Can Laravel Blade be used in a sandbox environment? - laravel-5

Can Laravel Blade be used in a sandbox environment, similar to Twig's sandbox extension?
I have the need to allow users to use a template system but obviously do not want them executing arbitrary PHP code on the server.
I would like to use Blade since it's already part of Laravel but suspect this isn't possible.

The short answer is no, by default.
You could probably implement this yourself however, by extend blade to add custom functionality. See the Blade Documentation.


How to Use Vuejs on Laravel blade

everyone, I want to make a dormitory management system with laravel and vuejs but I don't know how to display my data instead of "welcome.blade.php" file but instead of "blade" use vue component if someone knows this please help me how to do this. I use API route for this
thanks everyone
You don't use it instead of blade you mostly use it with or inside blade.
Use Vue like normally would just treat your blade template as your plain HTML.

Links in Laravel

I'm am just starting out in Laravel, been using codeIgniter for years. Very quick question as the Laravel documentation does not seem to address this. Do all links in your blade file have to have defined route in the routes files. In codeigniter it was generally /controller/function in your links but it seems to me in Laravel all links have to be defined in routes file...
No, they do not have to be defined.
There's nothing prohibiting you from using <a href='/whatever/you/want'> -- That said, it's generally better to use defined routes and reference them by name, that way, if you ever change the actual structures, the route('name'); will automatically resolve to the new structure.
You can use
{{ url('/what/you/want') }}
Look at too
You must define all your routes in Laravel.

Writing JS code in blade templating engine

I have a Laravel 5.0 project and inside of that I have a foo.blade.php file,in here I want to use some Javascript to get the pathname of the link the user currently in like so
Is it possible? Or blade templating allows only php to be written on the file?
First, Javascript runs client side, so whatever you write in <script> tag will be totally ignored by laravel.
But if you want to access path (route) in laravel, you can check this question.

Customizing the paginator view in Laravel 5.2

I've been reading the docs and set up a basic app.
Every issue I've had before I've been able to solve by looking in the docs and occasionally using Google, however I can't figure this one out.
I'm using Laravel version 5.2.43 and the Paginator works fine.
I use it in my view like this,
But now I would like to customize the look of the paginator.
So I tried running this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination
In the hopes of simply being able to customize that view instead of creating a new one all over but that command didn't work, it just said
Nothing to publish for tag [laravel-pagination]
So, instead I did this.
{{ $data->links('folder.viewName') }}
But this command gives me this error,
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator::links() must be an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\Presenter, string given
So I'm not sure what's going on. The pagination works but I can't set the view myself.
Any thoughts on what's going on here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe you can't do this in Laravel 5.2 without "hacking" the framework. Fortunately, Laravel 5.3 is released this week and it features custom pagination views
Custom pagination in Laravel 5.3
So it turns out I've been reading the 5.3 documentation for Laravel all this time. Which explains a lot of things...
So when 5.3 comes out we can do
Until then, I've done it the manual way of using the instances inside the paginator object.

how to use laravel illuminate in a custom project

I have a static site with a lot of pages. Now I got a new requirement. Client need a Client Area, I am thinking to use laravel Database Eloquent, Session, Form/html, Session and want to use them as alias like use in laravel/lumen. The problem is that I want static pages same as it is with .html extension, is there any solution? I want some packages with aliases to speed up.
I spent a complete day on Configuring Input and Eloquent but I wasn't able to setup to other packages. But I don't know how to set aliases and service providers. Any idea?
I need Laravel Some packages
I don't need others packages and need aliases same as laravel used in (config/app)
yes you can use laravel components outside laravel project please read the article :
