AS3 | FPS issue while running on browser - performance

I've built a small game that running perfectly while on local (from Flash). It's a small 60-fps game. Using the same computer, I'm playing the swf using a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Explorer) however it's running extremely slow. I'm using swf monitor (and Browser monitor) there you can see clearly the swf is running with 61/60 fps however this is just not true. Seem like the browser is forcing swf fps down to around the 20 fps or so. I've also tried Wmode (direct / GPU) but nothing. What is going on?

After updating my graphic card drivers, everything works perfectly even on Browser. Flash can handle it perfectly without updated drivers, but on a browser it's a must to have, else it will damage application performance and FPS.


ThreeJS mobile device-orientation: Chrome gets laggy, opening Firefox fixes it

I have a mobile ThreeJS scene based on device orientation that goes quite good on Android devices (55 fps). After some time performance starts to drop badly, but this is not reflected in the FPS, only in the smoothness of the device orientation detection. And only here, because if I leave the phone on a desk (so device orientation doesn´t play any role) the rest of the code works fine and smooth as expected.
I noticed that closing the browser or even restarting the device doesn´t fix the lack of smoothness. In a moment of dispair, I tried the same script on Firefox mobile, and it was smooth. Going back to Chrome, the problem seemed to be fixed (!).
So every time Chrome gets this lag, I open Firefox to solve it, the weirdest thing. What is happening here? How can I prevent it? Also how can be possible that the fps continue being so high but the device orientation goes so laggy?
If I remember well, this started to happen after using layers on my code (combined with the StereoEffect I was already using). Does this have any sense for anybody? I´m sooo stuck on this.. Any clue will be appreciated.

Flash Object slow in IE and Chrome but not in Firefox(WaterFox)

Can someone please shed some light or point me in a different direction.
We are using adobe flash that launches an app inside of a JSP. Up until yesterday everything was running fine without any issues. Today when the Flash Object launches you can see the initialize bar where before you hardly seen it.
While working within the app as well all the operations are very slow (not much but a 2 second delay on most of the things is visible).
I have 3 browsers installed on my PC
IE 11 running Flash version
Chrome 55.0.2883.87 running Flash version
Waterfox 32.0 also running the same Flash version as IE
Running the app from all 3 these browsers is slow apart from Waterfox.
I deleted all the caches from the flash settings in control panel and for chrome I used the web interface (
I cleared all browser caches. We are running McCafee which I disabled.
I had a look at any windows updates that was done recently which I uninstalled.
What could be different between these? What else can be checked to see what is making this app slow in IE and Chrome?
The slowness could be caused by the files not being cached by the browser like they used to be. I would start there. If you reload the page and you're not seeing a 304 "Not Modified" for the swf(s) you're loading them from the server each time where they used to be loaded from the browsers cache.
Here's some more info on the subject:
Both Chrome and IE have developer tools you can load to see the http calls and check the headers and response codes.

Why does youtube video work fast on Chrome than firefox?

As a java UI & Backend developer for past 10 years, What surprises me is the following browser behavior :
Firefox : I click on a related video (youtube website) and it takes some time to figure out the video and then buffering starts for the video.
Chrome : I click on a related video (youtube website) and it starts as if it was already buffering or buffer ready. This is surprising as there is no delay.
(note: If you have a very fast connection, you may not notice it. Slow it down by some parallel network related activity and then experiment)
My Concern is : Is Chrome browser programmed to preload some data related to youtube related videos to give a faster experience?
Google owns youtube and it makes sense for doing so.
But doing so,seems weird. Its like unusual customization for a particular website from a sea of websites.
Anyone knows a thing or two about it?
I noticed that when you install firefox you have to install flash manually, while chrome does not require that, i think it comes with it, or does not use flash at all. It might have something to do with that..

Flash, Internet Explorer and 60fps speed

I have created a Flash game which plays at 60 frames per second. It plays fine in all browsers except Internet Explorer 8 and 9; in these cases, it seems to be half (or less than half) the intended frame rate.
I have tried embedding it even by using Flash Authoring Tool's own html code, as well as the swfobject method, but to no avail. In all cases, GPU acceleration is enabled.
It's also not a matter of CPU performance, since it is tested on the same computer with all other applications closed. The problem only rises with IE.
One final peculiarity to consider : I have loaded FRAPS to count the actual rendering frame rate and it shows it to be 60 fps (inside IE), although it's crystal clear that this is not the actual speed achieved.
sounds like flash isn't properly installed on your IE browser
Try the following (assuming you have Adobe Flash Player v10.2 installed):
• Restart your computer.
• Open Internet Options (located in the Control Panel).
• Click on the Advanced tab.
• Click on the Reset button, place a check next to Delete Personal Settings and then click Reset.
• Launch IE9 and Adobe Flash Player will be properly enabled.
then try your tests again
GPU acceleration is not always the best solution. It depends on the way you have code the app.
Try another wmode value.

web development: using background video is blocking firefox

i'm developing a website which is using a background video for the home page.
that video has pretty small filesize (about ~300 kb) and the problem is that it is kinda blocking firefox - which means when clicking a link to a different page, it takes about 10 seconds until firefox will start loading it. i've checked the taskmanager, plugincontainer.exe is eating ~26% cpu on my machine.
any ideas how to optimize this?
I googled optimising video backgrounds, and it gave me this page, it talks about streaming videos and how to optimise it, its essentially what will be causing the problem I would assume.
