Modyfication of bufio in golang - go

I reading big file and sending this file by http POST.
I use bufio.
And now I want to modify one of first line of this file, how to do it ?
f := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin, 65536)
bufPart, err := f.Peek(65536))
//how to modify bufPart(f) ?
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, f)

Two ideas how to do it:
Create your own Reader implementation that wraps an bufio.Reader and implements replacing logic (you will have to count number of read bytes).
Call io.Pipe, pass the returned PipeReader to NewRequest and start a separate goroutine that will read data from a file, modify it and write to the returned PipeWriter.
Hope this makes sense.


Writing to a File in Golang

I'm rather new to Golang and not sure yet, how to use certain language constructs. Currently I have following code (with test debug outputs), which does not provide expected result:
json, _ := json.Marshal(struct)
f,_ := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/%s.json", "asd"))
i,_ := f.Write(json)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
I expect the following behaviour:
translating the struct to a byte array
creating a new file
append the byte array to the file
However, the file is always empty when I run the code in my environment (AWS Lambda), as well as using it in the Golang Playground.
The output of above code looks like this:
[123 34 ... <hug array of bytes>]
which leads me to believe I'm using f.Write() not correctly, although I followed the package documentation. All other outputs indicate expected behavior, so what is my mistake? I'm somewhat restricted to using the File interface, otherwise I'd have gone with ioutil.WriteFile(). My assumption is a misunderstanding of pointer/values at some point, but the compiler prevented a usage of &f.
After f.Write(), your current position in the file is at the end of it, so ioutil.ReadAll() will read from that position and return nothing.
You need to call f.Sync() to make sure that the data is persistently saved to the disk, and then f.Seek(0, 0) to rewind to the beginning of the file first.
Update: from comments, it seems that you only need to serialize the JSON and pass it forward as io.Reader, for that you don't really need a file, thanks to bytes.Buffer:
data, _ := json.Marshal(s)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(buf)

Getting EOF on 2nd prompt when using a file as Stdin (Golang)

I am trying to do functional testing of a cli app similar to this way.
As the command asks a few input on command prompt, I am putting them in a file and setting it as os.Stdin.
cmd := exec.Command(path.Join(dir, binaryName), "myArg")
tmpfile := setStdin("TheMasterPassword\nSecondAnswer\n12121212\n")
cmd.Stdin = tmpfile
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
The setStdin just creates a tmpFile, write the string in file and returns the *os.File.
Now, I am expecting TheMasterPassword to be first input, and it's working. But for the second input always getting Critical Error: EOF.
The function I am using for asking and getting user input this :
func Ask(question string, minLen int) string {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
for {
fmt.Printf("%s: ", question)
response, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if len(response) >= minLen {
return strings.TrimSpace(response)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Provide at least %d character.\n", minLen)
Can you please help me to find out what's going wrong?
Thanks a lot!
Adding setStdin as requested
func setStdin(userInput string) *os.File {
tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "test_stdin_")
_, err = tmpfile.Write([]byte(userInput))
_, err = tmpfile.Seek(0, 0)
return tmpfile
It pretty much looks like in your app your call Ask() whenever you want a single input line.
Inside Ask() you create a bufio.Reader to read from os.Stdin. Know that bufio.Reader–as its name suggests–uses buffered reading, meaning it may read more data from its source than what is returned by its methods (Reader.ReadString() in this case). Which means if you just use it to read one (or some) lines and you throw away the reader, you will throw away buffered, unread data.
So next time you call Ask() again, attempting to read from os.Stdin, you will not continue from where you left off...
To fix this issue, only create a single bufio.Reader from os.Stdin, store it in a global variable for example, and inside Ask(), always use this single reader. So buffered and unread data will not be lost between Ask() calls. Of course this solution will not be valid to call from multiple goroutines, but reading from a single os.Stdin isn't either.
For example:
var reader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
func Ask(question string, minLen int) string {
// use the global reader here...
Also note that using bufio.Scanner would be easier in your case. But again, bufio.Scanner may also read more data from its source than needed, so you have to use a shared bufio.Scanner here too. Also note that Reader.ReadString() returns you a string containing the delimeter (a line ending with \n in your case) which you probably have to trim, while Scanner.Text() (with the default line splitting function) will strip that first before returning the line. That's also a simplification you can take advantage of.

Logging and decoding repsonse body from golang net/http library

I'm writing a webhook in Go that parses a JSON payload. I'm attempting to log the raw payload and then decode it immediately after but it fails when I try. If I perform the actions separately, they both work fine independently.
Can someone explain why I can't use ioutil.ReadAll and json.NewDecoder together?
func webhook(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
log.Printf("incoming message - %s", body)
var p payload
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
err := decoder.Decode(&p)
if err != nil {
// Returns EOF
log.Printf("invalid payload - %s", err)
defer r.Body.Close()
Can someone explain why I can't use ioutil.ReadAll and json.NewDecoder
The request body is an io.ReadCloser that reads bytes, more or less, directly from a network connection. The contents of the Body aren't stored in memory by default. That's why after the first time you've read the Body the next time you try to read it you'll get EOF.
So if you need to process the request Body more than once, you yourself will have to store the contents into memory, which is what you are already doing with:
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
You can then reuse body as many times as you like, and since you have the Body contents at your disposal as a []byte value, you can use json.Unmarshal instead of json.NewDecoder(...).Decode.
This is unrelated to your question, but please do not ignore the error returned from ioutil.ReadAll.
Also you can drop the defer r.Body.Close() line, because you do not have to close the request body in your server handlers. (emphasis mine)
For server requests the Request Body is always non-nil but will return
EOF immediately when no body is present. The Server will close the
request body. The ServeHTTP Handler does not need to.
r.Body is meant to be read exactly once.
When you use the ioutil.ReadAll function you do read all the data from the body. That's why the decoder which also relies on r.Body in fact gets nothing to decode.
Minor additional point about json.Decoder and json.Unmarshal: at first glance it looks like the only difference between the two is just that the former operates on a stream and the latter on a []byte, but they actually have different semantics.
json.Unmarshal will return an error if the data contains more than one json object. So, for example, it will parse {}, but it will not parse {}{}.
json.Decoder parses one complete object per call to Decode, so if you give it {}{}, it will parse those two objects and then the third call will return io.EOF and it's More method will return false.
In a normal http body, you probably only want a single object, so you'd want to use Unmarshal if you're not worried about loading all the data into memory at once. You can also use Decoder and manually check that there is only one object if you care to do so.

Extending Golang's http.Resp.Body to handle large files

I have a client application which reads in the full body of a http response into a buffer and performs some processing on it:
body, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(containerObject.Resp.Body)
The problem is that this application runs on an embedded device, so responses that are too large fill up the device RAM, causing Ubuntu to kill the process.
To avoid this, I check the content-length header and bypass processing if the document is too large. However, some servers (I'm looking at you, Microsoft) send very large html responses without setting content-length and crash the device.
The only way I can see of getting around this is to read the response body up to a certain length. If it reaches this limit, then a new reader could be created which first streams the in-memory buffer, then continues reading from the original Resp.Body. Ideally, I would assign this new reader to the containerObject.Resp.Body so that callers would not know the difference.
I'm new to GoLang and am not sure how to go about coding this. Any suggestions or alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Edit 1: The caller expects a Resp.Body object, so the solution needs to be compatible with that interface.
Edit 2: I cannot parse small chunks of the document. Either the entire document is processed or it is passed unchanged to the caller, without loading it into memory.
If you need to read part of the response body, then reconstruct it in place for other callers, you can use a combination of an io.MultiReader and ioutil.NopCloser
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
part, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, maxReadSize))
if err != nil {
return err
// do something with part
// recombine the buffered part of the body with the rest of the stream
resp.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(io.MultiReader(bytes.NewReader(part), resp.Body))
// do something with the full Response.Body as an io.Reader
If you can't defer resp.Body.Close() because you intend to return the response before it's read in its entirety, you will need to augment the replacement body so that the Close() method applies to the original body. Rather than using the ioutil.NopCloser as the io.ReadCloser, create your own that refers to the correct method calls.
type readCloser struct {
resp.Body = readCloser{
Closer: resp.Body,
Reader: io.MultiReader(bytes.NewReader(part), resp.Body),

How to read data from serial and process it when a specific delimiter is found

I have a device, which continues to send data over a serial port.
Now I want to read this and process it.
The data send this delimiter "!" and
as soon as this delimiter appears I want to pause reading to processing the data thats already been received.
How can I do that? Is there any documentation or examples that I can read or follow.
For reading data from a serial port you can find a few packages on Github, e.g. tarm/serial.
You can use this package to read data from your serial port. In order to read until a specific delimiter is reached, you can use something like:
config := &serial.Config{Name: "/dev/ttyUSB", Baud: 9600}
s, err := serial.OpenPort(config)
if err != nil {
// stops execution
// golang reader interface
r := bufio.NewReader(s)
// reads until delimiter is reached
data, err := r.ReadBytes('\x21')
if err != nil {
// stops execution
// or use fmt.Printf() with the right verb
See also: Reading from serial port with while-loop
bufio's reader unfortunately did not work for me - it kept crashing after a while. This was a no-go since I needed a stable solution for a low-performance system.
My solution was to implement this suggestion with a small tweak. As noted, if you don't use bufio, the buffer gets overwritten every time you call
n, err := s.Read(buf0)
To fix this, append the bytes from buf0 to a second buffer, buf1:
if n > 0 {
buf1 = append(buf1, buf0[:n]...)
Then parse the bytes stored in buf1. If you find a subset you're looking for, process it further.
make sure to clear the buffers in a suitable manner
make sure to limit the frequency the loop is running with (e.g. time.Sleep)
