Is there an alternative to using Visual Studio for the Unreal Engine? [closed] - visual-studio

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Closed 6 months ago.
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A while back I had downloaded the Unreal Engine on my new PC, and ran it. A message popped up saying that I needed Visual Studio installed to use the engine. So I went ahead and downloaded the installer for Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition, but upon running it, I was notified that I needed 6GB across all drives. Unfortunately for me, I don't have more than 3GB left on my SSD. Is there an alternative to using Visual Studio?

It's been a while since I've installed UE4, but as far as I know, you don't need Visual Studio unless you are going to be incorporating C++ into your game. You're not obligated to use C++, you can make simple games entirely in Blueprint, the visual scripting language of the engine. So that being said, can you skip the message that tells you need Visual Studio and just continue on with the installation? If you can't, then you may be in a bind, because I think that is the only development environment I've ever seen associated with the engine.


How can I share a Visual Studio project across computers easily? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I own two computers at two different houses. I want to be able to work on a Visual Studio project on both of these computers easily.
Currently I'm mailing the project from one computer to the other, or using Dropbox. Very inconvenient.
What's the easiest way to share the project more conveniently?
Btw, I'm using the free Visual Studio Community 2013 edition, and I'm looking for a free option.
The best way is using version controlling system like Git
Use Visual Studio Online to manage your Project, it is free for up to 5 users and you can use Git as your version control. Then you just create a new Project and add your code. AFter this it is easy to commit and sync your work on both computers.
Either use the VS community version; there is also a cloud version, or it could be shared with dropbox or onedrive and many others.

Which is Best tool to develop an android application for Kit Kat? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am planning to start with an android application . I earlier used eclipse .{lease suggest any other tool which is bit comfortable in terms of UI .
You should know that the ADT Plug-in for Eclipse has its own set of annoying suddenly disappearing from the menus and not allowing re-installation. I went through that a few times and decided to give Studio a try. Nothing against Eclipse, just the plug-in from Google.
Now that Android Studio is in beta, I would recommend it over Eclipse unless you are doing native code development, which Studio does not yet support. In Beta, things are deprecated instead of just abruptly changed. So updating as new Studio versions come out should not be too painful.
Eclipse is best platform for Android platform . Google Android studio is not a stable release.
You can still use Android studio as it works well with minor bugs which are unnoticeable

Are there any free tools for developing VB.NET applications? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Are there any free tools for developing VB.NET applications?
Microsoft tools have express versions which are free:
If you are not willing to go for microsoft product then here is an awesome product for you which is open source and much less in size:
It is called Sharp Develop: [Download and Info link]
Microsoft Visual Studio Community (Visual Studio Express) is a free and full-featured IDE for building apps for Web, Windows Store, Windows Desktop, and even Android and iOS using programming languages including C#, C++, HTML/JavaScript, and Visual Basic.
But its only licensed to use for academic/ research kind projects. See the terms:
A good free IDE is available from CodePlex, called SharpDevelop.
But you still need to make sure the controls used in your projects are licenced.

Need a free IDE/compiler combo for 64 bit windows C++ [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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So I'm trying to make a x64 program in windows, and I found out that I need VS2010 Pro to make my binaries x64. Now I don't know about everyone else here, but I'm not a student, and can't afford over $1,000 bucks. I am against pirating, so don't suggest that.
I need a IDE/Compiler combo that is easy to download and set up, and requires no building. So binaries only. Please help?
You can use VS 2010 Express to target 64 bit if you install the Windows Software Development Kit:
Visual Studio 2012 Express for Desktop ships with 32 and 64 bit versions of the MS compiler.
Code::Blocks + mingw.
These are some good and free C++ IDE for your PC
Visial Studio Code
should you want to download or know more details on them to know which one suites you, go>>

Where do I download : VBRun60sp6.exe (which installs Visual Basic 6.0 SP6 run-time files)? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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When I go to the MS web page describing the latest VB Runtime Files list it directs me to what looks like the right download for VBRun60sp6.exe but when I actually download it it's VB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe which is just the OleAut32.dll update for VB6.
I downloaded the VB6 IDE SP6 update but it installs directly to the Dev machine and I want to capture all of the files in one place. (If I do an /T extract from that update it doesn't have the .DLL files, etc. since it's an update).
Any ideas?
Download from:
If you can't find, it check out this search:
I know this is ancient, but I found this via Google because I need to run some old, line-of-business application written in VB6 even today.
For those looking for the Visual Basic 6.0: Run-Time Redistribution Pack (SP6) (vbrun60sp6): none of the official Microsoft source has it anymore. So I ended up digging through some old backups of mine and I found a copy. I uploaded them here vbrun60sp6 - Visual Basic 6.0: Run-Time Redistribution Pack (SP6)
