bash configuration error : No such file or directory - bash

i am trying to run tests using phpunit from a directory with the following path:
/home/rally/adserver/test/ by using the command phpunit classes/AdTest.php,
The command was working in previous times when i cloned the project but now for some reason after using git clone and composer install today i get this error:
bash: /home/rally/tests/adserver/src/vendor/bin/phpunit: No such file or directory
any help with how can i fix this or what is causing this? thx


Trying to run laravel on macbook - getting exception Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I get this error exception when trying to execute the command
curl -s | bash
I am referring to laravel documentation at to run laravel on Mac using Docker desktop.
While eventually the installation is successful (in spite of the error mentioned above) - I am unable to execute the command .vendor/bin/sail up as directed the documentation. Upon checking it appears that there is no directory BIN in Vendor directory under example-app folder.
This is the error I get
Failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Can anyone help me with this error?

Can't run serverless. Getting path and `No such file or directory` in output

I'm on Windows 8.
I installed serverless framework with yarn.
yarn add global serverless
running serverless command in Git Bash outputs this wierd path
/bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/../../../../../Users/tempuser/AppData/Local/Yarn/Data/global/node_modules/.bin/serverless: No such file or directory
Tried to fix it:
removed node_modules, installed again. Does not help.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.

Gulp suddenly not working: -bash: gulp: command not found

I've ran into an error when running Gulp inside a project folder.
I get:
-bash: gulp: command not found
The project was working fine earlier.
Wondering if anyone has had trouble with this?

Openshift and HtmlServiceProvider

I have pushed my local app to openshift and now get the following error message
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider' not found in /var/lib/openshift/5728b9782d5271802600015c/app-root/runtime/repo/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/ProviderRepository.php on line 150
How do I fix this on Openshift?
The solution locally would be to run composer update but how do I run that command on Openshift? I know there is rhc command line tool but is it possible to do a composer update with rhc?
You should check for the files first. You may have corrupted/missing files during upload. If you do not have vendor directory, you shoudl run composer update.
If files are there, run composer dumpauto on the server.
You can connect to you server with SSH and run these commands from terminal.
If you do not have access to SSH, you could try to run there commands using small PHP script with shell_exec('composer update'); clause in it, or just upload all vendor files manually.
I got ssh access and did the commands necessary to correct the problems

Unable to run phpunit to test laravel on Windows 10

I have laravel 5.1 installed on a windows 10 machine. Laravel 5.1 comes pre installed with phpunit
I can see that it exist in vendor\bin directory - both phpunit and phpunit.bat
When I run the phpunit command from from the root of my laravel project I get the following error:
Cannot run program "phpunit" (in directory "C:\wamp\www\laravel\myproject"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
I tried the following vendor/bin/phpunit and i get the following error:
Cannot run program "C:\wamp\www\laravel\leavetracker-5.1\vendor\bin\phpunit" (in directory "C:\wamp\www\laravel\myproject"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application
I've attempted to add phpunit as a environment variable aswell but it still doesnt work:
As discussed in the comment, you can execute the command as follow:
> vendor/bin/phpunit.bat
Check the php.ini config files for correct configuration of the CLI, executing the command:
> php -i
An search for php.ini string.
This is what i use on windows 10
C:\code\laravel-project> vendor\bin\phpunit
