This is an example of omnet++ manual in chapter 4 , article 4.10.
Inside the handleMessage method the msg is not properly scheduled, I guess. In case FSM_Exit(active): state the error message shown. But how could the message be other than startstopburst and sendmessage?
void wirelessnode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
case FSM_Exit(init):
case FSM_Enter(sleep):
case FSM_Exit(sleep):
error("Invalid event in state ACTIVE in FSM_Exit(sleep) state ");
case FSM_Enter(active):
case FSM_Exit(active):
else if(msg==startstop)
error("invalid event in state ACTIVE in FSM_Exit(active) state ");
case FSM_Exit(snd):
char msgname[32];
ev <<"Generating"<< msgname <<endl;
cMessage *job=new cMessage(msgname);
// job->SetBitLength ( (long) *msglength );
int gateCount=this->gateSize("radioInOut$o");
int d=intrand(gateCount);
The fact that the code considers an event other than startstopburst and sendmessage, does not necessarily mean that there is another event, but there could be one.
In general, in a finite state machine you would like to consider all of the allowed and disallowed cases to avoid any undefined behavior. And what you see in the code is probably a measure against that.
On another note, if you view it in terms of coding -- whenever you have a if you better have an else
From the Wikipedia article about Finite-State Machine:
... It is conceived as an abstract machine that can be in one of a
finite number of states.
This means that all of the possible states should be defined (i.e. at any time the program must be in a well-defined state).
public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
String[] messagelements = event.getMessage().getContentRaw().split("\\s+");
if (event.getMessage().getContentRaw().equalsIgnoreCase("what is the number beside " + wordanswer) && event.getAuthor().isBot()){
time = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - time <= 8000){
if (answered.equalsIgnoreCase("answered")) {
}else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (answered.equalsIgnoreCase("notanswered")){
event.getChannel().sendMessage("times up").queue();
public void onMessageReactionAdd (MessageReactionAddEvent event) {
if (event.getUser().equals(worker)) {
if (answered.equalsIgnoreCase("notanswered")){
if (event.getReactionEmote().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(emoteanswer)){
answered = "answered";
the variable answered is to check if the user has already answered the question. However, when my timer starts, it does not detect any activity from the the onMessageReactionAdd and only reacts to it after the timer ends in which "times up" will always be sent then the Wrong/Correct option will then be sent. How do i run both methods simultanously or stop a method and run another when a condition happens. (note that the reaction is the user answer). The timer gives a time limit on the answering the qn and the player will be wrong if they fail to answer within the time limit. Some people suggested using a new thread but i haven’t mastered java and need some help doing that
You could use either an eventwaiter, or create a response based on a state-machine (Credits to Minn for posthing this)
Depending on your use case, this will differ on how you're going to use it.
I'm currently working on Arduino. I'm working for Lamp using Atmega1284. I saw an example code, ModbusIP_ENC28J60 -> Lamp. I first compiled it without adding anything, it compiled properly. Now, I'm adding WebSocketServer, since I want this to work on websocket too. I added few necessary lines, but I ended up with this error:
error: 'EthernetClass Ethernet' redeclared as different kind of symbol
I don't understand what's wrong with the code or what I should change. Can someone help me with this?
I'm pasting my code here for reference:
#include <EtherCard.h>
#include <Modbus.h>
#include <ModbusIP_ENC28J60.h>
#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
WebSocketsServer webSocketServer = WebSocketsServer(8080);
//Modbus Registers Offsets (0-9999)
const int LAMP1_COIL = 100;
//Used Pins
const int ledPin = 9;
//ModbusIP object
ModbusIP mb;
void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t lenght) {
switch(type) {
Serial.println("[%u] Disconnected!\n");
case WStype_CONNECTED:
//IPAddress ip = webSocket.remoteIP(num);
Serial.println("[%u] Disconnected!\n");
// send message to client
//webSocket.sendTXT(num, "Connected");
case WStype_TEXT:
Serial.println("[%u] got text!\n");
// send message to client
// webSocket.sendTXT(num, "message here");
// send data to all connected clients
// webSocket.broadcastTXT("message here");
case WStype_BIN:
Serial.println("[%u] get binary ");
//hexdump(payload, lenght);
// send message to client
// webSocket.sendBIN(num, payload, lenght);
void setup() {
// The media access control (ethernet hardware) address for the shield
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
// The IP address for the shield
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 0, 120 };
//Config Modbus IP
mb.config(mac, ip);
//Set ledPin mode
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// Add LAMP1_COIL register - Use addCoil() for digital outputs
void loop() {
//Call once inside loop() - all magic here
//Attach ledPin to LAMP1_COIL register
digitalWrite(ledPin, mb.Coil(LAMP1_COIL));
Help me to make it work.
You are declaring Ethernet twice. And they are different.
First is probably in the include file Ethercard.h
Second is Modbus.h
In the ModbusIP_ENC28J60 I found in github via Google they declare Ethernet as an array.
Either rename one declaration (e.g. ether vs Ethernet) or eliminate the use of one. Also, considering the include files in your source I would be surprised if there are only two conflicts.
C lesson: Declaring a variable for use by a function, very straightforward. When adding additional modules any name conflicts will cause problems. If you get two variables to agree but are still in the program you will suffer massive debugging headaches because one function will access its variable while the other will have its own, resulting in nothing actually working.
Go back and look at the source files (*.h). Search for "Ethernet" variables. See how they are declared and how they are used. The simplest solution is to pick the latest addition and change Ethernet to ether (as I suggested above).
Good Luck.
I've been developing with QT for around a week now and am pleased to say that I'm picking it up really fast. I'm an intermediate C++ programmer but picking up some parts of QT is proving to be challenging. I need to process key press events from the QPlainTextEdit when the user presses enter and I presume that the solution will involve sub classing the widget. Can any of you smart guys give me a potential implementable solution?
To really understand Qt and event handling there are two key areas of the documentation you should read. The first is the overview on The Event System and the second is a very important bit which is a cleverly hidden link on that page for QCoreApplication::notify. They should really move that to the main page of the Event System documentation as it really makes things quite clear (to me at least).
If you only need to handle some messages sent to the control - like the key-presses - there is no need to subclass it. You can alternatively use the event filtering mechanism. Here is a simple example:
Provide virtual eventFilter method in one of your QObject-based classes (e.g. the window form class).
bool MyWindow::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
if(watched == ui->myTargetControl)
if(event->type() == QKeyEvent::KeyPress)
QKeyEvent * ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Return || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Enter)
// [...]
return true; // do not process this event further
return false; // process this event further
// pass the event on to the parent class
return QMainWindow::eventFilter(watched, event);
Install your class as the event filter for the target control. Form constructor is usually a good place for this code. In the following snippet this refers to the instance of class in which you implemented the eventFilter method.
i would try subclassing QPlainTextEdit and reimplementing QWidget::keyPressEvent:
void YourTextEdit::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * event )
if( event->key() == Qt::Key_Return )
// optional: if the QPlainTextEdit should do its normal action
// even when the return button is pressed, uncomment the following line
// QPlainTextEdit::keyPressEvent( event )
/* do your stuff here */
QPlainTextEdit::keyPressEvent( event )
please try :
if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Return || event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter){
//do something
in your keyPressEvent() function.
I'm using CGEventTapCreate to "steal" media keys from iTunes when my app is running. The code inside of the callback that I pass to CGEventTapCreate examines the event, and if it finds that it's one of the media keys, posts an appropriate notification to the default notification center.
Now, this works fine if I post a notification for the "key up" event. If I do that for "key down" events, eventually my app stops getting media key events and iTunes takes over. Any ideas on what can be causing this? The relevant part of the code is below
enum {
PlayPauseKeyDown = 0x100A00,
PlayPauseKeyUp = 0x100B00,
static CGEventRef event_tap_callback(CGEventTapProxy proxy,
CGEventType type,
CGEventRef event,
void *refcon)
if (!(type == NX_SYSDEFINED) || (type == NX_KEYUP) || (type == NX_KEYDOWN))
return event;
NSEvent* keyEvent = [NSEvent eventWithCGEvent: event];
if (keyEvent.type != NSSystemDefined) return event;
case PlayPauseKeyUp: // <--- this works reliably
//case PlayPauseKeyDown: // <--- this will break eventually
post_notification(#"PlayPauseMediaKeyPressed", nil, nil);
return NULL;
... and so on ...
Does something kill my event tap if the callback takes too long?
Some people suspect that Snow Leopard has a bug that sometimes disables event taps even if they don't take too long. To handle that, you can watch for the event type kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout, and respond by re-enabling your tap with CGEventTapEnable.
First of all, why is your first "if" allowing key-down and key-up events to pass? Your second "if" only lets system events pass through anyway. So for all key-down/-up events you create a NSEvent, just to drop the event one line further downwards. That makes little sense. An Event Tap should always be as fast as possible, otherwise it will slow down all event processing of the whole system. Your callback should not even be called for key-down/-up events, since system events are not key-down/-up events, they are system events. If they were key events, you would for sure never access data1, but instead use the "type" and "keyCode" methods to get the relevant information from them.
static CGEventRef event_tap_callback(CGEventTapProxy proxy,
CGEventType type,
CGEventRef event,
void *refcon)
NSEvent * sysEvent;
// No event we care for? return ASAP
if (type != NX_SYSDEFINED) return event;
sysEvent = [NSEvent eventWithCGEvent:event];
// No need to test event type, we know it is NSSystemDefined,
// becuase that is the same as NX_SYSDEFINED
Also you cannot determine if that is the right kind of event by just looking at the data, you must also verify the subtype, that must be 8 for this kind of event:
if ([sysEvent subtype] != 8) return event;
The next logical step is to split the data up into its components:
int data = [sysEvent data1];
int keyCode = (data & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
int keyFlags = (data & 0xFFFF);
int keyState = (keyFlags & 0xFF00) >> 8;
BOOL keyIsRepeat = (keyFlags & 0x1) > 0;
And you probably don't care for repeating key events (that is when I keep the key pressed and it keeps sending the same event over and over again).
// You probably won't care for repeating events
if (keyIsRepeat) return event;
Finally you should not define any own constant, the system has ready to use constants for those keys:
// Analyze the key
switch (keyCode) {
// Play/Pause key
if (keyState == 0x0A) {
// Key down
// your stuff here...
return NULL;
} else if (keyState == 0x0B) {
// Key Up
// your stuff here...
return NULL;
// If neither down nor up, we don't know
// what it is and better ignore it
// (Fast) Forward
// Rewind key
// If we get here, we have not handled
// the event and want system to handle it
return event;
And if this still not works, my next question would be what your post_notification function looks like and do you also see the described problem if you don't call post_notification there, but just make a NSLog call about the event you just saw?
In your handler, check for the following type, and just re-enable the listener.
if (type == kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout) {
NSLog(#"Event Taps Disabled! Re-enabling");
CGEventTapEnable(eventTap, true);
return event;
When a function returns a boolean you can easily
if (task()){
// it worked!
// it failed.
But when it returns multiple different values it gets messier
var status = task();
if (status == 1){
// hmm
}else if (status == 2){
// hmmmmm
}else if (status == 3){
// hmmmmmmmm!
} there a neater way of handling it?
Edit: In response to the answers that recommend switch statements, yes I know about those. I was asking for something neater than even that?
I can't tell what language you are using (JavaScript?) but I generally write code like this:
var result = task();
switch (result)
case 1:
case 2:
Depends on a language's possibilities, but I'd do something like this in JavaScript:
var handle_task_1 = function () {
// handle task 1
var handle_task_2 = function () {
// handle task 2
var tasks = {
1: handle_task_1,
2: handle_task_2,
"default": function() {},
// Or, with a default action. But it may be too much for some people :)
(tasks[task()] || tasks["default"])();
Most languages have a switch statement, something like:
switch (task()) {
case 1: // do stuff
case 2: // other stuff
/// etc.
default: // what?!
Error("Unhandleable status code");
If you have many chained if commands each executing a unique block of code, you might consider using a map of simple functor classes. Ideally, the application's startup would populate that map and you can just call the actions from an instance of that map
The code would look like this
Action action = (Action) contextMap.get(task());;
This has the advantage that adding new tasks requires only defining a new class for that task and adding it to the contextMap on startup.
There are some other nice things about this approach
taskA() and taskB() can share the same contextMap and even some of the same Actions so you have less code duplication
Actions can be unit tested more easily (usually)
Sharing of code between actions will be easy without ending up with spaghetti code or complex if(status > 2 && status !=7 ) statements
And of course, interfaces, varargs and other syntactic sugar helps here.
If you're talking about an integer or other primitive return type, the best approach I know is the switch statement.
switch (status)
case 1:
// hmm
case 2:
// hmmm
However, if you're returning an object that defines the behavior following the method call things become much neater.
Say you have an interface ISomething and two (or more) objects that implement that interface (ASomething and BSomething). If the method's return type is ISomething, the code becomes:
ISomething result = task();
Maybe you are looking for exceptions?
Then you don't need to clutter your code for the successful case, and for the various error cases you can throw different exceptions as necessary.