OpenGL library missing on mac when compiling software package from source - xcode

I'm installing a printed-circuit board layout tool called pcb (I'm using pcb version 20140316. I'm on a Mac (OS X 10.9 -- Mavericks). I would prefer to install pcb via homebrew, but there is currently a problem with the homebrew version, so in the meantime, I'm trying to compile pcb from source. When I run the configure script for pcb, it halts with
checking for GL/gl.h... yes
checking for OpenGL/gl.h... yes
checking for OpenGL library... no
configure: error: in `/Users/jbattat/gedaGIT/pcb':
configure: error: OpenGL is required.
Web searches suggest that the OpenGL libraries are installed via XCode and the command-line tools. I have installed Xcode (version 6.2), and I have installed the command-line tools via xcode-select --install, which claimed to succeed ("The software was installed").
$ xcode-select -p
$ xcode-select -v
xcode-select version 2333.
However the OpenGL library is still not found by the pcb configure script.
I'm not sure how to proceed... Is it possible that the configure script is looking for OpenGL in a way that works on linux, but not on a mac?

Looks like that configure script is broken (surprise, surprise, it's autotools). Anyway on MacOS X OpenGL comes in the form of a Framework and not a library. Also I don't see how the configure script could have found GL/gl.h, since in MacOS X the path is OpenGL/gl.h as found by the following line of the configure script.
Interim solution: Modify the file not to look for OpenGL at all and add -framework OpenGL in the Long term solution: File a bug with the developers, that build configuration on on MacOS X seems to be broken.


Issue completing the install script for pkgin/pkgsrc for OSX 10.7, segfault running pkgin

In attempting to install pkgin/pkgsrc (NetBSD-based package managment tools), using the instructions and github repository.
The repository has installation instructions, which I followed, up to the point of a specific but uninformative error:
It looks like there was an issue running: sudo /usr/pkg/bin/pkgin -y update
I tried running this file directly, but my terminal reports a segmentation fault.
I'm running OSX 10.7.5 and have Xcode-Command-Line Tools installed, but I find no information about Darwin version compatibility on NetBSD's site. My searches have revealed no one else reporting issues using pkgin.
Version 5.0+ is supported according to, which according to wikipedia ( corresponds to OSX 10.1.1+
What options do I have besides upgrading my operating system and hoping the problem is fixing by having newer libraries or a newer kernel?
For reference:
Related question: Unable to run pkgin on Mac OSX
It would appear that the pkgin binary currently supplied by saveosx is compiled only for more recent OSX releases. It needs at least a Darwin-14.x kernel, or newer, so it won't even run on 10.9.5. Unfortunately the script fails to check the OSX version before it blindly tries to run the pkgin binary, causing the program to crash.
saveosx is basically a painfully obnoxious, rather ugly, and poorly implemented. set of scripts that are superfluous to actually using pkgsrc on OSX.
I would strongly recommend avoiding saveosx for the time being.
Instead I would recommend trying the following well supported alternative:
OSX binary pkgsrc packages
A 32-bit Snow Leopard version that runs on 10.6.8 and newer is available, and I just checked the distribution directory and I see some 2015Q1 i386 packages are just now available, still supporting 10.6.8:
2015Q1 32-bit (i386) Snow Leopard and newer pkgsrc bootstrap
You can of course also build your own pkgsrc bootstrap for any specific OSX environment:
pkgsrc home

Xcode Command-Line Tools & Make

I have installed Xcode 5 on OS X Mavericks. I have a problem with the command-line tools (cc et al).
The version of cc in /usr/bin is outdated, so I’m not using it. The version of cc embedded deep within Xcode’s application bundle is current, so I’ve pasted the following code into my shell profile:
export PATH=`xcode-select -print-path`/usr/bin:`xcode-select -print-path`/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin:${PATH}
This worked under Xcode 4 on Mountain Lion. Now, however, while the compiler seems to run fine when invoked as cc, it won’t compile anything when I invoke it that way; it apparently cannot find system headers (e.g. stdio.h). When I invoke the compiler as xcrun cc, everything works just fine. Unfortunately, this requires me to patch the inputs for each and every build-automation program (such as make) before they will run properly.
The other problem is that I cannot find the command-line tools for download from ADC. As I upgraded from Mountain Lion, invoking /usr/bin/cc does not ask me if I want to download the tools; it just runs the (outdated) copy of cc from Xcode 4.
What is the difference between cc and xcrun cc, and is there anything I can do that will cause cc to work properly from the Terminal (or automated build tools)?
On OS X 10.9 Mavericks, run xcode-select --install to update the installed command line tools so they match the version inside of Xcode. This also installs header files into /usr/include and /System/Library and installs additional development libraries. This is a change from previous versions of OS X where the command line tools were either installed via itself or by an Xcode installer. It is still possible to download a standalone installer from the Apple Developer site but should normally no longer be necessary on 10.9.
I have no problems with cc (although you will get better results if you use clang instead of cc. I suggest that you remove the program, download it again, and install the command line tools with xcode-select --install

Desperately trying to build open source tools (octave) on a Mac 10.6 Snow Leopard (involves Xcode, gcc, fink)

The ironic thing is that all this used to work on my Mac, but Apple no longer supports 10.5.8, so I was forced to update to Snow Leopard, 10.6. And everything broke (thank you Apple).
On the surface, it seems simple. Build an open source package like octave under Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6)
Apple has made this difficult, to say the least. They no longer download XCode for older operating systems unless you are a paid developer. My Macbook pro 2.16Ghz cannot load Lion, so that option is not available.
My old fink doesn't work because it was old. In order to build a new one, I need Xcode 3.2, which I can't get (see above).
I downloaded a free gcc 4.2, and it works fine.
So in order to try to build octave, it's the old style gnu install:
make install
./configure fails because there is no fortran installed. That's a special case because the install of gcc didn't include fortran. So a fallback would be building a complete gcc which I have done in the past.
downloaded gcc 4.9:
inside, gcc49
gcc can't build because it needs the three subsidiary packages gmp, mpfr and mpc
I am now trying to build these, so that I can bootstrap a complete gcc build, but in the meantime, is there any simpler way to bootstrap these things? I find it hard to understand why no binaries are available for:
which would solve part of my current problems.
You can still get XCode. You just have to be registered on Apple Developer, but you do not have to pay for the license. You then download it through the Mac App store, or you can get a link that opens it in the App store here. Finally, you have to install the command line tools from within Xcode. These can be found under the Components tab of the Download Preferences panel.
Let me know if that does not help. My iMac running 10.6 is currently in for repairs, so I am on my 10.7 laptop and cannot test all the specifics yet.

How to install openCV library on Mac OS X 10.6.8

I am new to openCV. How do I install this library on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and how do I include it in Xcode?
Start with one thing at a time:
Install OpenCV
Setup an XCode project
The easiest way is to install OpenCV is via MacPorts.
Make sure you've installed XCode's Command Line Tools first!
sudo port install opencv
note that you can also use ports variants (to add extra features e.g. python and QT support)
sudo port install opencv +qt4 +python27
As of very recently there should also be OpenNI support in MacPorts.
The other option is to build from source using Terminal. You'd also need CMake on top of XCode Command Line Tools
Regarding using OpenCV in XCode, it's a matter of making a c++ project and setting up the header and library search paths for the projects. If you use Macports those would be /opt/local/include/ and /opt/local/lib

How to use g++ in terminal in mac?

I've installed Xcode and I can compile .cpp files in Xcode. However, I wanna use g++ in Terminal but command not found: g++ now.
My OS is Mountain Lion Xcode version is 4.4.
You need to download and install the Command Line Tools for OSX Mountain Lion from Apple Developer (you'll need a Apple ID which is free to sign up for). This will install GCC (including g++) so you can build direct from Terminal
The exact package currently is Command Line Tools (OS X Mountain Lion) for Xcode - September 2012
Description about the package from Apple:
This package enables UNIX-style development via Terminal by installing command line developer tools, as well as Mac OS X SDK frameworks and headers. Many useful tools are included, such as the Apple LLVM compiler, linker, and Make. If you use Xcode, these tools are also embedded within the Xcode IDE, and can be installed on your system using the Downloads preferences pane within Xcode 4.5.
Note that when you run "g++" with Xcode 4.5 installed, you're picking up llvm-g++-4.2 (based on gcc 4.2.1) -- a provided, but no longer supported compiler on the platform. I'd strongly recommend using clang++ instead, the actively supported/developed compiler on the platform.
