Call Action when NSStatusBarButton is right-clicked - macos

I am searching for a way to detect whenever the NSStatusBarButton is right-clicked (using Swift) and call an action.
I am currently setting it up this way:
let statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength(-1)
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
if let button = statusItem.button {
button.image = NSImage(named: "myImage")
button.alternateImage = NSImage(named: "myImage")
button.action = Selector("myAction")
I thought of using the button.rightMouseDown(<#theEvent: NSEvent#>) (Because there is no such "alternateAction") but unfortunately I did not manage to come up with something due to the fact that I just started programming Mac apps.
While searching for a way to do this I saw some threads telling to subclass a NSView but I don't se how this should work (This could be because I am really new to programming and don't even know how to "subclass"). Still I thought there was some easier way to use this since nearly every statusBar App that I know rects on right-clicks.

You can subclass and override the mouseDown method, but since Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), there has been an easier way: NSGestureRecognizer and its subclasses:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
if let button = statusItem.button {
button.image = NSImage(named: "myImage")
button.alternateImage = NSImage(named: "myImage")
button.action = Selector("myAction")
// Add right click functionality
let gesture = NSClickGestureRecognizer()
gesture.buttonMask = 0x2 // right mouse = self
gesture.action = "myRightClickAction:"
func myRightClickAction(sender: NSGestureRecognizer) {
if let button = sender.view as? NSButton {
// Handle your right click event here

I had the same problem as you with the accepted answer's method: it didn't work for buttonMask 0x2, only buttonMask 0x1. Regular NSButtons (but not NSStatusBarButtons) can handle NSClickGestureRecognizers, so perhaps that's what the answerer was thinking. Another solution I found suggested was to set the NSStatusItem's view to an instance of your own custom subclass of NSView, but as of OS X v10.10, getting or setting view is deprecated, so I didn't want to do that.
I solved this by adding a custom subclass of NSView as a subview of the NSStatusItem's button. My NSView implements -rightMouseUp: to receive the right mouse up event and then just passes that event to a block given to it by my class that wants to handle the right mouse click event.
Here's my custom subclass:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface TTRightClickDetector : NSView
#property (copy) void (^onRightMouseClicked)(NSEvent *);
#import "TTRightClickDetector.h"
And the implementation:
#implementation TTRightClickDetector
- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
And here's how I use it:
self.statusItem = [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
NSStatusBarButton *button = self.statusItem.button;
button.image = [NSImage imageNamed:#"image"];
button.action = #selector(leftMouseClicked:);
TTRightClickDetector *rightClickDetector = [[TTRightClickDetector alloc] initWithFrame:button.frame];
rightClickDetector.onRightMouseClicked = ^(NSEvent *event){
[self rightMouseClicked];
[button addSubview:rightClickDetector];

The swift version of commanda's answer (subclassing an NSView and implementing mouseDown).
NSView Subclass:
class RightMouseHandlerView: NSView {
var onRightMouseDown: (()->())? = nil
override func rightMouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
super.rightMouseDown(with: event)
if onRightMouseDown != nil {
Then adding it to the status bar button and setting the code block:
statusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.squareLength)
if let button = statusItem.button {
let rmhView = RightMouseHandlerView(frame: statusItem.button!.frame)
rmhView.rightMouseDown = {
// Do something when right mouse down on button


Cocoa - Present NSViewController programmatically

Generally, We can able to display next view controller from first view controller by having different kind of NSStoryboardSeque like Present, Show, Sheet etc., But, How we can achieve the same programmatically?.
Comparing with UIViewController, presenting a view controller modally by presentViewController:animated:. Is there any same kind of approach for NSViewController?
Thanks in advance.
The two different presentation types I use are:
func presentViewControllerAsModalWindow(_ viewController: NSViewController)
func presentViewControllerAsSheet(_ viewController: NSViewController)
After doing some more research another way to do using:
func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, animator: NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator)
And eating a custom presentation animator. Here you have the freedom to do what you like :)
In case someone is looking for the solution in 2022,
extension NSViewController {
func presentInNewWindow(viewController: NSViewController) {
let window = NSWindow(contentViewController: viewController)
var rect = window.contentRect(forFrameRect: window.frame)
// Set your frame width here
rect.size = .init(width: 1000, height: 600)
let frame = window.frameRect(forContentRect: rect)
window.setFrame(frame, display: true, animate: true)
let windowVC = NSWindowController(window: window)
1.Create a NSViewController instance with StoryBoard Identifier
let theTESTVCor = self.storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "TESTVCor") as! NSViewController
2.Present In Via the current NSViewController
⚠️ DO NOT FORGET to set the Identifier of the NSViewController in Storyboard
If you have a view controller (presenting) than it's as simple as following function are provided:
open func presentAsSheet(_ viewController: NSViewController)
open func presentAsSheet(_ viewController: NSViewController)
open func present(_ viewController: NSViewController, asPopoverRelativeTo positioningRect: NSRect, of positioningView: NSView, preferredEdge: NSRectEdge, behavior: NSPopover.Behavior)
If you need to present a view controller in a new window (NOT MODAL) you need to create own NSWindow, NSWindowController
let gridView = NSGridView(views: [
[NSTextField(labelWithString: "label1"),NSTextField(labelWithString: "label2")],
[NSTextField(labelWithString: "label3"),NSTextField(labelWithString: "label4")]
let viewController = NSViewController()
viewController.view = gridView
let window = NSWindow(contentViewController: viewController)
let windowController = NSWindowController(window: window)
Storyboards are using seques to perform some magic. The show seque is simply calling action "perform:" on object NSStoryboardShowSegueTemplate ([NSApp sendAction:to:from]). This seque will create NSWindowController and NSWindow (private method windowWithContentViewController:) for you and on top it will layoutSubviews/resize and center the window. Magic bonus is self retaining the window so you don't care about memory management.
Example of programatic calling (using Storyboards to instantiate windowController with viewController)
import Cocoa
import Contacts
class ShorteningHistoryWindowController : NSWindowController, Storyboarded {
static var defaultStoryboardName = "ShorteningHistory"
struct ShorteningHistory {
static let shared = ShorteningHistory()
private var windowController : NSWindowController
private init() {
windowController = ShorteningHistoryWindowController.instantiate()
public func showHistory() {
extension Storyboarded where Self: NSWindowController {
static var defaultStoryboardName: NSStoryboard.Name { return String(describing: self) }
static var defaultIdentifer: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier {
let fullName = NSStringFromClass(self)
let className = fullName.components(separatedBy: ".")[1]
return className
static func instantiate() -> Self {
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: defaultStoryboardName, bundle: Bundle.main)
guard let vc = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: defaultIdentifer) as? Self else {
fatalError("Could not instantiate initial storyboard with name: \(defaultIdentifer)")
return vc
PS: Don't forget to set Storyboard Identifiers in Storyboard

NSClickGestureRecognizer not working on NSStatusItem

Trying to recognize a right click on a NSStatusItem I got a suggestion ( Thanks to Zoff Dino ) to use a NSClickGestureRecognizer for that. But for some bizarre reason it isn't working as it should be. I am able to recognize a left click (buttonMask = 0x1) but not a right-click (buttonMask = 0x2). This is how I would like it to work but it isn't:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
if let button = statusItem.button {
// Add right click functionality
let gesture = NSClickGestureRecognizer()
gesture.buttonMask = 0x2 // right mouse = self
gesture.action = "rightClickAction:"
func rightClickAction(sender: NSGestureRecognizer) {
if let button = sender.view as? NSButton {
I still did not manage to gets to work. Somehow it doesn't react on a right click (but changing the code on a left click) does. I guess some really simple issues are occurring that seem to block it from working. Even stranger is the fact that gesture.buttonMask = 0x1 works on the left click.
An alternative solution rather than NSClickGestureRecognizer is to attach a custom view to the status bar and handle the event from there.
The small disadvantage is you have to take care of the drawing and menu delegate methods.
Here a simple example:
Create a file StatusItemView a subclass of NSView
import Cocoa
class StatusItemView: NSView, NSMenuDelegate {
//MARK: - Variables
weak var statusItem : NSStatusItem!
var menuVisible = false
var image : NSImage! {
didSet {
if image != nil {
statusItem.length = image.size.width
needsDisplay = true
//MARK: - Override functions
override func mouseDown(theEvent: NSEvent) {
if let hasMenu = menu {
hasMenu.delegate = self
needsDisplay = true
override func rightMouseDown(theEvent: NSEvent) {
//MARK: - NSMenuDelegate
func menuWillOpen(menu: NSMenu) {
menuVisible = true
needsDisplay = true
func menuDidClose(menu: NSMenu) {
menuVisible = false
menu.delegate = nil
needsDisplay = true
//MARK: - DrawRect
override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
statusItem.drawStatusBarBackgroundInRect(bounds, withHighlight:menuVisible)
let origin = NSMakePoint(2.0, 3.0) // adjust origin if necessary
image?.drawAtPoint(origin, fromRect: dirtyRect, operation: .CompositeSourceOver, fraction: 1.0)
In AppDelegate you need a reference to the custom menu and an instance variable for the NSStatusItem instance
#IBOutlet weak var menu : NSMenu!
var statusItem : NSStatusItem!
In applicationDidFinishLaunching create the view and attach it to the status item. Be aware to set the image of the view after attaching it to make sure the width is considered.
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength(-1) // NSVariableStatusItemLength)
let statusItemView = StatusItemView(frame: NSRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: statusItem.length, height: 22.0))
statusItemView.statusItem = statusItem; = menu
statusItem.view = statusItemView
statusItemView.image = NSImage(named: NSImageNameStatusAvailable)
The special case control-click to trigger the right-click function is not implemented.

Resizing NSWindow to match view controller size in storyboard

I am working on Xcode 6.1.1 on OSX 10.10. I am trying out storyboards for Mac apps. I have a NSTabViewController using the new NSTabViewControllerTabStyleToolbar tabStyle and it is set as the default view controller for the window controller. How do I make my window resize according to the current selected view controller?
Is it possible to do entirely in Interface Builder?
Here is what my storyboard looks like:
The auto layout answer is half of it. You need to set the preferredContentSize in your ViewController for each tab to the fitting size (if you wanted the tab to size to the smallest size satisfying all constraints).
override func viewWillAppear() {
preferredContentSize = view.fittingSize
If your constraints are causing an issue below try first with a fixed size, the example below sets this in the tab item's view controller's viewWillAppear function (Swift used here, but the Objective-C version works just as well).
override func viewWillAppear() {
preferredContentSize = NSSize(width: 400, height: 280)
If that works, fiddle with your constraints to figure out what's going on
This solution for 'toolbar style' tab view controllers does animate and supports the nice crossfade effect. In the storyboard designer, add 'TabViewController' in the custom class name field of the NSTabViewController. Don't forget to assign a title to each viewController, this is used as a key value.
import Cocoa
class TabViewController: NSTabViewController {
private lazy var tabViewSizes: [String : NSSize] = [:]
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Add size of first tab to tabViewSizes
if let viewController = self.tabViewItems.first?.viewController, let title = viewController.title {
tabViewSizes[title] = viewController.view.frame.size
override func transition(from fromViewController: NSViewController, to toViewController: NSViewController, options: NSViewController.TransitionOptions, completionHandler completion: (() -> Void)?) {
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
context.duration = 0.5
self.updateWindowFrameAnimated(viewController: toViewController)
super.transition(from: fromViewController, to: toViewController, options: [.crossfade, .allowUserInteraction], completionHandler: completion)
}, completionHandler: nil)
func updateWindowFrameAnimated(viewController: NSViewController) {
guard let title = viewController.title, let window = view.window else {
let contentSize: NSSize
if tabViewSizes.keys.contains(title) {
contentSize = tabViewSizes[title]!
else {
contentSize = viewController.view.frame.size
tabViewSizes[title] = contentSize
let newWindowSize = window.frameRect(forContentRect: NSRect(origin:, size: contentSize)).size
var frame = window.frame
frame.origin.y += frame.height
frame.origin.y -= newWindowSize.height
frame.size = newWindowSize
window.animator().setFrame(frame, display: false)
The window containing a toolbar style tab view controller does resize without any code if you have auto layout constraints in your storyboard tab views (macOS 11.1, Xcode 12.3). I haven't tried other style tab view controllers.
If you want to resize with animation as in Finder, it is sufficient to add one override in your tab view controller. It will resize the window with system-calculated resize animation time and will hide the tab view during resize animation:
class PreferencesTabViewController: NSTabViewController {
override func transition(from fromViewController: NSViewController, to toViewController: NSViewController, options: NSViewController.TransitionOptions = [], completionHandler completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
guard let window = view.window else {
super.transition(from: fromViewController, to: toViewController, options: options, completionHandler: completion)
let fromSize = window.frame.size
let toSize = window.frameRect(forContentRect: toViewController.view.frame).size
let widthDelta = toSize.width - fromSize.width
let heightDelta = toSize.height - fromSize.height
var toOrigin = window.frame.origin
toOrigin.x += widthDelta / 2
toOrigin.y -= heightDelta
let toFrame = NSRect(origin: toOrigin, size: toSize)
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup { context in
context.duration = window.animationResizeTime(toFrame)
view.isHidden = true
window.animator().setFrame(toFrame, display: false)
super.transition(from: fromViewController, to: toViewController, options: options, completionHandler: completion)
} completionHandler: { [weak self] in
self?.view.isHidden = false
Please adjust closure syntax if you are using Swift versions older than 5.3.
Use autolayout. Set explicit size constraints on you views. Or once you have entered the UI into each tab view item's view set up the internal constraints such that they force view to be the size you want.

How to detect when NSTextField has the focus or is it's content selected cocoa

I have a NSTextField inside of a NSTableCellView, and I want an event which informs me when my NSTextField has got the focus for disabling several buttons, I found this method:
-(void)controlTextDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)obj{
NSTextField *textField = (NSTextField *)[obj object];
if (textField != _nombreDelPaqueteTextField) {
[_nuevaCuentaActivoButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaPasivoButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaIngresosButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaEgresosButton setEnabled:FALSE];
but it triggers just when my textfield is begin editing as this says, I want the buttons disabled when I get the focus on the textField, not when I already started to type
EDIT: Gonna put my code based on the help received by Joshua Nozzi, it still doesn't work
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class MyNSTextField;
#protocol MyNSTextFieldDelegate
#optional -(BOOL)textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender;
#optional -(BOOL)textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender;
#interface MyNSTextField : NSTextField
#property (strong, nonatomic) id <MyNSTextFieldDelegate> cellView;
#import "MyNSTextField.h"
#implementation MyNSTextField
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super becomeFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:self];
return status;
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super resignFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:self];
return status;
on my viewcontroller EdicionDeCuentasWC.m
#import "MyNSTextField.h"
#interface EdicionDeCuentasWC ()<NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate, NSControlTextEditingDelegate, NSPopoverDelegate, MyNSTextFieldDelegate>
#implementation EdicionDeCuentasWC
#pragma mark MyNSTextFieldDelegate
-(BOOL)textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender{
return TRUE;
-(BOOL)textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender{
return TRUE;
#pragma mark --
it's important to say in visual editor, already changed all my NSTextFields to MyNSTextField class and set delegate to my File's Owner (EdicionDeCuentasWC)
I think I nailed it. I was trying subclassing NSTextFiled to override becomeFirstResponder() and resignFirstResponder(), but once I click it, becomeFirstResponder() gets called and resignFirstResponder() gets called right after that. Huh? But search field looks like still under editing and focus is still on it.
I figured out that, when you clicked on search field, search field become first responder once, but NSText will be prepared sometime somewhere later, and the focus will be moved to the NSText.
I found out that when NSText is prepared, it is set to self.currentEditor() . The problem is that when becomeFirstResponder()'s call, self.currentEditor() hasn't set yet. So becomeFirstResponder() is not the method to detect it's focus.
On the other hand, when focus is moved to NSText, text field's resignFirstResponder() is called, and you know what? self.currentEditor() has set. So, this is the moment to tell it's delegate that that text field got focused.
Then next, how to detect when search field lost it's focus. Again, it's about NSText. Then you need to listen to NSText delegate's methods like textDidEndEditing(), and make sure you let it's super class to handle the method and see if self.currentEditor() is nullified. If it is the case, NSText lost it's focus and tell text field's delegate about it.
I provide a code, actually NSSearchField subclass to do the same thing. And the same principle should work for NSTextField as well.
protocol ZSearchFieldDelegate: NSTextFieldDelegate {
func searchFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField)
func searchFieldDidResignFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField)
class ZSearchField: NSSearchField, NSTextDelegate {
var expectingCurrentEditor: Bool = false
// When you clicked on serach field, it will get becomeFirstResponder(),
// and preparing NSText and focus will be taken by the NSText.
// Problem is that self.currentEditor() hasn't been ready yet here.
// So we have to wait resignFirstResponder() to get call and make sure
// self.currentEditor() is ready.
override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
let status = super.becomeFirstResponder()
if let _ = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate where status == true {
expectingCurrentEditor = true
return status
// It is pretty strange to detect search field get focused in resignFirstResponder()
// method. But otherwise, it is hard to tell if self.currentEditor() is available.
// Once self.currentEditor() is there, that means the focus is moved from
// serach feild to NSText. So, tell it's delegate that the search field got focused.
override func resignFirstResponder() -> Bool {
let status = super.resignFirstResponder()
if let delegate = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate where status == true {
if let _ = self.currentEditor() where expectingCurrentEditor {
// currentEditor.delegate = self
self.expectingCurrentEditor = false
return status
// This method detect whether NSText lost it's focus or not. Make sure
// self.currentEditor() is nil, then that means the search field lost its focus,
// and tell it's delegate that the search field lost its focus.
override func textDidEndEditing(notification: NSNotification) {
if let delegate = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate {
if self.currentEditor() == nil {
You will need to change NSSerachField to ZSearchField, and your client class must conform to ZSearchFieldDelegate not NSTextFieldDelegate. Here is a example. When user clicked on search field, it extend it's width and when you click on the other place, search field lost it's focus and shrink its width, by changing the value of NSLayoutConstraint set by Interface Builder.
class MyViewController: NSViewController, ZSearchFieldDelegate {
// [snip]
#IBOutlet weak var searchFieldWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
func searchFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField) {
self.searchFieldWidthConstraint.constant = 300
func searchFieldDidResignFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField) {
self.searchFieldWidthConstraint.constant = 100
It might depend on the behavior of the OS, I tried on El Capitan 10.11.4, and it worked.
The code can be copied from Gist as well.
I have a custom NSTextField subclass that overrides -becomeFirstResponder and -resignFirstResponder. Its -cellView property requires conformance to a protocol that declares -textDidBecome/ResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender but it's enough to give you the general idea. It can easily be modified to post notifications for which your controller can register as an observer. I hope this helps.
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super becomeFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:self];
return status;
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super resignFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:self];
return status;
I found the following code on the macrumors forums.
Is the first responder a text view (the field editor is a text view).
Does the field editor exist?
Is the text field the field editor's delegate
It seems to work.
- (BOOL)isTextFieldInFocus:(NSTextField *)textField
BOOL inFocus = NO;
inFocus = ([[[textField window] firstResponder] isKindOfClass:[NSTextView class]]
&& [[textField window] fieldEditor:NO forObject:nil]!=nil
&& [textField isEqualTo:(id)[(NSTextView *)[[textField window] firstResponder]delegate]]);
return inFocus;
Just in case, as a slight variation over the idea of #sam, we can observe NSWindow.firstResponder property itself, it's KVO-compliant according to the documentation. Then compare it with textField or textField.currentEditor() to figure out whether the field is focused.

iOS 8 - UIPopoverPresentationController moving popover

I am looking for an effective way to re-position a popover using the new uipopoverpresentationcontroller. I have succesfully presented the popover, and now I want to move it without dismissing and presenting again. I am having trouble using the function:
(void)popoverPresentationController:(UIPopoverPresentationController *)popoverPresentationController
willRepositionPopoverToRect:(inout CGRect *)rect
inView:(inout UIView **)view
I know it's early in the game, but it anyone has an example of how to do this efficiently I would be grateful if you shared it with me. Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately this hacky workaround is the only solution I've found:
[vc.popoverPresentationController setSourceRect:newSourceRect];
[vc setPreferredContentSize:CGRectInset(vc.view.frame, -0.01, 0.0).size];
This temporarily changes the content size of the presented view, causing the popover and arrow to be repositioned. The temporary change in size is not visible.
It seems this is a problem Apple need to fix - changing the sourceView or sourceRect properties of UIPopoverPresentationController does nothing when it's already presenting a popover (without this workaround).
Hope this works for you too!
I had luck using containerView?.setNeedsLayout() and containerView?.layoutIfNeeded() after changing the sourceRect of the popoverPresentationController, like so:
func movePopoverTo(_ newRect: CGRect) {
let popover = self.presentedViewController as? MyPopoverViewController {
popover.popoverPresentationController?.sourceRect = newRect
And even to have a popover follow a tableView cell without having to change anything:
class MyTableViewController: UITableViewController {
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "MyPopoverSegue" {
guard let controller = segue.destination as? MyPopoverViewController else { fatalError("Expected destination controller to be a 'MyPopoverViewController'!") }
guard let popoverPresentationController = controller.popoverPresentationController else { fatalError("No popoverPresentationController!") }
guard let rowIndexPath = sender as? IndexPath else { fatalError("Expected sender to be an 'IndexPath'!") }
guard myData.count > rowIndexPath.row else { fatalError("Index (\(rowIndexPath.row)) Out Of Bounds for array (count: \(myData.count))!") }
if self.presentedViewController is MyPopoverViewController {
self.presentedViewController?.dismiss(animated: false)
popoverPresentationController.sourceView = self.tableView
popoverPresentationController.sourceRect = self.tableView.rectForRow(at: rowIndexPath)
popoverPresentationController.passthroughViews = [self.tableView]
super.prepare(for: segue, sender: sender)
// MARK: - UIScrollViewDelegate
extension MyTableViewController {
override func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if let popover = self.presentedViewController as? MyPopoverViewController {
I used the same method as mentioned in another answer by #Rowan_Jones, however I didn't want the popover's size to actually change. Even by fractions of a point. I realized that you can set the preferredContentSize multiple times back to back, but visually it's size will only change to match the last value.
[vc.popoverPresentationController setSourceRect:newSourceRect];
CGSize finalDesiredSize = CGSizeMake(320, 480);
CGSize tempSize = CGSizeMake(finalDesiredSize.width, finalDesiredSize.height + 1);
[vc setPreferredContentSize:tempSize];
[vc setPreferredContentSize:finalDesiredSize];
So even if finalDesiredSize is the same as your initial preferredContentSize this will cause the popover to be updated, even though it's size doesn't actually change.
Here is an example for how to recenter the popover:
- (void)popoverPresentationController:(UIPopoverPresentationController *)popoverPresentationController willRepositionPopoverToRect:(inout CGRect *)rect inView:(inout UIView **)view {
*rect = CGRectMake((CGRectGetWidth((*view).bounds)-2)*0.5f,(CGRectGetHeight((*view).bounds)-2)*0.5f, 2, 2);
I have also used this method to ensure that the popover moved to the correct location after moving by setting the *rect and the *view to the original sourceRect and sourceView.
As an additional note, I don't believe that this method is called when the popover's source is set using a bar button item.
I'm posting this because I don't have enough points to vote or comment. :)
#turbs's answer worked for me perfectly. It should be the accepted answer.
Setting *rect to the rect you need in the delegate method:
(void)popoverPresentationController:(UIPopoverPresentationController *)popoverPresentationController
willRepositionPopoverToRect:(inout CGRect *)rect
inView:(inout UIView **)view
iOS 12.3
[vc.popoverPresentationController setSourceRect:newSourceRect];
[vc.popoverPresentationController.containerView setNeedsLayout];
