IOS Calabash Ruby Get the Simulator Setting details - ruby

I am new to the Calabash and Ruby.
While automating the test cases I need the status of the Location Servies weather it is On or Off. I searched a lot about this and so far no luck at all.
Please let me know if this can be done


Is fastlane capable of publishing to Mac App Store

We're trying to automate the release of our app to the Mac App Store. I've been trying to achieve this using fastlane. I managed to get this tool working for submitting the apps' metadata (release notes, screenshots etc).
I can also build the app using the gym module, however this results in a .app and not in a .pkg that is needed for submission to the App Store. Even when I use
export_method: "package"
I cannot imagine I'm the only one trying to achieve this, but I cannot find an answer if it is possible at all. And if possible, how to achieve this.
I have a (old) work in progress PR made for this - Majority of our users are mobile so it has been hard for me to get testing on this :). If you'd like to comment on that PR I would be happy to revive it and work with you on making this work for you!

Get OpenGl running in a Nativescript Angular application

I'm currently trying to get an Angular-Nativescript-OpenGl-App runnning. See:
Unfortunately it only works when I use native Java for the OpenGL rendering part (GLSurfaceView.Renderer).
Can somebody help me to get this running in "plain" NativeScript.
As you might already know there is a open feature request, register your vote on the issue and hopefully they will pick it up soon when more people show interest towards the feature.

If I install phonegap, will I have problems with Xcode in the future?

I am an engineer but I don't have any development background. My boss gave me a Mac Mini with Xcode in it, and looks like someone sent me some source code to be used with phonegap.
So my question is, if I install (?) phonegap, will I be able to use Xcode in a normal way in the future, or is it an irreversible process that changes Xcode completely?
No, it will not affect Xcode at all. Now, you will just be able to select the phonegap application type when creating a new Xcode project if that is what you want to use.
I suggest you to have a look on that, under "Phonegap Generate" :
And on that too :!topic/phonegap/VE9EiD-eIrY
why So Serious,
You can user the xCode as is since the moment you intalled phonegap.
Do not panic and enjoy coding.
Oh yes! If you install it you will be lost forever :D Just joking! Go on!
Nothing wrong will happen, consider take a look at the documentation before start doing things...

Apple Sandbox and AXUIElementRefs

How can i access another app if my app is in this strange Sandboxing thing which is required to release a app in the MAC App Store?
I'm reading with this Method an UIElement:
This works fine so far. But if i enable App Sandboxing, i no longer get reference to the MenuItem!!!
Thanks for help.
Such Apis are not supported from within the sandbox. All you can do is file a radar and sell your app outside of the store
Filed a bug... radar: 12174743 Keep filing Bugs maybe someday they'll relent.
Flawed / illegal sandbox leads to failure of all Accesability API's,
aka AXUIElementRef's.
Have you guys gone crazy over there??? Ever heard of the ADA act?
Get ready to get sued..
The sandbox is such a SAD result of your success. It really pisses
me off, actually. It goes against every reason I have ever stood
behind this platform... through thick and thin.

User Experience With MoSync

Has anyone tried using MoSync lately? Apparently they are dropping the "beta" title soon and will be officially launching in a few weeks. How do they compare to say Appcelerator?
You should try the new new version,
I especially love the HTML integration, the ability to create and call native code, it both directions, cool :) I'm really excited about the potential of HTML UI.
Appcelerator works by building you an application that contains a WebKit and JavaScript engine that runs your application. This makes the build's slightly bigger.
MoSync can target more platforms than AppCelerator because it's designed to be able to output to any target platform.
