What is the better form to animate on Unity 3D? - animation

I would like animate a object similar 3D sequence diagram using Unity 3D. I donĀ“t know what is better form to animate, if Animation or Animator...
So, I do a preview on Power Point https://youtu.be/tgfPIT47xGY

Animation vs Animator:
The Animation component is an old component used for animation in our legacy animation system. It remains in Unity for backwards compatibility but you should not use it for new projects. Use the up-to-date Animator component instead. SOURCE
Use the Animation Editor View for this.
To animate Game Objects in Unity, the object or objects need an Animator Component attached. This Animator Component must reference an Animator Controller, which in turn contains references to one or more Animation Clips.
When using the Animation View to begin animating a GameObject in Unity, these items will be automatically created, attached and set-up for you. SOURCE

Though slumtrimpet is obviously right, I can't see why you might need animations to create something like the video you shown. Why don't just use sequential instantiates with the help of coroutines or simple timers?


GameObject does not rotate using TwoHandManipulatable nor BoundingBoxRig using Unity and HoloLens

I have a GameObject in a Unity project for HoloLens with HoloToolKit, which I need to rotate. The object has a BoxCollider and HandDraggable script, and I'm also adding a TapToPlace component in runtime. The scripts that I've tried for rotation are TwoHandManipulatable and BoundingBoxRig, and they work to resize the object, but no matter what I do, the object does not rotate.
This is how I tried with BoundingBoxRig:
And this is how it looks with TwoHandManipulatable:
None of these works, only for resize. I would appreciate the help, thanks!
For me all I had to to to get it to work was to add the Transform of your arrow2 to the box of the Two Hand Manipulatable. Just click and hold on Transform and drag it into the box next to Host Transform. I added it to my project and it looks like this:
Also I don't think you need the Hand Draggable Script if you have the Two Hand Manipulatable because the last checkbox in the Two Hand Manupulatable enables movement with one hand if you want it.
Edit: I have an Animator on it but you don't need that. I have it because I made the model in Blender and it got added automatically.

Unity 2D animation seems blocked

I have an animation in Unity, its 2D, made from Sprites.
My animation is blocked, I mean, I can't add a new sprite, click play button, or add a new Property.
In order to animate an object in Unity you have to have a valid object selected, that is to say, the object can be animated.
This is typically a game object that is selected in the hierarchy.
Without this, how does the animation window know what it can and can't animate? That is the way that properties are animated in Unity, it needs to know what it is supposed to be animating, the valid object tells it what can be animated. Without this knowledge, the animation window will lock down certain features, adding keys and playing the animation.
In your case, select the game object that you want to have animated and, if you have a valid animator controller in place, the animation window will set itself up with all the necessary bits and pieces, namely the animation clips. Then you can animate to your hearts content.
Here's the animation window reference:
Hopefully this answers your question.

Unity Animation not working on different scene

I'm working on a menu scene where the options come down from top, so I tried to use Unity simple Animator. The problem is the animation won't work. The weird part is, when I tried the same thing on my game scene the animation works.
-I've checked that the animation is attached to the object
-Culling type is Always Animate
-I've also added a script and tried to force the animation with no results.
Why doesn't the animation not working anything other than the main scene? Do I need to trigger something for it to work?
Things you could check:
Make sure you are using the same kind of component in both scenes. Animator is different from Animation.
If you have an Animator component make sure you have an the right Animation Controller attached to it.
If you have an Animation component make sure that the Animation field is set and holds your animation file and Animations is set too and holds the list of possible animations of your (UI) object.
Even though they have the same extension, .anim files created when an Animation component is attached are different from .anim files created when an Animator component is attached so if you try to play an Animator .anim it won't play with an Animation component.
Is your Animation set to play automatically? If not, are you giving the animation.Play() command somewhere in your code?

animation not playing unity

This appears to be such a common problem, that finding answer to my specific case is near impossible, because of the amount of noise in google or forum searches.
I have imported object to unity from blender. This objects had smaller objects inside it. Those smaller objects have animation on them, which was created in unity. If I open the animation window (Window->Animation) and press play - I can see correct movement of an object. Animation is set to play automatically in inspector, culling type is always animate. If I play the game however, animation does not play. Why?
add the animation to the main object, then animate the smaller object...
you have to put animation component to main object, then animate the small part...
it is important...
it should work
I Could not find any unity inspector based answer. For now, the best option I have is to create new script, and in update() check if the animation is playing. If not, play it. Very inefficient, so to whoever might stumble upon this post in the future, I suggest you try to add this.animation.play() in setting up part of the script.
I know it's kinda late, but this is for others having this same issue.
Animations in Unity have types (2 of which I know).
Type 1 can be attached to an object using the Animation Component.
Type 2 can only be used in Animators (Mechanim).
Animations imported with FBX files are type 2 (and as far as I know, animation type in FBX files can NOT be changed), so they will usually not work when attached directly to an object with "Animation". They should be used with Animators and Animator Controllers. Just create a New Controller and add the animation. It will become the default animation state and play automatically.
If you want it to loop, click on the FBX asset, and in the Animation tab, choose Loop Time and click Apply.

Best way to animate a circle moving around a screen in Qt?

If I wanted to, using Qt, simply have some circles move around in a white box, or a graphic, what would be the best method of this?
Would I need to draw white/the graphic behind where the circle moved from every time? Is there a simple way of accomplishing this in Qt?
Create QGraphicsView object to your widget and added a QGraphicsScene to view.
Add a QGraphicsEllipseItem to scene
Use QPropertyAnimation to change the "pos" property of the ellipse item.
If you need more advanced features, you can build your own animation class on QPropertyAnimation.
enjoy it:)
Update: You can read Qt's Next Generation UI for more information.
Subclass a QWidget. Start a timerEvent() to animate the positions of the circles, then call update() at the end to schedule a repaint of the widget. Override the widget's paintEvent() - in there you draw your background and circles, using a QPainter object. The Qt Assistant has examples of how to use QPainter.
Qt also has a new animation framework that may facilitate something like this, but I have not looked into it.
