How to create lxc containers in ubuntu 14.04 using Ansible module? - ansible

I am trying to create a lxc container by using lxc_container module provided by ansible. Can someone tell me the exact playbook task which will just create the lxc container ?

Based on the response in the comments above and your duplicate question.
It would appear that your issue is caused by not having the module lxc-python2 installed.
I'm also assuming there's other errors which your are overlooking in your posts and debugging efforts. So the steps to apply are as follows:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install lxc-python2
read any error output carefully.


pgadmin3 install on CentOS7

I am using CentOS7 and PostgreSQL-13. As it is very difficult to work database-related queries in the command line I want to install pgadmin3. Aas it is available on the yum repository and in my CentOS, I do not have any internet connection. So I have installed pgadmin3 with the following installation command only: yum install pgadmin3.
I have seen in some tutorials they modified the sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/ file. But I did not find such a file in my CentOS machine after pgadmin3 installation. Now I have no idea how to configure it with my already installed PostgreSQL-13 and httpd and how I can use this. I have not found any documentation regarding this.
PostgreSQL-13 not supported for pgadmin3, you must install pgadmin4

ansible installation fails on control node, but not fails on local host itself?

Description: Ansible yum module doesn't install through control host, but local yum install works perfectly? What could cause such issue? I appreciate any response. Thank you guys. I worked on this 8 hours, I have researched various of things, and tried very different approaches. No success.
Node: Centos7 (newly installed), Control-Node: Ubuntu-LTS18.
ansible ansitest2 -i ../inv -b -m yum -a "name=epel-release state=present"
it can be any package though.
This fails, however at the bottom I can see that it found the package and tried to install it. ()
If I go to host itself and try to install it, it is successful. :
yum install epel-release -y
After spending almost 2 days on this, finally found answer, /etc/resolve.conf file needed to be updated with option rotate timeout:1,
So, if you have such issue, it is mainly about resolve.conf
man resolve.conf will give very good description.

Ansible pass value to installation commandline gui

How do I pass value to the commandline-gui prompt?
Like I typically install LAMP on a fresh Ubuntu using the following command.
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ phpmyadmin
And during install I am asked for a few inputs as below
So how do I pass/input values from a playbook?
When using Ansible, you would generally install the packages non-interactively, like this [1]:
- command: apt-get -y install lamp-server^ phpmyadmin
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
This will suppress any interactive configuration prompts during the
install. You can then perform configuration tasks after the fact using
Ansible, either by directly manipulating files etc. or by using the
debconf module.
If you're not familiar with debconf, this question has some information about interacting with the package configuration system.
[1] Actually, you would more often use the package module, but that doesn't support package groups like lamp-server^.

'pip install duckling' giving issue

I want to install duckling to work on Rasa nlu training but it is giving issue as mentioned in below image please help me to fix this.enter image description here
As a suitable alternative would you consider running Rasa NLU in docker. The rasa/rasa_nlu:latest-full docker image includes duckling. If you wanted to get started with it and you have docker installed you should be able to just run
docker run rasa/rasa_nlu:latest-full
Then you can interact with Rasa over it's HTTP API
The docker file allow's more complicated setups like over writing the default config file and saving the logs/models/etc to a persistent disk
I had the same issue! This is basically the issue of jpype modules.
You need to first install the jpype in your environment.
you can use conda install -c conda-forge jpype1
For installing the jpype you can also refer to
official link for jpype installation.
On successful installation of jpype duckiling can be installed using
pip install duckling -U
I hope this would help!
You should download VC+ compiler for windows and then try the pip install.
You can download it here

Ansible - adding parameters for rpm

I am beginner using Ansible and I am using some rpm to be installed on my target machine with yum as the package manager. I am getting an error saying the package conflicts with some files on the system. When I saw for the error on the net, I found that adding the following parameter "--replacefiles" solves my problem.
But, I am not sure how to specify this parameter to the ansible playbook. Any help is appreciated.
That's not supported by the yum module. You will need to call yum per shell or command module to use it with that param.
