Avoid blocking the main thread in a NSDraggingSession using a NSPasteboardItemDataProvider - macos

In a Mac OS X app (Cocoa), I'm copying some images from my app to others using a NSDraggingSession. The NSDraggingItem makes use of an object that implements the protocol NSPasteboardItemDataProvider, to provide the data when the user drops it.
As I'm dealing with images, the types involved are: NSPasteboardTypePNG, kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise, kUTTypeFileURL, com.adobe.photoshop-image and public.svg-image. These images are in a remote location, so before I can provide them to the pasteboard, I have to download them from the Internet.
I implement the method - pasteboard(pasteboard:item:provideDataForType:) doing something like this:
If the type requested is kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise, I get the paste location and build and set in the pasteboard the URL string with the location where the file is supposed to be written in the future.
If the type requested is kUTTypeFileURL, I download the file, specify a temporal location and write the downloaded file to that location. Then, I set in the pasteboard the URL string of the location.
If the type requested is one of the others, I download the file and set the plain NSData in the pasteboard.
All these operations are performed on the main thread, producing some lags that I want to get rid of.
I've tried to perform these operations on a background thread, and come back to the main thread to set the final data in the pasteboard, but this doesn't work because the method finishes before.
Does anyone know a way to achieve it?

Promises of pasteboard types are usually meant to be an alternative format of data that you already have, where you want to avoid the expense in time and memory of converting before it's necessary. I don't think it's really appropriate to use it to defer downloading any of the data, at all. For one thing, the download could fail when it's ultimately requested. For another, it could take an arbitrarily long time, as you're struggling with now.
So, I think you should download the data in advance. Either keep it in memory or save it to a temporary file. Use promised types, if appropriate, to deliver it in different forms, but have it on hand in advance.


Is it valid to change lpstrFile on CDN_FILEOK via Hook on GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName?

Is it valid to change the contents of lpstrFile on CDN_FILEOK via Hook on GetOpenFileName()/GetSaveFileName()?
The reason is that I may need to append additional information to the file name for GetSaveFileName(). The user could enter a generic name like "my file" and the program handles adding information user wouldn't know to add (already part of filter). Then it would check for overwrite and put up a question if okay to overwrite. If not, I can just use the custom data field, but I couldn't find any reference if it's allowed to change the contents of lpstrFile
Depends on your definition of valid. The designers of this API did not intend for you to do this but if it works, it works™. These dialogs will probably not change their internal design ever again since Microsoft have a fair amount of application compatibility to worry about in this area and these dialogs were replaced by the COM based API in Vista+.
My recommendation would be to store the address of your buffer in lCustData as well before calling the Open/Save function and only modify that buffer. The dialog could in theory use its own buffer in some places and there might not be space for you to write anything in those and there is no way to figure out their size.
In practice, there seems to be no problem to play with the buffer behind Windows' back. In the past I have even replaced the actual buffer address with a new bigger memory block when implementing support for multi-file-select.

(why) is FSCTL_SET_OBJECT_ID dangerous?

NTFS files can have object ids. These ids can be set using FSCTL_SET_OBJECT_ID. However, the msdn article says:
Modifying an object identifier can result in the loss of data from portions of a file, up to and including entire volumes of data.
But it doesn't go into any more detail. How can this result in loss of data? Is it talking about potential object id collisions in the file system, and does NTFS rely on them in some way?
Side node: I did some experimenting with this before I found that paragraph, and set the object id's of some newly created files, here's hoping that my file system's still intact.
I really don't think this can directly result in loss of data.
The only way I can imagine it being possible is if e.g. a backup program assumes that (1) every file has an Object Id, and (2) that the program is keeping track of all IDs at all times. In that case it might assume that an ID that is not in its database must refer to a file that should not exist, and it might delete the file.
Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's the only way I can think of in which this might happen. I don't think you can lose data just by changing IDs.
They are used by distributed link tracking service which enables client applications to track link sources that have moved. The link tracking service maintains its link to an object only by using these object identifier (ID).
So coming back to your question,
Is it talking about potential object id collisions in the file system
I dont think so. Windows does provides us the option to set the object IDs using FSCTL_SET_OBJECT_ID but that doesnt bring the risk of ID collision.
Attempting to set an object identifier on an object that already has an object identifier will fail.
.. and does NTFS rely on them in some way?
Yes. Object identifiers are used to track files and directories. An index of all object IDs is stored on the volume. Rename, backup, and restore operations preserve object IDs. However, copy operations do not preserve object IDs, because that would violate their uniqueness.
How can this result in loss of data?
You wont get into a serious problem if you change(or rather set) object ID of user-created files(as you did). However, if a user(knowingly/unknowingly) sets object ID used by a shared object file/library, change will not be reflected as is.
Since Windows doesnt want everyone(but developers) to play with crutial library files, it issues a generic warning:
Modifying an object identifier can result in the loss of data from
portions of a file, up to and including entire volumes of data.
Bottom line: Change it if you know what you are doing.
There's another msn article on distributed link tracking and object identifiers.
Hope it helps!
Thanks to #Mehrdad for pointing out.I didnt mean object identifiers of DLLs themselves but ones which they use internally.
OLEACC(a dll), provides the Active Accessibility runtime and manages requests from Active Accessibility clients[source]. It use OBJID_QUERYCLASSNAMEIDX object identifier [ source ]

How can I get the *original* data behind an NSImage?

I have an instance of NSImage that's been handed to me by an API whose implementation I don't control.
I would like to obtain the original data (NSData) from which that NSImage was created, without the data being converted to another representation/format (or otherwise "molested"). If the image was created from a file, I want the exact, byte-for-byte contents of the file, including all metadata, etc. If the image was created from some arbitrary NSData instance I want an exact, byte-for-byte-equivalent copy of that NSData.
To be pedantic (since this is the troublesome case I've come across), if the NSImage was created from an animated GIF, I need to get back an NSData that actually contains the original animated GIF, unmolested.
EDIT: I realize that this may not be strictly possible for all NSImages all the time; How about for the subset of images that were definitely created from files and/or data?
I have yet to figure out a way to do this. Anyone have any ideas?
I agree with Ken, and having a subset of conditions (I know it's a GIF read from a file) doesn't change anything. By the time you have an NSImage, a lot of things have already happened to the data. Cocoa doesn't like to hold a bunch of data in memory that it doesn't directly need. If you had an original CGImage (not one generated out of the NSImage), you might get really lucky and find the data you wanted in CGDataProviderCopyData, but even if it happened to work, there's no promises about it.
But thinking through how you might, if you happened to get incredibly lucky, try to make it work:
Get the list of representations with -imageRepresentations.
Find the one that matches the original (hopefully there's just the one)
Get a CGImage from it with -CGImageForProposedRect:context:hints. You probably want a rect that matches the size of the image, and I'd probably pass a hint of no interpolation.
Get the data provider with CGImageGetDataProvider
Copy its data with CGDataProviderCopyData. (But I doubt this will be the actual original data including metadata, byte-for-byte.)
There are callbacks that will get you a direct byte-pointer into the internal data of a CGDataProvider (like CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback), but I don't know of any way to request the list of callbacks from an existing CGDataProvider. That's typically something Quartz accesses, and we just pass during creation.
I strongly suspect this is impossible.
This is not possible.
For one thing, not all images are backed by data. Some may be procedural. For example, an image created using +imageWithSize:flipped:drawingHandler: takes a block which draws the image.
But, in any case, even CGImage converts the data on import, and that's about as low-level as the Mac frameworks get.

cocoa document with many files generated a bit at a time

I've a problem with a document-based project in Cocoa. I've searched for a while but I didn't find anything which seems to resemble my goal. What I want to do is a (computation intensive) simulation program which generates a lot of data (probably in the order of GBs) and store them to the disk for a future visualization (so I cannot write/read the files all at once).
I created a document-based project (I don't know if it is the way to go...) with the idea to save all the data in many binary-files within a package, so the user can see it as a single file. I have already tried that part and I was able to save the document with NSFileWrapper. But the simulation-files are generated as the simulation is running. And here comes the problem.
There is a way to force the user to save the document and retrieve the path so I can put there all the files generated? Or it's best to save the simulation-files in a temporary location and then save the document periodically so that it saves all the files ready for saving? Or what can I do? It's not clear to me the usage of the nsdocument architecture in this case and what it's a good way to achieve my goal.
The document has also another couple of files in which there are the simulation parameters and the initial state, so I can resume the simulation at a later time.

How to store preferences for an application?

I am a newbie in Ruby coming from web development with mainly PHP/SQL. I was thinking about how I store preferences in my application. For instance, if I want to store a path as default_path and have that set also when the user restarts the application.
In the web world one would probably store this in a database or XML. Database seems overkill for a standalone application. But I am unsure wheter XML/YAML/Other-Write-Format is the way to go. And if so, where should I store these preferences? Should they be, for instance on a Mac, in ~/Library/MyAppName?
I like using YAML because it's very easily read/written by a lot of languages, making it possible for several apps to share the same configuration info. It's a well documented standard so there should be very little chance of data falling into a hole with it.
Also, because it's easy for a human to understand, and doesn't take any special tools to change, it works nicely for any data that might occasionally change in an app, either for fine-tuning or to enable special behaviors.
A little creative coding on your part that periodically checks the last modified time of the YAML file could make it so your app would modify its behavior on the fly as the prefs file is tweaked. I had a big app I didn't want to shut down for changes and set up that behavior. It ran three weeks straight, and I tweaked its operating parameters via its config file. It would read the file every minute and inherit any changes to its parameters on the fly.
Databases are a good way to store parameters/preferences if it's a centralized server or web-based app. For something distributed that runs on individual machines it makes no sense.
Ruby gives you another method for storing data called Marshaling. This will let you store a class/object to a file and reconstitute it later. If all of your user preferences are stored in a single object (or you can create an object which can hold all of the data that you need), it may be easiest to marshal the data instead of writing import/export routines to a text-based format or trying to pull in an additional library or gem.
As to where on the disk to store the data, that's up to you. Most platforms have a standard location for storing application data based on whether it's available to a single user or all users. It's usually safest to follow the common practice on your target platform of choice.
Update: The simplest example of marshaling would probably be this: Say that you have a class called UserPrefs that you use to store all of your user preferences. You can use the following code to store the preferences data into a file:
my_prefs = UserPrefs.new
# ... Fill in the 'my_prefs' object with the user's preferences, etc ...
# Store the object into a file
File.open("user_prefs.data", "wb") do |file|
Marshal.dump(my_prefs, file)
The next time that you load the application, you can restore those preferences using the following:
# Load prefs from file
my_prefs = nil
File.open("user_prefs.data", "rb") {|f| my_prefs = Marshal.load(f)}
At this point, the my_prefs object should be exactly the same as it was when the marshaling code was originally run. This essentially lets you take a 'snaphot' of an object at one point in time (say, when your program shuts down) and restore it later (say, when your program loads). Internally, all of the data in the structure is encoded into a single string and that string is what is stored to disk; the Marshal module simply takes care of the encoding and decoding for you.
Here is another example of using marshaling to store and retrieve data.
The default encode/decode routines built into the Marshal module are usually sufficient for most data-storing classes. Particularly complex classes may have problems, and if that is the case then you can define your own encode and decode methods (the first link includes an example of defining custom methods).
Some types of data, however, cannot be marshaled (things like handles to open files, Proc objects, etc) since they don't normally persist across Ruby sessions. If you are needing to marshal a class that includes members like this that Marshal doesn't like, you can use custom encode/decode functions to marshal the rest of the class and omit the problematic members.
I saw some applications using ruby gconf2
