Where to find a Carrot2 C# API? - carrot2

I'm been trying to use Carrot2 (clustering engine) in a C# project. They state that they offer a C# API, but the download links[1] are broken (404 - not found). Their support page[2] suggests to ask questions on SO, so I thought I'll post here.
Anyone with information on their official or any other non-official C# API for Carrot2?
[1] http://project.carrot2.org/download.html and http://download.carrot2.org/head/manual/index.html#section.integration.compiling-csharp-program-with-carrot2
[2] http://project.carrot2.org/contact.html

Here is the latest Carrot2 C# API:

While the link in their 'User and Developer Manual' page is still broken, you can find a valid link at http://project.carrot2.org/download-csharp-api.html
The latest version which I just downloaded is 3.14.0


Does Sphinx have a feature to compare versions of documentation? [duplicate]

Like the documentation of python or django, how do I have multiple versions of my doc with sphinx ?
I saved my doc on git, and I want my user to be able to see documentation for different version like v2.7,v3.4, etc
Thank you for the help
You could just use Read The Docs to host your documentation for you. They automatically handle multiple versions with a dropdown:
If you'd like to host your own documentation on GitHub Pages or some other web server, I made a Sphinx extension that does what you're looking for:
There's the sphinx-multiversion extension.
It's similar to sphinxcontrib-versioning, but sphinxcontrib-versioning doesn't seem to be actively maintained. The last release was in 2016, and it doesn't work with more recent versions of Sphinx (issue #77). sphinx-multiversion is a new implementation (see comment by the author).
Note on healthiness of the project: as of December 2020, it seems that SMV is a one-person project and there are a number of open issues and pull requests that haven't been responded to (though see this comment by the author).

Is there a way to code a bulk download (zip?) for users to download all attachments on my page?

My app serves up a bunch of files as links that the user has to download individually. The customer wants me to provide a bulk download option as well. I'm using ColdFusion, but can probably use other languages or translate into one I can use. I mostly likely cannot download a commercial tool to do it. Thanks!
Use curl - in your case it would be libcurl. This would require C++ bindings.
Create a list of your links in a string or a file that your app would access.
Get started with the curl cli.
See here - https://curl.se/docs/httpscripting.html and here - https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-start-using-curl-and-why-a-hands-on-introduction-ea1c913caaaa/
Once you are comfortable with this, use libcurl linked within your app and download the files using the libcurl API.
Thanks for your reply - I appreciate it. A coworker found the best answer for ColdFusion. There's a tag called cfzip that does it all.

Does anyone know how to install parse skd in unity for Android and Ios app development?

I've read the open source parse docs, and looked at the parse c# sdk. I also looked at back4app but their example is way out of date. I can't tell if I'm supposed to take the c# code from the official parse sdk and try to put it in Unity or am I supposed to build a dll first? There's not a lot of information that I can find.
The latest official release for this SDK was in 2016, as you can see here: https://github.com/parse-community/Parse-SDK-dotNET/releases/tag/1.7.0
There's a fork of Parse SDK that usually works fine, have you already seen it?
Here it is: https://github.com/fayezsalka/Parse-for-Unity-2018

Xamarin Google Tag Manager Integration

My goal is to integrate the GTM (Gootle Tag Manager) SDK in a Xamarin.iOS app without having to use Firebase.
The instructions for integrating GTM from the Xamarin component store only show how to integrate via Firebase. Whereas Google provides 2 options, including one that does not require Firebase.
Additionally the GTM Xamarin component is missing types and methods provided by the original Google GTM SDK. Ex: TAGManager, TAGContainer
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure if you have figured this out. Hopefully this could help someone hoping to do the same. We currently use TagManager with Google Analytics in our Xamarin apps.
You need to install specific version of Google TagManager via Nuget and latest Google Analytics for your Xamarin.iOS app.
Packages currently used:
Xamarin.Google.iOS.Analytics - v
Xamarin.Google.iOS.TagManager - v
These packages should allow for the objects you are looking for TAGManager, TAGContainer to be found.
Follow this tutorial from a colleague of mine if you want Enhanced Ecommerce:
How To Implement Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce iOS in Xamarin

Google Drive API - PHP Deprecated version

I found the Quickstart guide to run a drive APP in PHP, https://developers.google.com/drive/web/quickstart/quickstart-php, but the example script is not working, because the new Github version has a different structure.
Where can I find the updated version of the example for the same purposes?
Or is there a similar one, for that exact github version (google-api-php-client-master)
I would love to create and edit google doc files.
Thanks a lot.
