How to disable brush selection on right click in d3.js - d3.js

The question is how do I prevent brush events (brushstart, brush and brushend) from firing if the right mouse click was pressed. In other words I want the d3 brush to act only if the left mouse or the middle mouse button was pressed. I haven’t found a direct answer to this question neither here nor by googling for it.

This is what I've come up with:
var brush = d3.svg.brush()
.on("brush", function() {
//brush code
.on("brushend", function() {
//brushend code
.attr("class", "brush")
.on("mousedown", function(){
if(d3.event.button === 2){
Basically you need to add mouse-down event to the "g" element before calling the brush function. While searching on how to do this I've come to "No Zoom on Context Menu" example shown here: And after figuring it out, it was easy to do what I wanted.


d3 (v4) zoom using transitions doesn't seem to work

I am using the d3 zoom behaviour and attempting to use a transition for both a translateTo and a scaleTo at the same time. If I make the calls to zoom without a transition everything works fine. If I use a transition for just one of the transforms it also works, but if I attempt to use a transition for both it fails (it appears to only apply the first transform). I have a JSFiddle with several combinations here: JSFiddle
Here's the code that isn't working as I expect
.call(zoom.scaleTo, 2)
.call(zoom.translateTo, 50, 50)
You can do like this:
.call(zoom.scaleTo, 2)
.transition() <--- this is missing.
.call(zoom.translateTo, 50, 50)
First zoom then translate.
working code here
Performing zoom and translate both # same time you need to tween.
function twizzle(selection, duration) {
.tween("attr:transform", function() {
//interpolate from start to end state
var i = d3.interpolateString("scale(1)translate(0,0)", "scale(2)translate(50,50)");
return function(t) {
selection.attr("transform", i(t));
Now call the function like this:'body')
.text('transition both - scale first')
.on('click', function() {
//on click call the function created above, 750) <-- perform the scale and translate on the group not on the SVG.
working code here

D3 Selection Highlight (efficiency?)

I have a simple visual of many rects, over 100 I'd say. For aesthetic purposes I want to create a high light effect on mouse click. I also wanted to make this effect somewhat intuitive by removing that effect once the user clicks on a new rect. However I couldn't get this to work without resorting to a d3.selectAll() call, so I'm thinking this approach might not be ideal if this project gets any bigger. Here is the code:
.on('click.highlight', function() {
//set any previously highlighted rects back to normal color/brightness
.style('fill', function(d) { return d3.rgb(d.color)})'highlight',true);
//now it's safe to assign the current highlighted rect a brighter hue... i think
.style('fill', function(d) { return d3.rgb(d.color).brighter(.5)})
Though this code does what I wanted it to do, but presumably there could only ever be 1 other highlight rect to worry about at any give time. So again, I'm not sure that using d3.selectAll() is warranted here.
So anyway, is there a more efficient way? I'd like to keep it all within one .on('click') function if possible.
If you are looking to avoid use of .selectAll, you could create a selection of one rect that contains the last clicked rectangle. Each time you click on a rectangle:
unhighlight the previously selected highlighted rect
update that selection to reflect the most recently clicked rectangle
highlight the newly selected rect
I use the variable highlightedRect to hold the selection that will allow the above workflow:
var svg ="body").append("svg")
var highlightedRect =;
var rects = svg.selectAll("rect")
.attr("y",function(d) { return Math.floor(d/50)*12; })
.attr("x",function(d) { return d%50 * 12 })
.on("click",function(d) {
// Recolor the last clicked rect.
// Color the new one:
highlightedRect =;
<script src=""></script>

d3.js v4 programmatic Pan+Zoom. How?

I did a small example of what i am trying to implement, here it is - You can zoom and pan SVG image as usual. But i have no idea how to implement zoom programmatically when user click on "+" and "-" buttons. Especially if he already zoom in/out and pan original image. Could you help me?
On line 13 of the code you will find zoom event handler.
var zoom = d3.zoom()
.on('zoom', function() {
canvas.attr('transform', d3.event.transform);
On lines 35 and 39 - zoom event handlers'#zoom-in').on('click', function() {
// what here?
});'#zoom-out').on('click', function() {
// what here?
So when user click on "+" app should zoom in as if mouse were at the center of SVG element. And the same with "-".
Thanks to Fil. Here is an updated version of jsfiddle.'#zoom-in').on('click', function() {
// Smooth zooming
zoom.scaleBy(svg.transition().duration(750), 1.3);
});'#zoom-out').on('click', function() {
// Ordinal zooming
zoom.scaleBy(svg, 1 / 1.3);

Add graph in dc.js tooltip

I'm building a number of graphs using crossfilter and dc.js. Among others, there is a row chart and an histogram (a bar chart).
What I am trying to do is to create a tooltip on the row chart which will show the histogram.
Looking at this SO-question I saw an example using d3-tip. I have made an attempt in this jsfiddle. However, I cannot see how to embed a div in the tooltip.
Any suggestion? (If using plain d3 is better, I'm ok with that.)
Snippet of code is:
function draw_row(div_id){ ...; return row_chart; }
function draw_hist(div_id){ ...; return bar_chart; }
var rate_chart = draw_row('#rate').title(function(){return'';});
var tip = d3.tip()
.attr('class', 'd3-tip')
.offset([-10, 0])
.html(function () {
// What to put in here???
return "<div id='distr'>Distribution<br></div>"
d3.selectAll("#rate g.row")
.on('mouseout', tip.hide);
Fun project!
Yes, as you noticed, you're not going to be able to render the chart while you're in the .html() callback - that only returns static HTML, and I don't think you can give it an element instead.
So we'll have to find a place to render after the HTML has already been generated. Luckily, d3-tip doesn't try to handle mouse events or anything like that - the code which displays the tip is right there in the code you've posted:
.on('mouseout', tip.hide);
So we can wrap in a function of our own, and then render the chart into the tip once it's on the screen.
We have to watch out because mouseover will fire every time the mouse moves, and we probably don't want to replace the tip-chart until we hover over another bar. So we'll remember the id of the last bar we hovered:
var last_tip = null;
d3.selectAll("#rate g.row")
.on('mouseover', function(d) {
if(d.key !== last_tip) {;
last_tip = d.key;
.on('mouseout', function(d) {
last_tip = null;
Finally, d3-tip needs to know the size of the tip content in order to render in the right place. (If it accidentally renders on top of the element, this can cause horrible flickering when the mouse goes over the tip, registering mouseout on the element.)
So we'll just hard-code that, since we're hard-coding the chart size anyway. 20 extra pixels to fit the title:
.html(function (d) {
return "<div id='distr' style='min-width:300px; min-height: 320px'>Distribution<br></div>"
Looks pretty cool with the default translucent black style from d3-tip:
Here's the fork of your fiddle:

Dragging on force layout prevents other mouseup listeners

I want to enable dragging in a d3.js force layout. When dragging a circle and release the mouse button, I want to call a specific function via callback, like this:
this.force = d3.layout.force()
.size([this.width, this.height]);
// enable dragging
.on("dragend", function() {
console.log("You should see this, when releasing a circle.");
.on("mouseup.drag",function(d,i) {
console.log("Or see this.");
Unfortunately the event is never fired/consumed completely by the force.drag handler.
So how can I execute a given callback function in a d3 force layout at the end of a drag?
You are not calling the "dragend" event on this.force.drag here.
This also depends on how you have defined this.force.drag.
This should work for you
myCustomDrag = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("dragstart", function(d,i){
//do something when drag has just started
.on("drag", function(d,i){
//do something while dragging
.on("dragend", function(d,i){
//do something just after drag has ended
In the above code, just use call(myCustomDrag) on an element (circle here) on which you want this drag behaviour to be present.
