Display a progress bar or spinner while a command is running in bash script [duplicate] - bash

This question already has answers here:
Using Bash to display a progress indicator [duplicate]
(12 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a bash script that ends as follows:
trap "exit" INT
for ((i=0; i < $srccount; i++)); do
echo -e "\"${src[$i]}\" will be synchronized to \"${dest[$i]}\""
echo -e $'Press any key to continue or Ctrl+C to exit...\n'
read -rs -n1
rsync ${opt1} ${opt2} ${opt3} ${src[$i]} ${dest[$i]}
I need a command or a function such as show_progress_bar() that put . (a dot) in the stdout every one second while rsync command is running (or a rotating / that rotates as / - \ | sequence while rsync is running).
Is it possible? Do I need to wrote such function myself, or there is available scripts for this purpose?

It's not pretty, but it works:
~$ while true; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done & sleep 3; kill %-; wait; echo;
[1] 26255
...[1]+ Terminated while true; do
echo -n .; sleep 1;
(exchange the "sleep 3" for your actual work)
It works like this:
The while loop runs as a background job.
Meanwhile, your work ("sleep 3" in my example) runs in the foreground.
When the work is done, "kill %-" kills the echo loop.
Then we wait for the job to terminate, and echo a newline, just in case.
Like I said, it's not pretty. And there's probably a much better way to do it. :)
EDIT: For example, like the answer here: Using BASH to display a progress (working) indicator


Script executes but fails to increment

So I have this shell script that I think should run a given number of times, sleep then resume, and output the results to a log file
a=$(COMMAND1 | cut -d : -f 2)
b=$(COMMAND2 | grep VALUE| cut -c 7,8)
for i in {1..4}
echo "Test" $i >> $log
date >> $log
echo $a >> $log
echo "$((-113 + (($b * 2)))) VALUE" >> $log
sleep 60
When I run ps -ef | grep scriptname.sh it seems the script does run. Executes once then the PID is gone as if the run has completed.
I have tested the script and know that it is running and capturing the data I want. But I do not understand why its not incrementing and not sure why its ending earlier than expected.
info.log output sample
Test {1..4}
Note that the output is literally "Test {1..4}" not "Test 1" "Test 2" Test 3" and so on, as I would expect.
I have run the script as ./scriptname.sh & and as /path/to/file/scriptname.sh &
I have read that there is a difference in running the script with sh and bash though I dont fully understand what effect that would have on the script. I am not a software person at all.
I have tried to run the script with nohup to keep it running in the background if I close the terminal. I also thought the & in the command was supposed to keep the script running in the background. Still it seems the script does not continue to run
I previously asked this question and it was closed, citing that it was similar to a post about the difference between sh and bash...but thats not my main question.
also echo "$BASH_VERSION" returns nothing, a blank line. echo "$-" returns smi, and I have no idea what that means. but bash --version returns:
BusyBox v1.17.1 (2019-11-26 10:41:00 PST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
So my questions are:
If running the script with sh - is that done with ./scriptname.sh & and running the script with bash is /path/to/file/scriptname.sh &...and if so what effect does that have on how the script code is processed? that is - is using sh or bash. I do not fully understand the difference between the two
why does the script not continue to run when I close the terminal? This is my big concern. I would like to run this script hourly for a set period of time. Every time I try something and come back I get one instance in the log.
Neither brace expansion nor seq are part of the POSIX specification. Use a while loop.
a=$(COMMAND1 | cut -d : -f 2)
b=$(COMMAND2 | grep VALUE| cut -c 7,8)
while [ "$i" -le 4 ]; do
printf 'Test %s\n' "$i"
printf '%s\n' "$a"
printf '%s\n' "$((-113 + (($b * 2)))) VALUE"
sleep 60
done >> "$log"
(I suspect that you want to move the assignments to a and b inside the loop as well; right now, you are simply writing identical files to the log at each iteration.)

Why is the second bash script not printing its iteration?

I have two bash scripts:
echo "running"
if [ $doit = true ];then
./b.sh &
echo "done"
for i in {0..50}; do
echo "counting";
sleep 1;
I get this output:
> ./a.sh
Why do I only see the first "counting" from b.sh and then nothing anymore? (Currently some-long-operation-binary just sleep 5 for this example). I first thought that due to setting b.sh in the background, its STDOUT is lost, but why do I see the first output? More importantly: is b.sh still running and doing its thing (its iteration)?
For context:
b.sh is going to poll a service provided by some-long-operation-binary, which is only available after some time the latter has run, and when ready, would write its content to a file.
Apologies if this is just rubbish, it's a bit late...
You should add #!/bin/bash or the like to b.sh that uses a Bash-like expansion, to make sure Bash is actually running the script. Otherwise there may be (indeed) only one loop iteration happening.
When you start a background process, it is usually a good practice to kill it and wait for it, no matter which way the script exits.
set -e -o pipefail
declare -i show_counter=1
counter() {
local -i i
for ((i = 0;; ++i)); do
echo "counting $((i))"
sleep 1
echo starting
if ((show_counter)); then
counter &
declare -i counter_pid="${!}"
trap 'kill "${counter_pid}"
wait -n "${counter_pid}" || :
echo terminating' EXIT
sleep 10 # long-running process

Run bash script in background by default

I know I can run my bash script in the background by using bash script.sh & disown or alternatively, by using nohup. However, I want to run my script in the background by default, so when I run bash script.sh or after making it executable, by running ./script.sh it should run in the background by default. How can I achieve this?
Self-contained solution:
# Re-spawn as a background process, if we haven't already.
if [[ "$1" != "-n" ]]; then
nohup "$0" -n &
exit $?
# Rest of the script follows. This is just an example.
for i in {0..10}; do
sleep 2
echo $i
The if statement checks if the -n flag has been passed. If not, it calls itself with nohup (to disassociate the calling terminal so closing it doesn't close the script) and & (to put the process in the background and return to the prompt). The parent then exits to leave the background version to run. The background version is explicitly called with the -n flag, so wont cause an infinite loop (which is hell to debug!).
The for loop is just an example. Use tail -f nohup.out to see the script's progress.
Note that I pieced this answer together with this and this but neither were succinct or complete enough to be a duplicate.
Simply write a wrapper that calls your actual script with nohup actualScript.sh &.
Wrapper script wrapper.sh
#! /bin/bash
nohup ./actualScript.sh &
Actual script in actualScript.sh
#! /bin/bash
for i in {0..10}
sleep 10 #script is running, test with ps -eaf|grep actualScript
echo $i
tail -f 10 nohup.out
Adding to Heath Raftery's answer, what worked for me is a variation of what he suggested such as this:
if [[ "$1" != "-n" ]]; then
$0 -n & disown
exit $?

Bash - show background process's output when finished and checking return code [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to wait in bash for several subprocesses to finish, and return exit code !=0 when any subprocess ends with code !=0?
(35 answers)
Bash: Capture output of command run in background
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a simple loop, looking for all files in a directory. Inside the loop, a command is executed in the background with &.
I then have another loop that will wait for all the processes to complete and will check the return code to make sure none of them failed. If any failed, the entire script must fail.
This approach does work but the output from all the background processes is mixed together.
for f in $(find tests -name '*.test.php')
phpunit "$f" &
for job in `jobs -p`
wait $job || let "FAIL=$?"
exit $FAIL
I can make every process output only when they are finished by executing each command in a subshell like this
echo "$(phpunit "$f")" &
Now the output looks great but there's no obvious way to get the return code. $? will give me the return code of echo which is always 0 and it breaks checking if a test failed.
Is there a way to get a nice output (all at once when finished) and check the return value at the same time?
I thought about directing the outputs to files but how am I going to echo them after wait? Actually, I'd like to avoid writing to files if possible.
This should never have been marked duplicate, because now I can't properly answer my own question... Here is the solution I found:
In the beginning of the script I added set -o pipefail
In the original solution I replaced phpunit "$f" & with phpunit "$f" | php -r "echo file_get_contents('php://stdin');" &
With the moreutils package installed, this can also be phpunit "$f" | sponge &
That's it. When a test finishes running, it outputs. When a test fails, the exit code of the main script is 1. When everything passes it's 0. Complete script:
set -o pipefail
for f in $(find tests -name '*.test.php')
phpunit "$f" | sponge &
for job in `jobs -p`
wait $job || let "FAIL=$?"
exit $FAIL

how to program wait and continue in this bash script

I have two shell scripts say A and B. I need to run A in the background and run B in the foreground till A finishes its execution in the background. I need to repeat this process for couple of runs, hence once A finishes, I need to suspend current iteration and move to next iteration.
Rough idea is like this:
for((i=0; i< 10; i++))
./A.sh &
for ((c=0; c< C_MAX; c++))
how do I use 'wait' and 'continue' so that B runs as many times while A is in the background and the entire process moves to next iteration once A finishes
Use the PID of the current background process:
./A.sh &
while ps -p $! >/dev/null; do
I am just translating your rough idea into bash scripting.
The core idea to implement the wait-continue mechanism (while ps -p $A_PID >/dev/null; do...) is taken from #thiton who posted an answer earlier to your question.
for i in `seq 0 10`
./A.sh &
for i in `seq 0 $C_MAX`
while ps -p $A_PID >/dev/null; do
sleep 1
