy command fails and gives the same error as seen above. While the actual application runs without issues in Cloud Run. How can I solve this?
Currently I have to check Cloud Run manually as I cannot trust my pipeline, and I have to run it twice to make it succeed. Any help will be appreciated. Let me know if you want any extra information.

Cloud Run: deploying spring docker image causing error; Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable

I am trying to deploy spring boot docker image stored at Docker Registry to Cloud Run.
However, when I deployed the image, I got the error;
Cloud Run error: Container failed to start. Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable. Logs for this revision might contain more information.
I understand this could be caused by port and address setting, so I fixed these parts referring the official doc, though still experiencing the same error. Concretely, I set these things as below, on application.yml.
port: ${PORT:8080}
address: ${ADDRESS:localhost}
I understand PORT variable would be passed by Cloud Run(in my case, port num is set to 8080 on Cloud Run). And also ADDRESS will be passed to by myself(the value is, referring the official doc).
For reference, the below is my Dockerfile building spring boot docker image;
# Stage1 - execute build process
FROM openjdk:14-jdk-alpine as build_process
WORKDIR /back_end
COPY . .
RUN ./gradlew build -x test
# Stage2 - boot app with the build output above
FROM openjdk:14-jdk-alpine
COPY --from=build_process /back_end/build/libs/back_end-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ./app.jar
RUN adduser -D user
USER user
ENTRYPOINT ["sh","-c","java -jar app.jar"]
Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you so much for reading!
I figured it out why my docker image had failed Cloud Run's health check. After all, it is not about Port and IP address, but about the timing when the health check process executes.
The health check process seems to start immediately once the image is deployed, though my case it took almost 30 secs to launch spring boot tomcat server after deploying to Cloud Run.
That led to the failure of the health check process, so I fixed settings to launch tomcat server immediately too, which solved the issue I posted.

JHipster Spring Boot executable war config not recognized

I am trying to experiment with a JHipster 4.3 app using Hazelcast. I have a setup of 3 Linux/CentOS7 VMs, each with latest 8 131 java/jdk on them. I build my war file for -Pprod and deploy to a dir at:
I have set this up as a service using systemctl. I am able to start | restart | etc.
I now have a need to debug into the application and would like to start the app up in debug mode. I read in the Spring Boot docs that I can place a file of the same base name with the extension of ".conf" and Spring Boot executable script will read the settings in the conf and start the app up with that. So I have a file:
with the following line:
This has no effect on the run of the war, it starts up fine but does not listen and the console out indicates that the app is not listening on 8787 (or any port).
I also tried on my windows workstation, simply running from cli using:
java -jar jhiphaze-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
in the project /build dir with the jhiphaze-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.conf placed in the same directory. It is ignored there as well. The same argument in the conf file work at the cli:
java -jar -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=y jhiphaze-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
works fine, pauses and waits for me to connect. Note that I used suspend=n for most of my attempts as I did not want the service start to fail while waiting for debugger to connect.
How can I get the executable war to recognize its partner .conf file?

Intellij, Spring dev tools remote, Docker, error Unexpected 404 response uploading class files

Im trying to use Spring Boot Dev tools (Spring Remote), and automatically upload recompiled files to my docker container.
I keep receiving
Unexpected 404 response uploading class files
This is my docker file:
FROM java:8
WORKDIR /first
ADD ./build/libs/first.jar /first/first.jar
RUN bash -c 'touch /first/first.jar'
ENTRYPOINT ["java","", "", "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005","-jar", "first.jar"]
This is my configuration and the configuration
And this is the error I'm receiving:
As of Spring Boot 1.5.0, devtools defaults were changed to exclude the devtools from fat jars.
If you want to include them, you have to set the excludeDevtools flag to false.
However, the devtools documentation doesn't explain how to do this. The necessary documentation is actually in the spring-boot-gradle-plugin documentation.
To do it, you can put this snippet of code in your build.gradle file:
bootRepackage {
excludeDevtools = false
Unfortunately, this was buggy at first and had no effect as of Spring Boot 1.5.0. The workaround was to do this instead:
springBoot {
excludeDevtools = false
However, I have verified that the bootRepackage approach works for Spring Boot 1.5.8 .
I got the same issues as yours while using docker-compose to compose my application ( a web service + redis server + mongo server ).
As the Spring developer tools document point out "Developer tools are automatically disabled when running a fully packaged application. If your application is launched using java -jar or if it’s started using a special classloader, then it is considered a “production application”."
I think when we running Spring Web Application inside Docker container, the developer tool is disabled then we cant remotely restart it.
Currently, I'm running my web application on the host machine and set the redis server, mongo server inside containers so I can restart the web app quickly when the code is changing in development process.
In my case I had to put the application context on the argument of the IDE RemoteSpringApplication configuration.
For example, my application root context was /virtue so I had to configure it like so:

Unable to deploy a ruby application in Cloudfoundry

I have the application ready
but when I am deploying I am facing an error
deployment facing error in heroku and cloud foundry
gems used are: event_calender
error in : cloud foundry
wafuser#wafuser-VirtualBox:~/Documents/backups/backupnew/ecommerce$ vmc push
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]: y
Application Name: shiva108
Detected a Rails Application, is this correct? [Yn]: y
Application Deployed URL []:
Memory reservation (128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G) [256M]:
How many instances? [1]: 1
Create services to bind to 'shiva108'? [yN]: y
1: mongodb
2: mysql
3: postgresql
4: rabbitmq
5: redis
What kind of service?: 2
Specify the name of the service [mysql-ceaf3]:
Create another? [yN]: n
Would you like to save this configuration? [yN]: n
Creating Application: OK
Creating Service [mysql-ceaf3]: OK
Binding Service [mysql-ceaf3]: OK
Uploading Application:
Checking for available resources: OK
Processing resources: OK
Packing application: OK
Uploading (192K): OK
Push Status: OK
Staging Application 'shiva108': OK
Starting Application 'shiva108': .
Error: Application [shiva108] failed to start, logs information below.
====> /logs/migration.log <====
Can anyone suggest a solution for my problem
Try using the following command:
vmc logs <app-name>
This will give you the logs you need.
Try using this commnd:
$ heroku logs
Cloud Foundry:
$ vmc files shiva108 logs/stderr.log
