I have a project that is several years old, and I now want create a new feature in Swift. However, I cannot get the unit tests to run after I have inserted the first swift file. The tests compile, and the simulator is started. But before the tests start to run, I get this error:
Simulator session started with process 58478
Debugger attached to process 58478
IDEBundleInjection.c: Error 3587 loading bundle '/Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Test.xctest': The bundle “Test.xctest” couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources.
DevToolsBundleInjection environment:
XCInjectDiagnostics: (null)
XCInjectBundleInto: /Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Sydbank.app/Sydbank
XCInjectBundle: /Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Test.xctest
TestBundleLocation: (null)
TMPDIR: /Users/jrv/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8016383A-A404-4D35-BDCB-0ED5317AD44A/data/Containers/Data/Application/CA2E7792-CA10-4109-B95E-7B0CA9D18147/tmp
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: /Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDEBundleInjection.framework/IDEBundleInjection
DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH: /Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/usr/lib
DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/Frameworks
Even the simplest swift file gives the same error:
import Foundation
class MyTests: XCTestCase {
Searching Stack Overflow have given several suggestions. I have tried to remove code signing, I have ensured I am using XCTest, I have changed my framework search paths, I have Symbols hidden by Default = NO, and I have ensured that my bridging headers are correctly configured.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...
I tried creating a new test target for my Swift files, and this target worked. Then I compared the configuration, parameter by parameter, between my old test target and the new one. I finally identified one parameter that caused the tests to run when I set it on my test target:
Full setting:
LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) #executable_path/Frameworks #loader_path/Frameworks"
To be honest, I don't know what this means, but it works.
Has anyone run into this issue? I was experimenting with porting an existing obj-c app to Swift, and after quite a few successful builds the project will no longer build and immediately gives the error: Unable to run command 'CompileSwift normal' - this target might include its own product. Along with many other 'target might include it's own product errors'.
What I've Tried:
Checking Target Dependencies: There is nothing listed as a target dependency in Build Phases.
I've tried completely deleting the product folders, and have went through all the files multiple times but with no luck.
If I simply replace the Swift files with the old obj-c files it builds fine, no errors at all.
Restoring to a snapshot prior to any Swift modifications results in building as normal, but even if I add a brand new Swift boilerplate file and bridging header, then click build, it fails with the same errors.
I had the same issue. I couldn't work out exactly what was causing it, but realised the same code would build find on a different Xcode 6 install on a different machine.
I solved it by deleting my cached builds, etc, in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode, while Xcode is not running. "Clean" alone from within Xcode didn't do it.
You should find that when you re-launch Xcode your app will build fine.
Deleting my app target from "Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources" worked for me. (Somehow it was being included for bundling?)
I could reproduce the problem. In the objc-to-swift bridge header I imported a header of an objc class, which also imports swift-to-objc header. There was a cycle of imports and this could be the reason Xcode complaint.
I think for now it is best to avoid such cyclic importing between swift and objc. You might want to check that out.
After installing the CocoaLumberjack' log compressor class I've been getting this annoying behavior: Xcode complains that there are many undeclared identifiers and gives me many errors (not warnings but errors with the red icon).
The thing is that I can compile and run my iPad app just fine but Xcode won't do any autocompletion. I tried cleaning the build folder (Product > option + Clean), and also deleting derived data. I've also rebooted to no avail.
As you can imagine this is a pain to work with. I did have this behavior happen before on a previous version of Xcode; it had something to do with stuff in my precompiled headers file but using the solution above would always fix it. I'm currently using Xcode 4.4 (4F250).
Sample error I'm getting:
Semantic Error: use of undeclared identifier 'DDTTYLogger'
The above happens even with classes that I wrote myself and that have not changed since installing the CocoaLumberjack compressor class.
I finally solved this after MANY attempts using the following:
Remove the last #import from my Prefix.pch and build again. Errors would happen (obviously). Put the line back and build again. No errors would show and after 10 seconds or so, errors would come back again.
Repeat the above except instead of the last #import, remove the last TWO imports, then three, four, etc. I did this until I removed five imports and when I put them back and waited, Xcode stopped complaining.
Note that this didn't occur to me at all. I read this solution on a blog somewhere.
Weird bug...
Open build settings and set "Precompile Prefix Header" to "No", that solved my problem.
Kudos for: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7035492/936957
I've been running into these issues constantly on all the latest versions of Xcode, in both Objective-C and Swift.
I noticed today that I was getting the errors in one particular class file. I removed it from some extra targets it was in and the errors finally went away!
I think Xcode has some fundamental bugs with it's handling of multiple targets right now. My theory is that if the other target is not built, you will essentially see errors from that target. Anyway hope this helps someone.
Not bad,
If you follow these Steps-
1-Clean Xcode(Cmd+Shif+K).
2- Clear Derived Data(Cmd+Shift+G).
Enter this path( ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/).
3- Quit and open again Xcode.
This problem can cause by setting "Target Membership" for some files are not the same.
A class XYZ put in file "a.swift" and it's used in file "b.swift". But "Target Membership" setting of "a.swift" is not the same "Target Membership" setting of b.swift.
Check "Target Membership" setting as below:
I was having issues with a library installed via cocoapods. Going to Build Settings and searching for 'Allow Non-modular Includes In Framework Modules' then setting it to Yes did the trick.
I had it on Xcode 10.1 when I accidentally pressed:
Cmd+Shift+U - ( build for Testing )
try Clean (Cmd+Shift+K) and then:
Cmd+Shift+R ( build for Running )
After update to Xcode 11, I met the same problem. I tried all the mentioned advices (cleaning folders, turning on/off different settings, restarting xCode), but nothing helped. Also, I have a big project in C, so, I'd like to keep using precompiled headers.
Finally I found that simple restart of Mac OS solves the problem! It's really weird behaviour, but I'm happy anyway that I found a solution – it's hard to code when lots of colourful error messages float around.
For me it helped cleanning the project. XCode->Product->Clean
I got the similar type of issue.
Alternate option to fix this is
Open organizer and delete the derived data of your project or delete all the projects in organizer projects tab. It works fine..
I just had the same thing in Xcode 5.1.
I fixed it by making sure there were no blank lines between #import's
I have removed some extra spaces and extra lines from .pch file and it xcode stopped complaining
This happened to me as well, but cleaning didn't fix it. What did was quitting and reopening XCode. Afterwards, all the phantom errors were gone. For those wondering, the tabs you have open when you close will still be open when you reopen.
I had this issue recently. It can be remedied in some cases by deleting the ModuleCache folder inside DerivedData, along with the project folder in DerivedData. Note that Xcode must be quit before doing this.
Running on Xcode Version 10.1 (10B61), I set the build setting "Increase Sharing of Precompiled Headers" to NO. I was working in an .xcworkspace with many projects sharing the same frameworks, and no Objective-C bridging header (meaning I've added no obj-c code myself). I'm not sure when Xcode did away with .pch files by default, but I didn't have any of those in my project.
Open up a terminal and create a nice little function accessible via the command line...
nano ~/.bashrc
add (making the necessary substitutions between the pointy braces)
cycle() {
git stash save "BACKUP"
git checkout <<SOME OTHER BRANCH>>
git branch -D $1
xcodebuild -allowProvisioningUpdates -workspace <<YOUR WORKSPACE>>.xcworkspace -scheme <<YOUR SCHEME>> -configuration Release clean
git checkout $1
^X and save it by following the prompts, then enter source ~/.bashrc to make it visible to the current terminal session.
Make sure your branch is pushed to origin, cause we're going to delete it :)
Call the function using cycle <<MY BRANCH>> (once it's run you might want to call git stash pop to restore any working copy changes)
Hope it works for you! Xcode, get on your game!
In my case (mixed objc/swift project) at least part of errors were caused by absence of imports for some used frameworks, e.g. "import UIKit". Project was compiled successfully because frameworks were anyway included in headers in Prefix.pch file. But errors were shown, for example about not finding method defined in UILabel extension, and yes, this extension was without "import UIKit". So I think these errors in most cases depends on Prefix.pch precompilation/updating.
Touching Prefix.pch, cleaning, removing derived data, closing/opening XCode sometimes helps, but not always.
Using SPM, it can be that the Module you import, which you use at the location of the errors, has missing dependencies itself.
In my case I had an error about a missing initializer, XCode trying to use a different one than the one already defined in the other Module. But the project compiled fine! Nothing worked at first. Then I tried first cleaning, and then Product -> Perform Action -> Compile "myfile.swift" and it showed what the missing dependency in the dependency was! Note: This goes recursive. In multiple places a depenendency may have not been declared in the package.swift -> compile the same file repeatedly until it compiles successfully.
So.. it wasn't that the module with the error had a missing dependency, but rather that the direct dependency did miss a Module-dependency declaration in its package.swift declaration.
My explanation is that to generate the Error-output of XCode, Modules get compiled alone on their own. Import errors then show up. But when Modules are built as part of a larger Module, then that large module may import the missing dependency of the broken sub-Module already, making the build pass.
I just converted a Framework project from Xcode 3 to Xcode 4. I've been building this project for years under every version of Xcode and Project Builder.
For some reason, Xcode 4 runs Build AST on all of my classes rather than Compile, which doesn't actually build the framework executable. On digging into it I found that this passes the -fsyntax-only flag to clang which tells it to stop after producing an Abstract Syntax Tree for each class. I have another Framework that builds fine in Xcode 4, and I've compared the build settings without uncovering anything that looks like it would cause this.
Does anyone have an idea what would make Xcode want to perform the Build AST action rather than Compile? And more to the point, how to turn that behavior off?
Thanks for any ideas...
Okay, I found that in my case I had a custom Build Rule for '*.i' files in my project. The clang build process apparently produces .i files (along with several others) as an intermediate product, so this rule was interfering and stopping it from completing all stages of the build. Removing the custom Build Rule allowed everything to build normally.
I just installed XCode 4 today (using Apple mac app store), and I created a new Mac OS application, and tried to switch to test mode,and build the test skeleton code it generated for me. It failed here:
In mytests.h:
#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
The error is:
file://..mytests.h: error: Lexical or Preprocessor Issue: 'SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h' file not found
Now, when I use locate from the terminal to find SenTestingKit.h, I notice it exists under the /Developer-old/Library/Frameworks folder (which is what XCode 4 installer renamed my /Developer folder to). There is no new /Developer/Library/Frameworks. And I can't seem to find SenTestingKit.framework on my disk, other than the developer-old one.
What's up? It seems SenTestingKit.framework is not shipped with XCode 4.
Furthermore, When I copy my old SenTestingKit framework from XCode 3 into /Developer/Library/Frameworks, it sort of builds, but it doesn't work the way I would expect. The dummy test is designed to just fail, but when I "run test", I just get the normal cocoa app document window opening, and no indication that my test has failed (as I intend it to do).
This is pretty bad. I can't get a Unit test to FAIL. That's not the usual situation for me, you understand.
You may find that the reason for this is because you've installed Xcode 4 into a directory such as /Xcode 4.x/ or similar. The space is causing the problem because the -I paths are "Xcode" and "4.x/Library/Frameworks".
To fix this, what you need to do is select your test target, and under its build settings go and find the Framework Search Path, and put quotes around the two arguments, so you have:
"$(SDKROOT)/Developer/Library/Frameworks" and "$(DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR)/Frameworks"
Then you default tests will compile, link and fail.
You will maybe need to import the framework into your project. Otherwise, the header file won't be recognize.
If you can't see the framework you're looking for, you can adjust the framework look paths in your project's build settings.
When you're building unit tests in the same project as you main code, make sure that XCode 4 didn't automatically connect you mytests.m file into the "Compile Sources" section of your main code.
For example, if you have two targets in our project:
Check the Build Phases for MyProject to see if XCode added mytests.m into the "Compile Sources" accordion. This will cause your builds to fail because SenTest isn't included in the main project.