JavaFX LineChart with many entrys - user-interface

i want to display the cpu usage in a line chart. The Problem it, that if there are to many entrys i becomes confused. I tried to delete the first entry after X entrys but then the chart is not fully used. I want, that the line chart is filled with data but from begining to end.
Example with many entrys and delet the first one
Here is some example code:
This is the Controller, where i create the series and start the Thread to update my data.
public class FXMLDocumentController implements Initializable {
#FXML private LineChart chart;
XYChart.Series series = new XYChart.Series();
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
ThreadTest updateChart = new ThreadTest(series);
Thread test = new Thread(updateChart);
Here is the thread to update the data and after more then 10 entrys have been added i remove the first one, so that there are not to many entrys on the chart. I tried also to move after remove the first one to get the rest of the entrys and set them to 0-X so that there is always an first one. But i think the series do this autmaticly but i dont get an exception if i try to remove the first item over and over again.
public class ThreadTest extends Task<Void>{
private int chartCounter;
private XYChart.Series series;
private boolean running=true;
public ThreadTest(XYChart.Series series){
protected Void call() throws Exception {
series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(chartCounter, (int)(Math.random() * 10)));
return null;
Thanks for help!!


JavaFX: How to remove Pane?

I wasn't really sure how to title this. I have a JavaFX application in which I have two pages (fxml's) which are different sizes. The first is 400x600; the second is maximized. I have a return button which sends the user back to the first fxml. I successfully set it so it goes back to the original size. However, when I go 1->2->1->2 the screen does not maximize. What I imagine is the issue is that it does not rerun the initialize() method the second time it creates this page. Another possibility is that it is caused by the new Runnable() I made, which was necessary to get the stage object.
The second controller:
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Display
stage = (Stage) menuPane.getScene().getWindow();

Spring Transactional method not working properly (not saving db)

I have spent day after day trying to find a solution for my problem with Transactional methods. The logic is like this:
Controller receive request, call queueService, put it in a PriorityBlockingQueue and another thread process the data (find cards, update status,assign to current game, return data)
public DeferredResult<List<Card>> queueRequest(#Params...){
queueService.put(result, size, terminal, time)
result.onCompletion(() -> assignmentService.assignCards(result, game,room, cliente));
public class QueueService {
private BlockingQueue<RequestQueue> queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<>();
GameRepository gameRepository;
TerminalRepository terminalRepository;
RoomRpository roomRepository;
private long requestId = 0;
public void put(DeferredResult<List<Card>> result, int size, String client, LocalDateTime time_order){
--ommited code(find Entity: game, terminal, room)
try {
RequestQueue request= new RequestCola(requestId, size, terminal,time_order, result);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public class CardService {
EntityManager em;
CardRepository cardRepository;
AsignService asignacionService;
public List<Cards> processRequest(int size, BigDecimal value)
List<Card> carton_query = em.createNativeQuery("{call cards_available(?,?,?)}",
.setParameter(1, false)
.setParameter(2, value)
.setParameter(3, size).getResultList();
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
carton_query.forEach(action -> ids.add(action.getId_card()));
String update_query = "UPDATE card SET available=true WHERE id_card IN :ids";
em.createNativeQuery(update_query).setParameter("ids", ids).executeUpdate();
return card_query;
QueueExecutor (Consumer)
public class QueueExecute {
QueueService queueRequest;
AsignService asignService;
CardService cardService;
public void init(){
new Thread(this::execute).start();
private void execute(){
while (true){
try {
RequestQueue request;
request = queueRequest.take();
if(request != null) {
List<Card> cards = cardService.processRequest(request.getSize(), new BigDecimal("1.0"));
request.getCards().setResult((ArrayList<Card>) cards);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void assignCards(DeferredResult<List<Card>> cards, Game game, Room room, Terminal terminal)
game = em.merge(game);
room = em.merge(room);
terminal = em.merge(terminal);
Order order = new Order();
LocalDateTime datetime =;
BigDecimal total = new BigDecimal("0.0");
for(Card card: (List<Card>)cards.getResult()) {
card= em.merge(card)
--> System.out.println("CARD STATUS" + card.getStatus());
// This shows the OLD value of the Card (not updated)
With this code, it does not save new Card status on DB but Game, Terminal and Room saves ok on DB (more or less...). If I remove the assignService, CardService saves the new status on DB correctly.
I have tried to flush manually, save with repo and so on... but the result is almost the same. Could anybody help me?
I think I found a solution (probably not the optimum), but it's more related to the logic of my program.
One of the main problems was the update of Card status property, because it was not reflected on the entity object. When the assignOrder method is called it received the old Card value because it's not possible to share information within Threads/Transactions (as far I know). This is normal within transactions because em.executeUpdate() only commits database, so if I want to get the updated entity I need to refresh it with em.refresh(Entity), but this caused performance to go down.
At the end I changed the logic: first create Orders (transactional) and then assign cards to the orders (transactional). This way works correctly.

How do I display two javafx GUI screens in the same program

My question is how to display more than one user interface screen per program. I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I haven't found a solution that works for me (or should I say that I understand). There isn't anything exotic about the scenarios I'm talking about. The first is simply validating inputs from a screen and re-displaying the same screen in the case of errors.
I'll pose the question in terms of the second more complicated scenario: displaying an input data screen, processing the inputs; and then displaying the outputs. This complicated somewhat by the fact that the first, a simple screen with 5 text boxes and a command button, uses an FXML file, whereas the second, a multi-select list box does not. The flow is:
1. Main program calls
2. A loader program which loads the FXML and somehow or another calls
3. A controller which receives the inputs and processes them to produce output.
The final step is to display the output in the form of a multi-select list box. Note that the first GUI employs a controller, which is a separate file, to process the inputs, whereas the second uses an event handler, which is in the same file as the screen definition, to make the selection(s) when the user clicks a command button.
Various SO posts have said that the way to go is to not shut down the application once the first GUI has completed via but Keep the JavaFX run time going in the background with
and to define each GUI and simply switch scenes to the one you want to display. But where, given the scenario I described do you put the code? The second GUI has three pieces: screen definition, event handler(s), and scene switching code. Where do you put each? #2 or #3. If you put some in #2 and some in #3, how does #3 know what you did in #2?
The code for #2 the FMXL loader:
public class inputData extends Application {
public static void load() {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
GridPane inpRoot = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("inputData.fxml"));
Scene inpScene = new Scene(inpRoot, 300, 275);
stage.setTitle("Amsnag 2.1 - Query Input");
Code for #3, the list box definition and handlers, which worked fine running separately. It's only when I tried to incorporate it with the rest of the program that it failed.
public class multiList extends Application {
public static void load() {
public static final ObservableList options = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
public void start(final Stage stage) {
final ListView<String> listView = new ListView<>();
// load list from DB
Connection conn = sql.connect();
try {
// initialize option table
ResultSet rs =,
"select distinct connDesc,accom from option order by connDEsc,accom");
while ( {
String opt = rs.getString("connDesc") + ": " + rs.getString("accom");
catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println(e.getMessage()+ " from init");
// button to display fares
final Button displayButton = new Button("Display Fares");
// handle button click
displayButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
Platform.exit(); // close list box
ObservableList selectedIndices = listView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems();
// lcreate temp table with selected options
Connection conn = sql.connect();
try {
// initialize option table
ResultSet rs =,
"create temporary table selected (connDesc varchar(200),accom varchar(50))");
for(Object o : selectedIndices){
String option = o.toString();
// extract connDesc+accom from displayed option
catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println(e.getMessage()+ " from init");
} ); // end of display handler
// quit button
final Button resetButton = new Button("Quit");
resetButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
final HBox controls = new HBox(10);
controls.getChildren().addAll(displayButton, resetButton);
final VBox layout = new VBox(10);
layout.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10; -fx-background-color: cornsilk;");
layout.getChildren().setAll(listView, controls);
layout.setPrefWidth(320);``enter code here
Scene scene = new Scene(layout);
// stage.setScene(new Scene(layout));
stage.setTitle("Select one or more options");;
public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }
You can't reuse an Application subclass in a different application.
The Application class represents an entire application, or perhaps more specifically its lifecycle. So it has methods such as init(), start(), and stop() which are invoked by the FX Application Toolkit at the appropriate moments in the lifecycle of the application.
The layout for your multiList (aside: please use proper naming conventions) class is performed in the start() method, so it can only happen at the start of the application. By putting the layout code here, you make it impossible to reuse so that it is performed at a later point in a different application.
So move the layout for MultiList to a separate class:
public class MultiList {
public static final ObservableList options = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
private final VBox view ;
public MultiList() {
final ListView<String> listView = new ListView<>();
// load list from DB
Connection conn = sql.connect();
try {
// initialize option table
ResultSet rs =,
"select distinct connDesc,accom from option order by connDEsc,accom");
while ( {
String opt = rs.getString("connDesc") + ": " + rs.getString("accom");
catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println(e.getMessage()+ " from init");
// button to display fares
final Button displayButton = new Button("Display Fares");
// handle button click
displayButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
Platform.exit(); // close list box
ObservableList selectedIndices = listView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems();
// create temp table with selected options
Connection conn = sql.connect();
try {
// initialize option table
ResultSet rs =,
"create temporary table selected (connDesc varchar(200),accom varchar(50))");
for(Object o : selectedIndices){
String option = o.toString();
// extract connDesc+accom from displayed option
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println(e.getMessage()+ " from init");
}); // end of display handler
// quit button
final Button resetButton = new Button("Quit");
resetButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
final HBox controls = new HBox(10);
controls.getChildren().addAll(displayButton, resetButton);
view = new VBox(10);
view.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10; -fx-background-color: cornsilk;");
view.getChildren().setAll(listView, controls);
public Parent getView() {
return view ;
Now if you want to test this out on its own, you can write an application for it:
public class MultiListApp extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
MultiList multiList = new MultiList() ;
Scene scene = new Scene(multiList.getView());
primarStage.setTitle("Select one or more options");;
Or in the controller class for InputData.fxml, you can do the same thing:
public class InputDataController {
private void someEventHandler() {
MultiList multiList = new MultiList() ;
Scene scene = new Scene(multiList.getView());
Stage stage = new Stage();
stage.setTitle("Select one or more options");;

how do I track metrics in jmeter for 'java requests' with sub results?

I am using jmeter with Java Request samplers. These call java classes I have written which returns a SampleResult object which contains the timing metrics for the use case. SampleResult is a tree and can have child SampleResult objects (SampleResult.addSubResult method). I cant seem to find a good way in jmeter to track the sub results so I can only easily get the results for the parent SampleResult.
Is there a listener in jmeter that allows me to see statistics / graphs for sub results (for instance see the average time across all sub results with the same name).
I have just succeeded in doing this, and wanted to share it. If you follow the instructions I provide here, it will work for you as well. I did this for the summary table listener. And, I did it on Windows. And, I used Eclipse
Go to JMeter's web site and download the source code. You can find that here, for version 3.0.
One there, I clicked the option to download the Zip file for the Source.
Then, on that same page, download the binary for version 3.0, if you have not already done so. Then, extract that zip file onto your hard drive.
Once you've extracted the zip file to your hard drive, grab the file "". It can be found here: "\apache-jmeter-3.0\src\components\org\apache\jmeter\visualizers\"
Create a new class in Eclipse, then Copy/Paste all of that code into your new class. Then, rename your class from what it is, "SummaryReport" to a different name. And everywhere in the code, replace "SummaryReport" with the new name of your class.
I am using Java 8. So, there is one line of code that won't compile for me. It's the line below.
private final Map tableRows = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
You need to remove the <> on that line, as Java 1.8 doesn't support it. Then, it will compile
There was one more line that gave a compile error. It was the one below.
CSVSaveService.saveCSVStats(StatGraphVisualizer.getAllTableData(model, FORMATS),writer,`
saveHeaders.isSelected() ? StatGraphVisualizer.getLabels(COLUMNS) : null);
Firstly, it wasn't finding the source for class StatGraphVisualizer. So, I imported it, as below.
import org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.StatGraphVisualizer;
Secondly, it wasn't finding the method "getLabels" in "StatGraphVisualizer.getLabels." So, here is what this line of code looked like after I fixed it. It is seen below.
CSVSaveService.saveCSVStats(StatGraphVisualizer.getAllTableData(model, FORMATS),writer);
That compiles. That method doesn't need the second argument.
Now, everything should compile.
Find this method below. This is where you will begin adding your customizations.
public void add(final SampleResult res) {
You need to create an array of all of your sub results, as I did, as seen below. The line in Bold is the new code. (All new code is seen in Bold).
public void add(final SampleResult res) {
final String sampleLabel = res.getSampleLabel(); // useGroupName.isSelected());
**final SampleResult[] theSubResults = res.getSubResults();**
Then, create a String for each label for your sub results objects, as seen below.
**final String writesampleLabel = theSubResults[0].getSampleLabel(); // (useGroupName.isSelected());
final String readsampleLabel = theSubResults[1].getSampleLabel(); // (useGroupName.isSelected());**
Next, go to the method below.
JMeterUtils.runSafe(false, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
The new code added is below, in Bold.
JMeterUtils.runSafe(false, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Calculator row = null;
**Calculator row1 = null;
Calculator row2 = null;**
synchronized (lock) {
row = tableRows.get(sampleLabel);
**row1 = tableRows.get(writesampleLabel);
row2 = tableRows.get(readsampleLabel);**
if (row == null) {
row = new Calculator(sampleLabel);
tableRows.put(row.getLabel(), row);
model.insertRow(row, model.getRowCount() - 1);
**if (row1 == null) {
row1 = new Calculator(writesampleLabel);
tableRows.put(row1.getLabel(), row1);
model.insertRow(row1, model.getRowCount() - 1);
if (row2 == null) {
row2 = new Calculator(readsampleLabel);
tableRows.put(row2.getLabel(), row2);
model.insertRow(row2, model.getRowCount() - 1);
} // close lock
* Synch is needed because multiple threads can update the counts.
synchronized(row) {
**synchronized(row1) {
**synchronized(row2) {
That is all that needs to be customized.
In Eclipse, export your new class into a Jar file. Then place it inside of the lib/ext folder of your binary of Jmeter that you extracted, from Step 1 above.
Start up Jmeter, as you normally would.
In your Java sampler, add a new Listener. You will now see two "Summary Table" listeners. One of these will be the new one that you have just created. Once you have brought that new one into your Java Sampler, rename it to something unique. Then run your test and look at your new "Summary Table" listener. You will see summary results/stats for all of your sample results.
My next step is to perform these same steps for all of the other Listeners that I would like to customize.
I hope that this post helps.
Here is some of my plugin code which you can use as a starting point in writing your own plugin. I cant really post everything as there are really dozens of classes. Few things to know are:
my plugin like all visualizer plugins extends the jmeter class
you need the following jars in eclipse to complile:
you need java 1.8 for javafx (the jar file comes in the sdk)
if you compile a plugin you need to put that in jmeter/lib/ext.
You also need to put the jars from bullet 2 in jmeter/lib
there is a method called "add(SampleResult)" in my class. This
will get called by the jmeter framework every time a java sample
completes and will pass the SampleResult as a parameter. Assuming you
have your own Java Sample classes that extend
AbstractJavaSamplerClient your class will have a method called
runTest which returns a sampleresult. That same return object will be
passed into your plugins add method.
my plugin puts all the sample results into a buffer and only
updates the screen every 5 results.
Here is the code:
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestStateListener;
import org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.gui.AbstractVisualizer;
public class FxVisualizer extends AbstractVisualizer implements TestStateListener {
int currentId = 0;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 5;
public String getName()
return super.getName();//"George's sub result viewer.";
public String getStaticLabel()
return "Georges FX Visualizer";
public String getComment()
return "George wrote this plugin. There are many plugins like it but this one is mine.";
static Long initCount = new Long(0);
public FxVisualizer()
private void init()
//LoggingUtil.debug("in FxVisualizer init()");
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Border margin = new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 5, 10);
//this.add(makeTitlePanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
final JFXPanel fxPanel = new JFXPanel();
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
catch(Exception e)
static FxVisualizerScene fxScene;
private static void initFX(JFXPanel fxPanel) {
// This method is invoked on the JavaFX thread
fxScene = new FxVisualizerScene();
final List <Event> bufferedEvents = new ArrayList<Event>();
public void add(SampleResult result)
final List <Event> events = ...;//here you need to take the result.getSubResults() parameter and get all the children events.
final List<Event> eventsToAdd = new ArrayList<Event>();
for (Event evt : events)
if (bufferedEvents.size() >= BUFFER_SIZE)
if (eventsToAdd.size() > 0)
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void updatePanel(List <Event> events )
for (Event evt: events)
public void clearData()
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public String getLabelResource() {
return "Georges Java Sub FX Sample Listener";
Boolean isRunning = false;
public void testEnded()
final List<Event> eventsToAdd = new ArrayList<Event>();
if (eventsToAdd.size() > 0)
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Long testCount = new Long(0);
public void testStarted() {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void testEnded(String arg0)
//LoggingUtil.debug("testEnded 2:" + arg0);
int registeredCount = 0;
public void testStarted(String arg0) {
//LoggingUtil.debug("testStarted 2:" + arg0);
OK so I just decided to write my own jmeter plugin and it is dead simple. Ill share the code for posterity when it is complete. Just write a class that extends AbstractVisualizer, compile it into a jar, then throw it into the jmeter lib/ext directory. That plugin will show up in the listeners section of jmeter when you go to add visualizers.

Slow loading of layout

I have a super class which is in a library. This library take care of initializing some basic layout components and other stuff. My problem is that it takes 1.x seconds to load the layout, and shows the default layout for a while, before setting the child-specified layout.
This is the method of my super class:
public void InitializeWindow(Activity act, int layoutResourceId, String windowTitle,
Object menuAdapter, int slideMenuMode) {
this.menuAdapter = menuAdapter;
this.slideMenuMode = slideMenuMode;
This is called this way:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.InitializeWindow(this, R.layout.activity_home, "\t\tHome",
new MenuAdapter(this,, SlidingMenu.TOUCHMODE_FULLSCREEN);
The application works like a charm, but it takes, as I said around 1.x seconds to load the layout passed from the child-class. Why does this happen?
By request, this is my initializeSlideMenu() method:
public void initializeSlidingMenu() {
ListView v = new ListView(this);
v.setAdapter((ListAdapter) menuAdapter);
To avoid such problems there are three ways in general.
Let your onCreate() finish after setContentView() call as early as possible. You can use postDelayed runnable to delay few initialization which may not be needed at early stages.
Do some task when the view is ready, it causes the Runnable to be added to the message queue of that view.
Snippet Runnable() {
public void run() {
If none of the above helps consider "Optimize with stubs" link :
Hope it helps.
I suspect that the trouble spot for you is with:
v.setAdapter((ListAdapter) menuAdapter);
You should do this as part of an AsyncTask. It will often be very slow to execute the loading by the adapter.
Here is a snippet from a sample AsyncTask implementation:
//before starting the load, I pop up some indicators that I'm doing some loading
AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> loadingTask = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
private ArrayList<Thing> thingArray;
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
//this is a slow sql fetch and calculate for me
thingArray = MyUtility.fetchThings(inputValue);
return null;
public void onPostExecute(Void arg0) {
EfficientAdapter myAdapter = new EfficientAdapter(MyActivity.this, thingArray);
//after setting up my adapter, I turn off my loading indicators
RelativeLayout layout = (RelativeLayout)MyActivity.this.findViewById(;
if (layout != null) {
LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(MyActivity.this);
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.name_tabled_sub, layout);
NamedTableView tableView = new NamedTableView(MyActivity.this, view);
You can also do "PreExecute" items with the Async task, as well as update.
