split the multiple lines files into small files based on the content - bash

I want to create a script to split large files into multiple files with respect to line numbers. Mainly if a file is getting split there should be a complete line at the end / beginning.
No partial line should present in any of the split files.

split is what you might be looking for.
split --lines <linenumber> <file>
and you will get a bunch of splitted files named like: PREFIXaa, PREFIXab...
For further info see man split.


How can I split content of a file to two different files using shell script

I want to split a file into two parts
I want to split a single file into two different files using shell script.
You can use linux split command, either by lines split -l<num_of_line> <file_name> or by size split -b<size><K|M|G> <file_name>.
For example: split -l100 a.txt will split each 100 lines into separate files.
Here is a link you can see more examples and all details.

Script to append files with same part of the name

I have a bunch of files (> 1000), which content has columns of numbers separates by space. I would like to reduce the number of files by appending the content of groups of them in one file.
All the files start with "*time_NUMBER*" followed by a number, and the rest of the filename (*pow_....txt*). For example : *time_0.6pow_0.1-173.txt*
I would like to append the files with the same NUMBER in a single file and make it with a script since I got ~70 different NUMBERs.
I have found
cat time_0.6pow_*.txt > time_0.6.txt
it works but would like to make a script for all the possible NUMBERs.
You can do it like this:
for fName in time_*pow_*.txt; do
cat "$fName" >> time_"${s%%pow*}".txt

Can we split and join the large text files

I need to split large text files around 10 GB into multiple text files (mostly 1gb files)
and join those same text files into one file.
If you have split command then try this,
split -b1024 your_large_file.txt sample_prefix
It will split the large file and produce the list of files with 1024 bytes.
cat sample_prefixaa sample_prefixab sample_prefixac > final_org_largefile.txt
It will concatenate the contents of the spitted files and produce the single file.
Note: Linux will have split command. But, I don't know about GNUwin32.

Splitting non-equally file in bash

I have a file in csv format. I know positions where I want to chip off a chunk from the file and write it as a new csv file.
split command splits a file into equal-sized chunks. I wonder if there exists an effective (the file is huge) way to split file into chunks of different sizes?
I assume you want to split the file at a newline character. If this is the case you can use the head and tail commands to grab a number of lines from the beginning and from the end of your file, respectively.
If you want to copy a new of lines from within the file you can use sed, e.g.
sed -e 1,Nd -e Mq file
where N should be replaced with the line number of the line preceding the first line to display and M should be the line number of the last line to display.

Is there a better split function for terminal?

I'm trying to split a very big CSV file into smaller more manageable ones. I've tried split but it seems that it tops out at 676 files.
The CSV file I have is in excess of 80mb and I'd like to split it into 50 line files.
Note by better I mean one that uses a numbering structure instead of split's a-z sequencing.
split is the right tool, the problem is that the suffix is only 2 long 26^2 = 676, if you make it longer you should be fine:
split -a LEN file
Use 'cat' to number each line and pipe the output to 'grep' with params to only print n lines
