How redirect to login page when got 401 error from ajax call in React-Router? - ajax

I am using React, React-Router and Superagent. I need authorization feature in my web application. Now, if the token is expired, I need the page redirect to login page.
I have put the ajax call functionality in a separated module and the token will be send on each request's header. In one of my component, I need fetch some data via ajax call, like below.
componentDidMount: function() {
api.getOne(, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
this.setErrorMessage('System Error!');
} else if (this.isMounted()) {
user: data
If I got 401 (Unauthorized) error, maybe caused by token expired or no enough privilege, the page should be redirected to login page. Right now, in my api module, I have to use window.loication="#/login" I don't think this is a good idea.
var endCallback = function(cb, err, res) {
if (err && err.status == 401) {
return window.location('#/login');
if (res) {
cb(err, res.body);
} else {
get: function(cb) {
.get(BASE_URL + resources)
.end(endCallback.bind(null, cb));
But, I can't easily, call the react-router method in my api module. Is there an elegant way to implemented this easy feature? I don't want to add an error callback in every react components which need authorized.

I would try something like this:
Use the component's context to manipulate the router (this.context.router.transitionTo()).
Pass this method to the API callout as a param.
// component.js
,contextTypes: {
router: React.PropTypes.func
componentDidMount: function() {
api.getOne(, this.context.router, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
this.setErrorMessage('System Error!');
} else if (this.isMounted()) {
user: data
// api.js
var endCallback = function(cb, router, err, res) {
if (err && err.status == 401) {
return router.transitionTo('login');
if (res) {
cb(err, res.body);
} else {
get: function(cb, router) {
.get(BASE_URL + resources)
.end(endCallback.bind(null, cb, router));
I know you didn't want a callback on each authenticated component, but I don't think there's any special react-router shortcuts to transition outside of the router.
The only other thing I could think of would be to spin up a brand new router on the error and manually send it to the login route. But I don't think that would necessarily work since it's outside of the initial render method.


AJAX call to an Action with Authorize attribute in .NET Core 3.1

On my pet project (a lyrics website), I wish to add "like" functionality, like this:
Code is open source (here's my current branch). A click on the heart icon should add a like to the databse for the logged in user, and if the user isn't logged in, it should redirect to the login page (IdentityServer 4, separate project and domain).
Controller Action:
public async Task<IActionResult> Like(
int lyricId)
string userId = User.GetUserId().ToString();
await _lyricsService.LikeLyricAsync(userId, lyricId);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
JavaScript on the View:
docReady(function () {
let likeBtn = document.getElementById('like-btn');
let likeLyric = (event) => {
console.log('attemping to like a lyric!');
// 1. create a new XMLHttpRequest object
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
// 2. configure the request'GET', 'https://localhost:5001/lyrics/like/#Model.Id');
// 3. send the request over the network
// 4. this will be called after the response is received
request.onload = function () {
if (request.status != 200) {
// analyse http status of the response
alert(`Error ${request.status}: ${request.statusText}`);
} else {
// show the result
alert(`Done, got ${request.response.length} bytes`); // response is the server response
request.onprogress = function (event) {
if (event.lengthComputable) {
alert(`Received ${event.loaded} of ${} bytes`);
} else {
alert(`Received ${event.loaded} bytes`); // no Content-Length
request.onerror = function () {
alert("Request failed");
likeBtn.addEventListener('click', likeLyric);
I tried to expand on the request.onload function by adding an:
else if (request.status === 302) {
window.location = request.response;
But it doesn't seem to get to that, the .send() fails. What am I doing wrong here?
Here's a screen grab of what is happening:
The error is:
attemping to like a lyric!
govenda-sera:1 Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://localhost:5006/connect/authorize?client_id=bejebeje-mvc-local&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A5001%2Fsignin-oidc&response_type=code&scope=openid&code_challenge=2mUDM3-gR1jhn7E2EY7T17FkPTHikE8v-KQOBMskazM&code_challenge_method=S256&response_mode=form_post&nonce=637437449511000684.OWQ3MTM4MjItOTJhOS00YjgzLTk1OTYtYWE2ZGUyMzRlYzUyOWE1MTkwNjgtNzI2YS00OWJjLTgzYjAtOTY1MDQ1ZDU3YzE1&state=CfDJ8DxKnFiqfK1HscY3j3s4hc-YvLoUa_X_46X1CclU7U-RahgrNQULQOLJu6943zTWCYa5Q5acO7g7vx03ddXSOOKkUtxZQAMHSgnQHFzBvhXnoC2i6yS0PpGxns7oA7tuvcgnp-jxub7RePZl5QAe5BwfXWkyHtMkFAmTkuultwz5w-Duenyb4KNrZRk1RLn6TLL93BS6YfIfoozorOnvKel4cFFjxIc7F_QXgVFKZm6ud5lN2nItw5WhkDfU6qMHhUUSQXQRJqWSit4CW_1hPpbHZhJmatXWxD8mLVFcSEKMNQz2UIU00RDxBCQW09Skuy3Uoz50Vwp4dEYPtNIcolIKrLn1pJguNsYRWBw391uWO7rMy9W5DPJV44fMVe8UR5xKNUarkelFX4CzHidF-rE&x-client-SKU=ID_NETSTANDARD2_0&x-client-ver=' (redirected from 'https://localhost:5001/lyrics/like/938') from origin 'https://localhost:5001' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
govenda-sera:131 GET https://localhost:5006/connect/authorize?client_id=bejebeje-mvc-local&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A5001%2Fsignin-oidc&response_type=code&scope=openid&code_challenge=2mUDM3-gR1jhn7E2EY7T17FkPTHikE8v-KQOBMskazM&code_challenge_method=S256&response_mode=form_post&nonce=637437449511000684.OWQ3MTM4MjItOTJhOS00YjgzLTk1OTYtYWE2ZGUyMzRlYzUyOWE1MTkwNjgtNzI2YS00OWJjLTgzYjAtOTY1MDQ1ZDU3YzE1&state=CfDJ8DxKnFiqfK1HscY3j3s4hc-YvLoUa_X_46X1CclU7U-RahgrNQULQOLJu6943zTWCYa5Q5acO7g7vx03ddXSOOKkUtxZQAMHSgnQHFzBvhXnoC2i6yS0PpGxns7oA7tuvcgnp-jxub7RePZl5QAe5BwfXWkyHtMkFAmTkuultwz5w-Duenyb4KNrZRk1RLn6TLL93BS6YfIfoozorOnvKel4cFFjxIc7F_QXgVFKZm6ud5lN2nItw5WhkDfU6qMHhUUSQXQRJqWSit4CW_1hPpbHZhJmatXWxD8mLVFcSEKMNQz2UIU00RDxBCQW09Skuy3Uoz50Vwp4dEYPtNIcolIKrLn1pJguNsYRWBw391uWO7rMy9W5DPJV44fMVe8UR5xKNUarkelFX4CzHidF-rE&x-client-SKU=ID_NETSTANDARD2_0&x-client-ver= net::ERR_FAILED
You can't do an AJAX call to this URL to login the user:
If you want the user to login/authenticate, then you need to redirect the browser to that page.
Or better, don't show the heart icon if the user is not logged in, better to have a login to like button? The user might otherwise be surprised why he needs to login.
It is caused by cors, you need to enable cors in backend.
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddPolicy(name: "AllowOrigins",
builder =>
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
In addition, can you switch to another browser to access correctly?

How to handle an unauthorized ajax call

I am trying to figure out how to prevent a cors error from showing up in developer tools. The way I get the cors error is when I am using an application but in another tab/window I log out of that application but then go back to the other tab and try to do work. Below is my ajax call.
function RemoveScholarshipRequest(id, name) {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the scholarship request for " + name + "?")) {
var dataSource = $('#Pending').data('kendoGrid').dataSource;
type: "POST",
url: '#Url.Action("RemoveRequest", "Admin")',
data: {id: id}
}).done(function (response, data, xhr) {
if (response.success) {;
else if (!response.success) {
if (response.responseText === "Not Authenticated")
console.log("error", data.status);
//This shows status message eg. Forbidden
console.log("STATUS: "+JSON.stringify(xhr.status));
}).fail(function (response) {
//window.location.href = "/forms/ScholarshipDisbursement/Admin/PendingRequests";
The controller action that the above ajax method calls is below:
public ActionResult RemoveRequest(string id)
if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return Json(new { success = false, responseText = "Not Authenticated" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
if (User.IsInRole("Developer") || User.IsInRole("BannerAdmin"))
new ScholarshipRequestStore().DeleteScholarshipRequest(id);
return Json(new { success = true, responseText = "Successfully deleted" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return Json(new { success = false, responseText = "You are not an authorized user" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
One way I get around the cors error is by putting AllowAnonymous on the method and then checking for authentication in the method itself but I don't really like that idea. Is there another way of resolving this issue?
Allow anonymous will not solve this, instead you need to send the allow origin header in your api. You can do this by enabling CORs in the startup class as follows
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add Cors
services.AddCors(o => o.AddPolicy("MyPolicy", builder =>
// Add framework services.
services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
options.Filters.Add(new CorsAuthorizationFilterFactory("MyPolicy"));
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure
//the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
// Enable Cors
and then using the "Enable cors" attribute on your controller
public ActionResult RemoveRequest(string id)
read this for better idea
Note: I have allowed any origin to talk to the API, you can specify whatever origin you want like ""
AllowAnonymous won't resolve a "cross-origin" request. The issue you are getting is due to tabbed browsing within your browser having a shared store of authenticated sessions. When you log out in tab 1, the session cookie is removed and then tab 2 is no longer authenticated. This is why AllowAnonymous "works" because without a current authenticated session, you're an anonymous user.
CORS, on the other hand, is when you allow calls to to come from a different host like Anonymous access won't have any impact on that.

Axios interceptor doesn't intercept on page load

I am implementing JWT into my Vue application for authorization and I refresh my tokens once they are used.
I have used axios interceptors so I can intercept every request to my API backend and this seems to work on login etc... but once I refresh the page the request is made as normal using the last token.
The problem is the axios interceptors don't seem to work at this point, so once the token has been used I can't update it with the new one.
Here's how I'm setting my interceptors:-
window.axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
console.log("Sent request!");
return config;
}, function (error) {
console.log("Failed sending request!");
return Promise.reject(error);
window.axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
console.log("Got headers:", response.headers);
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty('authorization')) {
console.log("Got authorization:", response.headers.authorization);
return response;
}, function(err){
console.log("Got error", err);
I don't get any of the console.log's on page load.
I am setting my interceptors in the root app's beforeMount method. I've tried moving them to beforeCreate and I still get the same issue.
try this
window.axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
console.log("Sent request!");
config.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '+localStorage.getItem('id_token')
return config;} , function (error) {
console.log("Failed sending request!");
return Promise.reject(error); });

Parse express server side login using express-session

I'm using parse on node. I have an express app, and a JS browser app, that is hosted off the express server.
At the moment the app has it's own login. It logs the user in on the client, and the client remains logged in.
I want to be able to log the client in via an express route /login. When they log in via this route, i want to log them in on the client side.
I have poured over documentation on this but I have struggled to find any real examples of how this is all done.
Here is some code i have found:
var cookieSession = require('cookie-session'),
// I added this require as it seems the code is using it;
session = require('express-session');
maxAge: 15724800000
// This will add req.user if they are logged in;
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
url: 'http://localhost:1337/parse/users/me',
headers: {
'X-Parse-Application-Id': 'myAppId',
'X-Parse-REST-API-Key': 'myRestAPIKey',
'X-Parse-Session-Token': req.session.token
}).then(function (userData) {
req.user = Parse.Object.fromJSON(;
}).then(null, function () {
return res.redirect('/login');
// login route;
//'/login', function(req, res) {
Parse.User.logIn(req.body.username, req.body.password).then(function(user) {
req.session.user = user;
req.session.token = user.getSessionToken();
}, function(error) {
req.session = null;
res.render('login', { flash: error.message });
// and logout.
//'/logout', function(req, res) {
req.session = null;
This looks pretty good, but this won't add a session on the client? How do parse the server login down to the client; Do i pass the session Token and use it on the client?
// If i call this code in the browser, i want the logged in user;
var current_user = Parse.User.current();
I have been unable to find any real code on-line that demonstrates all of this in the best-practice manner.
Is this the 'best practice' known solution or is there a better way of doing this?

Cannot submit form with supertest and mocha

I am using supertest and mocha to test a nodejs application. One of the things users can do is to submit a very simple form, which is picked up by the node server and parsed using formidable.
Here is the mocha test code:
var should = require('should'),
express = require('express'),
app = require('../app.js'),
request = require('supertest'),
cookies = [];
describe('Post Handler', function(){
it('Uploads new post', function(done){
var req = request(app).post('/post?_csrf=' + csrfToken);
req.cookies = cookies;
.send({fieldTitle: 'autopost'})
.send({fieldContent: 'autocontent'})
.send({contentType: 'image/png'})
.send({blobId: 'icon_23943.png'})
.end(function(error, res){
csrfToken retrieves a csrf token from the server, since I am using the csurf module and every POST method requires a csrf token. cookies stores the session cookie that is provided by the node server so I can persist the session between requests.
The form is processed by the following code:
//Takes HTTP form posted by client and creates a new post in the Db
exports.postPostUpload = function (req, res) {
var form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
form.parse(req, function (err, fields, files) {
if (err) res.redirect(303, '/error');
else {
var new_post = new post_model.Post().createNewPost(fields);
new_post.uploadPostToDb(function (error, result) {
if (error) return res.status(500).end();
else {
if ('video') !== -1) {
addMessageToEncodingQueue(new_post, function (error, result, response) {
if (error) {
stack: new Error().stack,
error: error
else res.status(200).send(new_post.cuid);
else return res.status(200).send(new_post.cuid);
My current problem is, that once the form handler executes the line form.parse(req, function (err, fields, files) {, nothing happens. Formidable does not return error, it just does not return anything. Consequently, the mocha test never receives a reply from the server, and eventually the socket hangs and the test crashes. Needless to say, the form is successfully submit if you do it manually via the website.
There must be an error in the way supertest/mocha are executing this test, but I have not been able to find it. Any pointers are highly appreciated.
