show hadoop files on HDFS only created on a specific day - hadoop

I want to show hadoop files on HDFS under a specific folder which created on a specific day, is there a command/option to do this?
Thanks in advance,

As far as I know, hadoop command won't support this.
You can write a script to achieve this, which is not a good implementation.
My suggestions:
Organize your file in the way more convenient to be used. Say in your case, make a time partition would be better.
If you want to make data analysis easier, use some database based on hdfs like hive. hive support partition and sql like query and insert.
more about hive and hive partitions:


Table data transfer from one Hadoop environment to another Hadoop environment using Hive and schedule it using oozie

I'm pretty new to Hadoop environment.. Can anyone help me out on table data transfer from one Hadoop environment (prod) to another Hadoop environment (dev) using hive query and schedule that query using oozie..
Code sample is most appreciated.. thanks in advance.
When copying Hive tables from one cluster to another you need to do two things:
Copy the actual HDFS data.
Copy the Hive table metadata.
You can do both of these relatively easily if you leave out more complex use case / considerations such as diff/copy. There is also consider taking a look at
Best way to migrate will be
1 Get all files from hdfs .
2 Copy them in new hdfs
3 Run Create table on new

Hdfs and Hbase: how it works?

Hi everybody
I'm quite new with bigdata, I have installed a HDFS + Hbase test database and I use Talend Big Data (an ETL) to make my test.
I would like to know : if I put a file directly in the HDFS, without going via hbase, I could never request these data ? I mean, I have to read the entire file if I want to filter data I want to chose, is that right ?
Thanks a lot for any help !
HDFS is just a distributed file system, you cannot query your files without passing by an intermidiate component.
Hbase is a nosql database that persist your data on the HDFS, use it when you need a random access to your data.
If you want to store your files on the HDFS as they are and query them, you can create an external table upon them using Hive.
The best option is to use hive on the top of the files which are on the HDFS. You can use bucketing and partitioning in the hive for performance improvement.

Processing HDFS files

Let me begin by saying I am a complete newbie to Hadoop. My requirement is to analyse server log files using Hadoop infrastructure. The first step I took in this direction was to stream the log files and dump them raw into my single node Hadoop cluster using Flume HDFS sink. Now I have a bunch of files with records which look something like this:
timestamp req-id level module-name message
My next step is to parse the files (separate out the fields) and store them back so that they are ready for searching.
What approach should I use for this? Can I do this using Hive? (sorry if the question is naive). The information available on the internet is overwhelming.
You can use HCatalog or Impala for faster querying.
From your explanation you have time series data.Hadoop with HDFS itself is not meant for random access or querying. You can use HBase a database for hadoop as HDFS a backend filesystem. It is good for random access.
Also for your need parsing and rearranging data, you can make use of Hadoop's MapReduce.HBase has built in support for this. HBase can be used for input/output of MapReduce Job.
Basic information you can get from here. For better understanding try Definitive Guide for HBase / HBase in Action books.

Basic thing about Hadoop and Hive

I have started working with Hadoop recently. There is table named Checkout that I access through Hive. And below is the path where the data goes to HDFS and other info. So what information I can get if I have to read the below three lines?
Path Size Record Count Date Loaded
/sys/edw/dw_checkout_trans/snapshot/2012/07/04/00 1.13 TB 9,294,245,800 2012-07-05 07:26
/sys/edw/dw_checkout_trans/snapshot/2012/07/03/00 1.13 TB 9,290,477,963 2012-07-04 09:37
/sys/edw/dw_checkout_trans/snapshot/2012/07/02/00 1.12 TB 9,286,199,847 2012-07-03 07:08
So my question is-
1) Firstly, We are loading the data to HDFS and then through Hive I am querying it to get the result back? Right?
2) Secondly, When you look into the above path and other things, the only thing that I am confuse is, when I will be querying using Hive then I will be getting data from all the three paths above? or the most recent one at the top?
As I am new to these stuff, so I am having lot of problem. Can anyone explain me hive gets the data from where? And we store all the data in HDFS and then we use Hive or Pig to get data back from HDFS? And it will be great if some one give high level knowledge of Hadoop and Hive.
I think you need to get the difference between Hive's native table and Hive's external table.
Hive native table mean that you load data into hive, and it takes care how data is stored in the HDFS. We usually do not care what is directory structure in this case.
Hive External table mean that we put data in some directory (if we forget about partitioning for the moment) and tell to Hive - it is table's data. Please treat is as such. And hive enable us to query it, join with other external or regular table. And it is our responsibility to add data, delete it, etc

replace text in input file with hadoop MR

I am a newbie on the MR and Hadoop front.
I wrote an MR for finding missing's in csv file and it is working fine.
now I have an usecase where i need to parse a csv file and code it with the regarding category.
ex: "11,abc,xyz,51,61,78","11,adc,ryz,41,71,38",.............
now this has to be replaced as "1,abc,xyz,5,6,7","1,adc,ryz,4,7,3",.............
here i am doing a mod of 10 but there will be different cases of mod's.
data size is in gb's.
I want to know how to replace the content in-place for the input. Is this achievable with MR?
Basically i have not seen any file handling or writing based hadoop examples any where.
At this point i do not want to go to HBase or other db tools.
You can not replace data in place, since HDFS files are append only, and can not be edited.
I think simplest way to achiece your goal is to register your data in the Hive as external table, and write your trnasformation in HQL.
Hive is a system sitting aside of hadoop and translating your queries to MR Jobs.
Its usage is not serious infrastructure decision as HBASE usage
