Kibana query count arithmetic - elasticsearch

I log each user interaction through a flow and put one row into elasticsearch each time there is an event. The field is 'eve' and the events are 'started', 'canceled', 'completed', and 'failed'.
'started' is always the first action and any of the other is the last
In Kibana I want to graph the number of starts that did not result in a 'canceled', 'completed', or 'failed', something like (count(event:started) - count(NOT event:completed)). Is that possible? Of not, what's the workaround?

I have similar start/end events. To associate them, I have an external process that lines them up (based on the common data) and then marks each with the _id of the other.
Then it's easy to tell which ones didn't end, etc.
We use this for file transfers ("which transfers are currently in flight?") and snmptrap data ("which traps haven't been closed?"), among others.
Check out the libraries (elasticsearch-py and the dsl one are good).


EventStore Competing Consumer Ordering

I am in the process of scaling out an application horizontally, and have realised read model updates (external projection via event handler) will need to be handled on a competing consumer basis.
I initially assumed that I would need to ensure ordering, but this requirement is message dependent. In the case of shopping cart checkouts where i want to know totals, i can add totals regardless of the order - get the message, update the SQL database, and ACK the message.
I am now racking my brains to even think of a scenario/messages that would be anything but, however i know this is not the case. Some extra clarity and examples would be immensely useful.
My questions i need help with please are:
What type of messages would the ordering need to be important, and
how would this be resolved using the messages as-is?
How would we know which event to resubscribe from when the processes
join/leave I can see possible timing issues that could cause a
subscription to be requested on a message that had just been
processed by another process?
I see there is a Pinned consumer strategy for best efforts affinity of stream to subscriber, however this is not guaranteed. I could solve this making a specific stream single threaded processing only those messages in order - is it possible for a process to have multiple subscriptions to different streams?
To use your example of a shopping cart, ordering would be potentially important for the following events:
Add item
Update item count
Remove item
You might have sequences like A: 'Add item, remove item' or B: 'Add item, Update item count (to 2), Update item count (to 3)'. For A, if you process the remove before the add, obviously you're in trouble. For B, if you process two update item counts out of order, you'll end up with the wrong final count.
This is normally scaled out by using some kind of sharding scheme, where a subset of all aggregates are allocated to each shard. For Event Store, I believe this can be done by creating a user-defined projection using partitionBy to partition the stream into multiple streams (aka 'shards'). Then you need to allocate partitions/shards to processing nodes in a some way. Some technologies are built around this approach to horizontal scaling (Kafka and Kinesis spring to mind).

Is there any way to replay events in a date range?

I am implementing an example of spring-boot and axon. I have two events
(deposit and withdraw account balance). I want to know is there any way to get the state of the Account Aggregate by a given date ?
I want to get not just the final state, but to replay events in a range of dates.
I think I can help with this.
In the context of Axon Framework, you can start a replay of events by telling a given TrackingEventProcessor to 'reset' it's Tokens. By the way, the current description on this in the Reference Guide can be found here.
These TrackingTokens are the objects which know how far a given TrackingEventProcessor is in terms of handling events from the Event Stream. Thus resetting/adjusting these TrackingTokens is what will issue a Replay of events.
Knowing all these, the second step is to look at the methods the TrackingEventProcessor provides to 'reset tokens', which is threefold:
TrackingEventProcessor#resetTokens(Function<StreamableMessageSource, TrackingToken>)
Option one will reset your tokens to the beginning of the event stream, which will thus replay everything.
Option two and three however give you the opportunity to provide a TrackingToken.
Thus, you could provide a TrackingToken starting from several points on the Event Stream. So, how do you go about to creating such a TrackingToken at a specific point in time? To that end, you should take a look at the StreamableMessageSource interface, which has the following operations:
Option 1 is what's used to create a token at the start of the stream, whilst 2 will create a token at the head of the stream.
Option 3 and 4 will however allow you to create a token at a specific point in time, thus allowing you to replay all the events since the defined instance up to now.
There is one caveat in this scenario however. You're asking to replay an Aggregate. From Axon's perspective by default the Aggregate is the Command Model in a CQRS set up, thus dealing with Commands going in to your system. In the majority of the applications, you want Commands (e.g. the requests to change something) to occur on the current state of the application. As such, the Repository provided to retrieve an Aggregate does not allow specifying a point in time.
The above described solution in regards to replaying is thus solely tied to Query Model creation, as the TrackingEventProcessor is part of the Event Handling side in your application most often used to create views. This idea also ties in with your questions, that you want to know the "state of the Account Aggregate" at a given point in time. That's not a command, but a query, as you have 'a request for data' instead of 'the request to change state'.
Hope this helps you out #Safe!

Kafka Streams approach to timed window with max count

I have a system where we process text messages. Each message gets split up into sentences, and each sentence gets processed individually and the results of each sentence get published to a topic. This all happens asynchronously.
I want to be able to aggregate the results for the sentences.
The problem is that I want the window to end when the total number of sentences have been reached, or when a total amount of time has passed. Basically Tumbling time windows, but can end when a total number of results have been received.
Secondarily I want to be able to know when that window ends so that I can process the aggregation as an atomic event.
It's possible but you have to implement a custom processor - your requirements are simply to specific for the high-level API to cater for.
Your processor would store messages into a state store and use punctuate to periodically check if the window expired. It would also keep a running counter and check if the max number of results have been received. If either condition is met, it does the aggregation, removes messages from the state store and sends the results downstream.
You'd have to think about what to do on restart (failover/re-balancing). When starting up, the processor should inspect its state store and calculate the current running count and the window expiry time.
Now Apache Kafka offers you a way to wait closing the window. Here piece of code;
For more, check it out.

Consisntent N1QL Query Couchbase GOCB sdk

I'm currently implementing EventSourcing for my Go Actor lib.
The problem that I have right now is that when an actor restarts and need to replay all it's state from the event journal, the query might return inconsistent data.
I know that I can solve this using MutationToken
But, if I do that, I would be forced to write all events in sequential order, that is, write the last event last.
That way the mutation token for the last event would be enough to get all the data consistently for the specific actor.
This is however very slow, writing about 10 000 events in order, takes about 5 sec on my setup.
If I instead write those 10 000 async, using go routines, I can write all of the data in less than one sec.
But, then the writes are in indeterministic order and I can know which mutation token I can trust.
e.g. Event 999 might be written before Event 843 due to go routine scheduling AFAIK.
What are my options here?
Technically speaking MutationToken and asynchronous operations are not mutually exclusive. It may be able to be done without a change to the client (I'm not sure) but the key here is to take all MutationToken responses and then issue the query with the highest number per vbucket with all of them.
The key here is that given a single MutationToken, you can add the others to it. I don't directly see a way to do this, but since internally it's just a map it should be relatively straightforward and I'm sure we (Couchbase) would take a contribution that does this. At the lowest level, it's just a map of vbucket sequences that is provided to query at the time the query is issued.

Logstash aggregation based on 'temporary id'

I'm not sure if this sort of aggregation is best done after being indexed by elasticsearch or if logstash is a good place to do it.
We are logging information about commands run against a server. Each set of metrics regarding a single command is logged as a single log event, there are multiple 'metric sets' per command. Each metric is of its own document type in ES (currently at least). So we will have multiple events across multiple documents regarding one command run against the server.
Each of these events will have a 'cmdno' field which is a temporary id given to the command we are logging about. Once the command has finished with all events logged, the 'cmdno' may be reused for other commands.
Is it possible to use logstash 'aggregate' plugin to link the events of a single command together using the 'cmdno'? (or any plugin)
All events that pertain to a single command will have the same timestamp + cmdno. I would like to add a UUID to the events as a permanent unique id for that command, so that a single query will give us all events for that single command.
Was thinking along the lines of:
if [cmdno] {
aggregate {
task_id => "%{cmdno}"
code => "map['cmdid'] ||= <some uuid generator>; event['cmdid'] == map['cmdid'] ? event['#timestamp'] == map['<stored timestamp for previous event from the same command>'] : continue"
Just started learning the ELK stack, not entirely sure as to the programming contructs logstash affords me yet.
I don't know if there is a better way to relate these events, this seemed the most suitable for our needs, if there are more ELK'y methods please let me know, they do need to stay as separate documents of different types though.
Any help much appreciated, let me know if I am missing anything.
