SmartCVS Already Running Error - macos

I have a Mac with Yosemite on it. Upon downloading SmartCVS 7.1.9 from , I try to run the application and receive an error that states "SmartCVS seems to already be running. Instead of running separate instances you can open multiple project windows in SmartCVS. If you are sure that no SmartCVS instance is running any more you should delete the lock file $FILE_PATH$/_lock_".
I've tried to delete the _lock_ file multiple times and that doesn't help (the lock file is empty. The application hasn't ever successfully run. Rebooting doesn't help. Deleting it from the computer and downloading it again doesn't help. Downloading previous versions has yielded the same error (7.1.3). I've tried running it from the terminal to get the crash log, but it doesn't make much sense.
In case it helps, upon downloading the first time I had a pop up stating that SmartCVS was by an unidentified publisher and couldn't open. I got around this problem found here:
I know that the program can work on my Mac OS since my boss has it running on her computer. Though, strangely, she did not have to deal with either of the two problems I've had to deal with.

so at the time I posted this I also reached out to a SmartCVS community support group. They were able to solve the problem as follows:
My computer is part of a Network. As such, the files are technically stored locally since my User Home is on the Network. SmartCVS can't interact with the lock file since it's not on the local machine. Therefore in the file at "~/Library/Preferences/SmartCVS/7.1/", I needed to append the following line to the end of the file:


Problem installing/running Erlang OTP: Cannot find entry point for llround in beam.smp.dll

We use Erlang OTP because it is bundled with a business application my company uses (as part of a RabbitMQ installation). On our development and test servers, the entire installation went smoothly without any issues. On the production system, however, Erlang OTP installs but fails to launch afterwards. When I doubleclick erl.exe I get an error popup:
The entry point “llround” was not found in the DLL “C:\Program Files (x86)\…\Erlang-21.3\erts-10.3\bin\beam.smp.dll”. (Translated from German, path clipped)
I am completely new to Erlang, so I do not even know whether there are any logs that I should provide. In the Erlang directory, I cannot find anything that looks like a log. The Windows event log shows basically the abovementioned error message plus a message saying that the Erlang VM crashed instantly (wrong distribution name?) – but that seems to be just a follow-up to the root cause of the problem with the DLL.
As I said, erl.exe opens without problems and displays a command prompt when launched on the test or development system. The setup there is almost identical to our production server. We tried removing Erlang and reinstalling it but to no avail. We even restored the VM to an earlier point an did a fresh install of the entire application. Short of setting up another pristine VM, is there any way of getting Erlang to work on the existing system?

Microsoft Fix It Registry issue

I had a program that starts up a Windows Service when installed and deleted that Windows Service when uninstalled. However it refused to uninstall after I modified the installer by accident (my fault!). I couldn't even remove it from Programs and Features as it kept throwing an error 2715. I found this article that had a FixIt program:
Using that, I managed to finally remove the program itself. Now however, when I try installing and uninstalling it again (to test my changes), the Windows Service that's attached doesn't get removed. In fact, it continues running. I checked the registry and indeed the key for the service is still there after the uninstall. I would need to manually stop it and do a sc delete to get rid of it. Any idea on how I can solve this?
Edit: I am able to replicate the issue on another computer. What I do is, I install the program there, and use the Fix It tool to remove it. Once this is done, I can easily replicate the issue as the service is never deleted after uninstalling. It works fine prior to this.
Some guesswork here because there's not enough info....
Eroor 2715 is a Windows Installer error, and I suspect it's related to you running a program (as you describe it) to start and stop services. I'm guessing that you run it as a cuatom action, and on uninstall you attempt to run it but it's missing because it's been uininstalled.
That fixit cure is not for a broken MSI (which yours is) - it's for fixing corrupt registry data that prevents uninstall, not fixing a broken MSI uninstall.
You don't need to run code to start and stop and delete services. Most MSI-building tools have support to the the Windows Installer functionalty that does this for you, so stop doing it!
A more specific answer is difficult without knowing what you are using to build your MSI with, and how you're running your program, but the signs point to you running the program after it's been removed, and even if you get the program running properly there's no way to tell whether it is correct without seeing the code. But 2 is what you should be doing anyway.

How to unhide/otherwise access files invisible to windows

I have a very old application which I've moved from computer to computer over the years. I was probably running NT or maybe even Windows 95 when I got it. It still runs fine, but I recently tried to back up some of the files I created using it and I find that they are hidden. When I run the app I can read them or write them, but when I try to access them either via the command line or Windows Explorer they are not found. I can see them from the cygwin command line, but I would really prefer explorer.
My theory is that this is because my app is so old that it is putting user data in c:\ProgramFiles(x86)\MyApp\data rather than in some User\AppData directory which is what more recent versions of Windows are happier with.
What I've tried:
Using attrib to remove hidden attributes (failed with permission issue)
Same, but running attrib in cmd window with admin privileges (no permission error message, but the files do not subsequently show up)
Copying using cygwin command line (got unhelpful message "omitting directory `data'")
Any suggestions what I could try next? I am running Windows 7.
I would happy with a fix that I could do once and would fix it for good (setting permissions somehow?); I would be satisfied with a workaround like "run the following command every time you want to back files up").
Edit: I noticed something strange which may be a clue for someone more knowledgeable than I am: for files which have been modified recently, as opposed to created, doing a dir shows the file information for the old version, even though cygwin shows the new information and that's what I see when I read the file using the app.

WDS ImageUnattend does not run

We've successfully set-up WDS (Windows Deployment Services) and had it all working (it's serving an unattended Windows 7 x64 installation, the user only has to F12 then wait for the install to finish) but it no longer works the way it did before.
We're trying to F12 the exact same machine where it used to work. The WDS part of the installation is still automatic (unattended) but ImageUnattend.xml does not seem to run on the client at all now, it gets stuck at the language selection (everything after that is manual as well which is supposed to be automatic).
Inspecting C:\windows\panther on the client machine shows that WDS pops up with an error: WDS CallBack_WdsClient_CopyPrivatesDone: Failed to process client unattend variables.
Changing "%MACHINENAME%" to "*" in the ImageUnattend.xml file makes it all automatic again, however it then renames the computer incorrectly.
The variable %MACHINENAME% worked before, so why does it not work now? Has anyone else met this issue before?
Using a different user (domain administrator) in the ImageUnattend.xml file does not seem to change anything.
After countless of attempts with at least 15 new ImageUnattend.xml files, I decided to restart the server and use the original files I knew worked before.
This fixed it.

What causes the Vista/Win7 warning: "This program may not have installed correctly" ?

What causes this warning and what can I do to keep it from popping up when my app installs?
Possible causes:
Virus scanning software (I'm looking into that)
Not putting the uninstall in the Add/Remove programs (this will definitely cause the problem, per documentation from Microsoft (see answer below)
Putting .ocx or .dll files in the App Directory?
Not registering the library files (app runs fine without reinstalling, so I don't think this is it.
Any other ideas?
To fix this, see this blog post by Aaron Stebner:
Your app is probably being detected by the PCA (Program Compatibility Assistant) as a non-Vista (pre-Vista) installation application.
You will need to add an embedded manifest and set a requested execution level
There is a previous stack question on this topic as well with some alternative work-arounds (noob, I can only post one link at the moment). You should be able to find some information on Vista-aware installation applications and be able to resolve this issue, but the info above has worked for me in the past.
One of the reasons this pops up is that after running the installer, the system checks to see if something changed in the installed programs list. If the contents of the installed programs list hasn't changed, it assumes that your application failed to install correctly.
I think this is related to operations which may be denied via UAC. (Not sure what exactly - file copies to restricted areas?)
To keep this from occurring, run the installer as an administrator.
