Process huge no of records - records

I have developed a web application using spring mvc framework. My concern is I need to display huge no of records say around 100,000.
What would be the best approach to display those many no of records in UI.

Please use a front end framework like AngularJS get the data in JSON format and access the JSON data through your Angular code and use pagination. I have worked on a similar app and a fronted framework solved the problem.


Clarification of Web API in WebForm

I have created Web API.I know the Main advantage of Web API is cross domain application (I can call Web API in all platform). My question is ,Is there any performance issue When I call Web API in WebForm???
I would like to know the below scenario
1.I Can use Direct SQL Query in .aspx Page
2.I Can use Web API and generate JSON to DataTable
I would like to know which one is fast and better to use.......
I have tried in JQuery,the performance is fine but I would like to call in WEb Form
Where you call the API from or from what type of app makes no difference. Your issues are going to come from how you use it and what you do with the results of the calls.
Yes, you can get JSON data from the API and yes you can convert that to a DataTable, technically no issue there, but the performance will depend on how much data you retrieve in one go and how many transformations you go through to get it to the state you need for your webforms controls.
You're talking about using a dead tech ( webforms ) and trying to fit some things into how that works, which while possible, is not really the way to build anything these days.
SQL in aspx kinda says it all.Assuming you have an old app, that you just do updates to then just do what you can, but I would start looking into modern ways of building web apps. You don't have to keep using webforms controls anymore.
You can't talk about scalability when you still have stuff thrown in aspx pages. You need to start thinking about a proper separation of concerns, think about testing your stuff, retrieving only the data you need etc etc. Just because you add WebApi in the mix, that doesn't mean you'll get all the benefits, if everything else does not catch up to the required standard.
There is no inherent performance issue with using WebAPI, aside from the overhead of an additional network hop.
In real world terms, I think this would be negligible and outweighed by the benefits:
You get the 'cross platform' benefit you mentioned.
Better scalability as your 'service' and 'web' concerns are seperated and can be scaled appropriate to the load they need to serve.
The service layer functionality is re-useable, for example if you wanted to develop an app later.

Is JSP necessary for Angular2 security for different roles

I am build an application using Angular2 as front end framework and spring boot as backend framework.
One of the seniors in my team insisted on using JSP as templates for my components in order to avoid rendering any unauthorized views.
Is that really nessecary? I saw many applications which are implemented using angular or other front end frameworks but it did not render the templates in backend, is it a good practice? isn't authenticating the requests is enough?
Also would not that be a problem for performance?
From my point of view I think JSP will prevent us from using the potentials of Angular, any help or documentation on that subject would be much appreciated.
Short: No, JSP is not necessary.
Long: One has to realize where which part runs. JSP on the server, Angular in the browser. I assume your senior colleague is concerned about displaying unauthorized data - but that is not the concern of Angular. Angular is basically just the View, and, perhaps, Controller. But it has to get the data from the server - which is usually done over some REST service. And it is the duty of that service to serve only data the user is allowed to view. So you can implement your View/Controller part in Angular, putting all the views (event the restricted ones) in, and then implement proper security into your server-side data service.
No, it's not necessary to use JSP in Angular 2.
It's correct that JSP allows you to protect the template itself from unauthorized access, but in our case it's not really a bad thing to happen from the security point of view, as access to the template without the data itself is not something dangerous; The data of course must be protected w/ your own security/authentication to prevent unwanted access to it.

SPA using DurandalJS and laravel

im trying to create a Single Page Website with DurandalJS in the frontend and Laravel as the Backend. Do you think this is a good Idea?
If yes how would I do the following:
What would your recommendation for the basic interaction between both frameworks be?
Would you rather have all the computation done in JS instead of Laravel sending calculated and styled returns?
How Do I setup Laravels controller in order to only get dynamic Data for, say a Div, instead of a whole page?
How can I adjust the browser URLs?
I hope I was specific enough, thank You in advance.
Laravel does not actually care about what framework you use to build the Frontend. Laravel is just a framework that helps you build your application with. It gives you great advantage with respect to the time spent and effort.
You can use any frontend framework that you want to build your app with. I have actually not used Durandal, but from the first look of it here is my opinion.
Durandal is built on top of jQuery, knockoutJS and requireJS. It also has a MV* architecture in place with support for eventing as well. So you could basically define routes on Laravel and initiate the communication between both the frameworks through events and ajax. Again this completely depends on the functionality that you are building.
In the overall flow of your app, consider Laravel as a Model that just gives data from a source to your app and Durandal as your views and controllers. This way, it will keep your data flow cleaner and easier to build. Computation of your functionality depends on how important and secretive the app is. If there are functionalities/implementations that you need to be secretive about, you can keep it on Laravel and just send computed data to Durandal. If its a web app that you are building, then keeping all implementation on the JS is just a right click away from knowing what and how you have built it. One can just see how the implementation is done just looking at the Javascript source of the web app. If you are building Mobile Device App, then the case is different.
Take a look at Restful Controllers. Will give you an idea on how to setup controllers to return only data. But if you need to return the div itself, then you can make use of the Basic Controllers of Laravel to perform them.
You can setup cleaner routes for the browser URL's. Take a look at Laravel Routing

Front End Frameworks for RESTful backend

I am developing a RESTful backend using Spring framework. All the services are accessible through HTTP request methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
Could you please tell me what can the best combination of frameworks for front end?
Is it best to use SpringMVC or some other framework like Backbone is good enough?
If I am using SpringMVC for REST backend and also SpringMVC for front end then won't it be extra work doing same things again first for backend then for front end?
And most important I am confused about how can do the session management using front end?
Any help will be appreciated!
If you are looking into to make a SPA (Single Page App) make sure that you take a look at AmpersandJS ->
Since you said "server-side" GUI, maybe you are thinking more along the lines of a template engine for creating HTML? This isn't really restful, but can be MVC like if you are forwarding from your Controller classes.
But PLEASE keep in mind that it would be a very BAD idea to try and generate XML or JSON data for consumption by RESTful clients (ajax) with either of these. Just say no to JSON creation from a template engine!
JSP is pretty much the standard for Java EE at the moment, or is most widely used. All you need is a compliant server, such as Tomcat/Jetty.
Thymeleaf It looks a lot cleaner than JSP, and has the added benefit of not allowing all the pitfalls that can happen with a JSP (and there are a lot).
When you say you are creating a RESTful backend, most people would make the conclusion (and rightfully so) that you are trying to develop a JavaScript MVVM client/GUI.
Kendo UI has a complete set of GUI widgets and MVVM framework that is specifically designed to work with a RESTful backend. But it's a paid for API.
YUI3 (Yahoo User Interface) has a variety of widgets as well, and I've seen a lot of jobs requesting this. It has the advantage of being free/OSS as well. Older version are deprecated.
knockout.js has been my favorite for MVVM engines that I've actually had experience working with. And it's simple to learn, in my opinion.
Angular.js Also free/oss, and works well with other GUI APIs.
I would suggest you to consioder Sencha Ext JS for front-end, it is one of the best framework and will work with RestFul back-end.
this is a good question, but I don't think there is a server-side framework out there specifically built to use a REST server backend. I think you could use Spring-MVC / Spring-Boot to get a good headstart, but you might also want to look into Rails or other Ruby any other modern web framework technology.

Filter JSON from ASP.Net handler | Using Dojo 1.8

Wanted to filter the results using Dojo 1.8 based upon the data received from server through a ASP.Net handler.
Handler Example - http://localhost/net/get8.ashx?longitude=-70.255325&latitude=43.661472&searchradius=200&searchunit=mi&locationtypes=3&numresults=20&Json=y
I could use (Store API) ItemFileReadStore but it's required specific format which we don't have and can't make the changes from the server end (JSON structure changes)
Able to successfully fetch the data through Dojo AJAX but looking for better way to filter the through some Dojo API.
One way around is, restructure the data again on client but it costs the performance and considering we developing for Mobile, doesn't look the right approach to take.
What all other options do we have in Dojo?
P.S. I just started learning Dojo Toolkit but having good experience in JavaScript.
The ItemFileReadStore has been replaced with the dojo/Store. You should be able to put the data into a dojo/store/Memory as is and query from that store.
I already did use Object Store (Memory) to resolve the issue.
