Access and scheduling of FHIR Questionnaire resource - hl7-fhir

I am trying to understand how to use the FHIR Questionnaire resource, and have a specific question regarding this.
My project is specifically regarding how a citizen in our country could be responding to Questionnaires via a web app, which are then submitted to the FHIR server as QuestionnaireAnswers, to be read/analyzed by a health professional.
A FHIR-based system could have lots of Questionnaires (Qs), groups of Qs or even specific Qs would be targeted towards certain users or groups of users. The display of the questionnare to the citizen could also be based on a Care-plan of a sort, for example certain Questionnaires needing filling-in in the weeks after surgery. The Questionnaires could also be regular ones that need to be filled in every day or week permanently, to support data collection on the state of a chronic disease.
What I'm wondering is if FHIR has a resource which fits into organizing the 'logistics' of displaying the right form to the right person. I can see CarePlan, which seems to partly fit. Or is this something that would typically be handled out-of-FHIR-scope by specific server implementations?
So, to summarize:
Which resource or mechanism would a health professional use to set up that a patient should answer certain Questionnaires, either regularly or as part of for example a follow-up after a surgery. So this would include setting up the schedule for the form(s) to be filled in, and possibly configure what would happen if the form wasn't filled in as required.
Which resource (possibly the same) or mechanism would be used for the patient's web app to retrieve the relevant Questionnaire(s) at a given point in time?

At the moment, the best resource for saying "please capture data of type X on schedule Y" would be DiagnosticOrder, though the description probably doesn't make that clear. (If you'd be willing to click the "Propose a change" link and submit a change request for us to clarify, that'd be great.) If you wanted to order multiple questionnaires, then CarePlan would be a way to group that.
The process of taking a complex schedule (or set of schedules) and turning that into a simple list of "do this now" requests that might be more suitable for a mobile application to deal with is scheduled for DSTU 2.1. Until then, you have a few options for the mobile app:
- have it look at the CarePlan and complex DiagnosticOrder schedule and figure things out itself
- have a server generate a List of mini 1-time DiagnosticOrders and/or Orders identifying the specific "answer" times
- roll your own mechanism using the Other/Basic resource
Depending on your timelines, you might want to stay tuned to discussions by the Patient Care and Orders and Observations work groups as they start dealing with the issues around workflow management starting next month in Atlanta.


How to get grouped data from a microservice?

Let's say we have a system to store appointments. Each appointment has multiple resources (e.g. trainers, rooms, etc.). We have decided to move all appointment data into an Appointment Service and all resources into a Resources Service.
Now we need a UI that shows filters for the appointments, to filter by trainer. Usually, you only want to display checkboxes for trainers that actually have appointments and not all trainers.
That means we can't really use the Resource Service to get all trainers, instead, we would have to ask the Appointment Service to get a grouped view of all trainers that have at least one appointment. Then we would have to call the Resource Service to get more info about each trainer.
So how do you get grouped data from a microservice?
Edit: Each system has it's own database. We also use RabbitMQ to sync data between services.
This is an interesting question with many possible solutions. #Welbog comment makes a good point about it depending on the scale of the application. Denormalized databases are obviously a possibility.
Getting grouped data is one of the challenges of implementing microservices, and this challenge becomes greater the more granular our services get. What does your database setup look like? I'm assuming your two services are using different databases otherwise your question would have a simple solution.
Without knowing the ins and outs of your system, I would assume that denormalizing your db's would be the path of least resistance.
You could possible explore the idea that maybe these two services should in fact be a single service. Nanoservices are not what we are after, and sometimes it just makes more logical sense for two services to actually be together. Things that must change together, should be contained together. I'm not saying this is applicable in your case, I'm just saying it's worth considering.
I'm certain others will have other ideas, but based on what little I know about the entirety of your system, it's hard to say; however I think this is an interesting question that I will follow to see what other peoples proposed solutions are.

Validate Command in CQRS that related to other domain

I am learning to develop microservices using DDD, CQRS, and ES. It is HTTP RESTful service. The microservices is about online shop. There are several domains like products, orders, suppliers, customers, and so on. The domains built in separate services. How to do the validation if the command payload relates to other domains?
For example, here is the addOrderItemCommand payload in the order service (command-side).
"customerId": "CUST111",
"productId": "SKU222",
How to validate the command above? How to know that the customer is really exists in database (query-side customer service) and still active? How to know that the product is exists in database and the status of the product is published? How to know whether the customer eligible to get the promo price from the related product?
Is it ok to call API directly (like point-to-point / ajax / request promise) to validate this payload in order command-side service? But I think, the performance will get worse if the API called directly just for validation. Because, we have developed an event processor outside the command-service that listen from the event and apply the event to the materalized view.
Thank you.
As there are more than one bounded contexts that need to be queried for the validation to pass you need to consider eventual consistency. That being said, there is always a chance that the process as a whole can be in an invalid state for a "small" amount of time. For example, the user could be deactivated after the command is accepted and before the order is shipped. An online shop is a complex system and exceptions could appear in any of its subsystems. However, being implemented as an event-driven system helps; every time the ordering process enters an invalid state you can take compensatory actions/commands. For example, if the user is deactivated in the meantime you can cancel all its standing orders, release the reserved products, announce the potential customers that have those products in the wishlist that they are not available and so on.
There are many kinds of validation in DDD but I follow the general rule that the validation should be done as early as possible but without compromising data consistency. So, in order to be early you could query the readmodel to reject the commands that couldn't possible be valid and in order for the system to be consistent you need to make another check just before the order is shipped.
Now let's talk about your specific questions:
How to know that the customer is really exists in database (query-side customer service) and still active?
You can query the readmodel to verify that the user exists and it is still active. You should do this as a command that comes from an invalid user is a strong indication of some kind of attack and you don't want those kind of commands passing through your system. However, even if a command passes this check, it does not necessarily mean that the order will be shipped as other exceptions could be raised in between.
How to know that the product is exists in database and the status of the product is published?
Again, you can query the readmodel in order to notify the user that the product is not available at the moment. Or, depending on your business, you could allow the command to pass if you know that those products will be available in less than 24 hours based on some previous statistics (for example you know that TV sets arrive daily in your stock). Or you could let the customer choose whether it waits or not. In this case, if the products are not in stock at the final phase of the ordering (the shipping) you notify the customer that the products are not in stock anymore.
How to know whether the customer eligible to get the promo price from the related product?
You will probably have to query another bounded context like Promotions BC to check this. This depends on how promotions are validated/used.
Is it ok to call API directly (like point-to-point / ajax / request promise) to validate this payload in order command-side service? But I think, the performance will get worse if the API called directly just for validation.
This depends on how resilient you want your system to be and how fast you want to reject invalid commands.
Synchronous call are simpler to implement but they lead to a less resilient system (you should be aware of cascade failures and use technics like circuit breaker to stop them).
Asynchronous (i.e. using events) calls are harder to implement but make you system more resilient. In order to have async calls, the ordering system can subscribe to other systems for events and maintain a private state that can be queried for validation purposes as the commands arrive. In this way, the ordering system continues to work even of the link to inventory or customer management systems are down.
In any case, it really depends on your business and none of us can tell you exaclty what to do.
As always everything depends on the specifics of the domain but as a general principle cross domain validation should be done via the read model.
In this case, I would maintain a read model within each microservice for use in validation. Of course, that brings with it the question of eventual consistency.
How you handle that should come from your understanding of the domain. Factors such as the length of the eventual consistency compared to the frequency of updates should be considered. The cost of getting it wrong for the business compared to the cost of development to minimise the problem. In many cases, just recording the fact there has been a problem is more than adequate for the business.
I have a blog post dedicated to validation which you can find here: How To Validate Commands in a CQRS Application

Microservices: model sharing between bounded contexts

I am currently building a microservices-based application developed with the mean stack and am running into several situations where I need to share models between bounded contexts.
As an example, I have a User service that handles the registration process as well as login(generate jwt), logout, etc. I also have an File service which handles the uploading of profile pics and other images the user happens to upload. Additionally, I have an Friends service that keeps track of the associations between members.
Currently, I am adding the guid of the user from the user table used by the User service as well as the first, middle and last name fields to the File table and the Friend table. This way I can query for these fields whenever I need them in the other services(Friend and File) without needing to make any rest calls to get the information every time it is queried.
Here is the caveat:
The downside seems to be that I have to, I chose seneca with rabbitmq, notify the File and Friend tables whenever a user updates their information from the User table.
1) Should I be worried about the services getting too chatty?
2) Could this lead to any performance issues, if alot of updates take place over an hour, let's say?
3) in trying to isolate boundaries, I just am not seeing another way of pulling this off. What is the recommended approach to solving this issue and am I on the right track?
It's a trade off. I would personally not store the user details alongside the user identifier in the dependent services. But neither would I query the users service to get this information. What you probably need is some kind of read-model for the system as a whole, which can store this data in a way which is optimized for your particular needs (reporting, displaying together on a webpage etc).
The read-model is a pattern which is popular in the event-driven architecture space. There is a really good article that talks about these kinds of questions (in two parts):
Many common questions about microservices seem to be largely around the decomposition of a domain model, and how to overcome situations where requirements such as querying resist that decomposition. This article spells the options out clearly. Definitely worth the time to read.
In your specific case, it would mean that the File and Friends services would only need to store the primary key for the user. However, all services should publish state changes which can then be aggregated into a read-model.
If you are worry about a high volume of messages and high TPS for example 100,000 TPS for producing and consuming events I suggest that Instead of using RabbitMQ use apache Kafka or NATS (Go version because NATS has Rubby version also) in order to support a high volume of messages per second.
Also Regarding Database design you should design each micro-service base business capabilities and bounded-context according to domain driven design (DDD). so because unlike SOA it is suggested that each micro-service should has its own database then you should not be worried about normalization because you may have to repeat many structures, fields, tables and features for each microservice in order to keep them Decoupled from each other and letting them work independently to raise Availability and having scalability.
Also you can use Event sourcing + CQRS technique or Transaction Log Tailing to circumvent 2PC (2 Phase Commitment) - which is not recommended when implementing microservices - in order to exchange events between your microservices and manipulating states to have Eventual Consistency according to CAP theorem.

FHIR Managing planned reviews and discharge from a service

My application is an inpatient acute pain service, but similar patterns would exist for other in-hospital and ambulatory service (nutrition, physio and other therapies, social work) - ie any time a service is brought in by the treating team but then manages its own schedule of interaction based on the services' understanding of requirements and ongoing need assessments.
The task from a team/service level is to identify:
who are are our current patients?
when do we need to see them again?
So this involves tracking:
a referral (which would imply a degree of urgency: "please see today/tomorrow")
individual encounters (which would plan the next visit), and finally
a "discharge" event ("we're done here, let us know if you need us again")
By itself none of this is awfully complicated (and managed on spreadsheets and back of envelopes all around the world), but struggling to find the right FHIR resources to drop all this into.
It seems that:
care would be triggered somehow by a ReferralRequest
each visit should be in an encounter linked back to the incomingReferral
an order would allow tracking the "next visit", although potentially an appointment would do that job
obviously there are lots of observations that the service can record along the way
This leaves these questions:
What is the role of a care plan in the mix?
How to track an episode of care?
What is the role of a clinical impression?
Via what resource would we make a "summary of care given by the service" available?
What is the event that triggers the completion of a referral?
CarePlan is used to share information about what the intended course of care is for a patient - what activities are you going to do, when are you going to do them, how are they going, etc. If you wanted to track a plan to have 5 encounters over the course of 6 months, maintain a daily pain log, do a set of exercises at least twice a week, etc., CarePlan could be used. No requirement to use it if not needed though.
EpisodeOfCare is used to link activities related to a single condition that span multiple encounters. You can link encounters, procedures, etc. to EpisodeOfCare
ClinicalImpression is a new, evolving resource. Think of it as a specialized type of Observation that's intended to tie together a bunch of other observations and make an overall assessment.
A complete summary of care would typically be represented as a FHIR document - that's a Bundle instance starting with a Composition that would then organize relevant information about the care into a series of sections. If you don't want the overhead of full document, you can skip the Composition and just have a Bundle containing relevant information.
Completion of Referrals is dependent on business process. Typically the ReferralRequest instance is owned by the placing/initiating system. They decide when to mark the request as complete - be that on receiving back a report, knowledge that the transfer of care is done, sufficient elapsed time or other means. The Order/OrderResponse (to be replaced by Task) can be used to communicate back and forth between placer and filler systems to help coordinate when work is deemed to be complete.
It seems the core information is representable by a ReferralRequest that may trigger an appointment, which becomes an encounter generating a Clinical impression including an appointment for the next visit.
Clinical impression
Is often one to one with an encounter. It allows a record of new (and excluded) conditions and also recording a plan which can include an appointment action to cover "see again tomorrow"
Include a timing element so maybe useful for fixed repeating schedules.
ReferralRequest.status has values of (requested | active | cancelled | accepted | rejected | completed) make it a suitable repository to hold the episode of care by the service
Episode of care
This resource is similar in many ways to an encounter. Unlike encounters there is no mechanism to nest Episode of cares, although each encounter may relate to 0..* episode of care.s

Does fhir has a resource to represent a workflow task?

We are trying to integrate fhir in our product.
To utilize fhir as much as possible, we want also use fhir api to retrieve our workflow tasks.
I checked the fhir resource list, seems cannot find one.
Could somebody help to point out which resource suitable for this scenario?
or do you have better suggestions?
airhork, sounds like you want to build an application protocol that incorporates FHIR resources and resources unique to your scenario for the tasks in your workflow. A reading task might be something you could define by extending the FHIR "Other" resource. A physician would pull down the list of reading tasks and this might include hypermedia (see that would provide links to actions a user could take given the current state of the reading task resource. For example, it might include a link to a "readComplete" action resource that a user of your system could use to indicate the task has been read. Once it has been read it would no longer appear in the reading list. Or there might be other state transitions that are possible - it's really up to you as the designer of the application protocol.
FHIR doesn't prescribe the use of hypermedia for particular resources. But you can certainly add this to your implementation so consumers of your API that can understand something like HAL can use them.
Here's a link to the complete list of resources under consideration for DSTU2:
I'd also recommend looking at how FHIR currently defines Operations and the OperationDefinition resource.
If from a workflow perspective, you mean keeping a record of "please do" and "has been done", that sounds like Order/OrderResponse to me. However, those resources (specifically the Order resource) isn't currently set up to do what you want because it doesn't have a mechanism to convey what you want to do with the target resource. (In your example "please read"). I can foresee a lot of other workflow-like requests - "please fulfill" is the presumed default, but there could be more specific variants ("please administer" vs. "please dispense", "please collect sample" vs. "please perform test", etc.). There can also be things like "please suspend", "please cancel", "please renew".
I think it is reasonable to tackle all of these things using Order/OrderResponse, but it can't right now and the pair haven't received a lot of focus in terms of connectathons/implementation just yet. My recommendation would be to look at them and see if they feel right to you, and if so, submit a change request to add a "code" element. (And in the meantime, you can introduce your own as a modifierExtension if you can't wait for the DSTU 2 release in summer 2015.)
