microsoft edge mjpeg support - mjpeg

Microsoft state that the Edge browser has native support for MJPEG multi-part streams. (
The following HTML renders a MJPEG stream in all web-kit browsers (Chrome, Safari iOS & OSX, Firefox), but it won't render in Edge.
<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="MJPEGStream" SRC="" WIDTH="640" HEIGHT="480" BORDER=0>
Any advice greatly appreciated.

I know this question is very old, but MJPEGs are working without a problem for me in Edge -
<img src="" width="715" height="576" style="z-index:100;width:715px;height:576px"></body>
Since Your IP is a local one, I don't have a way to check if it is now working for you, however the same link I just provided works in the version of Edge that was shipping when you posted it.


How to add/insert/upload videos in Joomla 3.x

I am using Joomla 3.x in a project. I am not able to find a help on how to add/upload/insert videos in Joomla 3.x. While I googled, so many videos/pages helped me to insert/upload/embed Videos from the Youtube Channels, but how to add videos from my laptop/computers. Can any one provide a step-by-step guide to do that.
You can upload a video to your website using FTP or similar and then use a free or paid third party extension e.g. AllVideos to display the video. See the AllVideos documentation for details. If hosting the video locally on the website, you might also need to upload a suitable preview image.
You might also be able to use HTML5 to display the video using the following code or similar:
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Depending on where your website is hosted, it may be better from a performance and bandwidth point of view to upload the video to YouTube or similar and use a free or paid third party extension e.g. AllVideos to display the video.

Changing useragent in request headers for HTML5/FLASH HLS player?

I have a site where I host live streams, and now our programmers restricted m3u8 files to be played only with specific user-agent otherwise it return 403 error.
We tried using GrindPlayer, but their support told us they do not support custom user agent.
Do you guys know any HLS HTML5 or FLASH player which support useragent to be set while requesting m3u8 file.
We are forced to use VLC webapp, and Chrome users can't watch videos.
This is major issue to us.
I just figured out this code
<video width="352" height="198" controls>
<source src="playlist.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegURL">
Works great in Android, Egde, IE etc, but not in Chrome.
Why Google Chrome makes everything so difficult?

How do I get a HTML5 Video to work using IE10

I am hoping someone has an idea on what I can do to help me play HTML5 videos on my local intranet.
My Web server= Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64bit
IIS version= IIS7
Test User environment = Windows 7 Enterprise
Video plays perfectly using 'Google Chrome'
Video fails to play using 'IE10'
My html code is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<video src="AccReadings.mp4" width="400" height="300" preload controls>
My test machine using IE10 does play HTML5Rocks video ''
Make sure you set the web server to use a MIME type video/mp4 for .mp4. I accidentally set .mp4 to use MIME type video/mpeg, the video plays in Chrome, but not in IE11.
Also you need to make sure the video uses H264 video codec and AAC audio codec
I just had a similar problem, my own site HTML5 did not work at all. No error message just blank.
The reason was Windows7 N (EU - no media player).
After installing the Windows Media Player, this (and also other problems) are fixed.
I hope it helps :)
It doesn't look like it works in Win7+IE10 for some reason. Everything else looks good. Tested against the following pages, which includes test.
Win7 IE9 – OK
Win7 IE10 – nope
Win8 IE10 – OK
Win7 IE11 – OK
Win8 IE11 – OK
BrowserStack screenshots for the MS test page.
I don't have IE10 installed, however, according to caniuseit, mp4 is supported in IE9 and 10.
The following html works for me in IE9 & Chrome, note your video file must be in the same folder as your html page on the server (in this example).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<video src="abc.mp4" width="640" height="480" preload controls></video>
Edit: I have installed IE10 and can confirm the above works there too.
Edit: Since Firefox does not support mp4, and older browsers do not support video natively at all, it is better to provide multiple sources (formats), and fall back, usually to a flash player.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<video width="640" height="480" preload controls>
<!-- mp4 supported by Chrome & IE9/10 -->
<source src="abc.mp4" type="video/mp4"></source>
<!-- webm supported by Firefox -->
<source src="abc.webm" type="video/webm"></source>
<!-- last element in video is fall back for native video support, usually a flash player -->
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash ...>
<!-- last element flash player is usual fall back for flash support, usually some "not supported text" -->
Your browser does not natively support flash and you do not have flast installed.
Maybe you have video card driver problem as mentioned in Cannot play neither IE10 HTML5 video nor Modern UI apps video.
Disable GPU rendering in IE as:
Internet Options > Advanced > Accelerated graphics > Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering
And see if it works.
I have had a lot of problems with IE10 playing html5 video.
The last thing I checked was the right oe : videos were gzip compressed.
Check your server config!!!
To know if your videos are getting compressed by the server, use a network proxy sniffer like Charles for example, or even IE's debugger and check the response header to the video file request. If you find Content-Encoding:gzip, then you should check your server config.
In my case I had to disable gzip compression on video files in my .htaccess file.
This is the code I use for my html5 videos:
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"
controls preload="none" width="auto" height="auto"
data-setup='{"example_option":true, "autoplay": true}'>
<source src="path/to/video.ogv" type='video/ogg' />
<source src="path/to/video.webm" type='video/webm' />
<source src="path/to/video.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
<!-- Flash Fallback. Use any flash video player here. Make sure to keep the vjs-flash-fallback class. -->
<object class="vjs-flash-fallback" width="640" height="360" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="">
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
<param name="flashvars" value='config={"playlist":["path/to/image.png", {"url": "path/to/video.flv","autoPlay":false,"autoBuffering":true}]}' />
<!-- Image Fallback. Typically the same as the poster image. -->
<img src="path/to/image.png" width="640" height="264" alt="Poster Image" title="No video playback capabilities." />
This should work on all devices/browsers. I have called the wideos in that specific order to allow modern browsers to load them faster (chrome can play ogg/webm/mp4 - from testing my videos ogg/webm seem to load faster them mp4 so it will reduce buffering times)
I've had the exact same problem. My original resolution of the video was 1920x1200. Seems that IE10 has problems with that. First tests with lower resolution videos solved the problem.

Audio in html5 not working in FF4/Safari

I got this audio link in my html5 document:
title="Senaste sändningen från Radiosporten">
Senaste sändningen från Radiosporten</audio>
It renders properly in chrome, but in FF4 it first flashes the controls normally and then I get a big "X". In safari, it seems to hang while reading metadata.
Is there a problem with my audio-tag or with the audio-file? Is the redirect a problem?
Firefox doesn't support MP4 audio, it supports OGG audio only.
See this page for Audio support:
UPDATE: concerning m4a format (which is AAC as far as I know), Safari and Chrome should support it, maybe even IE9, but no others.
You might find some useful info here (talks about video, but video also needs audio codecs):
UPDATE 2: And a more up-to-date table posted by Tom Gullen.
Firefox doesn't support mp4, but you can use PCM audio standard like .WAV that supports firefox, safari & chrome.

video will play in firefox but not when in html5 video tag?

so we're building a video site with a html5 player (and backup flash for windows).
But what's really stumping me is when i view this file in firefox it plays; (stored locally) but when its in the html video tag is does nothing. It shows the poster but doesn't play the video. It doesn't even show the 'Sorry - your browser is not supported!'
I know ff prefers ogg and we can use the flash backup player but if it can play it as a ht64 .mov without the player why can't it with? Seems a bit daft?
If anyone knows anything it would be great...
<video controls="controls"
Sorry - your browser is not supported!
best, Dan.
When you just load the .mov file, the content-type your server provides causes Firefox to check and see and see if any plugins handle the content. In this case, QuickTime handles it, which is why it plays.
The video tag doesn't launch plugins to play content, however.
Firefox doesn't support h264, as you mentioned, although am surprised it plays the video in its own, unless its forcing it into a Flash player automatically, which is possible.
To get the "sorry" message to display you'll need to use the source element:
<video controls="controls" id="myVideo" poster="/media/uploads/2010/07/1495/still.jpg" height="360" width="640">
<source src="/media/uploads/2010/07/1495/">
Sorry - your browser is not supported!
I wrote this back in April of last year, but it might help: html5laboratory - using the video element.
We once had a similar issue with the web server (Apache, in our case) not sending the proper MIME-type for the video file and Firefox first downloaded it completely before starting to play it. Is it possible that the player would work if you just waited long enough? You could use Firebug to see if your browser transfers anything.
