Displaying list in a list JSP Page - spring

I am trying to display a list and every object of that list has another list which I have to display, the values are coming but are not being displayed, below is the code I have tried if someone could identify what I am doing wrong, it will be very helpful. I am using Spring MVC but I don't think it has anything to do with this error, any help will be appreciated.
#NamedQuery(name="FileTrackingManagement.findAll", query="SELECT f FROM FileTrackingManagement f")
private List<FileNoting> fileNotings;
//bi-directional many-to-one association to FileTrackingFile
private List<FileTrackingFile> fileTrackingFiles;
My Controller Class:
public ModelAndView viewMarkedFiles(Model model)
List<FileTrackingManagement> markedFileList= fileService.getList();
//model.addAttribute("markedFileList", markedFileList);
return new ModelAndView("viewMarkedFiles", "markedFileList", markedFileList);
My JSP Page:
<table border="1" bgcolor="black" width="600px">
<c:forEach items="${markedFileList}" var="markedFileVal">
<%-- <c:set var="fileNotings" value="${jobs[i.index].jobId}"/> --%>
style="background-color: white; color: black; text-align: center;"
<td><c:out value="${markedFileVal.diarynumber}" />
<td><c:out value="${markedFileVal.subject}" />
<c:forEach items="${markedFileList.fileNotings}" var="filenotings">
<c:out value="${filenotings.notingData}" /></c:forEach>
It throws this exception:
45: <%-- <c:out value="${fileVal.description}" /> --%>
46: </td>
47: <td>
48: <c:forEach items="${markedFileList.fileNotings}" var="filenotings">
49: <c:out value="${filenotings.notingData}" /></c:forEach>
Stacktrace:] with root cause
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "fileNotings"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
Thanks in advance

<c:forEach items="${markedFileList}" var="markedFileVal">
So, you're iterating oover the list markedFileList. Inside the body of the tag, the current element is markedFileVal.
Then you do
<c:forEach items="${markedFileList.fileNotings}" var="filenotings">
So you're ietarting over markedFileList.fileNotings. But markedFileList is a list. It's not the current element. What you want is
<c:forEach items="${markedFileVal.fileNotings}" var="filenoting">
Also note that I removed the final s from filenotings. This variable points to a single filenoting. Not to several ones.

#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy="fileTrackingManagement")
private List fileNotings;
The value of fetchType is Lazy by default, when I changed its value, it worked


The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request

I am trying to display Data from DB.But Shows error as
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from
fulfilling the request
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /WEB-INF/pages/Detail.jsp at line 14
11: </head>
12: <body>
14: <c:forEach var="x" items="${prdt}">
15: <table>
16: <img src="resources/Images/${x.id}.png"/>
17: <td>"
<c:forEach var="x" items="${prdt}">
<img src="resources/Images/${x.id}.png"/>
<c:out value="${x.product_Name}"/></td>
<c:out value="${x.descripction}"/></td>
<c:out value="${x.price}"/></td>
<c:out value="${x.mfg_Date}"/>
My Controller
public ModelAndView productDtails(#PathVariable int id)
ModelAndView model=new ModelAndView("Detail");
return model;
public Product getById(int id)
Session session=sessionFactory.openSession();
Product p=(Product) session.get(Product.class, id);
return p;
Any Idea????
You can't iterate over prdt object i.e., you are using forEach tag and prdt is not a List object, so to solve the issue simply remove <c:forEach var="x" items="${prdt}"> or else you need to return a list object from your Contoller.
Your JSP looks as below (after removing <c:forEach):
<img src="resources/Images/${x.id}.png"/>
<c:out value="${prdt.product_Name}"/></td>
<c:out value="${prdt.descripction}"/></td>
<c:out value="${prdt.price}"/></td>
<c:out value="${prdt.mfg_Date}"/>
My issue was resolved by adding the below in the model
public string Description { get; set; }

Extra character(,) is added while using Textbox in spring

I am new to JSP and Spring. I want to insert a userID(U0005) using textbox in spring form but it is storing(,U0005). From where the "," is inserted?
The code I have written is:
/* In Register.jsp: */
<c:url var="addAction" value="/libUsr/add"></c:url>
<form:form action="${addAction}" commandName="libUsr">
<form:label path="id">
<spring:message text="ID" />
<td><form:input path="id" required="true" /></td>
In UserController.java:
#RequestMapping(value= "/libUsr/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addLibUsr(#ModelAttribute("libUsr") LibUsr libUsr){
return "redirect:/register";
In DAOImpl:
Saving the data through DAOs
public void saveOrUpdate(LibUsr libusr) {
Your problem is with this tag:
<form:label path="id">
As you are adding the attribute path to one label, which wont store any value, spring try to get the value and returns empty,yourID.
Change the path attribute of your label to:
<form:label for="id">
<spring:message text="ID" />
If you want to show the value of the id into that label use:
<label th:value="${yourObject.id}"></label>
Path attribute is just for input, select, checkbox...not static values as label, span...

How to get data from two classes that are many-to-many, in the same edit form?

I am working with two classes that have a relationship many-to-many. I insert data in both tables, the relationship is usually registered in JoinTable. My question is, how to display the data from both tables in the same form?
Here is my controller:
public class RecipeController {
private ReceitaService receitaService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/novaReceita.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String createRecipes(#ModelAttribute("Receita") Receita receita, BindingResult resultReceita,
#ModelAttribute("Tag") Tag tag, BindingResult resultTag, #RequestParam String action, Map<String, Object> map) {
map.put("receita", receita);
map.put("receitaList", receitaService.getAllReceita());
return "listRecipes";
Here is where I am having problems because I can only show data for a single table.
public String editForm(#PathVariable("id") int id, ModelMap map) {
map.addAttribute("receita", receitaService.getReceita(id));
return "updateRecipes";
Finally, the JSP page to display the data entered:
<c:url var="url" value="/receita/${receita.id}"/>
<form:form action="${url}" method="GET" commandName="receita">
<table width=80% >
<td><strong>ID </strong></td>
<td><form:input path="id" disabled="true" class="input-small"/></td>
<td><strong>Title </strong></td>
<td><form:input path="titulo" class="input-xlarge"/></td>
<td valign=top><strong>Desc probl</strong></td>
<td><form:textarea path="desc_prob" class="input-xlarge" rows="3" /></td>
<td valign=top><strong>Desc soluc</strong></td>
<td><form:textarea path="desc_soluc" class="input-xlarge" rows="6" /></td>
<td> <form:input path="tag" disabled="true" class="input-small"/></td>
What is missing to be able to show the data from both tables?
For single column/property you can use <form:input/>For Many to One you can use <form:select/>For One to Many you can use <form:select multiple='true'>In your case, you have to select a single ID first for the one side of the relationship which is receita and then display all the tags in that receita, so i think it counts as One to Many at that point. So in your case, try to use this tag:<form:select path="tag" multiple="true"/>

how to get the element of a list inside jsp using JSTL?

I have such this code inside my Spring MVC java controller class:
#RequestMapping(value = "jobs", method = { RequestMethod.GET })
public String jobList(#PathVariable("username") String username, Model model) {
JobInfo[] jobInfo;
JobStatistics js;
LinkedList<JobStatistics> jobStats = new LinkedList<JobStatistics>();
try {
jobInfo = uiClient.getJobs(username);
for (int i = 0; i < jobInfo.length; i++) {
js = uiClient.getJobStatistics(jobInfo[i].getJobId());
model.addAttribute("jobs", jobInfo);
model.addAttribute("jobStats", jobStats);
which uiClient will get some data from database using RMI ...
now I want to show the jobs & related statistic inside my JSP file using JSTL :
<c:set var="stats" value="${jobStats}" />
<c:forEach var="jobs" items="${jobs}">
<c:set var="jobID" value="${jobs.JobId}"/>
<tr class="tr1">
How do I get the LinkedList elements of Model inside my JSP using JSTL? There might be no no counter i been put in scope for me.
In my opinion, the right answer is a combination of both of the answers you got:
use varStatus attribute of c:foreach tag
"get" is not a jstl function.
<c:forEach var="jobs" items="${jobs}" varStatus="i">
<c:set var="jobID" value="${jobs.jobId}"/>
<tr class="tr1">
EDIT: this is the code finally used by the author of the question:
<c:set var="stats" value="${jobStats}" />
<c:forEach items="${jobs}" varStatus="i">
<c:set var="jobID" value="${jobs[i.index].jobId}"/>
<tr class="tr1">
get is not a jstl function.
use varStatus attribute of c:foreach tag
<c:forEach var="jobs" items="${jobs}" varStatus="i">
<c:set var="jobID" value="${jobs.JobId}"/>
<tr class="tr1">

Why do I get IllegalArgumentException Cannot convert value of type String to required type Product, in Spring?

I receive the exception
Failed to convert property value of
type [java.lang.String] to required
type [beans.Product] for property
product; nested exception is
Cannot convert value of type
[java.lang.String] to required type
[beans.Product] for property product:
no matching editors or conversion
strategy found
in the Errors errors object even before my DetailProductValidator starts validating through the validate method.
I don't understand why Spring does that. I don't have any input field that is mapped directly to the product property/object. I just use the product object's properties in the jsp. For example, I use:
<form:options items="${dpBackObj.product.colorMap}"/>
<!-- or -->
but I never use:
<form:input path="product"/>
Can anyone please explain why this happens? And maybe inform me of a simple solution?
The bean configuration for the controller is:
<bean id="productDetailFormController" name="/detail.htm /addToCart.htm"
<property name="sessionForm" value="true" />
<property name="commandName" value="dpBackObj" />
<property name="commandClass" value="detailProduct.DetailProductBackingObject" />
<property name="validator">
<bean class="detailProduct.DetailProductValidator" />
<property name="formView" value="detail" />
<property name="successView" value="redirect:/viewCart.htm" />
<property name="cartService" ref="cartServiceImpl"/>
The backing object for the DetailProductFormController is:
public class DetailProductBackingObject {
private String quantityOverflowError;
private Product product;
private int quantity;
private ShoppingCart shoppingCart;
private long sizeId;
private long colorId;
public DetailProductBackingObject() {
this.product = new Product();
this.sizeId = -1;
this.colorId = -1;
//getters and setters
If you need some other info, I will provide. I am using Spring 2.5.5.
Kind Regards,
EDIT1 (due to request from axtavt):
<form:form method="post" commandName="dpBackObj">
<table width="730" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<c:if test="${!empty dpBackObj.quantityOverflowError}">
<c:out value="${dpBackObj.quantityOverflowError}"/>
<spring:bind path="dpBackObj.*">
<c:if test="${not empty status.errorMessages}">
<div class="val-summary text-error" id="errorDivId">
<div style="" class="val-summary text-error" id="errorDivId">
<fmt:message key="detail.error.header"/>
<c:forEach items="${status.errorMessages}" var="error">
<li><c:out value="${error}"/></li>
<td width="310" align="left" valign="top">
<img src="${imagesPath}/${dpBackObj.product.largeImageUrl}" alt="${dpBackObj.product.description}" />
<td width="420" align="left" valign="top">
<div id="tls_detPName">
<c:out value="${dpBackObj.product.name}"></c:out>
<div >
<strong class="numeric">${dpBackObj.product.priceInDollars}</strong>
<div id="tls_detPDescLong">
<br />
<div >
<table cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td align="right">
<label for="p_sizes" class="label"><fmt:message key="viewCart.Size"/></label>
<form:select path="sizeId" >
<form:option value="-1" label="x"/>
<form:options items="${dpBackObj.product.sizeMap}"/>
<td align="right">
<label for="p_colors" class="label"><fmt:message key="viewCart.Color"/></label>
<form:select path="colorId" >
<form:option value="-1" label="y"/>
<form:options items="${dpBackObj.product.colorMap}"/>
<div id="tls_addToCart">
<div >
<label for="quantityId" class="label"><fmt:message key="viewCart.Quantity"/>:</label>
<form:input path="quantity" onkeypress="return checkForNumber(this, event)" maxlength="10" size="3" id="quantityId" cssClass="textbox-center"/>
<input type="image" name="addToCartButtonName" src="${imagesPath}/addToCartBtn.jpg" />
EDIT2 (due to JacobM's request):
This is my Validator:
public class DetailProductValidator implements Validator {
public boolean supports(Class clazz) {
return DetailProductBackingObject.class.equals(clazz);
public void validate(Object obj, Errors errors) {
DetailProductBackingObject detailProductBackingObject = (DetailProductBackingObject) obj;
if (detailProductBackingObject.getSizeId() == -1) {
errors.rejectValue("sizeId", "error.detail.jsp.choose.size", null, "Input size.");
When I reach the line DetailProductBackingObject detailProductBackingObject = I already have the error.
The converting of the request parameters to the backing object properties happens in http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/api/org/springframework/web/servlet/mvc/BaseCommandController.html . This is what Spring says about the conversion:
Populating using request parameters
and PropertyEditors: Upon receiving a
request, any BaseCommandController
will attempt to fill the command
object using the request parameters.
This is done using the typical and
well-known JavaBeans property
notation. When a request parameter
named 'firstName' exists, the
framework will attempt to call
setFirstName([value]) passing the
value of the parameter. Nested
properties are of course supported.
For instance a parameter named
'address.city' will result in a
getAddress().setCity([value]) call on
the command class.
It's important to realise that you are
not limited to String arguments in
your JavaBeans. Using the
PropertyEditor-notion as supplied by
the java.beans package, you will be
able to transform Strings to Objects
and the other way around. For instance
setLocale(Locale loc) is perfectly
possible for a request parameter named
locale having a value of en, as long
as you register the appropriate
PropertyEditor in the Controller (see
initBinder() for more information on
that matter.
Validators: After the controller has
successfully populated the command
object with parameters from the
request, it will use any configured
validators to validate the object.
Validation results will be put in a
Errors object which can be used in a
View to render any input problems.
Since I can't see anything wrong with the form, the only possible reason I can imagine is that you have a parameter named product in the URL of your form page.
If so, you can change your URLs or use DataBinder.setDisallowedFields() to disable the attempt to bind that parameter.
