Jmeter Probably waiting for user to authorize the certificate - jmeter

When i am trying to record https urls with jmeter, i am getting below message in log:
jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.Proxy: [64432] Empty response to http over SSL. Probably waiting for user to authorize the certificate for XXXXXXX:443.
Its not loading any pages of our application.
Can anyone please help me how to resolve this issue?Thanks

First read:
Among resolutions for your issue:
Install in the browser as described in documentation the Fake Certification Authority created by JMeter
Call https URL in the browser and accept certificate, then start recording your scenario

Have you added JMeter's self-signed certificate to browser's exception list?
If so - try removing the certificate and starting over.
For other troubleshooting options and recommendations see Recording HTTPS Traffic with JMeter's Proxy Server guide.

I suggest using SmartMeter Recorder. You will avoid all isues with setting up the proxy. SmartMeter Recorder uses its own Chrome plugin and works out of the box. Read the article for more info.

First of all for performance testing you should have application setup without the certificates otherwise you are testing results will differ. Your objective should be to test actual calls and those should be isolated.
If you still insist doing with certificate then you need to register JMeter certificate with browser which you are using for recording. You can find that in JMeter bin directory. Just register with your browser which you are using fir recording.


Why website is not accessible by clicking on login button while recording it with proxy server using Jmeter?

I have set up a proxy server and trying to record a script by adding "http script recorder", but the problem is I am able to access a website but not able to login.
my website has been loaded but once I enter credentials and click on the login button then a website is not behaving, login button also not responding.
In case of any problems with JMeter first of all you should look at jmeter.log file, if anything goes wrong JMeter normally writes an error message to this log file which in majority of cases is enough to get to the bottom of the issue.
With regards to your problem, my expectation is that login normally uses HTTPS protocol and you need to perform some extra configuration so JMeter would be able to intercept and decrypt HTTPS traffic.
You need to install JMeter's self-signed certificate to your browser, the file is called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it's being generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation when you start JMeter proxy.
You just need to import it into your browser and it should resolve you issue. Follow your browser documentation to learn more about certificates installation processes, some hints are also given in the HTTPS recording and certificates chapter of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder JMeter User Manual entry.
Alternative way is using JMeter Chrome Extension, in this case you won't have to worry about proxies and certificates so the recording process will be faster and easier.

page not loading properly while recording https protocol in jmeter

I'm trying to record an application with https protocol in jmeter.
Requests are being captured in JMeter, the However web page is not loading properly.In the web, responses are coming in a line where I cannot proceed further.
I'm able to record HTTP protocol without any problem.
help on this would be really appreciable.
Thanks in advance
When you start HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder for the first time, JMeter will create a Certificat Authority in jmeter/bin folder named:
You need to add it to your browser (Firefox for example) following the instructions in paragraph:
Installing the JMeter CA certificate for HTTPS recording
Once done, you'll be able to correctly record HTTPS traffic.

Unable to login to system while recording through Jmeter

I'm unable to record login functionality every time its giving validation message on login screen with proxy on. On removing the proxy login functionality works fine. I'm using localhost with port given with the URL of the system under test.
Address is something like - Portnumber
Please help..!!
It may be connected with HTTPS protocol, sending username and password in plain text is a very bad practice so I am more than sure your application is using some form of TLS encryption.
JMeter is able to decrypt and record secure traffic, however some extra configuration will be required, in particular you will need to add JMeter's self-signed certificate into browser so JMeter would be able to intercept secure traffic. Pay attention to the following chapters of the JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder documentation:
HTTPS recording and certificates
Installing the JMeter CA certificate for HTTPS recording
If you will be still experiencing problems check out Recording HTTPS Traffic with JMeter's Proxy Server article for troubleshooting steps.

Record HTTPS requests of a mobile IOS/Android application with JMeter

Is it possible to record httpS requests of a native app (IOS or Android) with JMeter? I tried some ways that I found but, I've not resolved the problem..
Use jmeter 3 with Java 7 or 8, it creates a crt file in jmeter/bin folder. It is the CA that creates the certificates.
Send this file by mail and open it in Android / iOS then install it.
In test script recorder, put in the dedicated field HTTPS domains , the domains you are trying to hit, see:
Restart Ipad/Android and jmeter test script recorder and try again.
to do this, you have to make your device trust the Jmeter Proxy CA.
So, you have to import the Jmeter CA certificate from
into the device.
I remember this is an area where things improved a lot recently, so be sure to have the last version installed.
Try deleting ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt, JMeter's self-signed certificates have very limited life time (I recall something like 1 week), so if your certificate is older you might have problems installing it into browsers and/or mobile devices or it won't decrypt SSL traffic. The file will be re-created next time you start HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
There is an alternative way of recording the mobile traffic by using your personal cloud proxy. Moreover, it will perform automatic correlation for you so you won't have to worry not only about SSL certificates, but also about Regular Expression extractor, JMeter Variables, etc. Check out How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for details.
If none of the above helps, take the following troubleshooting steps:
Add View Results Tree listener as a child of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. In case of any problems with the recording a request it should display the error details.
Check your mobile device logs during failed certificate installation attempt. You may need to install Android and iOS developer tools for this.
Make sure that your application is really uses HTTP or HTTPS protocols as JMeter supports only these 2.

JMeter : How to record HTTPS traffic?

I'm using Apache JMeter 2.3, which now supports "attempt HTTPS spoofing" under the Proxy Server element.
I've tried this on several different servers, and have had no success.
Has anyone been able to successfully record from an HTTPS source with this setting?
Or barring successfully recording, can anyone share a work-around? When available, I simply have HTTPS turned off at the server level, but this is not always feasible. Thoughts?
Starting from JMeter 3.0 default port for the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is 8888
The easiest way to configure recording is using JMeter Templates feature. From JMeter's main menu select:
File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create
Don't forget to start the recorder :
In JMeter < 4.0, Expand "Workbench", if >= 4.0, ignore this step
Select "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder"
Click "Start" button
You will see a message regarding Root CA Certificate. Click OK:
it is OK, it informs you JMeter has created a Root Certificate Authority that you need to import in your browser to be able to record correctly HTTPS traffic.
To Import this Root CA certificate in Firefox (it is located in jmeter/bin folder) for example:
Configure browser to use JMeter as proxy:
It is now Ok.
You can navigate to your application, samplers will be created under "Recording Controller" which is under "Thread Group" element
While the JMeter proxy already has the ability to record HTTPS requests, a Chrome Extension that creates JMeter script came out recently:
It uses a BlazeMeter as the middleman (a commercial JMeter in the cloud service) but you can use their free service forever and still use the plugin to record a JMX script and download it locally to your own machine even if you never use any of the paid plans.
What I do is:
Go to my website using my web server's IP-address (i.e.
Start the recorder and run through my test case
Stop recording
Replace all values of the IP address with the domain name (i.e. replace with from the HTTP Request Samplers
Set the protocol to https in the HTTP Request Samplers
If you have more than a few pages, it's easiest to create an HTTP Request Defaults item, and set your domain name and protocol there.
FYI, I'm using the latest stable build as of 2010-05-24: Jmeter 2.3.4 r785646.
The newest version of Jmeter (2.4) now supports HTTPS recording. Rejoice!
More details:
Is there any other way to record HTTPS than Bad boy and Https spoofing?
Yes--use a nightly build of JMeter, e.g. version r922204.
Https recording is successfully working in new version of Jmeter 2.9 as of today. I had to import proxy certificate and play around with Firefox to get this working.
Refer this link for more information
Https recording using Jmeter
Yes, I have used it with "attempt HTTPS spoofing" on. Things are simple enough:
Turn HTTPS Spoofing on (of course).
Make sure that the browser sends Http request to Jmeter, so that Jmeter can record it and then send the encrypted request back to the server. So, the URL in the browser should start with http:// (and not with https://). The details could be found in my blog.
Please let me know if it works for you.
I am using Webscarab to record https and ajax conversations.
It workd fine. I extended the Webscarab with export function for Jmeter.
Bugzilla 48898.
