How does partitioning is generated on oracle Exadata? - oracle

I want to know how oracle created it because i want to be able to have all month partition in single TBS for back-up purposes ,example of partition name oracle automatically generated is 'SYS_P321847'


Move Range Interval partition data from one table to history table in other database

We have a primary table that is Range partitioned by date with a 1-month interval. It's also a list sub-partitioned with 4 distinct values. So essentially it is one month partition having 4 sub-partitions.
Database: Oracle 19c
I need advice on how to effectively move the partition/sub-partition data from active schema to historical schema in another database.
Also, there are about 30 tables that are referenced partitioned on the primary table for which the data needs to be moved as well. Overall I'm looking to move about 2500 subpartitions
I'm not sure if an exchange partition would be the right approach in this scenario?
You could use exchange to get the data rapidly out of your active table, but you would still then to send that table over the wire to the remote history database to load it in.
In which case, using "exchange" probably is just adding more steps to the process for little gain. (There are still potential uses here depending on how you want to handle indexing etc).
But simplest is perhaps just transferring the data over, assuming a common structure between the two tables, ie
insert /*+ APPEND */ into history_table#remote_db
select * from active_table partition ( myparname )
I can't remember if partition naming syntax is supported over a db link, but if not, then the appropriate date predicates will do the same trick, and then just follow up with:
alter table active_table truncate partition myparname;

Dbeaver: migrating a table between Oracle schemas truncate CLOB column

Using DBeaver, I'm trying to migrate a table from an Oracle Instance to another. I just right-click over the desired table, select Export Data and follow the wizard.
My problem is that the CLOB column is truncated. In the source database instance the max CLOB length is 6046297, but in the target it is 970823. The source has 340 records with the CLOB column value larger than 970823.
I've just noticed now that the source table has 24806 rows and the target has 12876. The table sequence id, the max value is 70191 in the source and 58185 in the target. The source has 22716 registers with id less than 58185 and the target has 12876, so it wasn't just a truncation. DBeaver is not transferring half of the registers.
I'm connecting to Oracle with the JDBC driver. Is there an configuration in DBeaver or in the connection or in the driver that would allow me to transfer this table? Maybe I just try to use another tool.

Partitions in Informatica / Oracle tables

In my project they talk about Informatica job to drop and the re-create 'weekly/monthly partitions' every time it runs. Does that mean that the weekly/monthly partitions need to be created in Informatica or Oracle tables?
Yes it means you need to have partitioned table , you can have range partition, in your case it can be daily/weekly/monthly partition. when you create new one , if older data is not required you can delete partition.
Informatica reference
Oracle reference

DDL sync informatica

I have a question: I have a table (say tableA) in a database (say dbA) and I need to mirror tableA as another table (say tableB) in another database (say dbB).
I know this can be done via (materialised) view or via informatica. But by problem is that I need to sync DDL as well. For example if a column is added in tableA, the column should automatically reflect in tableB.
Can this be done anyway directly via oracle or Informatica.
(or I will have to write a procedure to sync table on basis of all_tab_cols).
Yes, you could:
create another database as a logical standby database with Data Guard
use Oracle Streams
I would use (2) if you just need a single table in the other database or (1) if you need an entire schema (or more).

Create table as select using dblink doesn't move all the rows

We are moving from an amazon ec2 database to an amazon rds database. Most of the tables are small and could be moved using sql developer copy commands but a couple are bigger (3M+ records). In order to speed those up, I created database links between the two system. Those work fine. I then ran the following:
create table schema.tablename as select * from schema.tablename#ec2db;
ec2db is the old database. The table there contains 3,503,064 records. However the NEW databse table only contains 3,454,685 records. No errors were generated during the create table statement. This is repeatable (ie: I drop the table and run it again, and it loads the same number of records.)
Any ideas why this would happen? Why would the contents of a table when I do a select (*) not be the same as the contents of the same table (fully specified) when I do a create table?
