How to speed up VS.NET 2015 solution loading and pasting into ASPX source view? - visual-studio

I just installed Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Version 14.0.23107.0 D14REL hoping for a performance improvement over 2013. When I load a very large ASP.NET web forms solution, I have to wait over 30 seconds. After it is loaded, when I try to paste text into the source view of an ASPX page, I am intermittantly enduring a 15+ second wait. A popup tells me that VS.NET is busy performing background tasks.
I'm running Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 on a recently purchased Dell Precision workstation with 16GB RAM and an Intel Xeon E3-1240 v3 # 3.40GHz. My C: drive is on a SamSung SSD. Here is what I would like to know:
What can I do to make VS.NET 2015 perform faster?

I found that VS.NET was I/O bound because when I disabled Microsoft Security Essentials entirely the performance was acceptable. There is an option in MS Security to exclude certain processes from security scans. After I added ~/Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe to MS Security Essentials' list of excluded processes, it ran acceptably fast.

If you are using ReSharper then turning it off makes performance considerably faster. Similarly Node.js Tools for Visual Studio can slow down your IDE.


Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate very very slow for sitecore development

My laptop has an i5 processor and 8 GB RAM and i5.
I've also installed Resharper. When doing a sitecore development development the Visual studio sometimes hangs and build/deployment process is extremely slow. We use TDS It's a multisite solution with MVC.
I tried solutions on link below:
Visual studio 2013 works slow after Update 4
Why is VS 2013 very slow?
But none of above solved my issue. Other team members are facing same issue.

Why is Incremental Search Agonizingly Slow in Visual Studio 2012/2013?

I'm running visual studio 2012 and I've noticed lately that incremental search is absurdly, painfully, blood-pressure-risingly slow. Here are the major extensions I have as well:
Resharper 8.1
Emacs Emulation extension (modified slightly to get it to work with VS 2012 [all you do is change the version attribute in the XML])
What gives?
After some experimentation turning extensions on and off, it turns out that this was because the instance of Visual Studio was running for an exceptionally long time. (on the order of days)
Closing and restarting Visual Studio made incremental search go back to its normal speed.

Visual Studio Add-On and extensions performance monitoring?

I'm using / testing a lot of extensions or add-on to Visual Studio.
As my Visual Studio is quite low, I'm wondering if some extensions are causing high CPU load.
Is there any way to monitor memory, disk and CPU usage per extension ?
Google Chrome Task manager provides such functionality... Is there the same for Visual Studio ?
DotTrack addon - visual studio
.net performance analysis
Try this link : ^^
This one is currently available for 2012, 2013, 2015
Extensions Monitor

Graphics glitches in Visual Studio 2010

I'm having graphics issues with Visual Studio 2010. When I open a solution only part of the UI renders. Entire sections like the solution explorer will be missing.
This only happens after I've had Visual Studio running for a while and have opened/closed a variety of solutions.
It "feels" like some sort of a GDI handle leak because the problem goes away once I reboot.
I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 bit. I've updated my graphics drivers, installed the latest patches, etc. I can't find any postings about this on stackoverflow or doing a variety of Google searches.
Any ideas?
It's a known issue, seems like no fix is coming in SP1, see & the workaround described at (disabling HW-Acceleration & Visual Experience adjustment did the trick for me).
Try also to update the graphic driver to their latest version.
The Visual Studio 2010 UI has been rewritten from the ground up in WPF. Myself and a couple of other devs in our team are experiencing the same issues (various hardware and software but my software is the same as yours). In our case closing and reopening VS solves it with no reboot required.
It's a cracking product but roll on SP1.
Running Visual Studio under Administrator (Run as Administrator) fixes the problem for me.

Visual Studio IDE freezing while initializing ToolBox

I'm working on Visual Studio 2008, Smart Client + infragistics controls are installed and we have more than 50 User Controls. When opening the Visual Studio "Tool Box", Visual Studio is completely freezing. I couldn't work after that. I have to kill the process and open again. At this point CPU usage is around 50, CPU usage is 1 or 2 when i work on code. How to get rid out of this issue. This is really time consuming process.
Visual Studio 2008 takes a long time to open the toolbox for a solution that contains many custom controls
The KB article recommends downloading and installing a hotfix.
